Vintage Alexander 1965 Drink Wet Sleepy Eyes Baby Doll Gift • £22.94 (2025)

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Seller: christmas_in_the_northwest ✉️ (3,801) 100%, Location: Gig Harbor, Washington, US, Ships to: WORLDWIDE, Item: 284168373838 Vintage Alexander 1965 Drink Wet Sleepy Eyes Baby Doll Gift. 𝖁𝖎𝖓𝖙𝖆𝖌𝖊 𝕬𝖑𝖊𝖝𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖗 յգճՏ 𝕯𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖐 𝖂𝖊𝖙 𝕾𝖑𝖊𝖊𝖕𝖞 𝕰𝖞𝖊𝖘 𝕭𝖆𝖇𝖞 𝕯𝖔𝖑𝖑 Measures approx 13.5" with legs straight "Will combine items in shipping to save you money!" See all items Follow this seller 𝓣𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓴 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓵𝓸𝓸𝓴𝓲𝓷𝓰, 𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓹𝔂 𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓹𝓹𝓲𝓷𝓰. Leapin' Leprechauns! (1995) (Sequel in video information!) - YouTube Video will open in a new windowUsing the eBay App? Paste link into a browser window: Matilda(Full Movies) - YouTube Video will open in a new windowUsing the eBay App? Paste link into a browser window: The Elf And The Magic Key - YouTube Video will open in a new windowUsing the eBay App? Paste link into a browser window: coffee shop radio // 24/7 lofi hip-hop beats - YouTube Video will open in a new windowUsing the eBay App? 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Gesukarusaurusu Get Gets Getting Ghameleo Ghastly Ghibli Ghidorah Ghirahim Ghirahimq Ghor Ghost GhostThe Ghostbusters GiFTPiA Giant Giants Gible Gibson Gift Giga Gigalith Gigan Gigant Giganto Giganyokki Gijira Gilraptor Ginga Girafarig Girahimu Giratina Girl Girls Glaceon Glalie Glameow Glass Glazio Glidewell Gligar Gliscor Glitch Glitter Glo Globe Globemon Globetrotters Gloom Gloomy Glory Glove Glunk GluteFlexing Gnasher Go Goal Goan God Goddess Goddesses Gods Godziban Godzilla Goes Gogoat Gohma Goin Going Golbat Gold Goldberg Goldeen Golden GoldenEye Goldon Golduck Golem Golett Golf Golfe Golisopod Golurk Gomamon Gomoku Gongoron Gonintendocom Goo Good Goodbye Goodeve Goodman Goodra Goods Gooey Gooeys Goof Goofs Google Gooigi Goomba Goombrat Goomy Goons Goose Gordo Gordon Gordos Gorea Goreas Gorebyss GorillaGone Gorman Goron Gorons Gorudō Gossifleur Gossip Goszkowski Gothita Gothitelle Gothorita Gotta Goularte Goulter Gouram Gourgeist Grab Grace Grachiosaurus Gradius Graham Granbull Grand Graner Grannie Grant Grape Graphics Grapploct Grass Grassland Grave Gravedale Graveler Gravely Graveyard Gravity Gray Great Greater Greatest Greats Greedent Green Greenhouse Greg Gregg Grenade Grenades Greninja Grey Greyan Grezzo Gridmaster Griffey Grigis GrillOff Grimer Grimley Grimm Grimmsnarl Grinkey Gristle Grog Grookey Grookeydagger Groose Groosenator Grotle Grotto Groudon Ground Grounds Group Grovyle Grow Growlithe Grubbin Grudge Grumpig Grusd Gtvcom Guard Guardaa Guardian Guardians Guarding Guest Gufū Guide GuideWalkthrough Guidesigncom Guitar Gulley Gulpin Gummi Gummy Gumshoe Gumshoos Gumīn Gun Gundam Gunman Gurando Guranku Gurasu Gurdurr Gure Gurei Gureibu Guren GuruGuru Gurugianto Guruguru Gurēto Gurīn Gus Gust Gustaf Gustck Guy Guys Guzzlord Guō Gyarados Gyarakutikkunaito Gym Gyromite Gyrowing Gōn Gōremu Gōri Gōrudon Gūi HAL HALs HD HIF HL HP HS HWC HWCs Habitation Haboki Hachette Hack Hacker Hacky Haggā Hail Haim Hainesu Hajimari Hakamoo Hakase Hakkenki Hakkumon 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Huggerj Huggers Hugil Hugo Hula Huling Hulk Humans Humongo Humongous Humorously Hunger Hungry Hunky Hunt Huntail Hunter Hunters Hurrah Hurricane Hurricaneh Hurricanes Hurry Husky Huxley Huí Hyakunin Hydreigon Hylia Hylian HylianTerminian Hylians Hylias Hyness Hynesss Hyper Hypernova Hypersport Hypno Hypnos Hyrule Hyrulean Hyrules Hādē Hēchō Hōkingu Hōmu Hōrī I IGN IGNs II III IIWade IMDb ISBN ISSN ITS IV IVv IX Ian Icarus Ice Iceberg Icons Ide Idea If Ifurīti Igglybuff Iggy Ikana Ikari Ikasutakosu Ikemizu Ikusa Ill Illumise Illusion Illustrated Im Images Imago Imamura Imasara Imosen Imp Impa Impact Impas Impat Impaz Imperial Impidimp Implemented Important Impressed Imprisoned Imprisoning Improving Imps Impulse In Inada Inazuma Inc Incarnation Inch Incident Incineroar Included Income Incredible Indeedee Independence India Indian Individual Infant Infernape Infinity Information Informational Informer Ing Inge Inglehart Ingo Inhaling Initially Inkamu Inkay Inklings Inn Inpa Insektors Inside Inspire Inspired Instead Instinct Instruction Instrument Instruments Inteleon Intelligent Interactive International Internet Interview Interviewed Interviews Into Intro Introduced Introduction Invaders Invasion Investigations Ippai Iran Ireland Irene Iris Irish Irishman Iro Iron Irritating Irō Is Island Islands Isle Isles Isshu Istanbul It Italian ItalianAmerican Italy Item ItemLightning Items ItemsBefore ItemsSort Itoh Itoi Its Itsudemo Itsy Itō Ivan Ive Ivy Ivysaur Iznogoud Izuhakone J JP JSTOR JU JUMBO Ja Jab Jaberinnaito Jabun Jack Jackinthebox Jackson Jafar Jam Jamaica Jamaican Jamba James Jamie Jan Jangmoo Janpuman Janpāshūto January Japan Japanese Japaneselanguage Japanonly Japes Jar Javelin Jay Jayne Jays Jayx Jaz Jecra Jeffrey Jei Jellabies Jellicent Jelly Jenga Jeremy Jerry Jesse Jessie Jet Jetpac Jetsons Jewel JewelUp Jigglypuff Jigsaw Jikan Jill Jim Jirachi Jiten Jive Job Jock Joe JoeKing Joee Joes John Johnny Johns Johnson Johto Joining Joker Jolteon Joltik Jon Jonathan Jones Jonny Jordan Josh Joshua Journey Joushiki Joust Joy Joystiq Jr Jrb Jrs Jrt Juan Judge Jueru Juggler Juice Jukid Jukiddo Jul Julia Juliani July Jumanji Jump Jumpershoot Jumping Jumpluff Jumpmann Jun June Jungle Junglies Junia Junichi Junior Juniper Junk Jurassic Just Justice Justin Jynx Jyro Jēmuzu Jō Jōshikiryoku Jūrōta K KAOS KART KB KG KO KOApril KOFebruary KOJuly KRool KRools KSS Kaboing Kaboola Kabtor Kabu Kabuki Kabukilike Kabula Kabuto Kabutops Kabū Kabūrā Kadabra Kaepora Kaeru Kaettekita Kafei Kafeis Kagami Kage Kagero Kageroy Kagerō Kahoru Kaihō Kaijin Kaiju KaijuOh Kain Kaiser Kaiseru Kaite Kaiwahen Kaizā Kakarico Kakariko Kakarikonote Kakegawa Kakei Kako Kakon Kakuna Kakusei Kalos Kamek Kamekku Kamekkubaba Kamekv Kamen Kammy Kanden Kane Kanfū Kangaskhan Kani Kanji Kannon Kannonballs Kansai Kanshuu Kanshū Kanzaki Kao Kappa Kappei Kaptain Karate Karenchan Karkurenbo Karl Karpf Karrablast Kart Kartana Karurosso Karusa Kasaobake Kasavin Kasplats Kassen Kassā Kasutamā Kat Katasumi Kate Kates Katherine Katie Katina Kato Kats Katsumi Katt Katts Katy Kaukan Kavadas Kawada Kawaganos Kawasaki Kawasakis Kawasakisaurus Kawashimas Kayzie Kazagurū Kaze Kazoku Kazumi Kazunori Keaton Kecleon Keeby Keene KeeneAMRGunpei KeeneCaptain Keep Keeper Keepers Kei Keifu Keiichi Keita Keith Keizai Keldeo Kelly Kemitorī Kemps Ken Kenji Kenkou Kenneth Kenny Kensaku Kenshi Kenshin Kensuke Kentaro Kentei Kepora KerPlunk Kerry Kershaw Keshite Ketchum Ketchums Ketchup Ketteisen Ketzals Kevin KevinLana Kevins Key Ki Kibble Kick Kicks Kid Kidaf Kidd Kiddo Kiddy Kids Kidsav Kidy Kieta Kikenai Kikis Killer Kimera Kimewaza Kin Kindling Kine King Kingdom Kingdoms Kingdra Kingler Kings Kingston Kingu Kingusu Kinojii Kinopiko Kinopio Kinstones Kipper Kira Kiradeko Kirai Kirakira Kirby KirbyThe Kirbya Kirbybased Kirbylike Kirbys Kirbysaurus Kirisakin Kirk Kirks Kirlia Kisaichi Kissyfur Kit KitAlolan KitExcadrill KitGyarados KitLatias KitLatios KitLucario KitLycanroc KitManaphy KitMinun KitNoivern KitPikachu KitPlusle KitRaichu KitSuicune KitSylveon KitZoroark Kitaeru Kitchen Kits Kittari Kitty Kizuna Kizzu Klampons Klan Klang Klap Klaptrap Klaptraps Klaptrapsv Klefki Klink Klinklang Klomp Kludge Kludges Klump Klumps Klumpss Knew Knife Knight Knightmare Knights Knocks Know Knowing Known Knuckle Koala Kobble Kobe Koboli Kodai Koei Koenigsegg Koffing Kohga Kohgas Kohler Koholint Koizumi Kokiri Kokiris Kokku Koko Kokoro Kokuppa Kolack Kollege Komala Komali Komatsu Kommoo Komorebi Kon Kondate Kong KongMario KongMetroidPokémon Konga Kongag Kongc Kongd Konge Kongf Kongg Kongh Kongi Kongj Kongk Kongl Konglike Kongnapped Kongo Kongoland Kongs Kongu Konse Koopa Koopaat Koopalings Koopalingsu Koopas Koosh Korin Koro Korok Koroks Kosugi Kosuke Kotake Kotakek Kotakes Kotaku Kotakucom Kotakus Kotta Kouhaku Koukeisha Koume Koumel Kousoku Koyama Krabby Kracko Krackos Kraid Kraken Krashes Krazoa Kremisphere Kremling Kremlings Kremlingsr Krew Kricketot Kricketune Krimps Kritter Kritters Krittersu Kroc Krokorok Krookodile Krotoski Krumples Krunch Kruncha Krunchas Krusha Krushas Krushast Krystal Krystalj Krystals Kt Kuadogan Kubfu Kubo Kuikku Kumonoue Kung Kunpei Kuppa Kurafutā Kurakko Kurankī Kuranpu Kurapputorappu Kurassha Kuraun Kureido Kureijī Kuremurin Kurikin Kurisutaru Kurittā Kuros Kurt Kuru KuruKuru KuruPachi Kururin Kurōn Kusure Kuuga Kuwaga Kuīn Kyandī Kyappī Kyaputen Kyapī Kyasarin Kyataruga Kyatto Kyle Kyogre Kyojin Kyoko Kyoui Kyoushī Kyurem Kyurio Kyōkai Kyōko Kyōryū Kämpfer Kābī Kābīzaurusu Kībī Kōjō Kōkeisha Kōme Kōneria Kōrasu Kōsuke Kōtei Kū Kūru L LA LBX LC LD LEGO LM LNOETH LOT LTR LW La Lab Labo Labor Laboratory Labrynna Labyrinth Ladders Lady Ladyp Ladyq Lahiri Lainie Lairon Lake Lakitu Lakitus Lala Lalala Lalalas Lamb Lamborghini Lamp Lampent Lana Lanas Lanayru Lance Lancelot Lancer Land LandYoshio Lande Landia Landias Landmaster Landorus Lands Lane Lang Langhorne Lanky Lankys Lanturn Lapkin Lapras Laputa Large Larry Lars Laruto Larvesta Larvitar Lash Last Late Later Latias Latin Latios Laughs Laughter Launcher Laundry Laura Lava Lavender Lawrence Laxton Layer Layton Lazer Lead Leader Leading Leaf LeafGreen Leafeon League LeagueThe Leaguer Learn Leavanny Ledian Ledyba Lee Legacy Legend Legendary Legenden Legends Lego Leigh Lelani Lele Lemmy Len Lens Leo Leon Leons Les Lesson Lessons Lets LetsGo Letterman Lev Level Levelarea Levi Leviathan Leviathans Levy Levys Lewis Liberman Libre Libs Licca Liccachan Liccarize Lickilicky Lickitung Liepard Life Liger Light LightFoot LightFoots Lighthouse Lighting Lightning Lightyear Like Likely Likes Lileep Lillies Lilligant Lillipup Lilys Limited Lincoln Lind Linda Line Linebeck Linebecks Link LinkDark Linkle Linkles Links Linoone Lion Lions Liquidizer Lisa List Listen Lists Literature Litleo Littendagger Little Littlefield Littlest Litwick Live Lives Living Llamas Lloyd Loading Loafer Lobozzo Lobster Lobzilla Lock Lockjaw Lockseed Locomotive Lode Loggins Logs Lola Lollipop Lolo Lololo Lombardi LombardiSlippy Lombardig Lombre Lon London Long Longestablished Longstocking Lonpos Look Looking Looks Looksleys Lopunny Lor Lord Lordly Lore Lorule Lorules Lorulian Los Lost Lot Lotad Lou Loud Loudred Louis Louisc Louise Louiss Love LoveLove Loveday Lovely Lovett LowestHighestA Lowper Ltd Lucario Lucas Luchador Lucina Lucy Ludicolo Ludwig Lugia Luigi Luigib Luigis Luke Lullaby Luma LumaLumas Lumas Lumaz Lumiloop Luminaria Lumineon Luminoth Luminous Lumps Lumsy Lunala Lunatone Lund Lurantis Luvdisc Luxio Luxray Lycanroc Lykan Lylat Lyle Lynde Lynna Lyric Lyssa M MA MACHINA MARIO MAX MB MBs MCD MCMario MCV MD METROID MG MISSION MMTLN MT MTV MTVs Mabel Maboshis Mac Macb Macbeth Macchoman Mace Mach Machamp Machine Machines Macho Machoke Machop Machosan Mack Macs Macthe Mad Madame Maddie Maddo Madeira Madeleine Madeline Madelines Madeoy Madness Madoka Madoo Madrid Madū Mag Magazine Magby Magcargo MageSisters Magearna Magee Magic Magical Magician Magicians Magikarp Magikoopa Magikoopas Magma Magmar Magmortar Magna Magnemite Magnet Magnetica Magneton Magnezone Magolor Magolors Magoo Magu Magū MahJongg Mahallike Mahito Mahjong Mahoroa Maiden Maidens Maidensthe Maiku Mail Mailtoad Maimaigon Maimaigoon Maimaigoons Main Maindo Majestic Majesty Major Majora Majoras Majū Makar Make Maker Makers Makes Makiko Making Makku Makoto Maku Makuhita Makuraudo Malamar Malgrave Maliani Malkil Malkovich Malkovichs Mall Mallard Malo Malon Malons Malonx Malpass Mam Mama Mamade Mammoths Mamoswine Mamu Mamujī Mamū Man Mana Management Manager Manaphy Manbīzu Mandibuzz Manectric Manga Manhole Manholee Mania Mankey Mankuma Manky Manley Mann Manpuku Mans Mansion Mansory Mantine Mantyke Manual Manufacturer Many Map Maple Maples Mar Maractus Marble Marbles Marblopolis March Marcus Marcy Mareanie Mareep Margin Maria Marill Marimba Marin Marine Mariner Marines Marins Mario Marioa Mariom Marios Marissa Mark Marley Marlow Maron Marowak Marrell Mars Marsha Marshadow Marshtomp Marth Martial Martian Martin Martinet Maruka Maruku Marvel Marvelous Marx Marxs Masahiro Masaki Mascot Masher Mask Masked Masquerain Mass Masshā Massive Massuru Master Masters Masuda Masukudo Masutā Mat Match Matches Matchup Math Matrimony MatrimonySo Matryoshka Matt Matter Matters Matthew Mattofeisu Matā Maui Maundesu Maurice Maw Mawashitetsu Mawile Max Maxim Maximum Maxs May Maybach Mayhem Mayles Mayor Mazā Maō Mc McAuliffe McCloud McCloudFalco McCloudf McCloudm McClouds McCool McDonalds McFarland McFarlanes McGillicuty McLaughlin McNally McNeil McQueen McWhertor Me Meachum Meadow Meal Meaning Meat Mech Mecha Mechagodzilla Mechakoopa Mechanical Medallion Medals Media Medicham Medigoron Meditite Medium Medli Medoh Medusa Meet Mega MegaHouse Megaland Megamix Meganium Megaphone Megaton Meguru Meichan Meier Meisunaito Meka Mel Melee Melemele Meli Melissa Melman Melmetal Melody Meloetta Melon Meltan Meltans Melter Melty Memo Memoir Memorial Memories Memory Men Menace Mental Mentioned Meowser Meowstic Meowth Mercedes Mercury Merissa Mermaid Mesprit Meta MetaKnights MetaNaitsu Metagross Metal Metallic Metalum Metalun Metamortex Metang Metapod Metarun Metatomato Meteor Meteos Metoroido Metroid MetroidFusionOther MetroidII Metroida Metroids Metronome Mew Mewtwo Mexico Mgameprocom Miasmoros Mice Michael Michi Michihiro Mickey Mickeys Micro Microgame Microscopic Microsoft Mid Midna Midnav Midona Mienfoo Mienshao Mighty Mightyena Miho Mii Miitomo Miitopia Mike Mikel Mikkun Milan Milcery Mild Milipede Milk Milky Miller Million MillionHeir Millions Milotic Miltank Milton Mime Mimikyu Minami Minccino Mind Minds Mines Mini MiniBosses MiniLand MiniMario MiniMonkey MiniMonsters Minikuppa Minions Minior Minis Minish Minister Minna Minnie Minor Minun Minute Minutes Mipha Miphas Miracle Mirage Mirages Mirakuru Mirror Misadventures Misaki Mischief Misdreavus Mismagius Miss Missile Missing MissingNo Missingno Mission MissionSamus Mister Misutā Mix Miyamoto MiyamotoArgonaut Miyamotos Miyu Miyuk Mizuki Mizutani Mo Mob Mobile MocchiMocchi Mode Model Models Modern Modes Moero Mogami Mogii Moguera Mogī Moko Moldormb Mole Moley Moltres Mom Moments Momoko Momotaro Mon Moncolle Monferno Monkey MonkeyPort Monkeys Mono Monopoly Monr Monroe Monroeah Monrō Monshou Monshō Monsieur Monster Monsterpiece Monsters Monthly Monty Moocher Moomin Moon Moons Mopatops More Morelull Morgan Morgrem Mori Morning Moro Morokoshī Moros Morpeko Morph Morpha Morpho Morris Morton Mosaic Moso Most Mostly Mother Mothim Motion Motorboat Motors Motta Mou Moundeath Moundo Mount Mountain Mouse Move Moves Movie MovieNEX Movies Mozuch Mr Mrs Mt Muay Much Mudbray Mudkipdagger Mudsdale Mujou Muk Mukashi Mukashibanashi Mulkerin Multi Multiplayer Multiplayerblogmtvcom Multiple Mumbai Mumbies Mummies MummyMe Munchlax Munna Murasame Murasamejō Murkrow Muscle Muscleab Musharna Mushroom Music Musical Musketeer Musshu Mustard Mutant Mutation Mutoh MuttsSpace Muzu My Mysteries Mysterious Mystery Myth Mythical Myths Myujimon Mā Māah Mēberu Mēmu Mōru Mōrī N NA NAApril NAJuly NALAKU NAMarch NAOctober NASeptember NBA NBC NBCC NBMCS NCAA NCircle NES NEW NHK NHL NME NOW NP NPCs NStar NTSC NTeam NUS NUSn NVI NX NXD NZ Nabbit Nabbitaj Nabooru Naboris Nabī Nadeshiko Nadesico Naganadel Nagare Nagasako Nageru Nago Nagoyas Naid Nails Naito Naitomea Naitomeasha Naizou Nakao Nakayama Nakkurujō Name Nannies Nano Nanoblock Nanocarp Naoki Naoto Napoleon Napoli Napolitano Naptime Narabe Narados Narcis Nards Narration Narrator Naru Narushisu Naruto Nate Native Natsumes Natu Nausicaa Nausu Navi Navigation Naviw Navy Nayru Nayrus Nazo Nazonazo Neal Near Nearby Nebula NecroDancer Necrodeus Necrozma Need Needle Neighbor Nekketsu Nekurodiasu Nellie Nemesis Nenzu Neo Neon Nerf Nesters Network Networks Never Neverending Nevertheless Neves New NewestOldestPrice Newman News Newsome Newstone Newsweek Next Nichi Nick Nickit Nicknamed Nidoking Nidoqueen Nidoran♀ Nidoran♂ Nidorina Nidorino Night NightMare Nightmare NightmareX Nightmares Nightmaresa Nihilego Nihon Nikki Nikkis Nikku Nil Nin Nincada Nine Ninetales Ningyogei Ningyō Ninja Ninjask Nintendo NintendoCaptain Nintendogs Nintendorelated Nintendos Nippon Niru Nixed No NoL NoT Noahs Noble Nobody Nobuo Noctowl Noddies Noddy Noddys Nodi Nodosaurus Noel Nohansen Noibat Noire Noivern Nojima Nomura Non None Nonetheless Noon Norion Norris North Northern Northridge Noseman Nosepass Nostalgia Not Notebook Notes Noticing Nottingham Nov NovAug NovJul Nova Novel November Now NowJacobean Ns Nteam Null Numata Number Numbers Numel Numerous Nurburgring Nurie Nutty Nuun Nuzleaf Nāga Nōzuman O ODonnell ODonnellq OFFICIAL OHare OOO ORBIENT OS OTYS Oakie Oasis Oba Oberonn Objects Oboeru Obonsawin Observation Observatory Obstagoon Ocarina Ocean Oct OctAug OctJul OctJun OctSep Octacon Octagon Octavo Octillery October Octoliths Octoman Octomanad Octopath Octopus Odama Oddish Oddparents Odjakjian Odoneru Odyssey Odysseys Of Off Offense Offensive Office Officer Official Often Oggy Ogre Ohara Ohm OhmBlue OhmRed Ohmoto Ohmura Oikkonī Oikonny Oikonnyt Oil Okaeri Okane Okutakon Okutoman Old Oli Olympic Olympus Omanyte Omastar Omega Omenya Omni Omocha On Once One OnePiece Onigashima Onion Onix Onkled Online Only Onox Oohroo Ookiku Open Operation Operations Opponents Oracle Oracles OrangSprint OrangStand Orange Oranges Oranguru Orb Orbeetle Orbie Orbital Orchestra Order Oren Organ Oricorio Origami OriginGame OriginRevolving Original Originally Originating Origins Ornitholestes Ortiz Osaifu Osaka Osamu Oscars Osfala Oshawottdagger Oshus Osu Otacon Othello Other Others Otherwise Otona Ou Oubliette Ouedan Ouen Ouendan Oujamon Our Out Outer Outlaw Outlive Outpost Outside Outskirts Oven Over Overview Owl Owner Owsen Oya Oyama Oyamāai Oz Ozomashii Ozomashī P PAD PAL PAcorn PBC PC PDF PHF PK PL PLAY PLB PLF PLS POP POPUP POPUp PP PRC PTSD Pablo PacMan Pachirisu Pachycedos Pacific Pack Packet PacketNew PacketRestock Packun Pad Paddington Paddys Pafi Pagani Page Pages Paincia Paint Paintra Pairētsu Pakkun Pakkunar Palace Palkia Palmon Palossand Palpitoad Palutena Pan Pancham PanchiAuto Pandemic Pandoras Panechu Panel Panepon Pangoro Panic Panorama Panpour Pansage Pansear Pansā Panther Pants Paparazzi Paper Paperboy Papetoon Papillon Papoose Parachute Paradise Paragoomba Parallel Paras Parasect Parasite Parasites Parasol Paratroopa Parish Park Parker Parking Part Partizanne Partners Party Partye Pass Passimian Passion Passus Past Pasta Pastai Pasuta Patamon Patch Path Patrat Patricia Patrick Patrol Patrya Patton Paul Pauline Paulineo Paulinep Paulines Pause Pawniard Pawā Pawādo Paya Peach Peachc Peachette Peachs Peak Pearl Pedalers Pedestal Peep PeepSweets Peinshia Peinto Pelipper Penguins Pennsylvania People Peoples Pepper Pepperag Peppers Peppy Peppys Peppī Pepā Percent Percival Perfect Perfection Perlmutter Pero Peros Perrserker Perry Perryac Persian Person Personal Personality Pet Peter Petey Peteys Petilil Petit Petite Petrichor 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Poisonboros Poizunborosu Pokcell Poke PokePla PokedelZ Pokedex Pokemon Pokemons Pokey Pokken Pokkén PokéPark PokéShowdown Pokédex Pokémon PokémonLists PokémonanimePunchOutCaptain Pokémonathon PokémonathonThe Pokémons Polar Polarium Pole Police Politoed Poliwag Poliwhirl Poliwrath Pollock Polly Polteageist Poltergeist Poltergust Polygon Pom Poms Pomx Pon Pong Ponjan Pony PonyTail Ponyta Poochy Poochyag Poochyena Poochys Poodle Pool Pop PopUp Popeye Popinski Popinskil Popinskis Popinsukī Popn Popon Popons Poppliodagger Poppusutā Poppy Popstar Popup Popī Porco Porsche Portugal Porygon PorygonZ Porīn Pose Posing Post Postman Postmans Pot Potamus Potato Potion Potions Potsworth Potts Pound Powalski Powalskir Powarusukī Powder Power Powered Powerful Powerpuff Powers Prairie Predicament Prediction Prehistoric Premise Premium PremiumDressSet Preorder Present Presents President Press Preston Presumably Preview Previous Previously PriKura Price Priest Primal Primarina Primate Prime Primeape Primes Prince Princeac Princess Princesses Princessesak Prinplup Prior Prism Prix Pro ProAm ProComm ProPutt ProStars Problem Probopass Producers Product Production Productions Professor Profile Profitt Progrise Project Projects Promo Promos Promotional Proper Prostars Protagonists Protection Protoman Prototype Provided Prunelle Prussian Psyche Psychic Psyduck Pt Ptera Pteranodons Ptooie Publisher Puffy Pukey Pulaski Pulido Pullback Pulls Pulse Pump Pumpkaboo Punch PunchOut PunchOuta PunchOuts PunchSuper Puncheredov Punchout Punchy Punipuni Punishment Punky Punpun Pupitar Puppet Puppies Pupupu Purah Purchese Purejidento Purinsu Purlo Purple Purrloin Pursuit Purugly Purupuru Pushing Pushmo Puss Put Putty Puzzle Puzzles Pyjamas Pyramids Pyribbit Pyroar Pyropuff Pyukumuku Pāmu Pīchihime Q Qix Quadgun Quagsire Quarantine Quarlow Quarlowz Quasimodo Queen Queenad Queens Queeny Quest Question Quests Quick Quickf Quilava Quilladin Quiz Quotes Qwilfish R RB RC RCL RD REAL REDEEMED RG RM RO ROB ROBcitation ROBs ROMs ROS ROTOHEX ROTOZOA RPG RR RRC RS RType RX Rabbids Rabbit Raboot Race Racer Racers Racial Racing Racist Rad Radar Radiance Radiant Radiation Radical Radio Radtke Rage Raian Raichu Raidon Raikou Railways Rain Rainbow RainbowUnicorn Raincoat Raion Raisin Rakubiki Rakuhiki Rally Ralph Ralts Rambarudi Rampage Rampardos Ranch Rancher Randia Randnet Rando Random Randorn Randy Ranger Rangers Rango Rank Rankī Rannells Ranpukin Rap Rapidash Raptor Raptoria Rarara Rare Rareware Rarewarecoms Rather Raticate Rattata Rattle Raudo Rauru Ravio Raw Ray Rayman Rayquaza Razak Razor Razors ReKoil ReMent RePresident RePurejidento Reactor Real Realistic Really Realm Realms Rebecca Rebel Rebonack Reboot Rebroadcasts RecRec Reception Recess Recipe Record Recording Recurring Red RedEyes Reddit Redi Redirected Redmond Redneck References Reflect Refuge Regice Regidrago Regieleki Regigigas Region Regional Regirock Registeel Register Regular Reid Reidoramon Reindeer Reizou Rekishi Rekketsu Rekkusu Related Release Released Relicanth Rem Remake Remakes Reminder Remix Remoraid Ren Renai Renamed Renju Renpō Rental Rentals Reo Reon Reorganization Reparaz Report Reports Reptilicus Requiem Rescue Rescuing Research ReseighLincoln Reservation Reserve Resetti Reshiram Resort Resource Rest Restaurant Restock Results Resurrect Retail Retrieved Retriever Retro RetroSpecial Retronauts Retrospective Return Returns Reuniclus Revali Revalis Revealed Revelation Revenge Review Reviews Revised Revivemon Revolt Revolution Rex Rexs Reznor Reznoraw Reプレジデント・ハルトマン Rhoam Rhydon Rhyhorn Rhyperior Rhythm Ribbon Ribenji Ribombee Ribon Ricardo Richard Richie Rick Ride Rider Riders Ridewatch Ridge Ridley Ridleys Right Righty Riju Rijus Rika Rikiya Rikku Riley Rillaboom Rime Ring Ringle Ringles Rings Rinkurī Rio Riolu Rip Ripple Riser Rising Rito Ritoru Rivals Road Roadmaster Roadster Roar Roaring Rob Robert Robin Robinson Robo RoboBrood RoboKritter Robobot Robot RobotSFX Robots Robusutā Rock Rocket RocknRoll Rockos Rockruff Rocky Rod Rodan Roger Rogers Roggenrola Rogueport Rokku Rokkī Rokujūyon Role Roll Roller Rolling Rolls Rolycoly Rolypoly Romani Romuald Ron Rona Rookidee Rookie Rool Roolenstein Rools Room Root Rora Rororo Rosalina Rosalinai Rose Roselia Rosen Rosenzu Roserade Rosetta Rosey Rosie Rosso Rossos Roswell Rosy Rotation Rotom Rottentrolls Rough Roujin Round Rover Rowlet Rowletdagger Rowlin Rowman Roy Royal Royale Royce Rubies Rubiks Rubin Ruby Rudania Rudden Rufflet Rugrats Ruin Ruins Ruisu Rules Rumble Run Rundas Runebound Runerigus Runner Running Rupeeland Rupees Rupert Rurouni Rurubu Rurupu Rus Rush Russell Russia Russian Russians Rustys Ruta Ruto Ruxpin Ruīji Ryan Ryans Ryanv Ryoku Ryourigā Ryu Ryū Ryūsei Ròu Rāji Rī Rōpā Rōpāzu Rōringu Rōrā Rūshī S SAL SAX SAXs SF SG SHARE SHIP SHODO SHVS SI SITE SIcom SK SLG SMOKE SMP SNES SOMNIUM SP SR SS SSH STEAM STS SUM SUV SV SW SWAT Saban Sabat Sableye Sabrina Sack Sacred Safari Safebuster Saga Sage Sages Sagesincluding Sagoian Sahasrahla Saikyō Sailor Saitoh Sakaguchi Sakamoto Sakeburein Sakura Sakuragi Sakurai Salamence Salandit Salazzle Sales Salesman Salesmans Salmon Saltys Sam Samantha Samit Sammy Samo Samuel Samurai Samurott Samus SamusSaX SamusSuper Samuss Samusu San Sanctuary Sandaconda Sanders Sandiego Sandile Sandman Sandmang Sandokan Sandoman Sands Sandshrew Sandslash Sandstorm Sandy Sandygast Sanei Sanitys Sannin Sanrinsha Sanskrit Sansū Santa Santo Sapieha Sapphire Sara Sarah Sarasaland Saria Sarias Saru Sasajima Sasuke Satella Satellaview Satellite Sato Satoshi Satoshis Satouchi Satsuki Saturday Sauria Sauropods Savage Save Saved Savoia Savvy Sawk Sawsbuck Saxophone Sayuri Scale Scales Scalesx Scam Scan Scaner Scare Scarfies Scarfy Scarfys Scarry Scatterbug Scene Scentsation ScentsationEpisode Sceptile Schedeen School Schuco Schwarz Science Scientific Scizor Scolipede Scoopy Scope Scorbunny Scorbunnydagger Scorecard Scorpear Scott Scrafty Scraggy Scramble Scream Screen Scribblenauts Scribes Script Scrub Scully Scythe Scyther Sea Seadra Seaking Seal Sealed Sealeo Sean Seanbaby Search Seas Season Seasons Seavor Second Secondly Secret Secretary Secretly Secrets Sectnia Sectonia Sectonias Sector Sectors Security See Seed Seeding Seedot Seeker Seel Sega Segers Seijin Seika Seikatsu Seiken Seisen Seismitoad Seiyuu Sekiban Sekiguchi Sekine Sekitori Sekki Sekutonia Sekyuriti Selection Semester Sengoku Senior Senki Sennen Sensen Senshi Sentinels Sentret Senō Sep SepAug SepJul September Sequel Sequence Seres Sergio Series SeriesEX Serperior Seru Servant Service Servine Sessions SessionsFE Sesto Set Setsuna Setting Settings Seven Sevensage Seventh Several Seviper Sewaddle Sexual Sgt Shacknews Shadow ShadowHunters Shadowbite Shadows Shadō Shadōbaito Shaheem Shain Shake Shakedown Shakespeare Shakespeares Shane Shard Shards Sharkey Sharks Sharky Sharon SharpClaw SharpClaws Sharpclaws Sharpedo Shashin Shattso Shaw Shaymin ShazamHero She Shea Shears Shearsw Shedinja Sheerow Sheeta Sheff Sheik Sheikah Sheiks Shelf Shelgon ShellShocked Shellder Shellos Shelmet Sheri Shes Shi Shiba Shield Shieldon Shift Shiftry Shigeru Shigesato Shigureden Shiinotic Shiitake Shiitakes Shikishi Shikumi Shin Shinbunsha Shine Shinespark Shinesparkers Shinia Shining Shinkansen Shinobu Shinshuu Shinwa Shinx Shiny Shinya Ship Ships Shipwreck Shiranai Shirk Shiro Shirt Shirubakkusu Shizuka Shmoo Shochō Shock Shoemaker Shogakukan Shogakukans Shogun Shokugan Shooter Shooting Shop Short Shortcake Shortly Shot Shotzo Shou Shoujo Shoulder Shousetsu Shout Shouts Shovel Show Showcase Showdown Shower Shows Shrine Shrinky Shroomish Shuckle Shuffle Shuki Shuppet Shutmon Shuyaku Shy Shīruzu Shōgun Shōjo Shūen SiNG Siberian Side Sideshow Sidons Siege Sigilyph Signs Silcoon Silent Silicobra Siliconera Silke Silly Silvally Silver Silvestri Silvox Sim SimCity Simcha Simian Similar Similarlooking Simipour Simisage Simisear Simon Simons Simpler Simpsons Simulator Sin Sinbad Since Sincerity Singing Sinistea Sir Sirens Sirfetchd Sirica Sissi Sisters Sistersm Sit Site Six Sixtyfour Size Sizzlipede Skarmory Skate Skeletal Skeleton Sketch Sketchpad Skidda Skiddo Skies Skills SkipIt Skiploom Skitty Skorupi Skrelp Skud Skull Skullseer Skully Skullys Skuntank Skurvy Skurvys Skwovet Sky Skyler Skyloft Skyridge Skyward Slaking Slakoth Slalom Slam Slant Sledge Sleep Sleepy Slice SlicerDicer Slide Sliggoo Slime Slinky Slip Slippy Slippys Slot Slow Slowbro Slowking Slowpoke Slugfest Slugger Sluggers Slugma Slurpuff Small Smash Smeargle Smirk Smith Smoggies Smoochum Smooth Smurfs Snack Snail Snake Snakes Snap Snapjaw Snapped Snapshots Sneasel Sneeze Snifit Snipe Sniper Snipperclips Snivydagger Snom Snoopy Snorks Snorlax SnorlaxEpisode SnorlaxShowdown Snorunt Snover Snow SnowHorn SnowHorns Snowboarding Snowhead Snowmad Snowmads Snowpack Snowy Snubbull So SoDo Soaker Soaring Sobble Soccer Sochi Sock Soda Sodas Sodory Sodorī Soft SoftVinyl Software Sofubi Solar Sold Soldier Soldiers Solgaleo Solid Solitaire Solosis Solrock Solstice Soma Some Someone Something Sometime Sometimes Son Sonchō Song Sonic Sonobe Sonomama Sons Sony Soon Sooty Sootys Sorcerer Sorceress Sorry Souji Soukoban Soul SoulSilver Souls Sound Sounds Soundtrack Soundvoyager Soup Sour Source Souru South Southern Soviet Space Spaceship Spains Spanish Spark Sparkle Sparkler Sparkly Sparks Sparky Spawn Speak Speaking Spear Spearow Special Specialist Species Specter Specters Speed Speedway SpellStones Spewart Spewpa Spheal Sphere Spideath Spider SpiderMan Spike Spikeas Spiked Spikehead Spikeheads Spin SpinOff Spinarak Spinda Spinies Spinosaurus Spiny Spinys Spirit Spirited Spiritomb Spirits Spiritual Spirograph Spitball Splash Splatoon Splice Spoink Spook Spooks Spooktacular Sport Sports Sportsillustratedcnncom Spot Spring Spriters Spritzee Sprixie Sprixies Sprout Spryte Spy Squad Squadron Square Squaresly Squash Squashini Squeak Squeaks Squirtle Squirtledagger Squish Squishy Squishys Sr St StackUp Stacker StacknRoll Stactus Stadium Staff Staffs Stafy Stage Stakataka Stakes Stalkid Stamp Stand Stanley Stanleyq Stantler Star StarTropics Staraptor Staravia Starbeans Starborne Starcraft Starcutter Starfy Starium Starlight Starlink Starly Starman Starmie Starring Starry Stars Starship Starsign Starsigncom Startail Starter Starting Staryu State States Station Stationery Statues Status Stealth Steam Steel Steelix Steelsnapper Steenee Stegosge Step Stephen Steppenwolf Steps Stereotypes Steve Stick Sticker Sticks Still Stimpy Stitch Stock Stomach Stomper Stone Stones Stonjourner Stoppit Storage Stories Storm Stormfront Storms Stormy Story Stoutland Strangely Strato Strawberry Stray Street Stretch Stretchers Stretchmo Strike Striker Strikers Strikes String Struck Struggle Stu Stuart Stubbs Studdard Studdards Student Studio Studios Stuff Stufful Stunfisk Stunky Stunt Stupid Stylaser Style Styling Stylocto Sub Subcon Subject Submarine Submit Subsequently Suburbs Successive Successor Suddenly Sudoku Sudowoodo Sufia Sugahara Suicune Suiseiken Suit Suites Sukai Suki Sukuisshī Sukāfi Sukēru Sukūpī Sulkworm Sumantra Sumit Summer Summoning Sumo Sun Sunday Sunflora Sunglasses Sunken Sunkern Sunsational Sunset Sunshine Super SuperColor Supercade Superleggera Superman Superspicy Superstar Superstars Supporting Supreme Supāku Supēsu Supūku Surf Surfer Surippī Surprise Surskit Suru Survival Susan Susanna Sushi Sushido Susie Susshi Susshis Susshī Sutanrī Sutaru Sutetchi Sutherland Sutomakku Sutte Sutā Sutāman Sutōn Suujin Suwankī Suzanna Suzanne Suzuki Swablu Swadloon Swalot Swamp Swampert Swan Swanky Swankys Swanna Swapdoodle Sweet Sweets Swellow Sweptail Swing Swinub Swirlix Switch Swoobat Sword Swordfish Swordriver Swords Swordsman Sworn Sylux Syluxs Sylveon Sylvester Symmetry Syndication Syrup System SystemFamicom SystemSuper Systems Systemss Szechuan Sābisu Sākiburu Sōda Sōseimajutsushi Sūjī Sūpā T TAKE TBA TDFUG TE TEU THIS TKA TKE TKG TKL TKM TKN TKO TKP TKR TKS TKZ TM TNBC TO TOP TR TRex TShirt TV TVcom Tab Table Tabletop Tabuu Tac Tachiagare Tactics Taddopōru Tadpoleak Tael Tag Tager Tago Taichō Taiga Taigā Taikai Taikyoku Tail Taillow Tails Tainī Taisa Taisen Taison Taiyou Taizen Taj Tak Takaguchi Takahashi Takao TakaraTomy Takashi Takayama Takeda Takes Takeshi Takimoto Takku Takt Takusan Tale Talent Tales Talespin Talk Talkboy Talking Talks Tallon Talo Talon Talonflame Tamagotchi Tamashii Tame Tanabe TanabeMetroid Tangela Tango Tangrowth Tank Tankbot Tankentai Tanner Tanoshiku Tantei Tap Tapu Tara Taranza Tarin Taste Tasty Tatakae Tatanga Tatangaax Tatl Tatsu Tatsuta Tauros Tavera Taveras Taycan Taylor TazMania Teacher Teachers Team Teams TechCrunchcom Technology Techou Tecmo Tecs Ted Teddiursa Teddohōn Teddy Tedhaun Teds Tee Teen Teenage Teil Telepathos Telepatris Teleroboxer Telescope Teletubbies Television Telling Telmas Temple Ten Tenchi Tenchu Tengoku Tennis Tennise Tentacool Tentacruel Tentomon Tepigdagger Terebi Terebie Terepatorisu Teresa Termina Terminan Terminas Terminated Terminus Terraforming Terrakion Terrarium Terrible Terror Terry Terzo Test Testament Teti Tetra Tetris Tetrisphere Tetsu Text Textbooks Texts Tezuka Tezukas Thai That Thats The TheGamer Theatre Their Them Theme Then There Theres These Theta They Thief Thieves Thievul Thing Things Thinking Third Thirteen This Thomas ThornTail ThornTails Thornberrys Those Though ThousandYear Thousandriver Thracia Threat Three Threewheeler Throh Through Throughout Throw Throwback ThruSpace Thundarr Thunder Thunderlizards Thundurus Thwackey Thwimp Thwomp Tiara Tiaraab Tick TickTock Tidyup Tiff Tiffs Tiger Tigerk Tigermos Tiki Tikis Tiles Tilt Tim Timbuctoo Timburr Time Timemon Timenote Times Tin Tingle Tingles Tintin Tiny Tipping Tips Tirtouga Titania Titch Title Tito To Toad ToadWolf Toadai Toadaj Toadd Toadette Toadettel Toadh Toado Toads Toadstool Toadstools Toadsworth Toadsworthn Tobari Tobita Todd Togedemaru Togeira Togekiss Togepi Togepis Together Togetic Tokimeki Tokkori Tokkoris Tokoris Tokyo Tom Tomato Tomatoes Tomica Tomm Tomodachi Tomoe Tomohisa Tomorrow Tomy Tone Tong Tongu Tongū Tony Tookey Toon Tooned Toonzone Top Topper Topps TopsyTurvy Toraidentonaito Torchicdagger Toreadors Torekkī Toriceradogos Torikkī Torizo Torkoal Tornado Tornadon Tornadus Torracat Torterra Tortletummy Toruneidon Torī Toshihide Totaka Total Totilo Totodiledagger Totoro Totoros Tots Totten Tottoko Toucan Toucannon Touch Touched Touching Tour Tourian Tourist Tournament Towards Towel Tower Town Towns Toxapex Toxel Toxic Toxicroak Toxtricity Toy Toyland Toylike Toys Trace Track Tracker Tracks Tractor Trade Trading Trailer Trailers Train Trainer Training TraktorRennen Trample Tranquility Tranquill Transform Transformation Transformed Transformers Translator Transylvania Trantrip Trap Trapinch Traps Trapy Trash Trashy Travel Traveler Treacle Treasure Treasures Treat Tree Treeckodagger Treehouse Trek Trekkey Tremor Trench Trendsetters Trent Trevenant Trevita Tri Trial Triangle Tribe Tribes Triceratops Trick Tricky Trickyo Tricycle Trident Triforce Triforces Trilogy Trio Trip Triple Triumphant Trois Trojan Troll Trombone Troop Troopa Troopers Trophies Trophy Tropical Tropius Trouble Troupe Trozei Trubbish Truck True Trumbeak Trump Truss Truth Tsareena Tsubasachan Tsubo Tsuchiya Tsuguo Tsuin Tsuinrōba Tsukuri Tsukutte Tsunagete Tsuri Tsurugi Tsuzumi Tsū Tuff Tuffadactyl Tuffs Tuggle Tumble Tundra Tuner Tunnel Turbo Turkish Turn Turtle Turtles Turtonator Turtwigdagger Tweenies Tweety Twili Twilight Twin Twink Twinkle Twinrova Twinrovas Twirl Twist Twisted Twister Twitter Two Tyler Tympole Tynamo Type Types Typhlosion Typing Tyranitar Tyrannosaurus Tyrantrum Tyrogue Tyrunt Tyson Tysonq Tysons Tābo Tātoru Tōdo Tōsenboku Tūkī U UBM UD UF UFO UFOlike UGO UGOcom UGOs UHD UK UL UNB UNM UPCOM UPR UPcom UPcoms US USA USGamer USSR USSRera UUltimateFight Uchi UchiPika Uchū UgoCom Ugocom Ugoku Uhho Uirī Ukiuki Ultimate Ultimately Ultra Ultraman Ultras Ultraseven Ultriser Umbreon Un Unaware Unbroken Undaunted Under Undercover Underground Unfezant Unfortunately Unified Uniracers Unisex Unit Unite United Units Universe Unknown Unleashed Unlike Unlimited Unlock Unno Uno Unofficial Unown Unseen Unsourced Until Untitled Unwound Up Upon Uprising Uranai Uranos Urban Urbosa Urbosas Ursaring Urshifu Urufu Ururu Ushiro Using Usually Usurper Utatane Utau Utopia Uxie Uzzu V VBall VERY VHS VI VII VIII VIP VR VS Vaati Vaatin Vacation Vah Valentia Valhalla Valiant Valkyrie Vallance Valley Valoo Vancouver Vanillish Vanillite Vanilluxe Vanpool Vaporeon Variable Variants Varsity Vase Vault Vee Vega Vegas Veil Vella Velociraptor Velocity Veneno Venipede Venog Venom Venomian Venomoth Venoms Venonat Venus Venusaur Ver Veran Vermin Veronica Version Verth Vertical Very Vespiquen Veyron Vibrava Victini Victor Victories Victors Victory Victreebel Video Videogame Videogames Videoland Videolandstyle Videolympics Videos View ViewMaster Vignette Vigoroth Vikavolt Vikings Vileplume Village Villains Vintage Vinyl Violent Violet Violin Viper Virizion Virtual Virus Viser Vision Vista Vivere Vivian Vivid Vividria Vivillon Vivitia Vocal Vodka Voice Voiced Voices Void Voiture Vol Volante Volbeat Volcanion Volcano Volcarona Volga Volgerom Volleyball Volt Voltorb Volvagia Volvoice Von Voodoo Vorderman Vorugeromu Vow Vox Voyages Vs Vulcan Vullaby Vulpix W WAY WGN WPVG WWI Wada Waddle Wadorudi Wadorudu Waeiraku Wafer Wafers Waialae Wailmer Wailord Wait Waiu Waiyū Wake WakeUp Waker Wakugumi Wales Walk Walker Walking Walkthrough Walky Walled Walljump Wally Walney Walrein Walrus Walt Walter Waluigi Waluigis Wamu Wand Wands Waning Want Wants War Ward Wario WarioWare Warior Warios Warlocked Warp Warren Warrior Warriors Wars Wart Wartay Wartortle Waruīji Warwiggle Was Washington Wastes Watashi Watch Watchog Water Watermelon Waterplay Watership Watson Wave Waxing Way Wayback We Weakened Wear Wearing Weasel Weatherly Weavile Website Webster Wee Weedle Weepinbell Weezing Weight Weird Weirdest Weiss Welcome Weldon Welker Wellingtons Welsh Wendy Were West Wester Western Wesutā Whale Wham What WhatAMess Whatdo Wheel Wheelie Wheels When Whenever Where Whereas Wheres Whether While WhileUntil Whimsicott Whip Whippy Whirlipede Whiscash Whismur Whispy Whispys White WhiteWater Whitehill Whites Who Why WiFi Wicked Wide Widget Wielding Wiggler Wigglers Wiggly Wigglytuff Wii WiiU WiiWare Wiigamespycom Wiiigncom Wiis Wiki Wikibooks Wikipedia Wikipedias Wikiquote Wikisource Wild Wilde Wilds Will William Williams Willow Willy Wily Wilys Wimpod Wind Windfall Windmill Window Windows Winds Windwhipper Windōzu Wing Wingo Wingoaz Wings Wingspan Wingull Winjin Wink Winning Winter Wired Wirusu Wirī Wisdom Wise Wish Wishes Wishing Wishiwashi Wisupī Witches With Without Wizadora WizarDriver Wizard Wizards Wizarro Wizādo Wobbuffet Wokka Wolf WolfWrath WolfWraths Wolfen Wolfp Wolfs Wolinsky Wolves Woman Wombatman Wonder Wonderful Wonderland Wonders Woobat Wood Wooden Woodpecker Woods Woodsman Woody Woolly Wooloo Wooper Words Work Working Works World Worlds Worldwide Worm Wormadam Worse Wotan Would Wrath Wrecking Wrench Wrestling WrestlingTeleroboxerPower Wright Wrinkly Wrinklys Wulfsburg Wurmple Wynaut Wynn Wōkī Wōtā X XD XI XIV XL XLT XMen XScape XStarlink XY XYP Xatu Xenoblade Xerneas Xevious Xhost Xurkitree Y YR YRL YTV Ya Yabui Yagan Yahtzee Yakuman Yamada Yamask Yamikage Yamper Yankee Yankī Yanma Yanmega Yard Yarn Yasashii Yashiori Year Years Yellow Yes Yet Yggdral Yggy Yields Yiga Yin YinYarn YinYarns Ylla Yo Yogi Yogurt Yokai YokoiKensuke Yokon Yoll Yomigaeru York Yoshi Yoshiaki Yoshida Yoshig Yoshihito Yoshio Yoshis Yoshiyuki Yosshī Yossy Yosuke Yota You YouTube Young Your Youre Yousukes Ys Yuga Yugudoraru Yuki Yuko Yume YumeSoul Yumekawa Yumi Yungoos Yunobo Yura Yusuke Yuu Yuyu Yveltal Yvon Yōseihime Yūko Yūrei Yūsuke Yūyūki Z ZAvailability ZERO ZMove ZW Zacian Zag Zaia Zako Zamazenta Zan Zangoose Zankibble Zankiburu Zant Zanto Zany Zapdos Zapper Zapperlike Zarude Zazan Zazanae Zazoo Zd Zebes Zebesian Zebesians Zebstrika Zed Zee Zekrom Zelda ZeldaMario Zeldaa Zeldas Zenkoku Zenshuu Zeraora Zero ZeroGuard ZeroOne ZeroTwo Zerophants Zeros Zeruda Zerī Zetto Zetton Ziff Zig Zigzagoon Ziku Zingers Zip Zitbags Zodas Zoids Zol Zoldge Zoldgeaf Zombicide Zona Zone Zoness Zootto Zora Zoras Zoroark Zorua Zoruge Zubat Zuke Zwei Zweilous Zygarde Zēbesu a abandoned abducting abilities ability able abnormal aborted abound about above abruptly absence absent absolute absorb absorbed absorbing absorbs abuse abusive abyss academics academy accelerate acceleration accent accented accept accepted access accessed accessory accidental accidentally accommodate accompanied accompanies accompany accomplish accomplished according accordingly account accounts accurate accurately ace achievements acknowledge acknowledges acknowledgment acquaintance acquire acquired acquires across act acted acting action actionadventure actionchase actionplatformer actions activates activating active activities actor actors actress acts actual actually acute adaptation adaptations adapted adaption add added adding addition additional additivepacked addresses adds admin admiration admit adolescent adopted adoption adoptive adores adorn adorned adorning ads adult adulthood advance advanced advances adventure adventurersforhire adventures adventuring adventurous advice advise adviser advisor advisory aears aerial affected affectionately affections affiliates affinity afraid afro after afterward afterwards again against age aged agent ages aggressive agile ago agree agreed agrees ahead aid aided aiding aids aim aiming air aircraft aired airing airings airline airship aka akin al alarm alarming albeit album alcohol alcoholic alias aliases alien alike alive all allegiances allergic alley allgame alliance allied allies alligator allmale allow allowed allowing allows allude alluding allusions ally almost along alongside aloud already also altar alter alterations altered alterego alternate alternating alternative alternatively although always am amalgamation amasses amazing amazingly ambiguous ambition ambiverted ambush ambushed amiibo ammunitions amnesia among amongst amorphous amount amounts amp amusement an analysis analyze ancestor ancient and android anecdote anemone angel angelic angeliclooking angellike anger angered anglaise angler anglerfishlike angry animal animals animate animated animates animation animator animatronic anime animeexclusive animeonly annihilated anniversary announce announced announces annoying annoys annual anonymous another answer answers antagonised antagonist antagonistic antagonists antagonize antagonizes antenna anthropomorphic anthropomorphized antiAmerican antidogmatic antihero antihypothermia antique any anymore anyone anything anywhere apart apelike apes apologize apologizes apology apparent apparently apparition apparitions appear appearance appearances appeared appearing appears appeased appendages appetite appetites apple apples appliances applications applied apply appoints appreciates appreciation apprentice approach approaches approaching appropriate approximately apron arc arcade arcadepermanent arcades archenemy archer archery archived archivedate archiveurl archivist archrival arcing arctic are area areas arena arenas arguably arguing argument arises armadillos armed armies armlike armor armored arms army armyab armyz around arranged arrangement arrival arrive arrived arrives arriving arrogance arrogant arrogantly arrow arrows arsenal art arthropodlike article articles artifacts artificial artillery artist arts artwork as asexual asexually ashore aside ask asked asking asks asleep aspects aspirations assassin assault assemble assembled asserting assigned assimilate assimilated assimilation assist assistance assistant assisted assisting assists associated association assume assumed assumes assuming astrophysics at ate atop attach attached attaches attack attacked attackers attacking attacks attaining attempt attempted attempting attempts attend attendant attended attends attention attire attitude attract attributed audience augmenting aus author authoring authorising authoritarian autocannon automatically available avenge avenges avenging average aviator avoid awaken awakened awakening awakens awakes awards aware away awesome awkward axe axes b baby babysitter back backfires background backgrounds backhanded backhands backpack backs backstory backup backwards bad bag baglike balance balanced balancing bald balding baldy baleful ball ballandchain balloon balloons balls banal banana bananas band bandages bandaid bandaids bandana bandanna bande bandits bands bangs banish banished banishes banishing bankrupt banned banner bar barely barrage barrel barrelroll barrels barriers bartender base baseball based basement basic basically basis basketball basketballsized bass bat batch bathed batting battle battled battlefield battles battling bauble bayou bazooka be beachthemed beadlike beads beadyeyed beagle beak beam beams bean beanie bear bearable beard bearded bearing bears beast beat beaten beating beats beautiful became because beckett become becomes becoming bee been bees beetle beetlelike before befriend befriending befriends began begin beginning begins begs begun behaves behavior behest behind behindthescenes behindthevoiceactorscom beige beigecolored being beings belief believed believes believing bell belly bellyflopping belonged belonging beloved below belt bemoaned bemoans bend beneath beneficial benevolent bent beside besides best bested betrayal betrayed betraying betrays betrothed better between beyond bgs bible bidder big bigbrotherly bigger biggest bike biker bikini bills binds biological biomechanical biotechnology bioweapon bioweapons bird birdfolk birdlike birds birth birthname birthright bit bite biting bits bitter bizarre bizarrelooking black blackandpurple blackcarapaced blackcolored blade blademasters blades blast blasted blasters blasting blasts blight blighting blimp blind bloat blob blobs block blockbuster blocked blocking blocks blocky blond blonde bloodhound blow blowhole blowing blown blows blue blueskinned blushing board boards boasts boat bodies body bodyguard bodysuit boiler boisterous bokken bolts bomb bombs bombtossing bond bonds bones bongo bonus book booklet books boomerang boomerangs boost booster boot boots booze born borrow boss bosses botched both bothered bottle bottom bought boulders bounce bouncer bouncing boundaries bounds bounty bout bow bowler bows box boxer boxers boxes boxing boxlike boy bracelet brain brainlooking brains brainwash brainwashed brainwashing branches branching brand brandishes brass brave brawny breach break breakdown breaking breaks breakup breath breathes breathing breed breeding brethren bribed bridge bridgemaker brief briefly brilliant bring bringing brings brink broad broadcast broadcasts broke broken broom broomlike brooms broomstick bros brother brothers brought brow brown browser brunette brute bubblecovered bucket buckle buckles buggylike bugs build building builds built builtin bulging bulk bullet bullets bullfighter bullfighters bully bum bunch burn burning burnt burrows burst bursting bursts business busy but butt butterflies butterfly butterflythemed button buttons buy buys buzz by byProducts bypass byproducts bytes c cabin cactus cactuslike cage cake calamari calculating call called calling calls calm calms came camellike cameo cameos camera camouflage campaign campfire can canceled cancelled cane canlike cannon cannonballs cannot canonical canonically cant canvas cap capabilities capability capable capacity cape cappies capsule captain captive captors capture captured captures capturing car card cards care career cares caretaker caricature caricatures caring carnival carnivorous carpenters carpet carpets carries carrot carrots carry carrying cars cartoon cartooncitation cartwheel carve carved carver carving case cases casing cast casting castle castles casts cat catapult catch catches catchphrases caterpillar catlike catsuit cause caused causes causing caustic cave cavern caves cavities cavorting ceiling ceilings celebration celebrities cell cello cellular censorship center centers centipedes central centuries century ceramicalloy cereal ceremonies ceremony certain chain challenge challenged challenger challenges challenging chamber chambers chameleon chameleons chameleontype champ champion chance change changed changes changesrearrangementsetc changing channel channels chanson chansons chaos chapter character charactercitation characteristic characteristically characteristics characterized characters charactersAnthropomorphic charactersFiction charactersKirby charactersLists charactersMario charactersMetroid charactersPunchOut charge charged charges charging charity charm charmer chase chased chases chasing chastises cheater cheating cheats checking cheering cheery cheeseburgers chef chemistry chess chest chevrons chi chick chicken chickenlike chicks chiding chief child childhood childish childlike children childrens chills chimp chimpanzee chin chips chocolate choice choker choose chores chose chosen chozo chronicled chronologically chunk chō chōjinzoku chōzō cinema circleshaped circuit circular circulates circumstances circus citations cited cites cities citing citizen citizens city civilization civilizations civilized clad claim claimed claiming claims clamping clan clash class classes classic classy clawed clawing clawlike claws clean cleaner cleans cleanse cleanup clearly clears clenched clenching click client cliff climactic climax climb climbing climbs cling clingy clinic clip clips cloak cloaked clock clockwork clone clones cloning close closely closer closing clothes clothing cloud cloudlike cloudparts cloudriding clouds clovers clown clownlike club clubbing clubs clues clumsy clutches coVideo coach coarse coat cocky cocoons code codeveloped coffees coins cold coldblooded colds collapses collect collectable collected collectible collecting collection collectively collides collision colonel colonels colonies colony color coloration colored coloring colors colorshifting column comb combat combatant combination combine combined combines combining come comes comet comic comics coming command commanded commander commanding commands comment commentary commented commenting comments commercial commercials commissioned commits common commonly communicated communication communications companion company companys comparatively compared compares comparing compass compassionate compelling compensate compensating compete competent competes competitive compilations compiled complain complains complete completed completely completes completing completion complicated complimented complimenting comply complète components composed composite composée compressed comprising computer computerlike computers conceal concealed conceited conceived concentrates concentration concept concern concerns conclusion conducts confesses confessing confidence confident confine confirm confirmed confirming confirms conflict conflicts confront confrontation confronted confronting confronts confuse confused confusion congratulate conjure connected connecting connection connects conniving conquer conquering conquest consciousness consequence consequently consider considerably considered considering considers consist consisted consistent consistently consisting consists consolation console consoles constant constantly constraints construct constructed constructing construction constructs consulted consume consumers consumes consuming consumption contact contacts contain contained containing containment contains contemplative contemporary contempt content contest contests continue continued continues continuously contract contracts contradict contrary contrast control controlled controller controllers controllershaped controlling controls controversy convective conventional conversation conversion convert converted converting convince convinced convinces cooked cooking cool coop copied copies copy copying copyright core corn corner corners corporate corrected correctly corresponded corresponding corrupt corrupted corrupting corruption corrupts cosmos cost costume could couldnt council councilor counter counterpart counterparts countless country countryside courage courageous courageously course courting cousin cover covered covering covers coverup cow cowardice cowardly cowboy cowering cows crab crablike crabs craft crash crashed crashes crashing crashlanding crate crater crazed crazy create created creates creating creation creations creative creator creators creature creatures creaturesThe credit credited credits crescent crevices crew crews crimes criminal crippling crisis crisp criticized criticizing critics croaking crocodiles crocodilian crops cross crossbones crossbows crossing crossshape crouches crow crowd crown crownandcape crowned crows crude cruel cruelly cruelty crush crushed crustacean crustaceans crying cryokinesis crystal crystals cube cubes cubeshaped cucco cult culture cumulus cup cure currency current currently currents curse cursed curses cursing custombuilt customers customized cut cute cutscene cutscenes cyan cybernetic cyberspace cyborg cyclopes cyclops cycloptic cynical d dad dagger daimyo damage damaged damages damn damsel dance dancer dances dancing danger dangerous dangers dark darkness dashing data date daughter day days daytime dazed dckyoto de dead deadly deal deals dealt death debris debt debts debut debuted debuts decades deceased deception decide decided decides decimated decision decisions declarations declares declaring deeds deem deep deepest default defeat defeatable defeated defeating defeats defects defence defend defense defensive defiance deflate defused degree delays deleter delicate delicious delight delighted deliver delivered deliveries delivering delivers demanding dematerialize dematerializes demeanor demise demon demonic demoniclooking demons demonstrate demonstrates dengar denim dental dentist deny dependable depending depends depict depicted depicting depicts depletes deposit depressed depths derails deranged derived descendant descendants descended descent described describes describing description descriptions descriptor desert desertdwelling design designed designer designers designs desire desires despite despotic destabilizing destined destiny destroy destroyed destroying destroys destruction detach detachable detecting detects determination determine determines detonating devastate devastating devastation develop developed developer developers developing development device devised devotes devouring deːʑiː diadem dialect dialog dialogue diamond diamondtopped dictatorship did didnt die died dies differed difference differences different difficult difficulty digesting digging digital dimension dimensional dimensions diminutive dinosaur dinosaurlike dinosaurs direct directed direction directions directly director dirt disabled disables disadvantages disagreement disambiguation disappear disappearance disappeared disappears disc disco discontinued discounts discourage discover discovered discovering discovers discuss discussed discussing discussion disease disembodied disgraces disguise disguised disguises dish dishes disheveled dismisses disorder disparity dispatches dispelling dispensing display displayed displays disponible dispose disposition disrupt distance distances distant distinct distinctive distinguish distinguished distinguishing distorted distract distraction distracts distraught distress distribute distributed distributes distribution distrustful distrusting disturbing ditch diversion divine dizzy do doctor dodecahedron does doesnt dog dogfight dogfights doglike dogma doing doll dolls domain dome dominance dominate dominates done donned dons dont doomed door doors doppelganger doppelgänger dots double doublecrosses doubledagger doubledisc doubleedged doublejumping down downloadable downward dragon dragonlike dragons drags drain draining drains dramatic dramatically draw drawing drawings drawn draws dream dreams dress dressed dresses drill drink drinking drinks drive driver drives driving drones drop dropped dropping drops drove drunks dry dual dub dubbed dubbing dubious duck due duel duels dull dumping dungeon dungeons duo duplex duplicate durable during dust dusters duties duty dutyhe dvd dwarf dwarves dwells dying déjà e eGuide eManga eNeMeE eReader eShop eXperience each eager eagle earlier earliest early earn earning earns earrings ears earth easier easily east easy easytodefeat eat eaten eating eats ebay eccentric echoed echoing eclipse ed edge edges edit edited edition editor editors edits educational eel eellike effect effective effectively effects effeminacy effeminate effort efforts egad egg eggplant eggs egos eight eighteenth either ejected ejects elaborate elaborated elasticity elbow elder elderly elders elected electric electrical electrically electricity electrokinesis elegant element elemental elements elephant elephantlike elephants elflike eliminate elites else elves em emanating emblem embodied embodies embodiment emerges emerging emigrated emotional emotionally emotionless emotions empathy emperor emphasized empire employed employee employees employer employing employs empowered empty emulate enable enables enchanted encounter encountered encountering encounters encourage encouraged encouragement encyclopedia encyclopedic end ended endgame ending endings endingsEnglishlanguage endingss endless ends enemies enemy energetic energy enforces engage engaged engages engaging engine engineer engineered engineering enhanced enjoys enlarged enlightened enlisted enormous enough enraged enslaves ensuing enter entering enters entertain entertainer entertaining enthusiasm entire entirely entities entity entrance entreats entrepreneur entries entrusted entry environment environments episode episodes eponymous eproperty equally equipped equivalent era eraModern eradicate eradicating erasing erratically error escape escaped escapes escaping escort especially espionage established establishes et etc eternal eternally ethnic even event events eventually ever everbigger every everyone everything everywhere evidence evidenced evident evil evildoers evilrepelling evils evoke evolution evolutions evolve evolved evolves exStar exact exactly example examples exasperation excels except exception exceptional exceptionally exceptions excess exchange exchanged excitability exclusive exclusively execute executive exhales exhausted exhibits exile exiles exist existed existence existing exists exit exits exotic expand expanded expands expansion expansions expels expensive experience experienced experiment experimental experimentation experimented experiments expert expertise expired explain explained explaining explains explanation explicitly explode explodes exploding exploit explore explorer explosion explosive explosives exponential expose exposed exposes exposition expounded expresses expression expressive extendable extending extends extensions exterior extinct extra extract extraordinary extras extrasensory extraterrestrial extreme extremely eye eyeball eyelashes eyes eyesights fULL fabled fabric facade face faced faces facets facilities facility facing fact factory factorys facts fade fail failed failing fails failure failures fair fairies fairy faithful fake falcons fall fallen falling falls false fame familiar family famine famous fan fangs fans fantasy far farm farmgirl farmhand farther fascinated fascination fast faster fat fatally fate father fathers favor favorable favorite favourite favourites faɪ fear feared fears feat feather feathers feathery feats feature featured features featuring fed federation feeble feed feeding feeds feel feeling feelings feels feet feisty fell fellow fellowship felt female feminine ferocious feuds few fez fiancé fiancée fiction fictional field fiendish fierce fiery fifth fight fighter fighters fighting fights figure figurehead figures figurine file files fill filled filler fills filmed filthy final finale finally find finding finds finger finish finished finishing fire firearms fireball fireballs firebreathing fired fireproof fires fireshooting firing first firsthand firstperson firstseason fish fishlike fist fists fit fitnessobsessed five fiveround fixedApr fixedAug fixedDec fixedFeb fixedJul fixedMar fixedMay fixes flagship flail flailing flailwielding flamboyant flame flames flamethrower flaming flarelegged flashback flashy flat flattered flaw fled fledged flee fleeing flees fleet flesh fleshy flew flexed flexing flies flight flips flirt flirty float floating floats flock flood flooded floor flop flow flower flowers flute fly flying flytrap focus focused focusing foe foes foil foiled follow followed follower followers following follows fond fondly fondness food fool foolLove foolishly foot footage footlike footsoldiers for forbid force forced forces forcibly forcing forearmmounted forebears foreman forest foretells forever forget forgets forgettable forgotten form formal formed former formerly forming formless forms forth fortress fortresses fortune forward fossil fossils foster fought foul found founded founder founding four fourarmed fourheaded fourleaf fourth fox fraction fragile fragment frames franchise franchisecitation franchises franchisesWorks free freed freedom freeing freely frees freeze freezes frequent frequently friction friend friendly friends frill frilled frog froggie froglike from front froze frozen fruit fruitless frustration fry frying fu fuchsia fuel fulfill fulfilled full fulllength fully function functions funloving fur furious furiously furnace further furthermore fuse fused fuses fusion futility future futuristic ga gadget gadgets gain gained gaining gains galactic galaxy gallery game gameland gameplay games gamesCrossover gamesLists gamesnet gamess gaming gamings gang garbage garbed garbled garlic garnered gas gate gather gathered gauche gave gaze gear gearlike gelatinous gem gems gemwearing gender genera general generally generate generates generation generationnbsp generations generator generic genetic genetically genius genres gentle genus geothermal get gets getting ghastly ghost ghostlike ghostly ghosts giant giants gibberish gift gigantic giggled giraffes girl girlfriend give given gives giving gladly glamrock glaring glass glasses glitch glossy glove gloves gloveswho glovewearing glow glowed glowing gnome go goal goalie goals goatee gobbled goblets god goddess gods goes goggles going gold golden golf gone goo good goodbye goofy goofylooking google goons gooseshaped gorgon gorilla gorillalike gorillaslothmandrilllike got gotten governing government gown grab grabs grace grad grade graduation grand grandchildren granddad granddaughter grandfather grandfathers grandmother grandmothers grandson grant granted grants grappling grasp grave gravekeeper graveyard graveyards gravity gravitycontrolling gray grease great greater greatest greatly greatlyaccentuated greed greedy green grew grey greysilver gridbased grief grieve grin grinder grizzled grocery groggily grotesque grotesquely grouchy ground groundbased group groups grow growing growl grown grownup grows grumpy grunting gt guarded guardian guardiancouk guardians guarding guards guest guidance guide guides guiding guilt guitar guitarist gullible gun guns gustlike gusts habits hack had hailing hails hair hairpin hairstyle half halfhour halo halting hammer hammerhead hammers hammerwielding hamster hand handaxe handheld handkerchief handle handling handmaiden handover hands handson handy hanging happened happens happily happy harbors hard harder hardworking harm harmlessly harness harnessing harp harsh harsher has hasbro haste hastily hat hatched hatches hatching hatchling hates hatred hats hatwearing haunted have having havoc hazard hazardous hazards he head headbutting headbutts headed headlike headlining headon headphones headquarters heads headset heal healing health hear heard hearing hears heart hearted hearts heat heavenly heavens heavily heavy heavyweight hed hedgehoglike heeds heights heightthough heirlooms held helicopterspin helicoptertype hell helmet helmets helmetwearing help helped helper helpful helping helplessness helps henchmen her here hereafter heres hero heroes heroic heroically heroism heros hers herself herselfand hes hexing heyday hiccups hid hidden hideout hides hiding high highdamage highdensity higher highest highestranking highfantasy highlands highlow highly highpitched highpowered highranking hijacked hilt him himnote himself hinder hint hinted hinting hints hip hired hires his history hit hits hive hoard hobbies hockey hoisting hold holder holders holding holds hole holes holidays hollow hologram holster holy homage home homes homosexual honest honestly honeycomb honorary hook hookhot hookshot hooligan hop hope hoped hopeless hopes hoping hops horde hordes horn horned horns horribly horrid horror horse horses horseshoes hoser host hosted hostile hosts hot hotair hotel hottempered hourlong hours house housed household housepolice houses housing how however htf httpcmscrispygamercomgamereviewspunchoutwiiaspxpermanent httpoldgamemagsukprintarchivecomNintendoConsolesNintendoMagazineSystemUKNMSUKpdfpage httpsdocswixstaticcomugdfdfacbdccfbbdeaddpdf httpstwittercomMarioBrothBlogstatus httpstwittercomWinkyStevestatus httpswebarchiveorgwebhttpgonintendocomp httpwwwkirbyjpthcd hubcap huge hull human humanity humanoid humans humanshaped humansized humble humbled humiliate humiliated humiliates humor humorous hunched hundred hung hunger hungry hunt hunted hunter hunters hunting hurdles hurries hurt hurts husky hut hybrid hypnosisinducing hypnotic iDigitalTimes iTunes ice icicle icon iconic icus idea ideal ideas identical identicallooking identified identifies identity idiotically idol idolizes if ignition ignorant ill illegal illness illusion image imagery images imbued immediately immense immobile immortality immune immunity imp impact impacted impales impaling impede imperfection impermeable impersonating impervious implant implied implies implike imply implying imposter impressive imprinted imprison imprisoned imprisonment imprisons improve improved in inability inadvertently incapacitate incapacitates incarnation incarnations include included includes including inclusion inclusive incompetence incompetent incorporated incorporates incorrect increase increasing incredible incredibly indebted independently indicate indicated indicates indicating indicators indiscriminately individual individually individuals induced indulgent industrial inert inevitable inexperienced infamous infect infected infecting infects infighting infiltrate infiltrates inflate inflicts influence influences inform information infrastructure infrequently infuriates infused infusing ingame ingredients ingress inhabitants inhabited inhabiting inhalation inhalationbased inhale inhaled inhales inhaling inherited inhuman initial initially initiated initiates initiating initiative injured injures injuries inn innards innocent innocents insane insanity insectlike insects inserts inside inspiration inspired installed installment installments instance instant instantly instead instructed instruction instructions instructs instrument instrumental instruments instudio insult insulted insulting insults intangible integral intellectual intelligence intelligent intelligently intended intending intense intent intentional intentionally intentions interact interacted interactions interacts intercept interdimensional interest interested interesting interfere interference interjection international internet interpret interpretations interprets interprétée interrupt interrupts interstellar intervals intervenes intervention interview into intro introduced introduces introduction introductory intruder intruders inundated inuniverse invade invaded invades invaluable invasion invented invention inventions inventor invents investigate investigates investigating investigation investmentnbsp invincible invisibility invisible involve involved involves involving ire iron ironically irritating is island islands isnt isolated issue issues it item items its itself jacket jackets jail jar jazz jazzIt jealous jealously jealousy jeans jellyfishlike jester jet jettisoning jewel jeweled jewelry jiangshi job jobs jocular join joined joining joins joke jokingly journal journey journeyed joɕɕiː judgement judging jug juggling juice jump jumped jumpers jumping jumps jungle just justice kaijin karaoke karate karma kart katana keen keep keeper keepers keeping keeps kept kestrels key keychain keys kick kicked kicking kicks kid kidnap kidnapped kidnapping kidnaps kidneys kill killed killer killing kind kindhearted kindly kindness kinds king kingdom kingdoms kinstones kiss kisses kitchen kleptomaniac kneehigh kneelength kneeling knew knight knightlike knights knit knitting knives knock knockdown knocked knocking knocks know knowing knowledge known knows kt kung kungfu kəˈmɛk l la lab laboratories laboratory laboratorys lack lacked lacks ladies lady lair lake lalbum lance land landed landmark lands language languages lanky large largechinned larger largest larva laser laserlike lasers lash last lastditch late later latest latter latters laugh launch launched launcher launches lava lavender law laws layer laying layout lays lazy lbs le leached lead leader leaders leadership leading leads leafy leap leaps learn learned learning learns least leather leave leaves leaving led left lefthanded legacy legal legend legendary legends legs lemur lemurs lends length lengths lengthy less lesson let lethal lets letter letters letting letzte level levels liberate liberation licensed life lifeforce lifeforms lifes lifestyle lift lifted light lightning likable like liked likelihood likely likeness likenesses likes liking limbless limbo limbs limegreen limit limitations limited limitless line lineage liner lines lineup link linked links lion liplike lips list listed listen listens lit literal literally little live liveaction lived lives living lizard lobby lobster lobsterlike lobsters local localization localizations located location locations lock locked locking locks lodge loftwing logical loincloth lone lonely long longawaited longer longing longsleeved longtime loocks look looked looking looks loop loose loosely lore lose loses losing loss losses lost lot loud loudly love loved loves loving low lower loyal loyalties loyalty ludicrous lull lumberjack luminescent lunges lurk lurks lust luxury luˈiːdʒi lynx lyrical lyrics machine machines macho mad maddened made madness magazine magenta magic magicBad magicVideo magical magically magician mail mailbox mailman main mainly maintain maintains maizelike major make maker makers makes making maladjusted malarky male malevolent malfunctioning malice malicious mallet mammals mammothlike man manage managed management manager manages mandibles mane maneuvers manga manhole manholes maniacal manifested manifests manipulate manipulates manipulation mankind manner manoeuvers mans mansion mantislike manual manuals manufactured many map maple maps marble march marching marionette mark market marketing marriage marries martial maruchangcom mascot mashup mask masked masks masquerades mass massive massproduced mast master masterfully masters mat match matches matching material materialistic materialize matter mature matured maximus may mayor mazelike maɾio me meal meals mean meaning means meant mechanic mechanical mechanicallymodified mechanized medal medals media mediator medium meet meeting meets mega megaattacks megami melt meltdown member members membership meme memorable memories memory men mental mentally mention mentioned mentioning mentions mentor menus mercenaries mercenary merchandise merchant mercilessly mercy merely merge merges message messages messing met metal metallic metalliclooking meteor meter meters method methods microgames microphone midboss midbosses middle middleaged midengine midfight midriff midsize might mild militant militaristic military militaryman milk millennia million mimic mimicked mimicking mind minded mindless mindreading minds mindset minecart minecarts miner miners mines mini miniature miniboss minibosses minigame minigames minimonsters mininano mining minion minions minor mint minute minutes miraculous mirror mirrored mirroring miscellaneous mischief mischievous misdeeds miserably misguided mishap misshaped missile missilelike missing mission missions mistaken mistakes misunderstanding mixed moai mobile mocked mode model modeled models modern modes mohawk mole molelike moment moments momentumbased monarch monarchs money moneygrubbing monitor monkey monster monsters monstrosity monstrous moon moonlight morbidly more morning mortal mortally most mostly mostoften moth mother mothers mothership mothersonlike motive motives motorcycle motorcycleriding mount mountain mountains mourns mousedog moustache mouth mouths move movements moves moveset movie moving much multicolor multicolored multilock multiplayer multiple multitone multitude mummy murdered muscle muscles muscular mushroom mushroomlike music musical musicians must mustache mutate mutation mutations muttering muzzle my mysteries mysterious mysteriously mystical mythology n naginata nailed name named nameless namely namenote names namesake nanoblock nap narcissist narcissists narration narrow narrowly nascent national native natives natural nature natures navel navigate navigationJump navigator navy nbsp nbspAlthough nbspBailey nbspCundy nbspDrake nbspEevee nbspFrank nbspGame nbspGrimm nbspHernandez nbspJarvis nbspJulienRohman nbspKing nbspLoveridge nbspMartinez nbspMasuda nbspNutt nbspPikachu nbspPlunkett nbspPokédex nbspSarkar nbspSato nbspStaff nbspSugimori nbspSullivan nbspTajiri nbspThe nbspTwo nbspType nbspWatts nbspamp nbspnbsp nbspnbspnbsp nbspnbspnbspamp nbspポケットモンスター nd near nearDonkey nearby nearest nearidentical nearly neat neck necklace necks necktie need needed needing needles needs nefarious negative neighboring neither nemesis nephew nervous nest network neutrinos never new newer newest newly news newsletter newspaper newspapers next ni nice niceties nickname nicknamed nicknaming night nightcap nightly nightmares nighttime nin nine ninetynine ninja ninjalike nintendodifferencecom nm no noble nobody nod noises nomad nomads nominations nonKong none nonetheless nonfictional nonlinear nonliving nonplayable nor normal normally north nos nose nosism nostalgic nostrils not notable notably note noted notes nothing notice noticeably noticed notices noting notoriety notorious novel now nowhere nowpowerless nowrestored np nuclei number numerous nun nursemaid nurses nurtured o obese objective objects objectscitation obliterate oblivious obscure observation observe obsessed obsession obstacle obtain obtainable obtained obtaining obtains obu obviously ocarina ocarinanote occasion occasional occasionally occasions occupies occur ocean oceans octopus octopuslike odds of off offense offensive offer offered offering offers office officer official officially offshoot offspring often old older oldest omissions omitted omnipotent on onboard once one oneeyed onehorned onehundred onenote ones oneshoulder onetofinal onewheeled online only onto onward onwards open opened opening openly opens opera operates operating operation operational operations operative operatives opined opinions opponent opponents oppose opposed opposes opposing opposite opposition opted optimistic opting option optional or orange orangutan orangutans orb orbs orca ordeals order ordered orders ordinary organ organic organism organisms organization origin original originale originally originated origins ornate ostensibly other others otherwise otherworldly our ours ourselves out outcome outdoors outer outfit outfitted outie outlandish outputs outset outside outsider outsourced outwardly outwit oval over overall overalls overallwearing overarching overcaffeinated overcame overcharge overcome overflow overhead overhears overlord overly overnight overpowered overrun overseer oversized overthetop overthrow overweight overworld owes owing owl owls own owned owner owns ozone p pack package packaged packs pad page pageHOME pagePrevious paid pain painful paint paintbrush paintbrushes paintbrushlike painters painting paintings paintrelated paints paintwitch pair pairs pak palace pale palette pals pan panics panorama pans panther pants par parades parallel paralyzed paralyzes parasite parasites parasitic parasol parent parents park parodies parody part partaking parted partially participate participating particular particularly partner partners parts party pass passage passed passengers passes passionate passive password passwords past paste pasty patch path pathetic paths pattern pause pay pays peace peaceful peacekeeping peanuts pearshaped pecs pectoral pedalpowered peering peg pelican pellets pen penchant penciled pendants penetrate penguinlike penguins penultimate people peoples pepper per percentage perception perfect perfectly perform performance performances performed performing performs perhaps period periodically periods perish periwinkle perks permanent permanently permission perpetually person persona personal personalities personality personally personification personifies persons perspective perspectives persuade persuasion perversion pet petal petallike petals petite pg pgs phase pheasants phoenix phones phonograph photo phrase physical physically physique pick picked picking picture pictures pictwittercomvznEMaYqU piece pieces pielike piercing pies pig piglike pigtails pill pillar pillars pillowcases pillows pills pilot piloted piloting pilots pine pink pinkclad pinkhaired pioneer pipe pipes piranha pirate pirates piratethemed pit pitiful piːtɕi̥ placating place placed placement places plague plagued plagues plan plane planet planetary planets planetwide planned planners planning plans plant plants plasma platform platformaction platformer platforms platoon play playable played player playernote players playful playground playing playnintendocom plays plc pleads pleas pleasure pledges plight plot plots plugshaped plumber plunder plus pockets point pointed pointing points pointy poison poisoned poisonous poisonspewing pokémon police policies polish polite politely politically politics pompous pond ponytail pool poor poorly pop popcorn popping pops popular pork port portable portal portals portion portmanteau portrait portrayed portrays ports pose posed poses position positioned positioning positive possess possessed possesses possessing possession possibility possible possibly post postcredits poster postman potato potential potion potions pour power powered powerful powerfully powerhungry powerless powers powersuit powerup powerups pp practice practices praised praises pranks prayers praying precedent precious predated predates predator predetermined predicted predictions predisposed prefacing prefer preferring prefiguring prefix prehensile prejudice premise prepare prepared prequel presence present presentable presentday presented presents president presumably presumed pretending pretty prevails prevent preventing prevents previous previously prey preys pride prideful priest primarily primary primate primates prime prince princess princesses principal print printed prior priorities prison prisoner pristine private prize probably problem problems process processes proclaims produced producer producers producing product productivity products profile profiles profit program programmed programmer programming progress project projectile projectiles projects prominent prominently promise promised promises promising promoted prompting promptly propeller propellers property prophecies prophecy proportions proposal prospect prosperity prostheses protagonist protagonists protect protected protecting protection protective protector protectors protects protested protocol prototype protruding proud prove proved proven provide provided provides providing provinces proving provoke psa pseudosequel psychic pterodactyls published puddle puffball pugilist pukes pulled pulling pulls pumpkinheaded pun punch punches punching punished punishment puppets purchase purchased purchases pure purely purloined purple purplemaroon purpose purposes purse pursued pursues pursuit push pushed pushes pushiest put puts putting puzzle puzzlesolving pyrotechnics qualities quality queen quest question questioned questions quests quick quicker quickly quiet quirks quit quite quiver quiz quizzes quotations quote quotes r rabbit rabbitlike rabbits raccoon raccoonlike raccoons race racer races racial racing racist rackets radiates radically radishes rage raiders rain raincloud raining rains raise raised raises rambunctious rampage rampages rampaging ran ranch randomised randomly range ranged ranging ranked ranking ranks rap rapid rapidly rapper raptors rare rarely rate rated rather ravenous raw rays rd reach reached reaches reaching reaction readings reads ready real realistic reality realizes really realm realworld reappear reappeared reappears reason reasonably reasons reassemble reassembles reawakens rebellion rebellious reborn rebuffs rebuild rebuilt recall recapture recaptured recaptures receive received receives receiving recent recently reception recharge recharging reckless recklessly reclaim reclaiming reclusive recognize recognized recognizes reconciled reconstruct record recover recovering recreate recreated recruited recruiting recruits rectangular recurring recut red redandwhite redesigned redeyed redirect redirects redone reduce reenacted refer referee referees reference references referencing referred referring refers refill reflect reflection reflects reflex reformed reforming reforms refuge refused refuses regain regaining regains regard regarded regards regenerate regenerating regent reggae region regret regular regularly reign reigning reigns rein reincarnate reincarnated reincarnating reincarnation reincarnations rejected rejecting rejoicing related relates relation relations relationship relative relatively relatives relay release released releases releasing relented relentlessly relevance reliable relic relief relies relieved relinquish relinquished relinquishes reluctant reluctantly remained remaining remains remake remakes remanifests remarkable remember remembered remembers reminded reminder reminds reminiscent remnants remodeled remove removed removes removing renamed rendered renders rent rented reopen repair repay repeated repeatedly repeating repel repels replace replaced replacement replaces replacing replica replicate report representation representative represented reprimands reprint reprise reprises reproduce reproduced reproducing reproduction reprogram reptile reptiles reputation request requested requests require required requires rereleaseAug rereleased rerun reruns rescored rescue rescued rescues rescuing reseal research researched researchers researching resemblance resemble resembled resembles resembling resentment reside resided residence resident residential resides resist resistance resisted resourceful resources respawning respect respected respectful respective respectively responses responsibilities responsible rest restaurant resting restorative restore restored restores restoring result resulting results resurfaces resurrect resurrected resurrecting resurrects retainer retains retaliation retconned retire retired retires retractable retracts retreat retreats retrieve retrieves return returned returning returns reunion reunites reuniting reveal revealed revealing reveals revenge reverted review reviewer reviewing revised revival revive revived revives revolt revolves revolving reward rewards rewrite rhinoceros rhythm rid ride rideable rides ridge riding rift right righthand righthanded rights rim ring rings rip ripped rips rise rises risque ritual rituals rival rivalry rivals rnintendo road roasting robbing robe robed robot robotic robotics robots rock rockeating rocket rocklike rocks rod rogue role roleplaying roles roll rolled roller rolling rolls romanized romantic room roots rope ropes rose roster rot rotates rotund rough roughly roughneck round rounds route row royal royalty rpgsite ruby ruins rule ruled ruler rulers rules ruling rumor rumors run rune running runs rupees ruse rush rushes ruthless s sabotage sacred sacrifice sacrifices sacrificing sadist sadistic safe safety sage sagelike sagely sages sagged said sail sailboat sailing sailor sake salamanderlike salesclerk salesman salute salvaged same sample samurai sanctuary sandals sans sappy sassy satchel sauce savages save saved saves saving saw sawmill say saying says scapegoat scarabs scare scarecrow scared scaring scary scathing scatter scattered scenario scene scenes scepter scepters sceptre schedule scheme schemes scheming scholar school science scientist scientists scleras scolded score scouting scrambles scrapbook scratching scratchoff screamed screen screens scribes scroll scrolls scuffle scythes sea seagull seahorses seal sealed sealednbsp sealing search searches searching season seasons second secondary secondincommand seconds secret secretary secretive secretly secrets section sector secure security sedate see seeing seek seeking seeks seem seemed seeming seemingly seems seen seers sees segment segmented segments seize seized select selected selects self selfanalysis selfaware selfcentered selfdestruct selfdestructing selfdestruction selfdestructs selfduplication selfexperimentation selfish selflessness selftitled sell selling sells send sending sends senile sense sensed senses sensing sensitivity sent sentences sentient sentiment sentiments sentrylike separate separated sequel sequels sequence sequences sequins serial serialized series seriesAmerican seriesAnimated seriesCanadian seriesTelevision seriesaccording seriesred seriess serious serpentine serpentlike servant servants serve served serves service services serving session set sets setting settings settle setup seven seventh sevenyear several severe sexist shack shades shadow shadows shadowy shaft shake shaking shall shame shamelessly shape shaped shapeless shapeshifting shards share shared shares sharing sharklike sharp sharpened sharpshooter sharptongued shatter shattered shattering shaved she shed sheep sheer sheets shell shelter shes shield shin shiny ship shipmates shipment ships shirt shock shockwave shockwaves shoelaces shoes shoo shoot shooter shooting shoots shop shopkeeper shoplifting shopmuseum shopped shops short shortage shortened shorter shortfused shortly shorts shortsleeve shorttempered shot shots should shoves show showcases showed shower showing shown shows showsNintendo shrink shrinking shrinks shrouding shuriken shurikens shyly siblings sicced sick sickle sickness side sidekick sidelines sidequest sides sidescrolling sight sign signal signals signature significant signs silver silvery simian similar similarities similarly simple simply since sincerely sing singer singing single singledisc singlescreen singlet singular sinister sinks siphoning siphons sister sisters sit site sites sits sitting situation situations six sixarmed sixth sixthdouchiest size sizes skateboarding skates skeletal skeleton skill skilled skills skin skinned skip skipping skull skullheaded skulls sky slain slang slashes slate slated slayed sleep sleeping sleeve sleeves slices slicing sliding slight slightest slightly slime slip slipping slopes slot slow slower slowly sluglike smack small smaller smart smash smashes smashing smell smells smokes snag snail snake sneakers sneaks sneezed sneezes sneezing sniff snout snow snowballs snowfall snowmanlike snowy so soaring socalled society sock soda soft softly softspoken software solace solar sold soldier soldiers sole solid solitary solo solve some somehow someone something sometimes somewhat somewhere son song songs sont soon sooner sorbet sorcerer sorceress sort sorter soul sound sounded sounds soundtrack source sourced sources southwestern space spacecraft spacefaring spaceship spaceships spacetime spaghettistrap spanning spare sparks speak speaking speaks spear spears special specialized specializes specializing species speciesFictional specific specifically spectators speculation sped speech speed speedo speeds spell spelled spells spending spends spewed spewing spheres spherical spicy spider spiderlike spiders spike spiked spikes spiky spin spine spinned spinning spinoff spinoffs spins spirit spirits spiritual spit spite spits spitting split splits splitting spoken spokescharacter sported sporting sports spot spotlight spots spotted spray sprays spread spreading springloaded springs sprite sprout sprouts spunky spurs spy squad squadrons squads squash squashicus squat squid squidlike squiggly squirrel squirrelassisted squirrels stabbing stability stables stadium staff staffs stag stage stages stainedglass stalktopped stand standalone standards standing stands star stargazing stark starring stars starshaped starship start started starter starting stasis state stated statement statements states stating station stationary stations stats statuary statue statues stature status stay staying stays steady steal stealing steals steep stellar stemming stems step stereotype stereotypes stereotypical stereotypically stereotyping steward stick sticker stickers sticking still stings stocked stoic stole stolen stomach stomped stomps stone stop stops store stored stories storing storm storms story storyline storylines stout straight strained stranded strange stranger strangle strategies strategy streams strength strengthening stress stretch stretchable stretches strike strikes striking striped stripes stripping strives strong stronger strongest strongly strongwilled struck structurally structure structures stubby stuck student students studies studio study stuff stuffs stun stunts stutter style stylized subboss subbosses subgame subject subordinate subsequent subsequently subseries substance substances substituting subterfuge subtitled subtitles succeeded succeeds success successful successfully succession successor successors succumbs such suck sucked sucks sudden suddenly suffered suffering suffers suffix suggest suggested suggesting suggestion suggests suit suitcase suited summon summonable summoned summoning summons sumo sun sung sunglasses sunken sunlight sunset sunshaped super supercomputer supercomputers superficial superior superstrength supervising supplanted supplemental supplied supplies supply support supported supporting supposed supposedly supreme sur sure surface surfaces surfboard surfer surfing surgically surmised surnames surpasses surplus surprise surprised surreptitiously surrogate surrounded surrounding survived survives surviving survivor survivors sushi suspecting suspicious sustaining svgVideo swagger swallow swallowed swallowing swallows swamp swarm swear swears sweat sweeping sweet swim swimmer swimming swims swing swinging swipes switch switched switches swooping sword swordplay swords swung symbol symbols syndicated syndication synthetic syrup system systems tabletop tactical tagteam tai tail tails take taken takes taking talent talk talking talks tall taller tame tan tank tanklike tanned tape tapes target targets task tasked tasking tasks tastes tasty taught taunt tauntclarification taunting taunts tea teach teacher teacherGlass teachers teaches teaching teal team teamed teamingup teammates teams tearing teaser teasers tech techniques technology teenage teenager teenagers teeth telegraphs telepath telepathic telepathically telepathy teleport teleportation teleported teleporter teleporting television tell teller tells temper temperament temperatures template temple temples temporarily temporary ten tendency tender tending tends tennis tensei tentacles tenth tenyearold term terminated terms terraforms terrain terrible terribly territory test testimony tests tethered tetracarbon text th thSAL than thank thanks that thats the theDon theft their them theme themselves then thenNintendo thengirlfriend theoretical theoretically there therefore theres these they thick thief thieves thin thing things think thinking thinks thinly third thirdparty thirtyfour this those though thought thoughts thousand thread threat threaten threatening threatens threats three threeheaded threes thrill thrilla throne through throughout throw throwing thrown throws thrust thuggish thumbs thus thwart thwarted thwarts tiara tic tick tie tied ties tiger tigerprint tigers time timelines times timid timing tiniest tint tiny tips tire tirelessly tiring tissue titanic title titled titles titular to toad today toddler toga together told tomb tomboy tombstone tomorrow ton tone tongue too tooespecially took tool tools tooth toothaches top topclass topic topics torch torches tori tornado tornadoes tornadolike torso torture toss tosses total totally totem touch touched touches tough toupee tourboat tourists tournament toward towards tower towering town towns toy toys trace track tracker tracking tracks trade trademark trades trading traditional train trained trainer training trainingHe traitor traitorous traits trampled tranquility transdimensional transferred transform transformation transformations transformed transforming transforms transitioned translation translations transport transportation transporting trap trapped traps trash trashtalking trauma travel traveled traveler travelers traveling travels traverse traversing trax treachery treason treasure treasureGame treasures treatment treats tree tremendous trench triangles triangular tribal tribe tribes trick tricked tricking tricks tried tries trigger trio trip tripartite triplejumps troopers troops trophies trophy trouble troubled troupe troupes true truly trunk trust trusted truth try trying tube tucks tuft tunic tunnel turban turbans turf turn turnbased turned turning turns turquoise turtle turtlelike tuskless tutorials twelve twice twicecooked twin twisted twisters two twodimensional twodisc twominutelong twopiece type types typical typically typified tyranny ugly ultimate ultimately ultraviolet umbrella umpire unable unarmed unaware unbounded unbreakable uncertain unchanged uncle unclear uncles uncommon uncommonly unconscious uncontrollable uncontrollably uncover undead undefeated under undergo undergoes underground underlayer underlings undermine underneath understand undertones underwater undetectable undisclosed undisputed undo undoes undoing undone unexplained unfair unfinished unfortunate unfortunately unfriendly unharmed unhinged unholy unified uniform unintentionally unique uniquely unit united units universe universes unknowingly unknown unleashed unleashes unleashing unless unlike unlimited unlit unlockable unlocked unmasked unnamed unnerving unnoticed unofficial unpredictable unrelated unreleased unresolved unripe unsuccessfully unsuspected unsuspecting until unusual unveil unverified up upcom update updated upgrade upgraded upgrades uploading uploads upon upper uppercut uppercuts uproot ups upset upsidedown urchinlike urge urges us usable usage use used useful useless user users uses ushering using usual usually utilized utilizes utilizing vacation vacuum vague vain valuables valued values vampire vampirelike vanished vanishes vanishing vanity vanityalmost vanquish variant variants variation variations varieties variety various vary varying vastly vegetables vegetablethemed vehicle vehicles veiled veins vend vengeance verge verification verified versa version versions versoon versus vertical very vessel vest veteran vg via viability vibrant vice vicious victim victorious victory video videogame videogioco videonbsp videotapes view viewers viewing views village villagers villain villainous villains vintage vinyl violence violent violet viperlike virtual virtually virus visible vision visit visiting visitors visits visor vocals vodka voice voiceacting voiced voiceover voices void volcanic volcano voluntarily volunteer von vortex vowed vowing vows vs vte vulnerability vulnerable w wInitial wLightning wa wads wage waged waist wait waiting waivers wake wakes waking walk walkers walking walks walkthrough wall wallbreaking wallcrawling walls walrus walruses wanderer wandering waning wannabe want wanted wantedcitation wants war warehouse wares warfare warlock warnings warns warp warped warping warrior warriors warui was washed wasnt wasteland watch watcher watches watching water watermelons wattle wave waves waving way ways we weak weakened weakening weaker weakness weaknesses weapon weaponry weapons wear wearer wearing wears weather weave web website wedding week weekdays weighing weighs weight weird weirdest welcome well wellbeing wellknown went were werent werewolves west western weve whale what whatever whats wheel wheezing when whenever where whereabouts wherein whereupon wherever whether which whichever while whilst whip whiplike white whitebearded who whoever whole whom whos whose why wicked wide widerange widescreen widespread widower wield wielding wields wife wiggling wild wilderness wildlife wildly wilful will willing willingly willingness win wind windcleaver windmill windmilllike windows winds windup wing winged wingless wingmate wings winking winning wins winter wipe wiped wire wisdom wise wish wishes wishing witch witches witchhatted witchlike with withdraws within withnbsp without witnessed witnesses wits wizard wizards wo woes wolf wolves woman womb women wondering wonders wont wood wooden woods woolly word words wore work worked worker working works world worldfortress worlds worldwide worm wormlike worms worn worse worshiped worshipped worships worst worth worthy would wounded wounds wreak wreaks wrench wrencharmed wrenches wrestling wrinkled wrist wristbands writer writing written wrong wrote wwwnintendocom wyverns x ya yang yank yarn yarnbased year yearold years yell yelling yellow yellowandpurple yellowcolored yellowskinned yennbsp yennbspAI yennbspAnime yennbspCharacter yennbspCosmeticsLover yennbspEducational yennbspamp yet yields yin york you youd young younger your youre yours youth youthful youths z zapper zebras zombielike zombified zones zooming ° ² · » çime Āmu Ōba Ōbu Ōhara ɰaɾio ɰaɾɯiːʑi ɾɯiːʑi ˈjoʊʃi ˈjɒʃi ˈkæmɪk ˈmarjo ˈmær ˈmɑːrioʊ ˈwær ˈwɑːrioʊ ˌtwɪnˈroʊvə ˌwɑːluˈiːdʒi ≥ ♭ ♭e ♯ ♯FE 「黒くろい雲くも」 おやまあ! お面屋 その他楽曲や高音質の試聴は、下記サイトをチェックっ! なんと、最新作『カービィ!バトルデラックス』のBGMが歌に?! はい、ポリーンという名はゲームボーイ版から ほねクッパ ようせい姫 アイアンジャム アイアンマム アイスドラゴン アイスドラゴン・ロボ アカマムジー アクセル アクロ アックスナイト アッシュ・ボウマン アド アドレーヌ アナザースージー アナザーナイトメア アニゲー アパロイドマザー アマンダ・トード アミーボ・アモーレ アメリカに移住してきた民族が、自らをアメリカ人と呼ぶようなものですね。 アラン・ライアン アルバトス アワスキィ アングラー アングラー皇帝 アングラー軍 アンドリュー・オイッコニー アンドルフ アンドルフ軍 イカスタコス イフリーティ イモセン イロー インパ ウィスピーウッズ ウィスピーフラワーズ ウィスピーボーグ ウィリー ウィンゴ ウェスター ウォッカ・ドランケンスキー ウォーキー ウォーターガルボロス ウッホ ウルフ・オドネル ウルル エアロスター エイブン エニラム エヌゼット エビゾウ エビフリャー エリーヌ エンデ・ニル オクタコン オクトマン オゾマシー オデッセイ オブ オヤ・マー博士 オリジナルサウンドトラック カイン カウカン カザグルー カスタマーサービス カッサー カビオケ速報っ! カブー カブーラー カメック カメックババ カラテキッド カワサキ竜 カンフー・リー カービィ カービィザウルス ガオガオ ガス ガニョッキ ガビー・ジェイ ガボン ガメレオアーム ガルボ ガング キッタリハッタリ キッド・クイック キノじい キノピオ キノピオ探検隊 キノピオ隊長 キノピコ キメラ恐竜 キャサリン キャット・モンロー キャッピー キャピィ キャプテンステッチ キャンディーコング キュリオ氏 キョウシイ キリサキン キングD・マインド キンググオー キングゴーレム キングス・ドゥ キングテレサ キング・ヒッポー キービィ ギガニョッキ ギガントエッジ ギャラクティックナイト ギラヒム クアドガン クィン・セクトニア クィン・セクトニアDX クッパ クッパJr クラッコ クラッコJr クラッシャ クラップトラップ クランキーコング クランプ クリスタル クリッター クレイジーハンド クレイド クレムリン クローン剣士ダークマター クー クールスプーク グフー グミーン グラス・ジョー グランク グランドウイリー グランドローパー グルギアント グレ グレート・タイガー グーイ ケポラ・ゲボラ ケミトリィ ゲインズ・インカム・ハルトマン ゲスカルサウルス ゲラゲモーナ ゲラコビッツ コウメ コクッパ コタケ コックカワサキ コンセ コーネリア軍 コーネリア防衛軍 コーラス ゴルドー ゴールドンシルバックス サスケ サト サムス・アラン サモ サーキブル ザザン ザンキブル シャッツォ シャドー シャドーバイト シリカ シールズ大佐 ジェームズ・マクラウド ジャベリンナイト ジャンパーシュート ジャンプマン ジュキッド スカイバニー スカーフィ スクイッシー スクーピィ スケール将軍 スザンナ・ファミリア・ハルトマン スタッフの皆さんに聞きたいことがあります。それは、マガジンZに連載されていたメトロイドの漫画で、スペースパイレーツはもともとゼーベスにいたのではなく、ゼーベスを襲った後、そのまま本拠地にしたはずなのに、何故「ゼーベス星人」と言う名前になってるのでしょか。ぜひ、聞かせてください。 スタルキッド スタンリー スターウルフ スターフォックス スターマン スッシー スフィアローパー スペースクラッコ スペースパイレーツ スリッピー・トード スワンキーコング スーパーマリオ スーパー・ボンカース スーパー・マッチョマン セキュリティサービス セクトニア セッキ ゼルダの伝説 ゼロ ゼロツー ゼーベス星人 ソウル ソドリィ ソーダ・ポピンスキー ゾルゲ タイキョクロウジン タイニーコング タゴ タック タッドポール タランザ ターボ ダイナブレイド ダストン ダンジョンボス ダーククラフター ダークサイドハイネス ダークゼロ ダークマインド ダークマター チャンキーコング チュチュ チリドック チリー ツインウッズ ツインクラッコ ツボ魔王 ティアラ テッドホーン テレパトリス ディクシーコング ディスコ・キッド ディディーコング ディンキーコング ディングル デイジー姫 デカクサン デグゾル デグテール デグフレム デスタライヤー デデデストーン デデデ人形 デデデ大王だいおう デビルライダー デビル・フロッグ デラデラーム デラトリィ デラーム デリバリーマン デンジャー トゥーキー トゲイラ トッコリ トッテン トライデントナイト トリッキー トルネイドン トレッキー トーセンボク ドゥビア ドクター・エスカルゴン ドクター・モロ ドクロしょうぐん ドック・ルイス ドッシー ドドワン ドラゴドン ドリフター ドリーム ドロシア ドロッチェ ドロッチェ団 ドロン ドンキーコング ドンキーコングJR ドン・フラメンコ ナイトメア ナイトメアウィザード ナイトメアパワーオーブ ナウス ナゴ ナックルジョー ナビィ ナルシス・プリンス ニック・ブルーザー ニル ネクロディアス ノディ ノーズマン ハイネス ハナ ハニー ハニークイーン ハボキ ハーデー バイオスパーク バウファイター バグジー バズバット バタファイア バッツ バトル・ウィンドウズ バブー バルフレイナイト バンダナワドルディ バンチョウ バーニンレオ パフィ パワーストマック パワードマッシャー パンサー・カルロッソ パンチアウト パーフェクト版 パーム ヒッティー ビッグメタルン ビビアン・ヘア ビビッティア ビブリ ビル・グレイ ビート ビートリー ピグマ・デンガー ピストン・ハリケーン ピストン・ホンドー ピストン本田 ピッチ ピッツァ・パスタ ピーチ姫 ファイ ファイアーゼリー ファイアーライオン ファッティ・ホエール ファルコ・ランバルディ ファンキーコング ファンファン フィギュア フェイ フェニクロウ フォックス・マクラウド フォン・カイザー フッカー フラッフ フレイマー フレイムガルボロス フーム ブイブイ ブラッキー ブリザルドン ブリッパー ブルハンマー ブルーダルズ ブルームハッター ブレイド ブレイドナイト ブロッキー ブロックワドルディ ブロントバート ブン ブンブン プププランド プレジデント・ハルトマン プレッシー プンプン ヘビーモール ヘビーロブスター ヘビー・アナコンダー ヘルメホーン ヘーチョー ベア・ハッガー ベノッグ ベビィチコ ベルツィーノ・トード ペインシア ペイントローラー ペッピー・ヘア ペパー将軍 ホウキング ホットヘッド ホッヘ ホロ・アイスドラゴン ホロ・クラッコ ホロ・ローパーズ ホームヘルパーロボ ホーリーナイトメア社 ボクサーダイソン ボクシィ ボスパックン ボテン ボブ・チャーリー ボブー ボボ ボムキング ボルントサウルス ボルン署長 ボンカース ボンバー ボーボー ボールド・ブル ポイズンボロス ポチ ポップスター ポピーブラザーズSr ポピーブロスJr ポポン ポリーン ポリーンじゃなくて ポンコン マイク・タイソン マイマイゴン マウンデス マグー マザーブレイン マスクド・デデデ マスクド・マッスル マスターグリーン マスターハンド マダム・ブルード マッシャー マッチョサン マットフェイス マッド・クラウン マドゥー マホロア マムー マリオ マリオキャラクター大事典 マルク マルクソウル マロン マンビーズ マンプク ミスター・サンドマン ミスター・シャインミスター・ブライト ミスター・チクタク ミスター・フロスティ ミックン ミドナ ミニクッパ ミユ ミラクルマター ムッシュ・ゴーン メイスナイト メカクラッコ メカコッタ メタナイツ メタナイト メタルン メトロイド メモリアルアレンジの楽曲公開、第3弾!! メリッサ・バーグマン メーベル メーム モウ・タクサン モギー モソ モノグレイブ モロコシー モーリィ ヤブイ ヤミカゲ ヤンキーセキトリ ユキ ユグドラルウッズ ユーレイ ヨタ ヨッシー ラウド ランキーコング ランディア ランプキン ラージローパー リック リック・ブルーザー リトル・マック リドリー リベンジ リボン リョウリガーZ リンクリーコング ルイージ ルーシー・ヘア レイゾウ レオン・ポワルスキー レッケツ レッド・グリーン レディ レン村長 ロゼッタ ロッキー ロラ ロロロラララ ローリングタートル ワイユー ワドルディ ワドルドゥ ワムバムジュエル ワムバムロック ワリオ ワルイージ ヴォルゲロム 僭王ザント 双生魔術師ツインローバ 名前がレディ 回 大乱闘スマッシュブラザーズ 宇宙怪人タタンガ 平家 年月日(水)発売! 怒りのスカーフィ 星のカービィ 星の夢 星の夢Soul 淵源えんげんを巡めぐる英雄えいゆう 皇帝軍 秘書スージー 終焉の者 銀河連邦 鍋肉 陽炎 風邪かぜウィルス魔獣まじゅう 魔獣 鳥人族 鳥像 :大トロイド T Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 Gameboy Gameboy Toy 3 Nerf Nerf 4 Super Soaker Super Soaker 5 Pogs Pogs 6 Beanie Babies Beanie Babies 7 Creepy Crawlers (1963) Creepy Crawlers (1963) 8 Polly Pocket Polly Pocket ADVERTISEMENT 9 Bop It Bop It 10 Yo Yo Yo Yo 11 Tamagotchi Tamagotchi 12 Skip-It Skip-It 13 Furby Furby 14 Stretch Armstrong (1976) Stretch Armstrong (1976) 15 Easy Bake Oven Easy Bake Oven 16 Troll Dolls Troll Dolls 17 Talkboy Talkboy 18 Cabbage Patch Dolls Cabbage Patch Dolls 19 Koosh Ball (1986) Koosh Ball (1986) 20 Ants in the Pants Ants in the Pants ADVERTISEMENT 21 Barbie Barbie 22 Battleship (2012) Battleship (2012) 23 Big Wheel Big Wheel 24 Boggle Boggle 25 Candy Land Candy Land 26 Cap Cap 27 Care Bears Care Bears 28 Chinese Checkers Chinese Checkers 29 Checkers Checkers 30 Chutes and Ladders Disney Edition Chutes and Ladders Disney Edition 31 Clue Clue 32 Connect Four Connect Four ADVERTISEMENT 33 Don't Break the Ice Don't Break the Ice 34 Etch a Sketch Etch a Sketch 35 Frisbee (1955) Frisbee (1955) 36 G.I. Joe G.I. Joe 37 Glo Worm (1982) Glo Worm (1982) 38 Hacky Sack Hacky Sack 39 Hippity Hop Hippity Hop 40 Hot Wheels Hot Wheels Page 1 of 3 Page 2 of 3 41 Hula Hoop (1958) Hula Hoop (1958) 42 Hungry Hungry Hippos Hungry Hungry Hippos 43 Jenga Jenga 44 Ker-Plunk! Ker-Plunk! 45 Labyrinth Labyrinth 46 Lego Lego 47 Lincoln Logs Lincoln Logs 48 The Game of Life The Game of Life ADVERTISEMENT 49 Mad Libs Mad Libs 50 Magic 8 Ball (1950) Magic 8 Ball (1950) 51 Magna Doodle Magna Doodle 52 Marbles Marbles 53 Memory Memory 54 Micro Machines Micro Machines 55 Monopoly Monopoly 56 Mouse Trap Mouse Trap 57 Mr. Potato Head Mr. Potato Head 58 My Little Pony My Little Pony 59 Nintendo Nintendo 60 Operation Operation ADVERTISEMENT 61 Perfection Perfection 62 Pick-Up Sticks Pick-Up Sticks 63 Pictionary Pictionary 64 Bulbasaur Charmander The Mystery Electric Battle Pokémon Island Tentacool The Pokémon Bye Abra 23 Haunter Primeape #25 Pokémon #26 Hypno's #27 Pokémon #28 The # 29Sparks #2 Pokémon #30 Dig #31 The #32The #33 The #34 The #35 Ditto's #36 Pikachu's #37 The #38 Wake #39 Showdown #3 Ash #40 The #41 The #42 The #43 #44 A #45 #46 So #47 Who #48 #49 #4 Challenge #5 #50 Pokémon #51 The #52 The #6 Clefairy #7The #8 The #9 The & - A Aboard Anne Episode Anne Pokémon Attack Bananas Bananas Episode Battling Bike Breeding Bridge Brothers Episode Brothers Wake Bulbasaur's Butterfree Abra Butterfree Episode Bye Caper! Caper!Episode Case Catches Center Cerulean Challenge Chansey Charmander-The Choose City City Clefairy City Episode City The Comes Dark Dig Diglett! Episode Diglett! The Eevee Emergency Emergency Ash Episode Exeggutor Farfetch'd Fashion Flame Flash Flash Episode Flowers Fly GangDitto's Gang Episode Garden Gets Ghost Giant Goes Goodbye Episode Goodbye The Hard Here Hidden Holy I Island Jigglypuff Attack Jigglypuff Episode K-9 Kadabra Episode Kadabra Primeape Kangaskhan Keep Kid Episode Kid The Knocks Knocks Bulbasaur League Episode LeagueThe Lighthouse Electric Lighthouse Episode Magnemite Magnemite Episode Maiden's Mansion Episode Mansion Pikachu's March Matrimony! Matrimony!So Moon Mysterious Naptime Episode Naptime Pokémon Near, Ninja Operation Paparazzi Paras Episode Paras The Path Peak Bye Peak Episode Pewter Poké-Showdown Poké-Showdown The Pokémon Pokémon-athon! Episode Pokémon-athon!The Pokémon Sparks Pokémon Tentacool Prehistoric Problem Psychic Punchy Samurai Scent-sation!Episode Scent-sation! Hypno's School Secret Shipwreck Shock Showdown Showdown Battle Showdown Episode Snorlax!Episode Snorlax!Showdown So Song Squad Episode Squad Mystery Squad The Squirtle St. Stone Stone Episode Stray Tentacruel Tentacruel Episode Terror Terror Haunter Test The Those To Togepi? Togepi? Episode Tower Ultimate Up Village Water Who Yet You! You! Episode a and at for in of the to vs. with 3DS 3DS) 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, AUSApril AUSJune AUSMarch AUSMay AUSOctober AUSSeptember Advance) Alpha Appearances Black Blue Boy Boy) Color) Crystal DS) Diamond EUApril EUJuly EUJune EUMarch EUMay EUNovember EUOctober Eevee! Emerald FireRed Generation Go, Gold Green HeartGold I II III IV KOApril KOFebruary KOJuly LeafGreen Let's List Main Monsters: Moon NAApril NAJuly NAMarch NAOctober NASeptember Nintendo Omega Pearl Pikachu! Platinum Pocket Pokémon Pokémon: Red Ruby Sapphire Shield Silver SoulSilver Sun Switch Switch) Sword Ultra V VI VII VIII White X Y Yellow and article: games in main of other series video Play-Doh Play-Doh 65 Pound Puppies Pound Puppies 66 Power Wheels Corvette Power Wheels Corvette 67 Rock 'em Sock 'em Robots Rock 'em Sock 'em Robots 68 Rubiks Cube Rubiks Cube 69 Sega Genesis Sega Genesis 70 Shrinky Dinks (1973) Shrinky Dinks (1973) 71 Silly Putty Silly Putty 72 Silly String Silly String ADVERTISEMENT 73 Simon Simon 74 Sit N Spin Sit N Spin 75 Slinky Slinky 76 Slip and Slide Slip and Slide 77 Smurfs Smurfs 78 Sorry Sorry 79 Spirograph Spirograph 80 Strawberry Shortcake Strawberry Shortcake Page 2 of 3 81 Teddy Ruxpin Teddy Ruxpin 82 Trouble Trouble 83 Twister Twister 84 Uno Uno ADVERTISEMENT 85 View-Master View-Master 86 Yahtzee Yahtzee 87 Barrel of Monkeys Barrel of Monkeys 88 Lava Lamp Lava Lamp Page 3 of 3 Lists of Pokémon List of Pokémon generations Generation Years Main titles Remakes Platforms Number of Pokémon New in games New in generation Total Generation I 1996–1999 Red, Green, Blue and Yellow None Game Boy, Nintendo 3DS[a] 151 Generation II 1999–2002 Gold, Silver, and Crystal None Game Boy Color, Nintendo 3DS[a] 100 251 Generation III 2002–2006 Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald FireRed and LeafGreen Game Boy Advance 135 386 Generation IV 2006–2010 Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum HeartGold and SoulSilver Nintendo DS 107 493 Generation V 2010–2013 Black, White, Black 2, and White 2 None Nintendo DS 156 649 Generation VI 2013–2016 X and Y Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire Nintendo 3DS 72 721 Generation VII 2016–2019 Sun and Moon Nintendo 3DS 81 88 809 Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon 5 Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee! Nintendo Switch 2[b] Generation VIII 2019–Present Sword and Shield None Nintendo Switch 81 87 ?896 The Isle of Armor and The Crown Tundra expansions ?6 List of species Key Color / symbol Meaning Description dagger Starter Pokémon The first Pokémon a player is able to obtain in the main series games ~ Fossil Pokémon[31] Ancient Pokémon only obtained by resurrecting fossils, and their evolutions ? Baby Pokémon[32] Infant Pokémon primarily obtained by breeding their evolved forms double-dagger Legendary Pokémon Powerful Pokémon associated with the legends and lore of the Pokémon world ? Mythical Pokémon Pokémon only obtainable through distribution events ? Ultra Beast Pokémon from another dimension List of Pokémon species names by generation[33] Generation I Generation II Generation III Generation IV Generation V Generation VI Generation VII Generation VIII Dex # Name Dex # Name Dex # Name Dex # Name Dex # Name Dex # Name Dex # Name Dex # Name 001 Bulbasaurdagger 152 Chikoritadagger 252 Treeckodagger 387 Turtwigdagger 494 Victini ? 650 Chespindagger 722 Rowletdagger 810 Grookeydagger 002 Ivysaur 153 Bayleef 253 Grovyle 388 Grotle 495 Snivydagger 651 Quilladin 723 Dartrix 811 Thwackey 003 Venusaur 154 Meganium 254 Sceptile 389 Torterra 496 Servine 652 Chesnaught 724 Decidueye 812 Rillaboom 004 Charmanderdagger 155 Cyndaquildagger 255 Torchicdagger 390 Chimchardagger 497 Serperior 653 Fennekindagger 725 Littendagger 813 Scorbunnydagger 005 Charmeleon 156 Quilava 256 Combusken 391 Monferno 498 Tepigdagger 654 Braixen 726 Torracat 814 Raboot 006 Charizard 157 Typhlosion 257 Blaziken 392 Infernape 499 Pignite 655 Delphox 727 Incineroar 815 Cinderace 007 Squirtledagger 158 Totodiledagger 258 Mudkipdagger 393 Piplupdagger 500 Emboar 656 Froakiedagger 728 Poppliodagger 816 Sobble dagger 008 Wartortle 159 Croconaw 259 Marshtomp 394 Prinplup 501 Oshawottdagger 657 Frogadier 729 Brionne 817 Drizzile 009 Blastoise 160 Feraligatr 260 Swampert 395 Empoleon 502 Dewott 658 Greninja 730 Primarina 818 Inteleon 010 Caterpie 161 Sentret 261 Poochyena 396 Starly 503 Samurott 659 Bunnelby 731 Pikipek 819 Skwovet 011 Metapod 162 Furret 262 Mightyena 397 Staravia 504 Patrat 660 Diggersby 732 Trumbeak 820 Greedent 012 Butterfree 163 Hoothoot 263 Zigzagoon 398 Staraptor 505 Watchog 661 Fletchling 733 Toucannon 821 Rookidee 013 Weedle 164 Noctowl 264 Linoone 399 Bidoof 506 Lillipup 662 Fletchinder 734 Yungoos 822 Corvisquire 014 Kakuna 165 Ledyba 265 Wurmple 400 Bibarel 507 Herdier 663 Talonflame 735 Gumshoos 823 Corviknight 015 Beedrill 166 Ledian 266 Silcoon 401 Kricketot 508 Stoutland 664 Scatterbug 736 Grubbin 824 Blipbug 016 Pidgey 167 Spinarak 267 Beautifly 402 Kricketune 509 Purrloin 665 Spewpa 737 Charjabug 825 Dottler 017 Pidgeotto 168 Ariados 268 Cascoon 403 Shinx 510 Liepard 666 Vivillon 738 Vikavolt 826 Orbeetle 018 Pidgeot 169 Crobat 269 Dustox 404 Luxio 511 Pansage 667 Litleo 739 Crabrawler 827 Nickit 019 Rattata 170 Chinchou 270 Lotad 405 Luxray 512 Simisage 668 Pyroar 740 Crabominable 828 Thievul 020 Raticate 171 Lanturn 271 Lombre 406 Budew ? 513 Pansear 669 Flabébé 741 Oricorio 829 Gossifleur 021 Spearow 172 Pichu ? 272 Ludicolo 407 Roserade 514 Simisear 670 Floette 742 Cutiefly 830 Eldegoss 022 Fearow 173 Cleffa ? 273 Seedot 408 Cranidos ~ 515 Panpour 671 Florges 743 Ribombee 831 Wooloo 023 Ekans 174 Igglybuff ? 274 Nuzleaf 409 Rampardos ~ 516 Simipour 672 Skiddo 744 Rockruff 832 Dubwool 024 Arbok 175 Togepi ? 275 Shiftry 410 Shieldon ~ 517 Munna 673 Gogoat 745 Lycanroc 833 Chewtle 025 Pikachudagger[c] 176 Togetic 276 Taillow 411 Bastiodon ~ 518 Musharna 674 Pancham 746 Wishiwashi 834 Drednaw 026 Raichu 177 Natu 277 Swellow 412 Burmy 519 Pidove 675 Pangoro 747 Mareanie 835 Yamper 027 Sandshrew 178 Xatu 278 Wingull 413 Wormadam 520 Tranquill 676 Furfrou 748 Toxapex 836 Boltund 028 Sandslash 179 Mareep 279 Pelipper 414 Mothim 521 Unfezant 677 Espurr 749 Mudbray 837 Rolycoly 029 Nidoran? 180 Flaaffy 280 Ralts 415 Combee 522 Blitzle 678 Meowstic 750 Mudsdale 838 Carkol 030 Nidorina 181 Ampharos 281 Kirlia 416 Vespiquen 523 Zebstrika 679 Honedge 751 Dewpider 839 Coalossal 031 Nidoqueen 182 Bellossom 282 Gardevoir 417 Pachirisu 524 Roggenrola 680 Doublade 752 Araquanid 840 Applin 032 Nidoran? 183 Marill 283 Surskit 418 Buizel 525 Boldore 681 Aegislash 753 Fomantis 841 Flapple 033 Nidorino 184 Azumarill 284 Masquerain 419 Floatzel 526 Gigalith 682 Spritzee 754 Lurantis 842 Appletun 034 Nidoking 185 Sudowoodo 285 Shroomish 420 Cherubi 527 Woobat 683 Aromatisse 755 Morelull 843 Silicobra 035 Clefairy 186 Politoed 286 Breloom 421 Cherrim 528 Swoobat 684 Swirlix 756 Shiinotic 844 Sandaconda 036 Clefable 187 Hoppip 287 Slakoth 422 Shellos 529 Drilbur 685 Slurpuff 757 Salandit 845 Cramorant 037 Vulpix 188 Skiploom 288 Vigoroth 423 Gastrodon 530 Excadrill 686 Inkay 758 Salazzle 846 Arrokuda 038 Ninetales 189 Jumpluff 289 Slaking 424 Ambipom 531 Audino 687 Malamar 759 Stufful 847 Barraskewda 039 Jigglypuff 190 Aipom 290 Nincada 425 Drifloon 532 Timburr 688 Binacle 760 Bewear 848 Toxel ? 040 Wigglytuff 191 Sunkern 291 Ninjask 426 Drifblim 533 Gurdurr 689 Barbaracle 761 Bounsweet 849 Toxtricity 041 Zubat 192 Sunflora 292 Shedinja 427 Buneary 534 Conkeldurr 690 Skrelp 762 Steenee 850 Sizzlipede 042 Golbat 193 Yanma 293 Whismur 428 Lopunny 535 Tympole 691 Dragalge 763 Tsareena 851 Centiskorch 043 Oddish 194 Wooper 294 Loudred 429 Mismagius 536 Palpitoad 692 Clauncher 764 Comfey 852 Clobbopus 044 Gloom 195 Quagsire 295 Exploud 430 Honchkrow 537 Seismitoad 693 Clawitzer 765 Oranguru 853 Grapploct 045 Vileplume 196 Espeon 296 Makuhita 431 Glameow 538 Throh 694 Helioptile 766 Passimian 854 Sinistea 046 Paras 197 Umbreon 297 Hariyama 432 Purugly 539 Sawk 695 Heliolisk 767 Wimpod 855 Polteageist 047 Parasect 198 Murkrow 298 Azurill ? 433 Chingling ? 540 Sewaddle 696 Tyrunt ~ 768 Golisopod 856 Hatenna 048 Venonat 199 Slowking 299 Nosepass 434 Stunky 541 Swadloon 697 Tyrantrum ~ 769 Sandygast 857 Hattrem 049 Venomoth 200 Misdreavus 300 Skitty 435 Skuntank 542 Leavanny 698 Amaura ~ 770 Palossand 858 Hatterene 050 Diglett 201 Unown 301 Delcatty 436 Bronzor 543 Venipede 699 Aurorus ~ 771 Pyukumuku 859 Impidimp 051 Dugtrio 202 Wobbuffet 302 Sableye 437 Bronzong 544 Whirlipede 700 Sylveon 772 Type: Null double-dagger 860 Morgrem 052 Meowth 203 Girafarig 303 Mawile 438 Bonsly ? 545 Scolipede 701 Hawlucha 773 Silvally double-dagger 861 Grimmsnarl 053 Persian 204 Pineco 304 Aron 439 Mime Jr. ? 546 Cottonee 702 Dedenne 774 Minior 862 Obstagoon 054 Psyduck 205 Forretress 305 Lairon 440 Happiny ? 547 Whimsicott 703 Carbink 775 Komala 863 Perrserker 055 Golduck 206 Dunsparce 306 Aggron 441 Chatot 548 Petilil 704 Goomy 776 Turtonator 864 Cursola 056 Mankey 207 Gligar 307 Meditite 442 Spiritomb 549 Lilligant 705 Sliggoo 777 Togedemaru 865 Sirfetch'd 057 Primeape 208 Steelix 308 Medicham 443 Gible 550 Basculin 706 Goodra 778 Mimikyu 866 Mr. Rime 058 Growlithe 209 Snubbull 309 Electrike 444 Gabite 551 Sandile 707 Klefki 779 Bruxish 867 Runerigus 059 Arcanine 210 Granbull 310 Manectric 445 Garchomp 552 Krokorok 708 Phantump 780 Drampa 868 Milcery 060 Poliwag 211 Qwilfish 311 Plusle 446 Munchlax ? 553 Krookodile 709 Trevenant 781 Dhelmise 869 Alcremie 061 Poliwhirl 212 Scizor 312 Minun 447 Riolu ? 554 Darumaka 710 Pumpkaboo 782 Jangmo-o 870 Falinks 062 Poliwrath 213 Shuckle 313 Volbeat 448 Lucario 555 Darmanitan 711 Gourgeist 783 Hakamo-o 871 Pincurchin 063 Abra 214 Heracross 314 Illumise 449 Hippopotas 556 Maractus 712 Bergmite 784 Kommo-o 872 Snom 064 Kadabra 215 Sneasel 315 Roselia 450 Hippowdon 557 Dwebble 713 Avalugg 785 Tapu Koko double-dagger 873 Frosmoth 065 Alakazam 216 Teddiursa 316 Gulpin 451 Skorupi 558 Crustle 714 Noibat 786 Tapu Lele double-dagger 874 Stonjourner 066 Machop 217 Ursaring 317 Swalot 452 Drapion 559 Scraggy 715 Noivern 787 Tapu Bulu double-dagger 875 Eiscue 067 Machoke 218 Slugma 318 Carvanha 453 Croagunk 560 Scrafty 716 Xerneas double-dagger 788 Tapu Fini double-dagger 876 Indeedee 068 Machamp 219 Magcargo 319 Sharpedo 454 Toxicroak 561 Sigilyph 717 Yveltal double-dagger 789 Cosmog double-dagger 877 Morpeko 069 Bellsprout 220 Swinub 320 Wailmer 455 Carnivine 562 Yamask 718 Zygarde double-dagger 790 Cosmoem double-dagger 878 Cufant 070 Weepinbell 221 Piloswine 321 Wailord 456 Finneon 563 Cofagrigus 719 Diancie ? 791 Solgaleo double-dagger 879 Copperajah 071 Victreebel 222 Corsola 322 Numel 457 Lumineon 564 Tirtouga ~ 720 Hoopa ? 792 Lunala double-dagger 880 Dracozolt ~ 072 Tentacool 223 Remoraid 323 Camerupt 458 Mantyke ? 565 Carracosta ~ 721 Volcanion ? 793 Nihilego ? 881 Arctozolt ~ 073 Tentacruel 224 Octillery 324 Torkoal 459 Snover 566 Archen ~ No additional Pokémon 794 Buzzwole ? 882 Dracovish ~ 074 Geodude 225 Delibird 325 Spoink 460 Abomasnow 567 Archeops ~ 795 Pheromosa ? 883 Arctovish ~ 075 Graveler 226 Mantine 326 Grumpig 461 Weavile 568 Trubbish 796 Xurkitree ? 884 Duraludon 076 Golem 227 Skarmory 327 Spinda 462 Magnezone 569 Garbodor 797 Celesteela ? 885 Dreepy 077 Ponyta 228 Houndour 328 Trapinch 463 Lickilicky 570 Zorua 798 Kartana ? 886 Drakloak 078 Rapidash 229 Houndoom 329 Vibrava 464 Rhyperior 571 Zoroark 799 Guzzlord ? 887 Dragapult 079 Slowpoke 230 Kingdra 330 Flygon 465 Tangrowth 572 Minccino 800 Necrozma double-dagger 888 Zacian double-dagger 080 Slowbro 231 Phanpy 331 Cacnea 466 Electivire 573 Cinccino 801 Magearna ? 889 Zamazenta double-dagger 081 Magnemite 232 Donphan 332 Cacturne 467 Magmortar 574 Gothita 802 Marshadow ? 890 Eternatus double-dagger 082 Magneton 233 Porygon2 333 Swablu 468 Togekiss 575 Gothorita 803 Poipole ? 891 Kubfu double-dagger 083 Farfetch'd 234 Stantler 334 Altaria 469 Yanmega 576 Gothitelle 804 Naganadel ? 892 Urshifu double-dagger 084 Doduo 235 Smeargle 335 Zangoose 470 Leafeon 577 Solosis 805 Stakataka ? 893 Zarude ? 085 Dodrio 236 Tyrogue ? 336 Seviper 471 Glaceon 578 Duosion 806 Blacephalon ? N/A Regieleki double-dagger 086 Seel 237 Hitmontop 337 Lunatone 472 Gliscor 579 Reuniclus 807 Zeraora ? N/A Regidrago double-dagger 087 Dewgong 238 Smoochum ? 338 Solrock 473 Mamoswine 580 Ducklett 808 Meltan ? N/A Calyrex double-dagger 088 Grimer 239 Elekid ? 339 Barboach 474 Porygon-Z 581 Swanna 809 Melmetal ? No additional Pokémon 089 Muk 240 Magby ? 340 Whiscash 475 Gallade 582 Vanillite No additional Pokémon 090 Shellder 241 Miltank 341 Corphish 476 Probopass 583 Vanillish 091 Cloyster 242 Blissey 342 Crawdaunt 477 Dusknoir 584 Vanilluxe 092 Gastly 243 Raikou double-dagger 343 Baltoy 478 Froslass 585 Deerling 093 Haunter 244 Entei double-dagger 344 Claydol 479 Rotom 586 Sawsbuck 094 Gengar 245 Suicune double-dagger 345 Lileep ~ 480 Uxie double-dagger 587 Emolga 095 Onix 246 Larvitar 346 Cradily ~ 481 Mesprit double-dagger 588 Karrablast 096 Drowzee 247 Pupitar 347 Anorith ~ 482 Azelf double-dagger 589 Escavalier 097 Hypno 248 Tyranitar 348 Armaldo ~ 483 Dialga double-dagger 590 Foongus 098 Krabby 249 Lugia double-dagger 349 Feebas 484 Palkia double-dagger 591 Amoonguss 099 Kingler 250 Ho-oh double-dagger 350 Milotic 485 Heatran double-dagger 592 Frillish 100 Voltorb 251 Celebi ? 351 Castform 486 Regigigas double-dagger 593 Jellicent 101 Electrode No additional Pokémon 352 Kecleon 487 Giratina double-dagger 594 Alomomola 102 Exeggcute 353 Shuppet 488 Cresselia double-dagger 595 Joltik 103 Exeggutor 354 Banette 489 Phione ? 596 Galvantula 104 Cubone 355 Duskull 490 Manaphy ? 597 Ferroseed 105 Marowak 356 Dusclops 491 Darkrai ? 598 Ferrothorn 106 Hitmonlee 357 Tropius 492 Shaymin ? 599 Klink 107 Hitmonchan 358 Chimecho 493 Arceus ? 600 Klang 108 Lickitung 359 Absol No additional Pokémon 601 Klinklang 109 Koffing 360 Wynaut ? 602 Tynamo 110 Weezing 361 Snorunt 603 Eelektrik 111 Rhyhorn 362 Glalie 604 Eelektross 112 Rhydon 363 Spheal 605 Elgyem 113 Chansey 364 Sealeo 606 Beheeyem 114 Tangela 365 Walrein 607 Litwick 115 Kangaskhan 366 Clamperl 608 Lampent 116 Horsea 367 Huntail 609 Chandelure 117 Seadra 368 Gorebyss 610 Axew 118 Goldeen 369 Relicanth 611 Fraxure 119 Seaking 370 Luvdisc 612 Haxorus 120 Staryu 371 Bagon 613 Cubchoo 121 Starmie 372 Shelgon 614 Beartic 122 Mr. Mime 373 Salamence 615 Cryogonal 123 Scyther 374 Beldum 616 Shelmet 124 Jynx 375 Metang 617 Accelgor 125 Electabuzz 376 Metagross 618 Stunfisk 126 Magmar 377 Regirock double-dagger 619 Mienfoo 127 Pinsir 378 Regice double-dagger 620 Mienshao 128 Tauros 379 Registeel double-dagger 621 Druddigon 129 Magikarp 380 Latias double-dagger 622 Golett 130 Gyarados 381 Latios double-dagger 623 Golurk 131 Lapras 382 Kyogre double-dagger 624 Pawniard 132 Ditto 383 Groudon double-dagger 625 Bisharp 133 Eeveedagger[d] 384 Rayquaza double-dagger 626 Bouffalant 134 Vaporeon 385 Jirachi ? 627 Rufflet 135 Jolteon 386 Deoxys ?[e] 628 Braviary 136 Flareon No additional Pokémon 629 Vullaby 137 Porygon 630 Mandibuzz 138 Omanyte ~ 631 Heatmor 139 Omastar ~ 632 Durant 140 Kabuto ~ 633 Deino 141 Kabutops ~ 634 Zweilous 142 Aerodactyl ~ 635 Hydreigon 143 Snorlax 636 Larvesta 144 Articuno double-dagger 637 Volcarona 145 Zapdos double-dagger 638 Cobalion double-dagger 146 Moltres double-dagger 639 Terrakion double-dagger 147 Dratini 640 Virizion double-dagger 148 Dragonair 641 Tornadus double-dagger 149 Dragonite 642 Thundurus double-dagger 150 Mewtwo double-dagger 643 Reshiram double-dagger 151 Mew ? 644 Zekrom double-dagger No additional Pokémon 645 Landorus double-dagger 646 Kyurem double-dagger 647 Keldeo ? Series Sword & Shield Sun & Moon XY Black & White HeartGold & SoulSilver Platinum Diamond & Pearl EX E-Card Neo Gym Classic POP Promos Trainer Kits Other Collections Sword & Shield Darkness Ablaze (DAA) Rebel Clash (RCL) Sword & Shield (SSH) Sword & Shield Energy Sword & Shield Promos Sun & Moon Cosmic Eclipse (CEC) McDonald’s Collection 2019 (MCD19) Hidden Fates (HIF) Unified Minds (UNM) Unbroken Bonds (UNB) Detective Pikachu (DET) Team Up (TEU) Lost Thunder (LOT) Dragon Majesty (DRM) Celestial Storm (CES) Forbidden Light (FLI) Ultra Prism (UPR) Crimson Invasion (CIN) Shining Legends (SLG) Burning Shadows (BUS) Guardians Rising (GRI) Sun & Moon Trainer Kit—Lycanroc (TK10L) Sun & Moon Trainer Kit—Alolan Raichu (TK10A) Sun & Moon (SUM) Sun & Moon Energy Sun & Moon Energy (Team Up) Sun & Moon Promos (SMP) XY Evolutions (EVO) McDonald’s Collection 2016 (MCD16) Steam Siege (STS) Fates Collide (FCO) XY Trainer Kit—Suicune (TK9S) XY Trainer Kit—Pikachu Libre (TK9P) Generations (GEN) BREAKpoint (BKP) BREAKthrough (BKT) Ancient Origins (AOR) Roaring Skies (ROS) XY Trainer Kit—Latios (TK8O) XY Trainer Kit—Latias (TK8A) Double Crisis (DCR) Primal Clash (PRC) Phantom Forces (PHF) Furious Fists (FFI) Flashfire (FLF) XY Trainer Kit—Sylveon (TK6S) XY Trainer Kit—Noivern (TK6N) XY (XY) Kalos Starter Set (KSS) XY Promos (XYP) Black & White Legendary Treasures (LTR) Plasma Blast (PLB) Plasma Freeze (PLF) Plasma Storm (PLS) Boundaries Crossed (BCR) Dragon Vault (DRV) Dragons Exalted (DRX) McDonald’s Collection 2012 (MCD) Dark Explorers (DEX) Next Destinies (NXD) Noble Victories (NVI) Black & White Trainer Kit—Zoroark (TK5Z) Black & White Trainer Kit—Excadrill (TK5E) Emerging Powers (EPO) McDonald’s Collection 2011 (MCD11) Black & White (BLW) Black & White Promos (BWP) HeartGold & SoulSilver Call of Legends (CL) Triumphant (TM) Undaunted (UD) Unleashed (UL) HS Trainer Kit—Raichu (TK4R) HS Trainer Kit—Gyarados (TK4G) HeartGold & SoulSilver (HS) HeartGold & SoulSilver Promos Platinum Rumble (RM) Arceus (AR) Supreme Victors (SV) Rising Rivals (RR) POP Series 9 (P9) Platinum (PL) Diamond & Pearl Stormfront (SF) POP Series 8 (P8) Legends Awakened (LA) Majestic Dawn (MD) POP Series 7 (P7) Great Encounters (GE) Secret Wonders (SW) Diamond & Pearl Trainer Kit—Manaphy (TK3M) Diamond & Pearl Trainer Kit—Lucario (TK3L) POP Series 6 (P6) Mysterious Treasures (MT) Diamond & Pearl (DP) Diamond & Pearl Promos EX POP Series 5 (P5) Power Keepers (PK) Dragon Frontiers (DF) Crystal Guardians (CG) POP Series 4 (P4) Holon Phantoms (HP) POP Series 3 (P3) EX Trainer Kit—Plusle (TK2P) EX Trainer Kit—Minun (TK2M) Legend Maker (LM) Delta Species (DS) Unseen Forces (UF) POP Series 2 (P2) Emerald (EM) Deoxys (DX) Team Rocket Returns (TR) POP Series 1 (P1) FireRed & LeafGreen (RG) Hidden Legends (HL) EX Trainer Kit—Latios (TK1O) EX Trainer Kit—Latias (TK1A) Team Magma vs Team Aqua (MA) Dragon (DR) Sandstorm (SS) Ruby & Sapphire (RS) Nintendo Black Star Promos E-Card Skyridge (SK) Aquapolis (AQ) Expedition (EX) Neo Neo Destiny (N4) Neo Revelation (N3) Neo Discovery (N2) Neo Genesis (N1) Gym Gym Challenge (G2) Gym Heroes (G1) Classic Team Rocket (RO) Base Set 2 (B2) Fossil (FO) Jungle (JU) Base Set (BS) POP POP Series 9 (P9) POP Series 8 (P8) POP Series 7 (P7) POP Series 6 (P6) POP Series 5 (P5) POP Series 4 (P4) POP Series 3 (P3) POP Series 2 (P2) POP Series 1 (P1) Promos Black & White Promos (BWP) Diamond & Pearl Promos HeartGold & SoulSilver Promos Nintendo Black Star Promos Sun & Moon Promos (SMP) Sword & Shield Promos Wizards Black Star Promos XY Promos (XYP) Trainer Kits Sun & Moon Trainer Kit—Lycanroc (TK10L) Sun & Moon Trainer Kit—Alolan Raichu (TK10A) XY Trainer Kit—Suicune (TK9S) XY Trainer Kit—Pikachu Libre (TK9P) XY Trainer Kit—Latios (TK8O) XY Trainer Kit—Latias (TK8A) XY Trainer Kit—Sylveon (TK6S) XY Trainer Kit—Noivern (TK6N) Black & White Trainer Kit—Zoroark (TK5Z) Black & White Trainer Kit—Excadrill (TK5E) HS Trainer Kit—Raichu (TK4R) HS Trainer Kit—Gyarados (TK4G) Diamond & Pearl Trainer Kit—Manaphy (TK3M) Diamond & Pearl Trainer Kit—Lucario (TK3L) EX Trainer Kit—Plusle (TK2P) EX Trainer Kit—Minun (TK2M) EX Trainer Kit—Latios (TK1O) EX Trainer Kit—Latias (TK1A) Other McDonald’s Collection 2019 (MCD19) McDonald’s Collection 2016 (MCD16) McDonald’s Collection 2012 (MCD) McDonald’s Collection 2011 (MCD11) World Collection Rumble (RM) Box Topper Legendary Collection (LC) Southern Islands (SI) Best of Game Victory Medals Collections Shiny Vault 648 Meloetta ? 649 Genesect ? Glitch species In the Game Boy Pokémon games, Pokémon Red, Green, Blue, and Yellow, players were able to access a set of 105 glitch Pokémon. These species were not designed by the games' designers, but could be encountered in a small area of the game. Among these species is a glitch dubbed MissingNo., which became highly notorious.[34] Notes The Generation I and II main series games were later re-released via the Nintendo 3DS eShop in 2016–2018, with the Generation I titles being in celebration of the franchise's 20th anniversary. Two new Pokémon, Meltan and Melmetal, were introduced in a 2018 update to the spin-off mobile game Pokémon Go. Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee! include Meltan and Melmetal as playable Pokémon only through being transferred over from Pokémon Go.[30] Pikachu is the only starter Pokémon in Pokémon Yellow and its remake Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu!. Eevee is the starter Pokémon in the Pokémon Yellow remake Pokémon: Let's Go, Eevee!, as it was only available for the rival in the original game. Although Deoxys is a Mythical Pokémon, it is available in-game during the Delta Episode of Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. References Tajiri, Satoshi (22 November 1999). "The Ultimate Game Freak". Time (Interview). Interviewed by Time magazine. New York, New York. Archived from the original on 1 February 2016. Retrieved 11 February 2016. King, Sharon R. (26 April 1999). "Mania for 'Pocket Monsters' Yields Billions for Nintendo". The New York Times. Langhorne, Pennsylvania. Archived from the original on 24 December 2016. Retrieved 11 February 2016. "????????? ????????" [Pocket Monsters Red and Green] (in Japanese). The Pokémon Company. 2017. Archived from the original on 1 July 2017. Retrieved 13 July 2017. "Game Boy's Pokémon Unleashed on September 28!". Redmond, Washington: Nintendo. 28 September 1998. Archived from the original on 1 May 1999. Retrieved 13 July 2017. Jarvis, Matthew (2 December 2014). "Margin Makers: Guide to Pokémon merchandise". MCV. Archived from the original on 27 January 2016. Retrieved 11 February 2016. "Type Matchup Chart" (PDF). Archived (PDF) from the original on 15 December 2017. Retrieved 7 January 2018. Loveridge, Sam (25 July 2016). "Pokémon Go Types explained: how to win Pokémon Go Gym battles". Digital Spy. Archived from the original on 25 December 2016. Julien-Rohman, Damion (24 November 2014). "'Pokémon Alpha Sapphire and Omega Ruby' deliver". The State Press. Archived from the original on 24 December 2016. "The new gender politics of 'Pokémon Go' are sexist as hell". Retrieved 28 March 2018. Grimm, Michael (20 March 2009). "How Pokemon are born". GamesRadar. Archived from the original on 10 March 2016. Martinez, Phillips (18 November 2016). "'Pokemon Sun And Moon': How To Catch Every Legendary In Alola". iDigitalTimes. Archived from the original on 24 December 2016. Retrieved 24 December 2016. Martinez, Phillip (18 November 2016). "'Pokémon Sun And Moon' Ultra Beasts: Everything You Need To Know". iDigitalTimes. Archived from the original on 24 December 2016. Retrieved 24 December 2016. Drake, Audrey (14 February 2013). "Pokémon X and Y's New Eeveelution Revealed". IGN. Ziff Davis. Retrieved 23 June 2017. Plunkett, Luke (24 May 2011). "The Man Who Creates Pokémon For a Living". Kotaku. Gawker Media. Archived from the original on 25 October 2015. 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Nov., Oct., Orb Original Out Out... Packet PacketRestock Party Passus Perfect Points Powerful Pre-order Price R/B Release Ring Riser Robot/SFX S SAL SG SHODO SHVS Sales Scientific Search Sep., Series Set Seven Shokugan Small Soft Sofubi Sold Spark Special Super TDFUG Taiga Taiga] Tamashii Toy Toy) Transformation Trantrip Ultra Ultraman Unisex VS VS2 VS3 Victory Vinyl Vol.1 Vol.2 Warrior Wish X XL Z Z] Zero [Enter [Hot [Ultraman `Kizuna `Orb code no of pieces points start.) to yen & (Block (Character (Henshin (Jigsaw (Set (Shokugan) (set , 044581 1 10 10) 1000?-54 12) 189163 190158 2 2009 2012 2013 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2079025 2156262 2194287 2208256 2305531 2325532 2341038 2341039 2341150 2348560 2355614 2359706 2362961 2384536 2398149 2408738 2429582 2444720 2459844 2462087 2493710 251914 252218 2525350 289733 3, 3,150 3,230 3,240 3,400 3,420 3,582 3,600 3,780 3,800 31 32 34 35 36 37 38 4,000 4,050 4,320 40 43 464673 476214 476221 476238 477006 50th 6) 66 8) 829812 912534 951841 973153 : Acquired Action ActionUltraman Add Anime Anniversary Apr., Arrow Art Aug., Bandai Belial Beta Blade Brothers Calibur Capsule Castle Cho-Do Claw Closed Crystal Custom DX Date Dec., Digital Dress-up Dress-up) Early Egg Ensky Exclude Exslugger Feb., Figure Flying! Galactron Geed Gigant Ginga Goods Henshin Hero Hero`s Hyper Imago Item Items Jan., Jigsaw Joe Jul., Jun., Kawada King Korin Lance Late Lighting List Manufacturer Mar., May, Mid Monster Mosaic NBMC-05S Nanoblock Nov., Oct., Orb Original Out Out... Packet Points Powerful Pre-order Price Puzzle Puzzles) R/B Release Reservation Robot/SFX SAL SG Sales Scaner Sep(Aug. Sep., Series SeriesEX Set Seven Shikishi Shokugan Slugger Small Sold Sound Sound! 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Nov., Original Out Out... Packet Plalanche Points Pre-order Previous Price Product Release Released Reservation Reserve Resetti Rover SAL Sales Search Seika Series Set Shokugan Small Sold Status Top Toy Toy) U Wii WiiU Wish Z|Availability amiibo byProducts code for game) of page pageHOME pagePrevious points re-release(Aug. results start.) to with yen AI Acquired Add Apr., Aug., Balon Bandai Battle Beat Belt Best Book Bottle Brace Buggle Build Car Card Carddas Cards) Chronicle Closer Complete Cross-Z DX Data Date Dec., Decadriver Den-O Dendriver Denkemen Double Dragon Dress-up) Drive Driver Early Emblem Evol Exclude Feb., Fourze Full Gaim Gamer Ganbarising Gashat Ghost Gouram Hiden Holder II Item Items Jul., Jun., Kamen Key Kimewaza Kuuga Late Lion List Loading Lockseed Lost Manufacturer Mar., Match May, Mid Nagare New New1 Nov., OOO Oct., Original Out Out... Pack Packet PacketNew Points Price Progrise Release Ride Rider Ridewatch Ring SAL Sales Seiken Selection Sengoku Senki Sep., Series Set Shift Shokugan Slot Small So-Do Sold Special Suiseiken Super Sword Swordriver Thousandriver Toy Toy) Trading Transform Transformation Transformed Unit Ver.20th Wish WizarDriver Wizard Wonder Zaia Zero-One Zero-Two Ziku code holder of points ranking to yen (Character (TakaraTomy) 1,080 1,350 10 111955 112754 116769 122937 128786 128809 13 139157 140498 140955 2,700 2018 2019 2020 27 3,150 3,600 31 36 4,050 4,320 40 43 596851 596868 596875 596882 596905 596929 596943 596950 596967 596974 596981 6,120 6,300 61 63 7,650 76 971993 972013 972020 972037 972044 972051 972068 972075 972082 972099 972112 972129 972136 972143 972150 972167 972174 973119 973126 973133 : Acquired Add Ankyrocks Apr., Aug., Bazootle Beast Bird Bull Cannon Date Deathrex Dec., Dilophos Dimepulsar Dripanther Early Exclude Fang Feb., Fox Gabrigator Gallagher`s Gannontoise Gatling Gilraptor Grachiosaurus Grigis Gustck Hunter Item Items Jan., Jul., Jun., Kabtor Kawaganos Knuckle Kong Kuwaga Kyataruga Late Liger List Manufacturer Mar., May, Mid Nov., Oct., Original Out Out... Pachycedos Packet PacketRestock Personal Points Price Ptera Raptor Raptoria Release Rising SAL Sales Scorpear Sep., Series Small Snipe Sold Sonic Spideath Spinosaurus Status Stegosge Stylaser Tiger Tomy Toriceradogos Toy) Wild Wish Wolf ZW01 ZW02 ZW03 ZW04 ZW05 ZW06 ZW07 ZW08 ZW09 ZW10 ZW11 ZW12 ZW13 ZW14 ZW15 ZW16 ZW17 ZW18 ZW19 ZW20 ZW21 ZW22 ZW23 ZW24 ZW25 ZW26 ZW27 ZW28 ZW29 ZW32 ZW33 ZW34 ZW35 ZW36 ZW37 ZW38 ZW39 ZW42 ZW43 ZW44 Zero Zerophants Zoids code points to yen ! 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Extremity Feb., File Force Gabumon Gaiamon Gatchmon Gatomon Globemon God Gomamon Hakkumon Item Items Jan., Jul., Jun., Late Life! List Manufacturer Mar., MegaHouse Mid Miracle Mix Monster Myujimon New Nov., Oct Oct., Off Official Original Oujamon Out Out... PAD Packet Palmon Patamon Plush Points Pre-order Price Reidoramon Release Reservation Revivemon SAL SG SP Sales San-ei Sep., Series Set Seven Shokugan Shutmon Small Sold Tentomon The Those Timemon Toy) Ver. Ver.1.0 Ver.2.0 Ver.3.0 Ver.4.0 Ver.5.0 Ver.6.0 Winning! Wish code of points start.) to who yen (Anime (Block (Character (Many (My - 1,170 1,440 1,600 1,800 1,950 10,800 108 11 14 16 18 184865 188641 19 2,070 2,340 2,500 2,700 20 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 23 25 27 30 343835 343859 343866 343873 343880 361853 379483 395940 395957 395964 4,320 4,800 429331 43 431631 454722 454739 48 : Acorn Acquired Add Arrow Away Bamboo-leaf Beach Beginning Blocks Blue Boat Bonnet Buggy Building Bus Camphor Carry Castle Cat Catbus Collection Comming! Dai Date De Delivery Early Ensky Exclude Form Ghibli Ghibli) Happakasa Harvest Hurry I`m Ippai Item Items Jul., Jun., K!t K-2317 K-2319 Kiki`s Laputa: Large Late List Locomotive Manufacturer Matryoshka Medium Mei-chan Mid Minna Model Motta My Nausicaa Neighbor Nov., Oct., Ohm Ohm/Blue Ohm/Red Ookiku Original Out Out... PBC-01 PBC-02 PBC-03 PBC-04 PBC-05 PBC-06 PBC-07 PBC-08 PBC-09 PBC-10 PBC-11 PBC-12 PBC-13 PBC-14 PBC-15 PBC-16 PBC-17 POP-UP POP-Up Packet Points Porco Price Prototype Pullback Red Release Roly-poly Rosso Run S.21 S.21F SAL Sales Sanrinsha Savoia Secret Sep., Series Service Set Sheeta, Sky Small Sold Spirited Sun Tanoshiku Three-wheeler Tigermos Totoro Totoro) Totoro`s Toy) Tree Tricycle Tunnel Usually Valley Wind Wish Work YR-3 YR-4 YR-5 YR-L01 YR-L02 YR-L03 Yura a at code days. ga in k!t no of on points stocked the to with within wo yen & (Anime (Black (Board (Diecast (Japanese (Third (Yellow (second 000310465 000404263 000404393 000406113 000407103 00462791 022574 023205 023212 024486 042228 050414 065333 10 10,800 108 10th 11,250 112 12,780 127 13,230 132 14,400 144 15,000 150 16,000 160 18, 18,000 180 2 2011 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 241397 241403 30,000 300 311547 312803 312841 313121 315200 316504 316566 319345 33,000 330 4 400203 404225 404270 404362 450513500 450513600 450513700 5,580 5,850 5,940 5316511 5316528 5316542 5316573 5316597 55 58 59 6,000 6,120 6,188 6,300 6,480 6,750 6,800 60 61 63 64 67 68 6920664 7 7,200 7,650 72 76 8,100 8,550 8,645 8,820 81 85 86 88 9,000 9,450 90 94 : Acquired Add Agra Agricola Andor: Angel Anniversary Arclight Art Aug., Base Basic Black Blood Board Box) COLONY Car Car) Closed Container: Cthulhu Darkness Date Dec., Die Doman-Mahjong Dracula Dreamlands Early Earth Edition Edition) Eldritch English Enix Evil Exclude Fantasy Feb., Final Fury Game Game) Games Green High History Hobby Hoffnung Holmes Horde Horror Horror: II` Item Items JUMBO Jan., Japan Japanese Jul., Jun., LNOE10TH Last Late Legacy Legenden List MMT-LN01 Mah-Jongg Manufacturer Mars Massive Mat May, Mid Night Nippon No Non Not Nov., OTYS Oct., Original Out Out... Outlive Packet Pandemic: Petrichor Piccolo Piece Plague Points Pop Pre-order Price Priest Pyramids Racing Rage Railways Release Reservation Rest Revised Root Runebound SAL Sales Scale Schuco Scythe Season Sengoku Sep., Series Set Small Sold Square Sunset Terraforming The Tiles Toy) Tractor Under Usually Ver. 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Packet PacketRestock Papillon Party Passion Picnic Pink Points PremiumDressSet Price Princess Purple Rainbow Raincoat Release Rose SAL Sakura Sales Sep., Series Set Shiny Skate Small Sold Staff Street Suites Summer Sunshine Sweets Tennis Tomy Trench Tropical VERY Violin Vivid Walk Wear Wink Wish Wonderland Yellow Yumekawa code in of points set to yen #CosmeticsLover #Emocat #Licca #PeepSweets #RainbowUnicorn (Licca-chan) (TakaraTomy) *Licca 108160 118046 123 125860 128878 139836 147503 152743 152750 154440 154457 167891 167907 167914 167921 2012 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 3,610 3,705 3,780 3,800 3,870 31, 36 37 38 4,050 4,085 4,140 4,233 4,275 4,482 4,560 4,731 40 41 42 44 45 451235 47 5,382 5,605 5,780 5,850 53 56 57 58 6,120 6,631 61 66 7,560 75 815303 853114 860563 861041 861058 861065 861072 874645 875833 875840 883296 885290 885306 886631 886648 888154 888161 894902 899112 899433 969617 971689 971696 : > Acquired Add Additional Apr., Aqua Beret Bijou Blue Candy Carat Cardcaptor Change Cinnamoroll Closed Collabo Color Colorfully Coordinate Costume Curl DX Darlin Date Dazzlin` Deluxe Doll Dream Drop Early Exclude Eyes Fancy Festival Floral Gift Glitter Hart I Item Items Japan Japanese Jewel-Up Jul., Jun., Karen-chan Key Kira LD-01 LD-13 LD-16 Late Licca Licca-chan Liccarize List Love Lovely Luminous Make Manufacturer Mar., Maria Mid Milky Misaki Nadeshiko Next Nov., Ocean Oct(Aug. Oct., Original Out Out... Packet PacketRestock Party Pink Pinky Platinum Points Pre-order Price Prince Release Reservation SAL Sakura Sales Sara Series Set Shiny Small Snow Sold Sparkle Sparkly Special Starlight Submit Swan Sweet Talk Time Tomy Toy Tsubasa-chan VERY Ver. Wish Words Yumi code jewelry love pink points set start.) to yen (Educational) (Electronic (Moon (Science -Astronomical / 0 080130 1,242 12 14,400 144 17,820 178 2010 3 353 394 43,200 432 56 593894 70 760797 8 8064 846 8917 8978 : AZ80 Acquired Add Artec Astronomical Bandai Body CE21035 CE22149 Celestron Ceremony Craft) Date Exclude Experience Hyper Item Items Kit Late Light List Manufacturer May, Model Moon Observation- Omni Original Out Out... Packet Points Price Release SAL Sales Scope Series Simulator Small Sold Sun Sun) Sunglasses Telescope Terminated Toy) Travel Waning Waxing Wish XLT a and code glasses in points to yen Sarkar, Samit (29 May 2013). 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Retrieved 27 December 2017. .coVideo games portal Pokémon official Pokédex Pokémon species on Bulbapedia vte Pokémon species 2 Stupid Dogs 2 Aaahh!!! Real Monsters Aaahh!!! Real Monsters 3 The Adventures of Paddington Bear The Adventures of Paddington Bear 4 Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog 5 Adventures of T-Rex Adventures of T-Rex 6 The Adventures of Tintin The Adventures of Tintin 7 Action Man Action Man 8 The Addams Family The Addams Family ADVERTISEMENT 9 Adventures of the Little Mermaid Adventures of the Little Mermaid 10 Aladdin Aladdin 11 Albert the 5th Musketeer Albert the 5th Musketeer 12 Angelmouse Angelmouse 13 The Angry Beavers The Angry Beavers 14 The Animal Shelf The Animal Shelf 15 The Animals of Farthing Wood The Animals of Farthing Wood 16 Animaniacs Animaniacs 17 Anthony Ant Anthony Ant 18 Archibald the Koala Archibald the Koala 19 Arthur Arthur 20 Astro Farm Astro Farm ADVERTISEMENT 21 Attack of the Killer Tomatoes Attack of the Killer Tomatoes 22 Avenger Penguins Avenger Penguins 23 Babar Babar 24 Back to the Future Back to the Future 25 Bananas in Pyjamas Bananas in Pyjamas 26 The Baskervilles The Baskervilles 27 Batman Beyond Batman Beyond 28 Batman the Animated Series Batman the Animated Series 29 Battletech: The Animated Series Battletech: The Animated Series 30 Beavis and Butt-Head Beavis and Butt-Head 31 Beetlejuice Beetlejuice 32 Big Bad Beetleborgs Big Bad Beetleborgs ADVERTISEMENT 33 Big Bag Big Bag 34 Big Garage Big Garage 35 Big O Big O 36 Biker Mice From Mars Biker Mice From Mars 37 Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventures Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventures 38 Blazing Dragons Blazing Dragons 39 Blinky Bill Blinky Bill 40 Blue Submarine No. 6 Blue Submarine No. 6 Bobby's World 42 Bonkers Bonkers 43 The Bots Master The Bots Master 44 The Brollys The Brollys 45 Bruno the Kid Bruno the Kid 46 Bucky O'Hare Bucky O'Hare 47 Budgie the Little Helicopter Budgie the Little Helicopter 48 Bug Alert! Bug Alert! ADVERTISEMENT 49 Bump Bump 50 The Busy World of Richard Scarry The Busy World of Richard Scarry 51 Cadillacs and Dinosaurs Cadillacs and Dinosaurs 52 Captain Planet and the Planeteers Captain Planet and the Planeteers 53 Captain Simian & the Space Monkeys Captain Simian & the Space Monkeys 54 Captain Star Captain Star 55 Captain Zed and the Zee Zone Captain Zed and the Zee Zone 56 Cardcaptors Cardcaptors 57 The Caribou Kitchen The Caribou Kitchen 58 Catdog Catdog 59 Chalkzone Chalkzone 60 Christopher Crocodile Christopher Crocodile ADVERTISEMENT 61 Clementine's Enchanted Journey Clementine's Enchanted Journey 62 Cococinel Cococinel 63 Conan the Adventurer Conan the Adventurer 64 Cool McCool Cool McCool 65 Courage the Cowardly Dog Courage the Cowardly Dog 66 Cow and Chicken Cow and Chicken 67 Cowboy Bebop Cowboy Bebop 68 Creepy Crawlers Creepy Crawlers 69 Dai-Guard Dai-Guard 70 Dappledown Farm Dappledown Farm 71 Daria Daria 72 Darkwing Duck Darkwing Duck ADVERTISEMENT 73 Dennis the Menace and Gnasher Dennis the Menace and Gnasher 74 Dexter's Laboratory (1995) Dexter's Laboratory (1995) 75 Dilbert Dilbert 76 Dink, the Little Dinosaur Dink, the Little Dinosaur 77 Dino Babies Dino Babies 78 Dinosaurs Dinosaurs 79 Dizzy Heights Dizzy Heights 80 Dog City Dog City Doug 82 Dr. Zitbag's Transylvania Pet Shop Dr. Zitbag's Transylvania Pet Shop 83 Dragon Ball GT Dragon Ball GT 84 Dream Street Dream Street 85 The Dreamstone The Dreamstone 86 Droopy, Master Detective Droopy, Master Detective 87 Dumb and Dumber Dumb and Dumber 88 Dynamo Duck Dynamo Duck ADVERTISEMENT 89 Earthworm Jim Earthworm Jim 90 Ed, Edd N Eddy Ed, Edd N Eddy 91 Eek! the Cat Eek! the Cat 92 Extreme Ghostbusters Extreme Ghostbusters 93 The Fairly Oddparents! The Fairly Oddparents! 94 Fantastic Four the Animated Series Fantastic Four the Animated Series 95 The Fantastic Voyages of Sinbad the Sailor The Fantastic Voyages of Sinbad the Sailor 96 Fantomcat Fantomcat 97 The Fiddley Foodle Bird The Fiddley Foodle Bird 98 Fievel's American Tails Fievel's American Tails 99 Fireman Sam Fireman Sam 100 Fish Police Fish Police ADVERTISEMENT 101 Flash Gordon Flash Gordon 102 Flint the Time Detective Flint the Time Detective 103 The Forgotten Toys The Forgotten Toys 104 Fourways Farm Fourways Farm 105 The Foxbusters The Foxbusters 106 Freakazoid! Freakazoid! 107 Free Willy Free Willy 108 Funnybones Funnybones 109 Gadget Boy Gadget Boy 110 Galaxy High Galaxy High 111 Godzilla: The Series Godzilla: The Series 112 Goof Troop Goof Troop ADVERTISEMENT 113 Gravedale High Gravedale High 114 Hammerman Hammerman 115 Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales for Every Child Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales for Every Child 116 Hello Kitty and Friends Hello Kitty and Friends 117 Hercules Hercules 118 Hey Arnold! 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Channel Chansey Chaotic Character Characters Charanano Charge Charged Charizard Charjabug Charles Charlie Charliew Charm Charmander CharmanderThe Charmanderdagger Charmeleon Chart Charts Chase Chatot Cheap Checkers Cheep CheepCheeps Cheerleader Chef Chemitory Cherish Cherrim Cherubi Chesnaught Chespindagger Chess Chet Chewtle Chibi ChibiRobo Chibikko Chicken Chief Chihuahua Chikara Chikko Chikku Chiko Chikoritadagger Child Children Childrens Childs Chilly Chimchardagger Chimecho Chimera Chinchou Chinese Chinesederived Chingling Chip Chipmunks Chiridokku Chiro Chir? Cho ChoDo Choco Choice Chomp Chompikins Choose Chop Chops Chosen Chotto Chou Chousouju Chow Chozo Chris Christ Christian Christopher Chronicle Chronicles Chrono ChuChu ChuChus Chuchu Chuck Chula Chunky Chunkys Chutes Ch?r? Cia Cias Cinccino Cinderace Cinnamoroll Circuit Circus City Claire Clamperl Clan Clanksprout Clanky Clap Clarke Clash Class Classic Classics Clauncher Claw Clawitzer Clayborn Claycia Claydol Clean Cleaning Cleans Clear Clefable Clefairy Cleffa Clementines Climax Climber Climbere Cloaked Clobbopus Clock ClockMan Clone Closed Closer Clothes CloudRunners Clown Clownaa Cloyster Clu Club Clubber Clubhouse Clue Cluster Co Coal Coalescence Coalossal Coat Cobalion Cobgoblin Cobra Cockroaches Coco Cococinel Coconut Code Codec Coelophysis Cofagrigus Coil Coin Coins Cold Coleco Coleet Coleman Colin Collabo Colle Collection Collections Collectors Collide Colonel Colony Color Colorfully Coloris Colosseum Columbia Combat Combee Combo Combusken Come Comeback Comedy Comes Comet Comfey Comic Comics Command Commander Commanderinchief Commando Comment Comming Communication Community Compact Companies Company Complete Completed Completely Complex Composers Computer Con Conan Conce Concentration Concept Conch Confirms Conkeldurr Conkers Connect Connection Conquer Conquest Consideration Considering Console Conspiracies Container Contents Contentsshow Control Coo Cook Cookie Cooking Cool Coolest Coordinate Coordinator Coos Copperajah Copy Coral Cord Core CoreX Corey Corlett Corneria Cornerian Corphish Corporation Corps Corridors Corrupt Corruption Corsola Corvette Corviknight Corvisquire Cory Cosby Cosmic Cosmoem Cosmog Cosmos Cospa Costume Cotta Cottonee Could Count Countdown Counter Country Countrys Couples Courage Course Courtside Covers Cow Cowardly Cowboy Crab Crabominable Crabrawler Cracked Crackedcoms Cradily Craft Crafted Crafter Craig Cramorant Crane Cranidos Cranky Crankys Crash CrashCourse Crate Crater Crawdaunt Crawl Crawlers Crazy Created Creates Creations Creators Creature Credits Creepy Cremia Cresselia Crew Crichton Crimson Crisis Crispy Croagunk Crobat Crocodile Croconaw CrossZ Crossbow Crossed Crossing Crossinge Crossover Crossword Crosswords Crown Cruising Cruisn Crumble Crusade Crusaders Crusher Crustle Cryball Cryogonal Crypt Cryptkeeper Crystal Crystalis Cthulhu Cuba Cubchoo Cube Cubes Cubivore Cubone Cubs Cucco Cuccodex Cuccos Cufant Culdcept Cullum Cultural Cunning Cup Cure Curio Curios Curious Curl Curry Curse Cursed Cursola Custom Customer Cut Cute Cuthbert Cuthberts Cutie Cutiefly Cutter CutterStone Cycle Cyndaquildagger Cynthia Cyrus D DAA DAEMON DANGEROUS DAdventuresAssaultCommand DBS DCODE DCR DD DDD DET DEX DF DG DIC DIGIDRIVE DISLIKES DIY DJPubba DK DKC DKand DKs DLC DMaindo DMind DNA DODONGO DOJO DOliveira DP DPBOX DR DRM DRV DRX DRex DRockets DS DSa DSi DSiWare DVD DX DXs Dachora Dachshund Daddy Daffy DaffySpeedy Dai DaiGuard Daibouken Daily Daina Daisaku Daish?g? Daison Daisuke Daisy Daisyh Daisys Dai? Dakota Dalmatian Daltus Damashii Damion Damon Dampé Dampés DamselInDistress Dan Dance Danger Dangerous Danjonbosu Daphnes Dappledown Dardenne Daredevil Daria Dark Darkness Darkrai Darkwing Darlin Darmani Darmanitan Daroach Daroachs Dartrix Daruk Daruks Darumaka Darunia Dash Dashing Dashs Dasuton Data Date Dave David Davis Dawn Day Daycitation Days Daze Dazzlin De Dead Deal Deam Deanna Death Deathgod Deathrex Debiru Debiruraid? Debuting Dec DecSep Decadriver December Dechu Decidueye Decisive Deck Dedede Dededes Dededetour Dedenne Dee Deep Deepsee Deerling Dees Default Defeating Defence Defender Defense Definitive Degree Degufuremu Degut?ru Deguzoru Deij?hime Deino Dekakusan Dekisugi Deku DelZ Delano Delcatty Deleted Deleter Delfino Delibird Delivery Delphox Delta Deltaclass Deluxe Demise Demisep Demises Demnos Demon Den DenO Dendriver Dengar Dengars Deng? Denj? Denkemen Dennis Densetsu Densetsue Dental Dentetsu Deoxys Departure Depending Depicted Depths Dera Deribar?man Der?mu Description Desert Design Designer Designing Designs Desktop Desperate Despite Destinies Destiny Destroyas Destroyer Destructoid Desutaraiy? Detective DethIj Deux Developer Development Device Devil Devilbats Devildays Devils Deviser Devs Dewgong Dewott Dewpider Dex Dexters Dhelmise DiC Diabolical Dialga Dialhex Dialogue Diamond Diancie Diary Did Diddy Diddypresumably Diddys Did? Die Diecast Difficulty Diffusion Dig Digby Diggersby Digicolle Digidrive Digimon Digital Diglett Dikush? Dilbert Dilemma Dillons Dilophos Dilophosaurus Dimension Dimepulsar Din Dinguru Dink Dinkey Dinks Dinky Dink? Dinner Dino Dinoco Dinosaur Dinosaurlike Dinosaurs Dins Diorama Direct Directed Directi Director Dirk Dis DisDress Disaster Disco Discogs Discovery Discuss Disguise Disk Dismiss Disney Disneys Dispatched Disturbingly Disuko Ditto Dittos Diva Diver Divine Dixie Dixies Dizzy Do Doc Doctor Dodongo Dodos Dodowan Dodrio Doduo Does Dog Dogacchimon Doggie Dogs Dogtanian Doh Dojo Doke Doki Dokidoki Dokku Dokuro Dokut? Doll Dolls Dom DomanMahjong Domestic Domo DomoKun Domokun Don Donald Done Donk Donkey Donk? Donny Donovan Donphan Dont Doo Doodle Doomer Doomers Door Doos Doragodon Doragon Dorankensuk? Doremi Dorephans Dorian Dorifut? Dorocche Doron Doroshia Dorrie Dorrieae Dorries Doshin Dossh? Dotstream Dottler Doublade Double Douchiest Doug Dousing Down Dozer Dr Dracovish Dracozolt Dracula Draculas Dragalge Dragalia Dragapult Draggadon Draggadons Draggadonsao Dragmire Drago Dragon Dragonair Dragonite Dragonlord Dragons Drake Drakloak Drampa Drapion Dratini Drawcia Dread DreadMetroidvaniaSuper Dream DreamSoul Dreaming Dreamland Dreamlands Dreamr Dreams Dreamstalk Dreamstone Drednaw Dreepy Dress Dressup Driblee Drifblim Drifloon Drifter Drifters Drilbur Drill Dripanther Drive Driver Drizzile Droopy Drop Drops Dropso Drowzee Druddigon Drum Drunkenski Drunkenskim Dry Dual Dub Dubia Dubior Dublin Dubwool Duck Ducklett Ducks Due Duel Dugtrio Duke Dumb Dumber Duncan Dungeon Dunsparce Duo Duosion Duraludon Durant During Dusclops Dusk Dusknoir Duskull Duston Dustox Dwebble Dylan Dyna Dynamax Dynamic Dynamics Dynamo Dynasty Dynomutt Dyson D?ku D?kusaido D? D???? 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Ejji Ekans Eldegoss Elder Eldin Eldritch Electabuzz Electivire Electric Electrike Electrode Electronic Electroplankton Elegant Elekid Elementary Elemento Elephant Elevator Eleven Elgyem Elibe Elite Elline Ellis Elmyra Elsa Elston Eluding Elusive Elvin Elysia Elysians Embarrassing Emblem Emboar Emerald Emergency Emerging Emocat Emolga Emperor Emperorac Emperors Empire Empoleon Empyrean Emu Enchanted Encore Encounter Encounters Encyclopedia Encyclopædia End EndGadget Ende Ending Endless Ends Enemies Enemy Energy Engen Engineering Engines England English Enguarde Enhancement Eniramu Enix Ensky Entei Enter Entermon Enterprises Entertainment EntertainmentNBC Entertainmentie Enu Ep Epic Episode Episodes Epona Eponas Era Eraser Eric Erickson Erse Erstwhile Er?nu Escape Escapist Escapistmagazinecom Escapists Escargon Escargoon Escargoons Escarsaurus Escavalier Espeon Espurr Estelle Estuary Esukarugon Etch Etecoons Eternal Eternatus Eubank Eurogamer Eurogamerfr Eurogamernet Europe EuropeAustralia Eva Evangelion Eve Even Evening Event Events Eventually Ever Every Everyone Everything Evil Evol Evolution EvolutionApp Evolutions Exactly Exalted Examiner Excadrill Excalibur Excellent Excite Excitebike Excitebikee Excitebots Exciting Exclamation Exclude Executive Exeggcute Exeggutor Exelero Exotica Expansion Expedition Experience Explained Explaining Explorers Exploring Explosions Exploud Express Exquisite Exslugger External Extinction Extra Extract Extreme Extremes Extremity Eye Eyed Eyeglass Eyes Eyeshield Ezlo F FAQ FCO FFI FLF FLI FLUDD FMV FO FX FXSuper FZero Fables Fabulous Face Factor Factory Factorys Fado Fahey Fai Fair Fairies Fairly Fairy Fairys Fait? Fai? Falala Falco Falcon Falcons Falinks Falls Fame Famicom Familia Family Famiria Famous Fancy Fanfan Fang Fangora Fank? Fantasia Fantastic Fantasy Fantomcat Fara Farewell Farfetchd Farm Faron Farore Farores Farthing Faruko Fashion Fashionable Fat Fatal Fates Father Fatti Fatty Faves Fawful Fawfulaq Faxanadu Fay Faye Fayl Façadeg Fear Fearow Feather Feathers Feature Featured Features Featuring Feb February Federation Federationhating Federations Feebas Feeder Fei Felix Fellow Felon Felt Fenikurou Fennec Fennekindagger Feraligatr Ferrari Ferroseed Ferrothorn Festival Feud Fever Fi Fichina Fiddley Field Fiend Fierce Fiercest Fievels Fight Fighte Fighter Fighters Fighting Figure Figures Figurine Figyua File Files Film Final Finalizer Finally Find Fini Finish Finneon Fir Fire FireRed Fireman First Firstrun Fish Fishe Fishs Fists Fit Fitch Fitness Fittest Five Flaaffy Flabébé Flagman Flamberge Flame Flamenco Flamencoo Flamencos Flamer Flametail Flapple Flareon Flash Flashbacks Flashfire Flashing Fleeing Fletchinder Fletchling Fleur Flexer Fling FlingSmash Flint Flintstone Flip Flipnote Floats Floaty Floatzel Flocking Floden Floette Floral Floralia Florges Flower Flowers Flowery Fluff Fluidity Flutters Fly Flygon Flying Focus Fofa Fokkusu Folk Following Fololo Fomantis Fon Foodle Foofur Fools Foongus Football For Forbidden Force ForceThe Forceam Forces Forearm Foreman Forest Forestclarification Forgotten Form Forme Forretress Fortress Fortuna Fortune Forward Fossil Fossils Fountain Fountains Four Fourways Fourze Fox FoxStar Foxbusters Foxe Foxs Fraggle Fragments Frame France Francisca Francisco Frang Frank Frantic Frasier Fraxure Frazier Freak Freakazoid Freakyforms Fred Frederick Fredrik Free Freelance Freeze Freezo Freezy French Frenzy Fresh Freshly FreshlyPicked Fridgy Friend Friends Fright Frillish Frisbee Froakiedagger Frog Frogadier Froggu Frogs From Frontier Frontiers Froslass Frosmoth Frosty Frozen Fruit Fruits Frushtick Fryclops Fu Fujiko Fukk? Full Fun Funde Funk Funky Funkys Funnies Funny Funnybones Furaffu Furamenko Furaw?zu Furby Fureimu Fureim? Furfrou Furious Furosuti Furret Furuta Fury Fused Fushigi Fusion Future Fuuin Fuwamoko F?mu G GB GBA GBC GDC GE GEN GF GFS GI GO GP GRI GT GX Gabby Gabite Gabon Gabor Gabrigator Gabumon Gab? Gacha Gadd Gadds Gadget Gaebora Gaeborau Gaepora Gai Gaia Gaiamon Gaiden Gaim Gains Galacta Galactic Galactron Galaga Galahad Galar Galaxia Galaxian Galaxies Galaxy Galbo Galboros Gale Gallade Gallaghers Gallant Galleon Gallery Galoomba Galvantula Gamasutra Gamble Game GameCube GameCubeWii GameDaily GameDailys GameFAQS GameFan GameFly GameInformercom GamePROde GamePro GameProde GamePros GameSpot GameSpots GameSpy GameTrailers Gameboy Gamefan Gamelon Gameplay Gamer Gamereo Games GamesBeat GamesRadar GamesRadars GamesRareNamcoQGamesPlatinumGames Gamesnet Gamespot Gametrailers Gametrailerscom Gaming Gamma Ganbarising Ganbaru Gandrayda Gang GangDittos Gangplank Gangu Gann Gannontoise Ganon Ganondorf Ganondorfs Ganons Ganyokki Gao Gaogao Garage Garbodor Garchomp Garden Gardening Gardevoir Garlude Garludes Garry Garubo Garuborosu Gary Gashat Gastly Gastrodon Gasu Gatchmon Gate Gatecrashed Gates Gateway Gatling Gatomon Gauntlets Gawker Gaze Gear Gebora Geed Gegs Geinzu Geist Gekitotsu Gekkouga Gem Gender Genealogy General Generally Generals Generation Generations Genesect Genesis Gengar Gengu Genie Geniec Genius Genre Genyo Geodude Geoform George Geragem?na Gerakobittsu Germ German Germany Gerudo Gerudos Gesukarusaurusu Get Gets Getting Ghameleo Ghastly Ghibli Ghidorah Ghirahim Ghirahimq Ghor Ghost GhostThe Ghostbusters GiFTPiA Giant Giants Gible Gibson Gift Giga Gigalith Gigan Gigant Giganto Giganyokki Gijira Gilraptor Ginga Girafarig Girahimu Giratina Girl Girls Glaceon Glalie Glameow Glass Glazio Glidewell Gligar Gliscor Glitch Glitter Glo Globe Globemon Globetrotters Gloom Gloomy Glory Glove Glunk GluteFlexing Gnasher Go Goal Goan God Goddess Goddesses Gods Godziban Godzilla Goes Gogoat Gohma Goin Going Golbat Gold Goldberg Goldeen Golden GoldenEye Goldon Golduck Golem Golett Golf Golfe Golisopod Golurk Gomamon Gomoku Gongoron Gonintendocom Goo Good Goodbye Goodeve Goodman Goodra Goods Gooey Gooeys Goof Goofs Google Gooigi Goomba Goombrat Goomy Goons Goose Gordo Gordon Gordos Gorea Goreas Gorebyss GorillaGone Gorman Goron Gorons Gorud? Gossifleur Gossip Goszkowski Gothita Gothitelle Gothorita Gotta Goularte Goulter Gouram Gourgeist Grab Grace Grachiosaurus Gradius Graham Granbull Grand Graner Grannie Grant Grape Graphics Grapploct Grass Grassland Grave Gravedale Graveler Gravely Graveyard Gravity Gray Great Greater Greatest Greats Greedent Green Greenhouse Greg Gregg Grenade Grenades Greninja Grey Greyan Grezzo Gridmaster Griffey Grigis GrillOff Grimer Grimley Grimm Grimmsnarl Grinkey Gristle Grog Grookey Grookeydagger Groose Groosenator Grotle Grotto Groudon Ground Grounds Group Grovyle Grow Growlithe Grubbin Grudge Grumpig Grusd Gtvcom Guard Guardaa Guardian Guardians Guarding Guest Guf? Guide GuideWalkthrough Guidesigncom Guitar Gulley Gulpin Gummi Gummy Gumshoe Gumshoos Gum?n Gun Gundam Gunman Gurando Guranku Gurasu Gurdurr Gure Gurei Gureibu Guren GuruGuru Gurugianto Guruguru Gur?to Gur?n Gus Gust Gustaf Gustck Guy Guys Guzzlord Gu? Gyarados Gyarakutikkunaito Gym Gyromite Gyrowing G?n G?remu G?ri G?rudon G?i HAL HALs HD HIF HL HP HS HWC HWCs Habitation Haboki Hachette Hack Hacker Hacky Hagg? Hail Haim Hainesu Hajimari Hakamoo Hakase Hakkenki Hakkumon Hakkun Hako Hakusho Hal Halberd Halberds Halcandra HalfBaked Hall Halls Haltmann Haltmanns HamHam HamHams Hamilton Hammer Hammerman Hamsturr Hamtaro Hana Hanafuda Hanba Hand Hando Hands HandsOn Handson Hanenbow Hang Haniwalike Han? Happakasa Happily Happiny Happy Hara Hard HardHat Hardcore Hardcoregamercom Hardy Hare Hareap Hareaq Harei Hares Hariet Harik?n Hariyama Harkinan Harlequin HarmoKnight Harp Harris Hart Hartmann Harutoman Harvest Has Hasnt Hasoi Hat Hatch Hate Hatenna Hattari Hatter Hatterene Hattrem Haunter Havana Have Haven Having Hawlucha Haxorus Hayami He HeMan Hea Head Headi Healing Health Healthy Heard Heart HeartGold Heartbreak Heat Heatmor Heatran Heaven Heavy Heavyweight Heb? Heddo Hedgehog Heidi Heights Heike Heisei Helicopter Heliolisk Helioptile Hell Hellen Hello HelloPika HelloVui Helm Helmehorn Helmet Helper Henderson Henry Henshin Hensons Hepburn Her Heracles Heracross Hercules HerculoidsSpace Herdier Here Heres Hero Heroes Heros Herring Herumeh?n Herup? Hes Hey Heyward HiJump Hidamari Hidden Hiden Hideout Higgins Higgs High HighTops Highlander Highlands Hikari Hilda Hildas Hill Hilliard Hills Hiness Hino Hint Hip Hippity Hippo HippoLittle Hippocis Hippop Hippopotas Hippos Hippowdon Hipp? Hiratake Hire Hirohiko Hironobu His Hisao Hisho Historia History Hit Hitmonchan Hitmonlee Hitmontop Hito Hitt? Hixtons Hoard Hobby Hobo Hockey Hockeye Hoffnung Hogans Hohhe Hold Holder Hole Holiday Holland Holliday Hollow Hollywood Holmes Holo HoloDefense HoloDoomers HoloIce HoloKracko HoloLowpers Holodrum Holon Holy Home Homepage Hometown Homeworld Honchkrow Honda HondaHondo Hondas Hondo Hondot Hond? Hone Honedge Honey Honeybees Honeybloom Honeyhive Honeyhop Hong Honker Hood Hooh Hooker Hoop Hoopa Hoops Hoopworld Hoothoot Hop Hoppip Horde Horizons Horn Hornhead Hornoad Horo Horon Horror Horse Horsea Horst Hoshi Hosoi Hot Hotel Hotto Houdini Houndoom Houndour Hour Hourglass House Houses How However Hows Hoy Ho?ru Huayra Hudson Huffingtonpostcom Hug Hugger Huggerj Huggers Hugil Hugo Hula Huling Hulk Humans Humongo Humongous Humorously Hunger Hungry Hunky Hunt Huntail Hunter Hunters Hurrah Hurricane Hurricaneh Hurricanes Hurry Husky Huxley Huí Hyakunin Hydreigon Hylia Hylian HylianTerminian Hylians Hylias Hyness Hynesss Hyper Hypernova Hypersport Hypno Hypnos Hyrule Hyrulean Hyrules H?d? H?ch? H?kingu H?mu H?r? 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Is Island Islands Isle Isles Isshu Istanbul It Italian ItalianAmerican Italy Item ItemLightning Items ItemsBefore ItemsSort Itoh Itoi Its Itsudemo Itsy It? Ivan Ive Ivy Ivysaur Iznogoud Izuhakone J JP JSTOR JU JUMBO Ja Jab Jaberinnaito Jabun Jack Jackinthebox Jackson Jafar Jam Jamaica Jamaican Jamba James Jamie Jan Jangmoo Janpuman Janp?sh?to January Japan Japanese Japaneselanguage Japanonly Japes Jar Javelin Jay Jayne Jays Jayx Jaz Jecra Jeffrey Jei Jellabies Jellicent Jelly Jenga Jeremy Jerry Jesse Jessie Jet Jetpac Jetsons Jewel JewelUp Jigglypuff Jigsaw Jikan Jill Jim Jirachi Jiten Jive Job Jock Joe JoeKing Joee Joes John Johnny Johns Johnson Johto Joining Joker Jolteon Joltik Jon Jonathan Jones Jonny Jordan Josh Joshua Journey Joushiki Joust Joy Joystiq Jr Jrb Jrs Jrt Juan Judge Jueru Juggler Juice Jukid Jukiddo Jul Julia Juliani July Jumanji Jump Jumpershoot Jumping Jumpluff Jumpmann Jun June Jungle Junglies Junia Junichi Junior Juniper Junk Jurassic Just Justice Justin Jynx Jyro J?muzu J? J?shikiryoku J?r?ta K KAOS KART KB KG KO KOApril KOFebruary KOJuly KRool KRools KSS Kaboing Kaboola Kabtor Kabu Kabuki Kabukilike Kabula Kabuto Kabutops Kab? Kab?r? Kadabra Kaepora Kaeru Kaettekita Kafei Kafeis Kagami Kage Kagero Kageroy Kager? Kahoru Kaih? Kaijin Kaiju KaijuOh Kain Kaiser Kaiseru Kaite Kaiwahen Kaiz? Kakarico Kakariko Kakarikonote Kakegawa Kakei Kako Kakon Kakuna Kakusei Kalos Kamek Kamekku Kamekkubaba Kamekv Kamen Kammy Kanden Kane Kanf? Kangaskhan Kani Kanji Kannon Kannonballs Kansai Kanshuu Kansh? Kanzaki Kao Kappa Kappei Kaptain Karate Karenchan Karkurenbo Karl Karpf Karrablast Kart Kartana Karurosso Karusa Kasaobake Kasavin Kasplats Kassen Kass? Kasutam? Kat Katasumi Kate Kates Katherine Katie Katina Kato Kats Katsumi Katt Katts Katy Kaukan Kavadas Kawada Kawaganos Kawasaki Kawasakis Kawasakisaurus Kawashimas Kayzie Kazagur? Kaze Kazoku Kazumi Kazunori Keaton Kecleon Keeby Keene KeeneAMRGunpei KeeneCaptain Keep Keeper Keepers Kei Keifu Keiichi Keita Keith Keizai Keldeo Kelly Kemitor? Kemps Ken Kenji Kenkou Kenneth Kenny Kensaku Kenshi Kenshin Kensuke Kentaro Kentei Kepora KerPlunk Kerry Kershaw Keshite Ketchum Ketchums Ketchup Ketteisen Ketzals Kevin KevinLana Kevins Key Ki Kibble Kick Kicks Kid Kidaf Kidd Kiddo Kiddy Kids Kidsav Kidy Kieta Kikenai Kikis Killer Kimera Kimewaza Kin Kindling Kine King Kingdom Kingdoms Kingdra Kingler Kings Kingston Kingu Kingusu Kinojii Kinopiko Kinopio Kinstones Kipper Kira Kiradeko Kirai Kirakira Kirby KirbyThe Kirbya Kirbybased Kirbylike Kirbys Kirbysaurus Kirisakin Kirk Kirks Kirlia Kisaichi Kissyfur Kit KitAlolan KitExcadrill KitGyarados KitLatias KitLatios KitLucario KitLycanroc KitManaphy KitMinun KitNoivern KitPikachu KitPlusle KitRaichu KitSuicune KitSylveon KitZoroark Kitaeru Kitchen Kits Kittari Kitty Kizuna Kizzu Klampons Klan Klang Klap Klaptrap Klaptraps Klaptrapsv Klefki Klink Klinklang Klomp Kludge Kludges Klump Klumps Klumpss Knew Knife Knight Knightmare Knights Knocks Know Knowing Known Knuckle Koala Kobble Kobe Koboli Kodai Koei Koenigsegg Koffing Kohga Kohgas Kohler Koholint Koizumi Kokiri Kokiris Kokku Koko Kokoro Kokuppa Kolack Kollege Komala Komali Komatsu Kommoo Komorebi Kon Kondate Kong KongMario KongMetroidPokémon Konga Kongag Kongc Kongd Konge Kongf Kongg Kongh Kongi Kongj Kongk Kongl Konglike Kongnapped Kongo Kongoland Kongs Kongu Konse Koopa Koopaat Koopalings Koopalingsu Koopas Koosh Korin Koro Korok Koroks Kosugi Kosuke Kotake Kotakek Kotakes Kotaku Kotakucom Kotakus Kotta Kouhaku Koukeisha Koume Koumel Kousoku Koyama Krabby Kracko Krackos Kraid Kraken Krashes Krazoa Kremisphere Kremling Kremlings Kremlingsr Krew Kricketot Kricketune Krimps Kritter Kritters Krittersu Kroc Krokorok Krookodile Krotoski Krumples Krunch Kruncha Krunchas Krusha Krushas Krushast Krystal Krystalj Krystals Kt Kuadogan Kubfu Kubo Kuikku Kumonoue Kung Kunpei Kuppa Kurafut? Kurakko Kurank? Kuranpu Kurapputorappu Kurassha Kuraun Kureido Kureij? Kuremurin Kurikin Kurisutaru Kuritt? Kuros Kurt Kuru KuruKuru KuruPachi Kururin Kur?n Kusure Kuuga Kuwaga Ku?n Kyand? Kyapp? Kyaputen Kyap? Kyasarin Kyataruga Kyatto Kyle Kyogre Kyojin Kyoko Kyoui Kyoush? Kyurem Kyurio Ky?kai Ky?ko Ky?ry? Kämpfer K?b? K?b?zaurusu K?b? K?j? K?keisha K?me K?neria K?rasu K?suke K?tei K? K?ru L LA LBX LC LD LEGO LM LNOETH LOT LTR LW La Lab Labo Labor Laboratory Labrynna Labyrinth Ladders Lady Ladyp Ladyq Lahiri Lainie Lairon Lake Lakitu Lakitus Lala Lalala Lalalas Lamb Lamborghini Lamp Lampent Lana Lanas Lanayru Lance Lancelot Lancer Land LandYoshio Lande Landia Landias Landmaster Landorus Lands Lane Lang Langhorne Lanky Lankys Lanturn Lapkin Lapras Laputa Large Larry Lars Laruto Larvesta Larvitar Lash Last Late Later Latias Latin Latios Laughs Laughter Launcher Laundry Laura Lava Lavender Lawrence Laxton Layer Layton Lazer Lead Leader Leading Leaf LeafGreen Leafeon League LeagueThe Leaguer Learn Leavanny Ledian Ledyba Lee Legacy Legend Legendary Legenden Legends Lego Leigh Lelani Lele Lemmy Len Lens Leo Leon Leons Les Lesson Lessons Lets LetsGo Letterman Lev Level Levelarea Levi Leviathan Leviathans Levy Levys Lewis Liberman Libre Libs Licca Liccachan Liccarize Lickilicky Lickitung Liepard Life Liger Light LightFoot LightFoots Lighthouse Lighting Lightning Lightyear Like Likely Likes Lileep Lillies Lilligant Lillipup Lilys Limited Lincoln Lind Linda Line Linebeck Linebecks Link LinkDark Linkle Linkles Links Linoone Lion Lions Liquidizer Lisa List Listen Lists Literature Litleo Littendagger Little Littlefield Littlest Litwick Live Lives Living Llamas Lloyd Loading Loafer Lobozzo Lobster Lobzilla Lock Lockjaw Lockseed Locomotive Lode Loggins Logs Lola Lollipop Lolo Lololo Lombardi LombardiSlippy Lombardig Lombre Lon London Long Longestablished Longstocking Lonpos Look Looking Looks Looksleys Lopunny Lor Lord Lordly Lore Lorule Lorules Lorulian Los Lost Lot Lotad Lou Loud Loudred Louis Louisc Louise Louiss Love LoveLove Loveday Lovely Lovett LowestHighestA Lowper Ltd Lucario Lucas Luchador Lucina Lucy Ludicolo Ludwig Lugia Luigi Luigib Luigis Luke Lullaby Luma LumaLumas Lumas Lumaz Lumiloop Luminaria Lumineon Luminoth Luminous Lumps Lumsy Lunala Lunatone Lund Lurantis Luvdisc Luxio Luxray Lycanroc Lykan Lylat Lyle Lynde Lynna Lyric Lyssa M MA MACHINA MARIO MAX MB MBs MCD MCMario MCV MD METROID MG MISSION MMTLN MT MTV MTVs Mabel Maboshis Mac Macb Macbeth Macchoman Mace Mach Machamp Machine Machines Macho Machoke Machop Machosan Mack Macs Macthe Mad Madame Maddie Maddo Madeira Madeleine Madeline Madelines Madeoy Madness Madoka Madoo Madrid Mad? Mag Magazine Magby Magcargo MageSisters Magearna Magee Magic Magical Magician Magicians Magikarp Magikoopa Magikoopas Magma Magmar Magmortar Magna Magnemite Magnet Magnetica Magneton Magnezone Magolor Magolors Magoo Magu Mag? MahJongg Mahallike Mahito Mahjong Mahoroa Maiden Maidens Maidensthe Maiku Mail Mailtoad Maimaigon Maimaigoon Maimaigoons Main Maindo Majestic Majesty Major Majora Majoras Maj? Makar Make Maker Makers Makes Makiko Making Makku Makoto Maku Makuhita Makuraudo Malamar Malgrave Maliani Malkil Malkovich Malkovichs Mall Mallard Malo Malon Malons Malonx Malpass Mam Mama Mamade Mammoths Mamoswine Mamu Mamuj? Mam? Man Mana Management Manager Manaphy Manb?zu Mandibuzz Manectric Manga Manhole Manholee Mania Mankey Mankuma Manky Manley Mann Manpuku Mans Mansion Mansory Mantine Mantyke Manual Manufacturer Many Map Maple Maples Mar Maractus Marble Marbles Marblopolis March Marcus Marcy Mareanie Mareep Margin Maria Marill Marimba Marin Marine Mariner Marines Marins Mario Marioa Mariom Marios Marissa Mark Marley Marlow Maron Marowak Marrell Mars Marsha Marshadow Marshtomp Marth Martial Martian Martin Martinet Maruka Maruku Marvel Marvelous Marx Marxs Masahiro Masaki Mascot Masher Mask Masked Masquerain Mass Massh? Massive Massuru Master Masters Masuda Masukudo Masut? Mat Match Matches Matchup Math Matrimony MatrimonySo Matryoshka Matt Matter Matters Matthew Mattofeisu Mat? Maui Maundesu Maurice Maw Mawashitetsu Mawile Max Maxim Maximum Maxs May Maybach Mayhem Mayles Mayor Maz? Ma? Mc McAuliffe McCloud McCloudFalco McCloudf McCloudm McClouds McCool McDonalds McFarland McFarlanes McGillicuty McLaughlin McNally McNeil McQueen McWhertor Me Meachum Meadow Meal Meaning Meat Mech Mecha Mechagodzilla Mechakoopa Mechanical Medallion Medals Media Medicham Medigoron Meditite Medium Medli Medoh Medusa Meet Mega MegaHouse Megaland Megamix Meganium Megaphone Megaton Meguru Meichan Meier Meisunaito Meka Mel Melee Melemele Meli Melissa Melman Melmetal Melody Meloetta Melon Meltan Meltans Melter Melty Memo Memoir Memorial Memories Memory Men Menace Mental Mentioned Meowser Meowstic Meowth Mercedes Mercury Merissa Mermaid Mesprit Meta MetaKnights MetaNaitsu Metagross Metal Metallic Metalum Metalun Metamortex Metang Metapod Metarun Metatomato Meteor Meteos Metoroido Metroid MetroidFusionOther MetroidII Metroida Metroids Metronome Mew Mewtwo Mexico Mgameprocom Miasmoros Mice Michael Michi Michihiro Mickey Mickeys Micro Microgame Microscopic Microsoft Mid Midna Midnav Midona Mienfoo Mienshao Mighty Mightyena Miho Mii Miitomo Miitopia Mike Mikel Mikkun Milan Milcery Mild Milipede Milk Milky Miller Million MillionHeir Millions Milotic Miltank Milton Mime Mimikyu Minami Minccino Mind Minds Mines Mini MiniBosses MiniLand MiniMario MiniMonkey MiniMonsters Minikuppa Minions Minior Minis Minish Minister Minna Minnie Minor Minun Minute Minutes Mipha Miphas Miracle Mirage Mirages Mirakuru Mirror Misadventures Misaki Mischief Misdreavus Mismagius Miss Missile Missing MissingNo Missingno Mission MissionSamus Mister Misut? Mix Miyamoto MiyamotoArgonaut Miyamotos Miyu Miyuk Mizuki Mizutani Mo Mob Mobile MocchiMocchi Mode Model Models Modern Modes Moero Mogami Mogii Moguera Mog? Moko Moldormb Mole Moley Moltres Mom Moments Momoko Momotaro Mon Moncolle Monferno Monkey MonkeyPort Monkeys Mono Monopoly Monr Monroe Monroeah Monr? Monshou Monsh? Monsieur Monster Monsterpiece Monsters Monthly Monty Moocher Moomin Moon Moons Mopatops More Morelull Morgan Morgrem Mori Morning Moro Morokosh? Moros Morpeko Morph Morpha Morpho Morris Morton Mosaic Moso Most Mostly Mother Mothim Motion Motorboat Motors Motta Mou Moundeath Moundo Mount Mountain Mouse Move Moves Movie MovieNEX Movies Mozuch Mr Mrs Mt Muay Much Mudbray Mudkipdagger Mudsdale Mujou Muk Mukashi Mukashibanashi Mulkerin Multi Multiplayer Multiplayerblogmtvcom Multiple Mumbai Mumbies Mummies MummyMe Munchlax Munna Murasame Murasamej? Murkrow Muscle Muscleab Musharna Mushroom Music Musical Musketeer Musshu Mustard Mutant Mutation Mutoh MuttsSpace Muzu My Mysteries Mysterious Mystery Myth Mythical Myths Myujimon M? M?ah M?beru M?mu M?ru M?r? N NA NAApril NAJuly NALAKU NAMarch NAOctober NASeptember NBA NBC NBCC NBMCS NCAA NCircle NES NEW NHK NHL NME NOW NP NPCs NStar NTSC NTeam NUS NUSn NVI NX NXD NZ Nabbit Nabbitaj Nabooru Naboris Nab? Nadeshiko Nadesico Naganadel Nagare Nagasako Nageru Nago Nagoyas Naid Nails Naito Naitomea Naitomeasha Naizou Nakao Nakayama Nakkuruj? Name Nannies Nano Nanoblock Nanocarp Naoki Naoto Napoleon Napoli Napolitano Naptime Narabe Narados Narcis Nards Narration Narrator Naru Narushisu Naruto Nate Native Natsumes Natu Nausicaa Nausu Navi Navigation Naviw Navy Nayru Nayrus Nazo Nazonazo Neal Near Nearby Nebula NecroDancer Necrodeus Necrozma Need Needle Neighbor Nekketsu Nekurodiasu Nellie Nemesis Nenzu Neo Neon Nerf Nesters Network Networks Never Neverending Nevertheless Neves New NewestOldestPrice Newman News Newsome Newstone Newsweek Next Nichi Nick Nickit Nicknamed Nidoking Nidoqueen Nidoran? Nidoran? Nidorina Nidorino Night NightMare Nightmare NightmareX Nightmares Nightmaresa Nihilego Nihon Nikki Nikkis Nikku Nil Nin Nincada Nine Ninetales Ningyogei Ningy? Ninja Ninjask Nintendo NintendoCaptain Nintendogs Nintendorelated Nintendos Nippon Niru Nixed No NoL NoT Noahs Noble Nobody Nobuo Noctowl Noddies Noddy Noddys Nodi Nodosaurus Noel Nohansen Noibat Noire Noivern Nojima Nomura Non None Nonetheless Noon Norion Norris North Northern Northridge Noseman Nosepass Nostalgia Not Notebook Notes Noticing Nottingham Nov NovAug NovJul Nova Novel November Now NowJacobean Ns Nteam Null Numata Number Numbers Numel Numerous Nurburgring Nurie Nutty Nuun Nuzleaf N?ga N?zuman O ODonnell ODonnellq OFFICIAL OHare OOO ORBIENT OS OTYS Oakie Oasis Oba Oberonn Objects Oboeru Obonsawin Observation Observatory Obstagoon Ocarina Ocean Oct OctAug OctJul OctJun OctSep Octacon Octagon Octavo Octillery October Octoliths Octoman Octomanad Octopath Octopus Odama Oddish Oddparents Odjakjian Odoneru Odyssey Odysseys Of Off Offense Offensive Office Officer Official Often Oggy Ogre Ohara Ohm OhmBlue OhmRed Ohmoto Ohmura Oikkon? Oikonny Oikonnyt Oil Okaeri Okane Okutakon Okutoman Old Oli Olympic Olympus Omanyte Omastar Omega Omenya Omni Omocha On Once One OnePiece Onigashima Onion Onix Onkled Online Only Onox Oohroo Ookiku Open Operation Operations Opponents Oracle Oracles OrangSprint OrangStand Orange Oranges Oranguru Orb Orbeetle Orbie Orbital Orchestra Order Oren Organ Oricorio Origami OriginGame OriginRevolving Original Originally Originating Origins Ornitholestes Ortiz Osaifu Osaka Osamu Oscars Osfala Oshawottdagger Oshus Osu Otacon Othello Other Others Otherwise Otona Ou Oubliette Ouedan Ouen Ouendan Oujamon Our Out Outer Outlaw Outlive Outpost Outside Outskirts Oven Over Overview Owl Owner Owsen Oya Oyama Oyam?ai Oz Ozomashii Ozomash? P PAD PAL PAcorn PBC PC PDF PHF PK PL PLAY PLB PLF PLS POP POPUP POPUp PP PRC PTSD Pablo PacMan Pachirisu Pachycedos Pacific Pack Packet PacketNew PacketRestock Packun Pad Paddington Paddys Pafi Pagani Page Pages Paincia Paint Paintra Pair?tsu Pakkun Pakkunar Palace Palkia Palmon Palossand Palpitoad Palutena Pan Pancham PanchiAuto Pandemic Pandoras Panechu Panel Panepon Pangoro Panic Panorama Panpour Pansage Pansear Pans? Panther Pants Paparazzi Paper Paperboy Papetoon Papillon Papoose Parachute Paradise Paragoomba Parallel Paras Parasect Parasite Parasites Parasol Paratroopa Parish Park Parker Parking Part Partizanne Partners Party Partye Pass Passimian Passion Passus Past Pasta Pastai Pasuta Patamon Patch Path Patrat Patricia Patrick Patrol Patrya Patton Paul Pauline Paulineo Paulinep Paulines Pause Pawniard Paw? Paw?do Paya Peach Peachc Peachette Peachs Peak Pearl Pedalers Pedestal Peep PeepSweets Peinshia Peinto Pelipper Penguins Pennsylvania People Peoples Pepper Pepperag Peppers Peppy Peppys Pepp? Pep? Percent Percival Perfect Perfection Perlmutter Pero Peros Perrserker Perry Perryac Persian Person Personal Personality Pet Peter Petey Peteys Petilil Petit Petite Petrichor Pewter Phaaze Phan Phanpy Phantasia Phantom Phantoms Phantump Phazon Pheromosa Philadelphia Philbert Philips Phillip Phillips Phione Phoenix Phone Phooey Photo Photos Phrygis Phrygisians PiCOPiCT Piccolo Pichu PickUp Picnic Picolyte Picori Picross Pictionary Picture PictureBook Picturebook Pictured Pidgeot Pidgeotto Pidgey Pidove Piece Pierce Pig Pigma Pigmas Pignite Piguma Piillo Pika Pikachu Pikachudaggerc Pikachus Pikipek Pikmin Pillow PillowPlush Piloswine Pilot Pilotwings PinBot Pinball PinballHuntersTrilogyFederation Pinballe Pincurchin Pineapple Pineco Ping Pininfarina Pink PinkCollar Pinky Pins Pinsir Pinyin Pipe Piplupdagger Pippi Piranha Pirate Pirates Piston Pisuton Pitch Pitchi Pits Pittsa Pixar PixelJunk Pizza Plague Plalanche Plane Planet Planeteers Plant Plants Plasma Plasmo Platforms Platinum Play PlayAlong PlayDoh Playable Player Players Playing Please Plenty Plessie Plessieaf Ploy Plugg Plus Plush Plusle Pochi Pocket Podoboo Poe Pogs Point Points Poipole Poison Poisonboros Poizunborosu Pokcell Poke PokePla PokedelZ Pokedex Pokemon Pokemons Pokey Pokken Pokkén PokéPark PokéShowdown Pokédex Pokémon PokémonLists PokémonanimePunchOutCaptain Pokémonathon PokémonathonThe Pokémons Polar Polarium Pole Police Politoed Poliwag Poliwhirl Poliwrath Pollock Polly Polteageist Poltergeist Poltergust Polygon Pom Poms Pomx Pon Pong Ponjan Pony PonyTail Ponyta Poochy Poochyag Poochyena Poochys Poodle Pool Pop PopUp Popeye Popinski Popinskil Popinskis Popinsuk? 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Powder Power Powered Powerful Powerpuff Powers Prairie Predicament Prediction Prehistoric Premise Premium PremiumDressSet Preorder Present Presents President Press Preston Presumably Preview Previous Previously PriKura Price Priest Primal Primarina Primate Prime Primeape Primes Prince Princeac Princess Princesses Princessesak Prinplup Prior Prism Prix Pro ProAm ProComm ProPutt ProStars Problem Probopass Producers Product Production Productions Professor Profile Profitt Progrise Project Projects Promo Promos Promotional Proper Prostars Protagonists Protection Protoman Prototype Provided Prunelle Prussian Psyche Psychic Psyduck Pt Ptera Pteranodons Ptooie Publisher Puffy Pukey Pulaski Pulido Pullback Pulls Pulse Pump Pumpkaboo Punch PunchOut PunchOuta PunchOuts PunchSuper Puncheredov Punchout Punchy Punipuni Punishment Punky Punpun Pupitar Puppet Puppies Pupupu Purah Purchese Purejidento Purinsu Purlo Purple Purrloin Pursuit Purugly Purupuru Pushing Pushmo Puss Put Putty Puzzle Puzzles Pyjamas Pyramids Pyribbit Pyroar Pyropuff Pyukumuku P?mu P?chihime Q Qix Quadgun Quagsire Quarantine Quarlow Quarlowz Quasimodo Queen Queenad Queens Queeny Quest Question Quests Quick Quickf Quilava Quilladin Quiz Quotes Qwilfish R RB RC RCL RD REAL REDEEMED RG RM RO ROB ROBcitation ROBs ROMs ROS ROTOHEX ROTOZOA RPG RR RRC RS RType RX Rabbids Rabbit Raboot Race Racer Racers Racial Racing Racist Rad Radar Radiance Radiant Radiation Radical Radio Radtke Rage Raian Raichu Raidon Raikou Railways Rain Rainbow RainbowUnicorn Raincoat Raion Raisin Rakubiki Rakuhiki Rally Ralph Ralts Rambarudi Rampage Rampardos Ranch Rancher Randia Randnet Rando Random Randorn Randy Ranger Rangers Rango Rank Rank? Rannells Ranpukin Rap Rapidash Raptor Raptoria Rarara Rare Rareware Rarewarecoms Rather Raticate Rattata Rattle Raudo Rauru Ravio Raw Ray Rayman Rayquaza Razak Razor Razors ReKoil ReMent RePresident RePurejidento Reactor Real Realistic Really Realm Realms Rebecca Rebel Rebonack Reboot Rebroadcasts RecRec Reception Recess Recipe Record Recording Recurring Red RedEyes Reddit Redi Redirected Redmond Redneck References Reflect Refuge Regice Regidrago Regieleki Regigigas Region Regional Regirock Registeel Register Regular Reid Reidoramon Reindeer Reizou Rekishi Rekketsu Rekkusu Related Release Released Relicanth Rem Remake Remakes Reminder Remix Remoraid Ren Renai Renamed Renju Renp? Rental Rentals Reo Reon Reorganization Reparaz Report Reports Reptilicus Requiem Rescue Rescuing Research ReseighLincoln Reservation Reserve Resetti Reshiram Resort Resource Rest Restaurant Restock Results Resurrect Retail Retrieved Retriever Retro RetroSpecial Retronauts Retrospective Return Returns Reuniclus Revali Revalis Revealed Revelation Revenge Review Reviews Revised Revivemon Revolt Revolution Rex Rexs Reznor Reznoraw Re???????????? Rhoam Rhydon Rhyhorn Rhyperior Rhythm Ribbon Ribenji Ribombee Ribon Ricardo Richard Richie Rick Ride Rider Riders Ridewatch Ridge Ridley Ridleys Right Righty Riju Rijus Rika Rikiya Rikku Riley Rillaboom Rime Ring Ringle Ringles Rings Rinkur? Rio Riolu Rip Ripple Riser Rising Rito Ritoru Rivals Road Roadmaster Roadster Roar Roaring Rob Robert Robin Robinson Robo RoboBrood RoboKritter Robobot Robot RobotSFX Robots Robusut? Rock Rocket RocknRoll Rockos Rockruff Rocky Rod Rodan Roger Rogers Roggenrola Rogueport Rokku Rokk? Rokuj?yon Role Roll Roller Rolling Rolls Rolycoly Rolypoly Romani Romuald Ron Rona Rookidee Rookie Rool Roolenstein Rools Room Root Rora Rororo Rosalina Rosalinai Rose Roselia Rosen Rosenzu Roserade Rosetta Rosey Rosie Rosso Rossos Roswell Rosy Rotation Rotom Rottentrolls Rough Roujin Round Rover Rowlet Rowletdagger Rowlin Rowman Roy Royal Royale Royce Rubies Rubiks Rubin Ruby Rudania Rudden Rufflet Rugrats Ruin Ruins Ruisu Rules Rumble Run Rundas Runebound Runerigus Runner Running Rupeeland Rupees Rupert Rurouni Rurubu Rurupu Rus Rush Russell Russia Russian Russians Rustys Ruta Ruto Ruxpin Ru?ji Ryan Ryans Ryanv Ryoku Ryourig? Ryu Ry? Ry?sei Ròu R?ji R? R?p? R?p?zu R?ringu R?r? R?sh? S SAL SAX SAXs SF SG SHARE SHIP SHODO SHVS SI SITE SIcom SK SLG SMOKE SMP SNES SOMNIUM SP SR SS SSH STEAM STS SUM SUV SV SW SWAT Saban Sabat Sableye Sabrina Sack Sacred Safari Safebuster Saga Sage Sages Sagesincluding Sagoian Sahasrahla Saiky? Sailor Saitoh Sakaguchi Sakamoto Sakeburein Sakura Sakuragi Sakurai Salamence Salandit Salazzle Sales Salesman Salesmans Salmon Saltys Sam Samantha Samit Sammy Samo Samuel Samurai Samurott Samus SamusSaX SamusSuper Samuss Samusu San Sanctuary Sandaconda Sanders Sandiego Sandile Sandman Sandmang Sandokan Sandoman Sands Sandshrew Sandslash Sandstorm Sandy Sandygast Sanei Sanitys Sannin Sanrinsha Sanskrit Sans? Santa Santo Sapieha Sapphire Sara Sarah Sarasaland Saria Sarias Saru Sasajima Sasuke Satella Satellaview Satellite Sato Satoshi Satoshis Satouchi Satsuki Saturday Sauria Sauropods Savage Save Saved Savoia Savvy Sawk Sawsbuck Saxophone Sayuri Scale Scales Scalesx Scam Scan Scaner Scare Scarfies Scarfy Scarfys Scarry Scatterbug Scene Scentsation ScentsationEpisode Sceptile Schedeen School Schuco Schwarz Science Scientific Scizor Scolipede Scoopy Scope Scorbunny Scorbunnydagger Scorecard Scorpear Scott Scrafty Scraggy Scramble Scream Screen Scribblenauts Scribes Script Scrub Scully Scythe Scyther Sea Seadra Seaking Seal Sealed Sealeo Sean Seanbaby Search Seas Season Seasons Seavor Second Secondly Secret Secretary Secretly Secrets Sectnia Sectonia Sectonias Sector Sectors Security See Seed Seeding Seedot Seeker Seel Sega Segers Seijin Seika Seikatsu Seiken Seisen Seismitoad Seiyuu Sekiban Sekiguchi Sekine Sekitori Sekki Sekutonia Sekyuriti Selection Semester Sengoku Senior Senki Sennen Sensen Senshi Sentinels Sentret Sen? Sep SepAug SepJul September Sequel Sequence Seres Sergio Series SeriesEX Serperior Seru Servant Service Servine Sessions SessionsFE Sesto Set Setsuna Setting Settings Seven Sevensage Seventh Several Seviper Sewaddle Sexual Sgt Shacknews Shadow ShadowHunters Shadowbite Shadows Shad? Shad?baito Shaheem Shain Shake Shakedown Shakespeare Shakespeares Shane Shard Shards Sharkey Sharks Sharky Sharon SharpClaw SharpClaws Sharpclaws Sharpedo Shashin Shattso Shaw Shaymin ShazamHero She Shea Shears Shearsw Shedinja Sheerow Sheeta Sheff Sheik Sheikah Sheiks Shelf Shelgon ShellShocked Shellder Shellos Shelmet Sheri Shes Shi Shiba Shield Shieldon Shift Shiftry Shigeru Shigesato Shigureden Shiinotic Shiitake Shiitakes Shikishi Shikumi Shin Shinbunsha Shine Shinespark Shinesparkers Shinia Shining Shinkansen Shinobu Shinshuu Shinwa Shinx Shiny Shinya Ship Ships Shipwreck Shiranai Shirk Shiro Shirt Shirubakkusu Shizuka Shmoo Shoch? Shock Shoemaker Shogakukan Shogakukans Shogun Shokugan Shooter Shooting Shop Short Shortcake Shortly Shot Shotzo Shou Shoujo Shoulder Shousetsu Shout Shouts Shovel Show Showcase Showdown Shower Shows Shrine Shrinky Shroomish Shuckle Shuffle Shuki Shuppet Shutmon Shuyaku Shy Sh?ruzu Sh?gun Sh?jo Sh?en SiNG Siberian Side Sideshow Sidons Siege Sigilyph Signs Silcoon Silent Silicobra Siliconera Silke Silly Silvally Silver Silvestri Silvox Sim SimCity Simcha Simian Similar Similarlooking Simipour Simisage Simisear Simon Simons Simpler Simpsons Simulator Sin Sinbad Since Sincerity Singing Sinistea Sir Sirens Sirfetchd Sirica Sissi Sisters Sistersm Sit Site Six Sixtyfour Size Sizzlipede Skarmory Skate Skeletal Skeleton Sketch Sketchpad Skidda Skiddo Skies Skills SkipIt Skiploom Skitty Skorupi Skrelp Skud Skull Skullseer Skully Skullys Skuntank Skurvy Skurvys Skwovet Sky Skyler Skyloft Skyridge Skyward Slaking Slakoth Slalom Slam Slant Sledge Sleep Sleepy Slice SlicerDicer Slide Sliggoo Slime Slinky Slip Slippy Slippys Slot Slow Slowbro Slowking Slowpoke Slugfest Slugger Sluggers Slugma Slurpuff Small Smash Smeargle Smirk Smith Smoggies Smoochum Smooth Smurfs Snack Snail Snake Snakes Snap Snapjaw Snapped Snapshots Sneasel Sneeze Snifit Snipe Sniper Snipperclips Snivydagger Snom Snoopy Snorks Snorlax SnorlaxEpisode SnorlaxShowdown Snorunt Snover Snow SnowHorn SnowHorns Snowboarding Snowhead Snowmad Snowmads Snowpack Snowy Snubbull So SoDo Soaker Soaring Sobble Soccer Sochi Sock Soda Sodas Sodory Sodor? Soft SoftVinyl Software Sofubi Solar Sold Soldier Soldiers Solgaleo Solid Solitaire Solosis Solrock Solstice Soma Some Someone Something Sometime Sometimes Son Sonch? Song Sonic Sonobe Sonomama Sons Sony Soon Sooty Sootys Sorcerer Sorceress Sorry Souji Soukoban Soul SoulSilver Souls Sound Sounds Soundtrack Soundvoyager Soup Sour Source Souru South Southern Soviet Space Spaceship Spains Spanish Spark Sparkle Sparkler Sparkly Sparks Sparky Spawn Speak Speaking Spear Spearow Special Specialist Species Specter Specters Speed Speedway SpellStones Spewart Spewpa Spheal Sphere Spideath Spider SpiderMan Spike Spikeas Spiked Spikehead Spikeheads Spin SpinOff Spinarak Spinda Spinies Spinosaurus Spiny Spinys Spirit Spirited Spiritomb Spirits Spiritual Spirograph Spitball Splash Splatoon Splice Spoink Spook Spooks Spooktacular Sport Sports Sportsillustratedcnncom Spot Spring Spriters Spritzee Sprixie Sprixies Sprout Spryte Spy Squad Squadron Square Squaresly Squash Squashini Squeak Squeaks Squirtle Squirtledagger Squish Squishy Squishys Sr St StackUp Stacker StacknRoll Stactus Stadium Staff Staffs Stafy Stage Stakataka Stakes Stalkid Stamp Stand Stanley Stanleyq Stantler Star StarTropics Staraptor Staravia Starbeans Starborne Starcraft Starcutter Starfy Starium Starlight Starlink Starly Starman Starmie Starring Starry Stars Starship Starsign Starsigncom Startail Starter Starting Staryu State States Station Stationery Statues Status Stealth Steam Steel Steelix Steelsnapper Steenee Stegosge Step Stephen Steppenwolf Steps Stereotypes Steve Stick Sticker Sticks Still Stimpy Stitch Stock Stomach Stomper Stone Stones Stonjourner Stoppit Storage Stories Storm Stormfront Storms Stormy Story Stoutland Strangely Strato Strawberry Stray Street Stretch Stretchers Stretchmo Strike Striker Strikers Strikes String Struck Struggle Stu Stuart Stubbs Studdard Studdards Student Studio Studios Stuff Stufful Stunfisk Stunky Stunt Stupid Stylaser Style Styling Stylocto Sub Subcon Subject Submarine Submit Subsequently Suburbs Successive Successor Suddenly Sudoku Sudowoodo Sufia Sugahara Suicune Suiseiken Suit Suites Sukai Suki Sukuissh? Suk?fi Suk?ru Suk?p? Sulkworm Sumantra Sumit Summer Summoning Sumo Sun Sunday Sunflora Sunglasses Sunken Sunkern Sunsational Sunset Sunshine Super SuperColor Supercade Superleggera Superman Superspicy Superstar Superstars Supporting Supreme Sup?ku Sup?su Sup?ku Surf Surfer Suripp? Surprise Surskit Suru Survival Susan Susanna Sushi Sushido Susie Susshi Susshis Sussh? Sutanr? Sutaru Sutetchi Sutherland Sutomakku Sutte Sut? Sut?man Sut?n Suujin Suwank? Suzanna Suzanne Suzuki Swablu Swadloon Swalot Swamp Swampert Swan Swanky Swankys Swanna Swapdoodle Sweet Sweets Swellow Sweptail Swing Swinub Swirlix Switch Swoobat Sword Swordfish Swordriver Swords Swordsman Sworn Sylux Syluxs Sylveon Sylvester Symmetry Syndication Syrup System SystemFamicom SystemSuper Systems Systemss Szechuan S?bisu S?kiburu S?da S?seimajutsushi S?j? S?p? 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Taisa Taisen Taison Taiyou Taizen Taj Tak Takaguchi Takahashi Takao TakaraTomy Takashi Takayama Takeda Takes Takeshi Takimoto Takku Takt Takusan Tale Talent Tales Talespin Talk Talkboy Talking Talks Tallon Talo Talon Talonflame Tamagotchi Tamashii Tame Tanabe TanabeMetroid Tangela Tango Tangrowth Tank Tankbot Tankentai Tanner Tanoshiku Tantei Tap Tapu Tara Taranza Tarin Taste Tasty Tatakae Tatanga Tatangaax Tatl Tatsu Tatsuta Tauros Tavera Taveras Taycan Taylor TazMania Teacher Teachers Team Teams TechCrunchcom Technology Techou Tecmo Tecs Ted Teddiursa Teddoh?n Teddy Tedhaun Teds Tee Teen Teenage Teil Telepathos Telepatris Teleroboxer Telescope Teletubbies Television Telling Telmas Temple Ten Tenchi Tenchu Tengoku Tennis Tennise Tentacool Tentacruel Tentomon Tepigdagger Terebi Terebie Terepatorisu Teresa Termina Terminan Terminas Terminated Terminus Terraforming Terrakion Terrarium Terrible Terror Terry Terzo Test Testament Teti Tetra Tetris Tetrisphere Tetsu Text Textbooks Texts Tezuka Tezukas Thai That Thats The TheGamer Theatre Their Them Theme Then There Theres These Theta They Thief Thieves Thievul Thing Things Thinking Third Thirteen This Thomas ThornTail ThornTails Thornberrys Those Though ThousandYear Thousandriver Thracia Threat Three Threewheeler Throh Through Throughout Throw Throwback ThruSpace Thundarr Thunder Thunderlizards Thundurus Thwackey Thwimp Thwomp Tiara Tiaraab Tick TickTock Tidyup Tiff Tiffs Tiger Tigerk Tigermos Tiki Tikis Tiles Tilt Tim Timbuctoo Timburr Time Timemon Timenote Times Tin Tingle Tingles Tintin Tiny Tipping Tips Tirtouga Titania Titch Title Tito To Toad ToadWolf Toadai Toadaj Toadd Toadette Toadettel Toadh Toado Toads Toadstool Toadstools Toadsworth Toadsworthn Tobari Tobita Todd Togedemaru Togeira Togekiss Togepi Togepis Together Togetic Tokimeki Tokkori Tokkoris Tokoris Tokyo Tom Tomato Tomatoes Tomica Tomm Tomodachi Tomoe Tomohisa Tomorrow Tomy Tone Tong Tongu Tong? Tony Tookey Toon Tooned Toonzone Top Topper Topps TopsyTurvy Toraidentonaito Torchicdagger Toreadors Torekk? Toriceradogos Torikk? Torizo Torkoal Tornado Tornadon Tornadus Torracat Torterra Tortletummy Toruneidon Tor? Toshihide Totaka Total Totilo Totodiledagger Totoro Totoros Tots Totten Tottoko Toucan Toucannon Touch Touched Touching Tour Tourian Tourist Tournament Towards Towel Tower Town Towns Toxapex Toxel Toxic Toxicroak Toxtricity Toy Toyland Toylike Toys Trace Track Tracker Tracks Tractor Trade Trading Trailer Trailers Train Trainer Training TraktorRennen Trample Tranquility Tranquill Transform Transformation Transformed Transformers Translator Transylvania Trantrip Trap Trapinch Traps Trapy Trash Trashy Travel Traveler Treacle Treasure Treasures Treat Tree Treeckodagger Treehouse Trek Trekkey Tremor Trench Trendsetters Trent Trevenant Trevita Tri Trial Triangle Tribe Tribes Triceratops Trick Tricky Trickyo Tricycle Trident Triforce Triforces Trilogy Trio Trip Triple Triumphant Trois Trojan Troll Trombone Troop Troopa Troopers Trophies Trophy Tropical Tropius Trouble Troupe Trozei Trubbish Truck True Trumbeak Trump Truss Truth Tsareena Tsubasachan Tsubo Tsuchiya Tsuguo Tsuin Tsuinr?ba Tsukuri Tsukutte Tsunagete Tsuri Tsurugi Tsuzumi Ts? Tuff Tuffadactyl Tuffs Tuggle Tumble Tundra Tuner Tunnel Turbo Turkish Turn Turtle Turtles Turtonator Turtwigdagger Tweenies Tweety Twili Twilight Twin Twink Twinkle Twinrova Twinrovas Twirl Twist Twisted Twister Twitter Two Tyler Tympole Tynamo Type Types Typhlosion Typing Tyranitar Tyrannosaurus Tyrantrum Tyrogue Tyrunt Tyson Tysonq Tysons T?bo T?toru T?do T?senboku T?k? U UBM UD UF UFO UFOlike UGO UGOcom UGOs UHD UK UL UNB UNM UPCOM UPR UPcom UPcoms US USA USGamer USSR USSRera UUltimateFight Uchi UchiPika Uch? UgoCom Ugocom Ugoku Uhho Uir? Ukiuki Ultimate Ultimately Ultra Ultraman Ultras Ultraseven Ultriser Umbreon Un Unaware Unbroken Undaunted Under Undercover Underground Unfezant Unfortunately Unified Uniracers Unisex Unit Unite United Units Universe Unknown Unleashed Unlike Unlimited Unlock Unno Uno Unofficial Unown Unseen Unsourced Until Untitled Unwound Up Upon Uprising Uranai Uranos Urban Urbosa Urbosas Ursaring Urshifu Urufu Ururu Ushiro Using Usually Usurper Utatane Utau Utopia Uxie Uzzu V VBall VERY VHS VI VII VIII VIP VR VS Vaati Vaatin Vacation Vah Valentia Valhalla Valiant Valkyrie Vallance Valley Valoo Vancouver Vanillish Vanillite Vanilluxe Vanpool Vaporeon Variable Variants Varsity Vase Vault Vee Vega Vegas Veil Vella Velociraptor Velocity Veneno Venipede Venog Venom Venomian Venomoth Venoms Venonat Venus Venusaur Ver Veran Vermin Veronica Version Verth Vertical Very Vespiquen Veyron Vibrava Victini Victor Victories Victors Victory Victreebel Video Videogame Videogames Videoland Videolandstyle Videolympics Videos View ViewMaster Vignette Vigoroth Vikavolt Vikings Vileplume Village Villains Vintage Vinyl Violent Violet Violin Viper Virizion Virtual Virus Viser Vision Vista Vivere Vivian Vivid Vividria Vivillon Vivitia Vocal Vodka Voice Voiced Voices Void Voiture Vol Volante Volbeat Volcanion Volcano Volcarona Volga Volgerom Volleyball Volt Voltorb Volvagia Volvoice Von Voodoo Vorderman Vorugeromu Vow Vox Voyages Vs Vulcan Vullaby Vulpix W WAY WGN WPVG WWI Wada Waddle Wadorudi Wadorudu Waeiraku Wafer Wafers Waialae Wailmer Wailord Wait Waiu Waiy? Wake WakeUp Waker Wakugumi Wales Walk Walker Walking Walkthrough Walky Walled Walljump Wally Walney Walrein Walrus Walt Walter Waluigi Waluigis Wamu Wand Wands Waning Want Wants War Ward Wario WarioWare Warior Warios Warlocked Warp Warren Warrior Warriors Wars Wart Wartay Wartortle Waru?ji Warwiggle Was Washington Wastes Watashi Watch Watchog Water Watermelon Waterplay Watership Watson Wave Waxing Way Wayback We Weakened Wear Wearing Weasel Weatherly Weavile Website Webster Wee Weedle Weepinbell Weezing Weight Weird Weirdest Weiss Welcome Weldon Welker Wellingtons Welsh Wendy Were West Wester Western Wesut? Whale Wham What WhatAMess Whatdo Wheel Wheelie Wheels When Whenever Where Whereas Wheres Whether While WhileUntil Whimsicott Whip Whippy Whirlipede Whiscash Whismur Whispy Whispys White WhiteWater Whitehill Whites Who Why WiFi Wicked Wide Widget Wielding Wiggler Wigglers Wiggly Wigglytuff Wii WiiU WiiWare Wiigamespycom Wiiigncom Wiis Wiki Wikibooks Wikipedia Wikipedias Wikiquote Wikisource Wild Wilde Wilds Will William Williams Willow Willy Wily Wilys Wimpod Wind Windfall Windmill Window Windows Winds Windwhipper Wind?zu Wing Wingo Wingoaz Wings Wingspan Wingull Winjin Wink Winning Winter Wired Wirusu Wir? Wisdom Wise Wish Wishes Wishing Wishiwashi Wisup? Witches With Without Wizadora WizarDriver Wizard Wizards Wizarro Wiz?do Wobbuffet Wokka Wolf WolfWrath WolfWraths Wolfen Wolfp Wolfs Wolinsky Wolves Woman Wombatman Wonder Wonderful Wonderland Wonders Woobat Wood Wooden Woodpecker Woods Woodsman Woody Woolly Wooloo Wooper Words Work Working Works World Worlds Worldwide Worm Wormadam Worse Wotan Would Wrath Wrecking Wrench Wrestling WrestlingTeleroboxerPower Wright Wrinkly Wrinklys Wulfsburg Wurmple Wynaut Wynn W?k? W?t? X XD XI XIV XL XLT XMen XScape XStarlink XY XYP Xatu Xenoblade Xerneas Xevious Xhost Xurkitree Y YR YRL YTV Ya Yabui Yagan Yahtzee Yakuman Yamada Yamask Yamikage Yamper Yankee Yank? Yanma Yanmega Yard Yarn Yasashii Yashiori Year Years Yellow Yes Yet Yggdral Yggy Yields Yiga Yin YinYarn YinYarns Ylla Yo Yogi Yogurt Yokai YokoiKensuke Yokon Yoll Yomigaeru York Yoshi Yoshiaki Yoshida Yoshig Yoshihito Yoshio Yoshis Yoshiyuki Yossh? Yossy Yosuke Yota You YouTube Young Your Youre Yousukes Ys Yuga Yugudoraru Yuki Yuko Yume YumeSoul Yumekawa Yumi Yungoos Yunobo Yura Yusuke Yuu Yuyu Yveltal Yvon Y?seihime Y?ko Y?rei Y?suke Y?y?ki Z ZAvailability ZERO ZMove ZW Zacian Zag Zaia Zako Zamazenta Zan Zangoose Zankibble Zankiburu Zant Zanto Zany Zapdos Zapper Zapperlike Zarude Zazan Zazanae Zazoo Zd Zebes Zebesian Zebesians Zebstrika Zed Zee Zekrom Zelda ZeldaMario Zeldaa Zeldas Zenkoku Zenshuu Zeraora Zero ZeroGuard ZeroOne ZeroTwo Zerophants Zeros Zeruda Zer? Zetto Zetton Ziff Zig Zigzagoon Ziku Zingers Zip Zitbags Zodas Zoids Zol Zoldge Zoldgeaf Zombicide Zona Zone Zoness Zootto Zora Zoras Zoroark Zorua Zoruge Zubat Zuke Zwei Zweilous Zygarde Z?besu a abandoned abducting abilities ability able abnormal aborted abound about above abruptly absence absent absolute absorb absorbed absorbing absorbs abuse abusive abyss academics academy accelerate acceleration accent accented accept accepted access accessed accessory accidental accidentally accommodate accompanied accompanies accompany accomplish accomplished according accordingly account accounts accurate accurately ace achievements acknowledge acknowledges acknowledgment acquaintance acquire acquired acquires across act acted acting action actionadventure actionchase actionplatformer actions activates activating active activities actor actors actress acts actual actually acute adaptation adaptations adapted adaption add added adding addition additional additivepacked addresses adds admin admiration admit adolescent adopted adoption adoptive adores adorn adorned adorning ads adult adulthood advance advanced advances adventure adventurersforhire adventures adventuring adventurous advice advise adviser advisor advisory aears aerial affected affectionately affections affiliates affinity afraid afro after afterward afterwards again against age aged agent ages aggressive agile ago agree agreed agrees ahead aid aided aiding aids aim aiming air aircraft aired airing airings airline airship aka akin al alarm alarming albeit album alcohol alcoholic alias aliases alien alike alive all allegiances allergic alley allgame alliance allied allies alligator allmale allow allowed allowing allows allude alluding allusions ally almost along alongside aloud already also altar alter alterations altered alterego alternate alternating alternative alternatively although always am amalgamation amasses amazing amazingly ambiguous ambition ambiverted ambush ambushed amiibo ammunitions amnesia among amongst amorphous amount amounts amp amusement an analysis analyze ancestor ancient and android anecdote anemone angel angelic angeliclooking angellike anger angered anglaise angler anglerfishlike angry animal animals animate animated animates animation animator animatronic anime animeexclusive animeonly annihilated anniversary announce announced announces annoying annoys annual anonymous another answer answers antagonised antagonist antagonistic antagonists antagonize antagonizes antenna anthropomorphic anthropomorphized antiAmerican antidogmatic antihero antihypothermia antique any anymore anyone anything anywhere apart apelike apes apologize apologizes apology apparent apparently apparition apparitions appear appearance appearances appeared appearing appears appeased appendages appetite appetites apple apples appliances applications applied apply appoints appreciates appreciation apprentice approach approaches approaching appropriate approximately apron arc arcade arcadepermanent arcades archenemy archer archery archived archivedate archiveurl archivist archrival arcing arctic are area areas arena arenas arguably arguing argument arises armadillos armed armies armlike armor armored arms army armyab armyz around arranged arrangement arrival arrive arrived arrives arriving arrogance arrogant arrogantly arrow arrows arsenal art arthropodlike article articles artifacts artificial artillery artist arts artwork as asexual asexually ashore aside ask asked asking asks asleep aspects aspirations assassin assault assemble assembled asserting assigned assimilate assimilated assimilation assist assistance assistant assisted assisting assists associated association assume assumed assumes assuming astrophysics at ate atop attach attached attaches attack attacked attackers attacking attacks attaining attempt attempted attempting attempts attend attendant attended attends attention attire attitude attract attributed audience augmenting aus author authoring authorising authoritarian autocannon automatically available avenge avenges avenging average aviator avoid awaken awakened awakening awakens awakes awards aware away awesome awkward axe axes b baby babysitter back backfires background backgrounds backhanded backhands backpack backs backstory backup backwards bad bag baglike balance balanced balancing bald balding baldy baleful ball ballandchain balloon balloons balls banal banana bananas band bandages bandaid bandaids bandana bandanna bande bandits bands bangs banish banished banishes banishing bankrupt banned banner bar barely barrage barrel barrelroll barrels barriers bartender base baseball based basement basic basically basis basketball basketballsized bass bat batch bathed batting battle battled battlefield battles battling bauble bayou bazooka be beachthemed beadlike beads beadyeyed beagle beak beam beams bean beanie bear bearable beard bearded bearing bears beast beat beaten beating beats beautiful became because beckett become becomes becoming bee been bees beetle beetlelike before befriend befriending befriends began begin beginning begins begs begun behaves behavior behest behind behindthescenes behindthevoiceactorscom beige beigecolored being beings belief believed believes believing bell belly bellyflopping belonged belonging beloved below belt bemoaned bemoans bend beneath beneficial benevolent bent beside besides best bested betrayal betrayed betraying betrays betrothed better between beyond bgs bible bidder big bigbrotherly bigger biggest bike biker bikini bills binds biological biomechanical biotechnology bioweapon bioweapons bird birdfolk birdlike birds birth birthname birthright bit bite biting bits bitter bizarre bizarrelooking black blackandpurple blackcarapaced blackcolored blade blademasters blades blast blasted blasters blasting blasts blight blighting blimp blind bloat blob blobs block blockbuster blocked blocking blocks blocky blond blonde bloodhound blow blowhole blowing blown blows blue blueskinned blushing board boards boasts boat bodies body bodyguard bodysuit boiler boisterous bokken bolts bomb bombs bombtossing bond bonds bones bongo bonus book booklet books boomerang boomerangs boost booster boot boots booze born borrow boss bosses botched both bothered bottle bottom bought boulders bounce bouncer bouncing boundaries bounds bounty bout bow bowler bows box boxer boxers boxes boxing boxlike boy bracelet brain brainlooking brains brainwash brainwashed brainwashing branches branching brand brandishes brass brave brawny breach break breakdown breaking breaks breakup breath breathes breathing breed breeding brethren bribed bridge bridgemaker brief briefly brilliant bring bringing brings brink broad broadcast broadcasts broke broken broom broomlike brooms broomstick bros brother brothers brought brow brown browser brunette brute bubblecovered bucket buckle buckles buggylike bugs build building builds built builtin bulging bulk bullet bullets bullfighter bullfighters bully bum bunch burn burning burnt burrows burst bursting bursts business busy but butt butterflies butterfly butterflythemed button buttons buy buys buzz by byProducts bypass byproducts bytes c cabin cactus cactuslike cage cake calamari calculating call called calling calls calm calms came camellike cameo cameos camera camouflage campaign campfire can canceled cancelled cane canlike cannon cannonballs cannot canonical canonically cant canvas cap capabilities capability capable capacity cape cappies capsule captain captive captors capture captured captures capturing car card cards care career cares caretaker caricature caricatures caring carnival carnivorous carpenters carpet carpets carries carrot carrots carry carrying cars cartoon cartooncitation cartwheel carve carved carver carving case cases casing cast casting castle castles casts cat catapult catch catches catchphrases caterpillar catlike catsuit cause caused causes causing caustic cave cavern caves cavities cavorting ceiling ceilings celebration celebrities cell cello cellular censorship center centers centipedes central centuries century ceramicalloy cereal ceremonies ceremony certain chain challenge challenged challenger challenges challenging chamber chambers chameleon chameleons chameleontype champ champion chance change changed changes changesrearrangementsetc changing channel channels chanson chansons chaos chapter character charactercitation characteristic characteristically characteristics characterized characters charactersAnthropomorphic charactersFiction charactersKirby charactersLists charactersMario charactersMetroid charactersPunchOut charge charged charges charging charity charm charmer chase chased chases chasing chastises cheater cheating cheats checking cheering cheery cheeseburgers chef chemistry chess chest chevrons chi chick chicken chickenlike chicks chiding chief child childhood childish childlike children childrens chills chimp chimpanzee chin chips chocolate choice choker choose chores chose chosen chozo chronicled chronologically chunk ch? ch?jinzoku ch?z? cinema circleshaped circuit circular circulates circumstances circus citations cited cites cities citing citizen citizens city civilization civilizations civilized clad claim claimed claiming claims clamping clan clash class classes classic classy clawed clawing clawlike claws clean cleaner cleans cleanse cleanup clearly clears clenched clenching click client cliff climactic climax climb climbing climbs cling clingy clinic clip clips cloak cloaked clock clockwork clone clones cloning close closely closer closing clothes clothing cloud cloudlike cloudparts cloudriding clouds clovers clown clownlike club clubbing clubs clues clumsy clutches coVideo coach coarse coat cocky cocoons code codeveloped coffees coins cold coldblooded colds collapses collect collectable collected collectible collecting collection collectively collides collision colonel colonels colonies colony color coloration colored coloring colors colorshifting column comb combat combatant combination combine combined combines combining come comes comet comic comics coming command commanded commander commanding commands comment commentary commented commenting comments commercial commercials commissioned commits common commonly communicated communication communications companion company companys comparatively compared compares comparing compass compassionate compelling compensate compensating compete competent competes competitive compilations compiled complain complains complete completed completely completes completing completion complicated complimented complimenting comply complète components composed composite composée compressed comprising computer computerlike computers conceal concealed conceited conceived concentrates concentration concept concern concerns conclusion conducts confesses confessing confidence confident confine confirm confirmed confirming confirms conflict conflicts confront confrontation confronted confronting confronts confuse confused confusion congratulate conjure connected connecting connection connects conniving conquer conquering conquest consciousness consequence consequently consider considerably considered considering considers consist consisted consistent consistently consisting consists consolation console consoles constant constantly constraints construct constructed constructing construction constructs consulted consume consumers consumes consuming consumption contact contacts contain contained containing containment contains contemplative contemporary contempt content contest contests continue continued continues continuously contract contracts contradict contrary contrast control controlled controller controllers controllershaped controlling controls controversy convective conventional conversation conversion convert converted converting convince convinced convinces cooked cooking cool coop copied copies copy copying copyright core corn corner corners corporate corrected correctly corresponded corresponding corrupt corrupted corrupting corruption corrupts cosmos cost costume could couldnt council councilor counter counterpart counterparts countless country countryside courage courageous courageously course courting cousin cover covered covering covers coverup cow cowardice cowardly cowboy cowering cows crab crablike crabs craft crash crashed crashes crashing crashlanding crate crater crazed crazy create created creates creating creation creations creative creator creators creature creatures creaturesThe credit credited credits crescent crevices crew crews crimes criminal crippling crisis crisp criticized criticizing critics croaking crocodiles crocodilian crops cross crossbones crossbows crossing crossshape crouches crow crowd crown crownandcape crowned crows crude cruel cruelly cruelty crush crushed crustacean crustaceans crying cryokinesis crystal crystals cube cubes cubeshaped cucco cult culture cumulus cup cure currency current currently currents curse cursed curses cursing custombuilt customers customized cut cute cutscene cutscenes cyan cybernetic cyberspace cyborg cyclopes cyclops cycloptic cynical d dad dagger daimyo damage damaged damages damn damsel dance dancer dances dancing danger dangerous dangers dark darkness dashing data date daughter day days daytime dazed dckyoto de dead deadly deal deals dealt death debris debt debts debut debuted debuts decades deceased deception decide decided decides decimated decision decisions declarations declares declaring deeds deem deep deepest default defeat defeatable defeated defeating defeats defects defence defend defense defensive defiance deflate defused degree delays deleter delicate delicious delight delighted deliver delivered deliveries delivering delivers demanding dematerialize dematerializes demeanor demise demon demonic demoniclooking demons demonstrate demonstrates dengar denim dental dentist deny dependable depending depends depict depicted depicting depicts depletes deposit depressed depths derails deranged derived descendant descendants descended descent described describes describing description descriptions descriptor desert desertdwelling design designed designer designers designs desire desires despite despotic destabilizing destined destiny destroy destroyed destroying destroys destruction detach detachable detecting detects determination determine determines detonating devastate devastating devastation develop developed developer developers developing development device devised devotes devouring de??i? diadem dialect dialog dialogue diamond diamondtopped dictatorship did didnt die died dies differed difference differences different difficult difficulty digesting digging digital dimension dimensional dimensions diminutive dinosaur dinosaurlike dinosaurs direct directed direction directions directly director dirt disabled disables disadvantages disagreement disambiguation disappear disappearance disappeared disappears disc disco discontinued discounts discourage discover discovered discovering discovers discuss discussed discussing discussion disease disembodied disgraces disguise disguised disguises dish dishes disheveled dismisses disorder disparity dispatches dispelling dispensing display displayed displays disponible dispose disposition disrupt distance distances distant distinct distinctive distinguish distinguished distinguishing distorted distract distraction distracts distraught distress distribute distributed distributes distribution distrustful distrusting disturbing ditch diversion divine dizzy do doctor dodecahedron does doesnt dog dogfight dogfights doglike dogma doing doll dolls domain dome dominance dominate dominates done donned dons dont doomed door doors doppelganger doppelgänger dots double doublecrosses doubledagger doubledisc doubleedged doublejumping down downloadable downward dragon dragonlike dragons drags drain draining drains dramatic dramatically draw drawing drawings drawn draws dream dreams dress dressed dresses drill drink drinking drinks drive driver drives driving drones drop dropped dropping drops drove drunks dry dual dub dubbed dubbing dubious duck due duel duels dull dumping dungeon dungeons duo duplex duplicate durable during dust dusters duties duty dutyhe dvd dwarf dwarves dwells dying déjà e eGuide eManga eNeMeE eReader eShop eXperience each eager eagle earlier earliest early earn earning earns earrings ears earth easier easily east easy easytodefeat eat eaten eating eats ebay eccentric echoed echoing eclipse ed edge edges edit edited edition editor editors edits educational eel eellike effect effective effectively effects effeminacy effeminate effort efforts egad egg eggplant eggs egos eight eighteenth either ejected ejects elaborate elaborated elasticity elbow elder elderly elders elected electric electrical electrically electricity electrokinesis elegant element elemental elements elephant elephantlike elephants elflike eliminate elites else elves em emanating emblem embodied embodies embodiment emerges emerging emigrated emotional emotionally emotionless emotions empathy emperor emphasized empire employed employee employees employer employing employs empowered empty emulate enable enables enchanted encounter encountered encountering encounters encourage encouraged encouragement encyclopedia encyclopedic end ended endgame ending endings endingsEnglishlanguage endingss endless ends enemies enemy energetic energy enforces engage engaged engages engaging engine engineer engineered engineering enhanced enjoys enlarged enlightened enlisted enormous enough enraged enslaves ensuing enter entering enters entertain entertainer entertaining enthusiasm entire entirely entities entity entrance entreats entrepreneur entries entrusted entry environment environments episode episodes eponymous eproperty equally equipped equivalent era eraModern eradicate eradicating erasing erratically error escape escaped escapes escaping escort especially espionage established establishes et etc eternal eternally ethnic even event events eventually ever everbigger every everyone everything everywhere evidence evidenced evident evil evildoers evilrepelling evils evoke evolution evolutions evolve evolved evolves exStar exact exactly example examples exasperation excels except exception exceptional exceptionally exceptions excess exchange exchanged excitability exclusive exclusively execute executive exhales exhausted exhibits exile exiles exist existed existence existing exists exit exits exotic expand expanded expands expansion expansions expels expensive experience experienced experiment experimental experimentation experimented experiments expert expertise expired explain explained explaining explains explanation explicitly explode explodes exploding exploit explore explorer explosion explosive explosives exponential expose exposed exposes exposition expounded expresses expression expressive extendable extending extends extensions exterior extinct extra extract extraordinary extras extrasensory extraterrestrial extreme extremely eye eyeball eyelashes eyes eyesights fULL fabled fabric facade face faced faces facets facilities facility facing fact factory factorys facts fade fail failed failing fails failure failures fair fairies fairy faithful fake falcons fall fallen falling falls false fame familiar family famine famous fan fangs fans fantasy far farm farmgirl farmhand farther fascinated fascination fast faster fat fatally fate father fathers favor favorable favorite favourite favourites fa? fear feared fears feat feather feathers feathery feats feature featured features featuring fed federation feeble feed feeding feeds feel feeling feelings feels feet feisty fell fellow fellowship felt female feminine ferocious feuds few fez fiancé fiancée fiction fictional field fiendish fierce fiery fifth fight fighter fighters fighting fights figure figurehead figures figurine file files fill filled filler fills filmed filthy final finale finally find finding finds finger finish finished finishing fire firearms fireball fireballs firebreathing fired fireproof fires fireshooting firing first firsthand firstperson firstseason fish fishlike fist fists fit fitnessobsessed five fiveround fixedApr fixedAug fixedDec fixedFeb fixedJul fixedMar fixedMay fixes flagship flail flailing flailwielding flamboyant flame flames flamethrower flaming flarelegged flashback flashy flat flattered flaw fled fledged flee fleeing flees fleet flesh fleshy flew flexed flexing flies flight flips flirt flirty float floating floats flock flood flooded floor flop flow flower flowers flute fly flying flytrap focus focused focusing foe foes foil foiled follow followed follower followers following follows fond fondly fondness food fool foolLove foolishly foot footage footlike footsoldiers for forbid force forced forces forcibly forcing forearmmounted forebears foreman forest foretells forever forget forgets forgettable forgotten form formal formed former formerly forming formless forms forth fortress fortresses fortune forward fossil fossils foster fought foul found founded founder founding four fourarmed fourheaded fourleaf fourth fox fraction fragile fragment frames franchise franchisecitation franchises franchisesWorks free freed freedom freeing freely frees freeze freezes frequent frequently friction friend friendly friends frill frilled frog froggie froglike from front froze frozen fruit fruitless frustration fry frying fu fuchsia fuel fulfill fulfilled full fulllength fully function functions funloving fur furious furiously furnace further furthermore fuse fused fuses fusion futility future futuristic ga gadget gadgets gain gained gaining gains galactic galaxy gallery game gameland gameplay games gamesCrossover gamesLists gamesnet gamess gaming gamings gang garbage garbed garbled garlic garnered gas gate gather gathered gauche gave gaze gear gearlike gelatinous gem gems gemwearing gender genera general generally generate generates generation generationnbsp generations generator generic genetic genetically genius genres gentle genus geothermal get gets getting ghastly ghost ghostlike ghostly ghosts giant giants gibberish gift gigantic giggled giraffes girl girlfriend give given gives giving gladly glamrock glaring glass glasses glitch glossy glove gloves gloveswho glovewearing glow glowed glowing gnome go goal goalie goals goatee gobbled goblets god goddess gods goes goggles going gold golden golf gone goo good goodbye goofy goofylooking google goons gooseshaped gorgon gorilla gorillalike gorillaslothmandrilllike got gotten governing government gown grab grabs grace grad grade graduation grand grandchildren granddad granddaughter grandfather grandfathers grandmother grandmothers grandson grant granted grants grappling grasp grave gravekeeper graveyard graveyards gravity gravitycontrolling gray grease great greater greatest greatly greatlyaccentuated greed greedy green grew grey greysilver gridbased grief grieve grin grinder grizzled grocery groggily grotesque grotesquely grouchy ground groundbased group groups grow growing growl grown grownup grows grumpy grunting gt guarded guardian guardiancouk guardians guarding guards guest guidance guide guides guiding guilt guitar guitarist gullible gun guns gustlike gusts habits hack had hailing hails hair hairpin hairstyle half halfhour halo halting hammer hammerhead hammers hammerwielding hamster hand handaxe handheld handkerchief handle handling handmaiden handover hands handson handy hanging happened happens happily happy harbors hard harder hardworking harm harmlessly harness harnessing harp harsh harsher has hasbro haste hastily hat hatched hatches hatching hatchling hates hatred hats hatwearing haunted have having havoc hazard hazardous hazards he head headbutting headbutts headed headlike headlining headon headphones headquarters heads headset heal healing health hear heard hearing hears heart hearted hearts heat heavenly heavens heavily heavy heavyweight hed hedgehoglike heeds heights heightthough heirlooms held helicopterspin helicoptertype hell helmet helmets helmetwearing help helped helper helpful helping helplessness helps henchmen her here hereafter heres hero heroes heroic heroically heroism heros hers herself herselfand hes hexing heyday hiccups hid hidden hideout hides hiding high highdamage highdensity higher highest highestranking highfantasy highlands highlow highly highpitched highpowered highranking hijacked hilt him himnote himself hinder hint hinted hinting hints hip hired hires his history hit hits hive hoard hobbies hockey hoisting hold holder holders holding holds hole holes holidays hollow hologram holster holy homage home homes homosexual honest honestly honeycomb honorary hook hookhot hookshot hooligan hop hope hoped hopeless hopes hoping hops horde hordes horn horned horns horribly horrid horror horse horses horseshoes hoser host hosted hostile hosts hot hotair hotel hottempered hourlong hours house housed household housepolice houses housing how however htf httpcmscrispygamercomgamereviewspunchoutwiiaspxpermanent httpoldgamemagsukprintarchivecomNintendoConsolesNintendoMagazineSystemUKNMSUKpdfpage httpsdocswixstaticcomugdfdfacbdccfbbdeaddpdf httpstwittercomMarioBrothBlogstatus httpstwittercomWinkyStevestatus httpswebarchiveorgwebhttpgonintendocomp httpwwwkirbyjpthcd hubcap huge hull human humanity humanoid humans humanshaped humansized humble humbled humiliate humiliated humiliates humor humorous hunched hundred hung hunger hungry hunt hunted hunter hunters hunting hurdles hurries hurt hurts husky hut hybrid hypnosisinducing hypnotic iDigitalTimes iTunes ice icicle icon iconic icus idea ideal ideas identical identicallooking identified identifies identity idiotically idol idolizes if ignition ignorant ill illegal illness illusion image imagery images imbued immediately immense immobile immortality immune immunity imp impact impacted impales impaling impede imperfection impermeable impersonating impervious implant implied implies implike imply implying imposter impressive imprinted imprison imprisoned imprisonment imprisons improve improved in inability inadvertently incapacitate incapacitates incarnation incarnations include included includes including inclusion inclusive incompetence incompetent incorporated incorporates incorrect increase increasing incredible incredibly indebted independently indicate indicated indicates indicating indicators indiscriminately individual individually individuals induced indulgent industrial inert inevitable inexperienced infamous infect infected infecting infects infighting infiltrate infiltrates inflate inflicts influence influences inform information infrastructure infrequently infuriates infused infusing ingame ingredients ingress inhabitants inhabited inhabiting inhalation inhalationbased inhale inhaled inhales inhaling inherited inhuman initial initially initiated initiates initiating initiative injured injures injuries inn innards innocent innocents insane insanity insectlike insects inserts inside inspiration inspired installed installment installments instance instant instantly instead instructed instruction instructions instructs instrument instrumental instruments instudio insult insulted insulting insults intangible integral intellectual intelligence intelligent intelligently intended intending intense intent intentional intentionally intentions interact interacted interactions interacts intercept interdimensional interest interested interesting interfere interference interjection international internet interpret interpretations interprets interprétée interrupt interrupts interstellar intervals intervenes intervention interview into intro introduced introduces introduction introductory intruder intruders inundated inuniverse invade invaded invades invaluable invasion invented invention inventions inventor invents investigate investigates investigating investigation investmentnbsp invincible invisibility invisible involve involved involves involving ire iron ironically irritating is island islands isnt isolated issue issues it item items its itself jacket jackets jail jar jazz jazzIt jealous jealously jealousy jeans jellyfishlike jester jet jettisoning jewel jeweled jewelry jiangshi job jobs jocular join joined joining joins joke jokingly journal journey journeyed jo??i? judgement judging jug juggling juice jump jumped jumpers jumping jumps jungle just justice kaijin karaoke karate karma kart katana keen keep keeper keepers keeping keeps kept kestrels key keychain keys kick kicked kicking kicks kid kidnap kidnapped kidnapping kidnaps kidneys kill killed killer killing kind kindhearted kindly kindness kinds king kingdom kingdoms kinstones kiss kisses kitchen kleptomaniac kneehigh kneelength kneeling knew knight knightlike knights knit knitting knives knock knockdown knocked knocking knocks know knowing knowledge known knows kt kung kungfu k??m?k l la lab laboratories laboratory laboratorys lack lacked lacks ladies lady lair lake lalbum lance land landed landmark lands language languages lanky large largechinned larger largest larva laser laserlike lasers lash last lastditch late later latest latter latters laugh launch launched launcher launches lava lavender law laws layer laying layout lays lazy lbs le leached lead leader leaders leadership leading leads leafy leap leaps learn learned learning learns least leather leave leaves leaving led left lefthanded legacy legal legend legendary legends legs lemur lemurs lends length lengths lengthy less lesson let lethal lets letter letters letting letzte level levels liberate liberation licensed life lifeforce lifeforms lifes lifestyle lift lifted light lightning likable like liked likelihood likely likeness likenesses likes liking limbless limbo limbs limegreen limit limitations limited limitless line lineage liner lines lineup link linked links lion liplike lips list listed listen listens lit literal literally little live liveaction lived lives living lizard lobby lobster lobsterlike lobsters local localization localizations located location locations lock locked locking locks lodge loftwing logical loincloth lone lonely long longawaited longer longing longsleeved longtime loocks look looked looking looks loop loose loosely lore lose loses losing loss losses lost lot loud loudly love loved loves loving low lower loyal loyalties loyalty ludicrous lull lumberjack luminescent lunges lurk lurks lust luxury lu?i?d?i lynx lyrical lyrics machine machines macho mad maddened made madness magazine magenta magic magicBad magicVideo magical magically magician mail mailbox mailman main mainly maintain maintains maizelike major make maker makers makes making maladjusted malarky male malevolent malfunctioning malice malicious mallet mammals mammothlike man manage managed management manager manages mandibles mane maneuvers manga manhole manholes maniacal manifested manifests manipulate manipulates manipulation mankind manner manoeuvers mans mansion mantislike manual manuals manufactured many map maple maps marble march marching marionette mark market marketing marriage marries martial maruchangcom mascot mashup mask masked masks masquerades mass massive massproduced mast master masterfully masters mat match matches matching material materialistic materialize matter mature matured maximus may mayor mazelike ma?io me meal meals mean meaning means meant mechanic mechanical mechanicallymodified mechanized medal medals media mediator medium meet meeting meets mega megaattacks megami melt meltdown member members membership meme memorable memories memory men mental mentally mention mentioned mentioning mentions mentor menus mercenaries mercenary merchandise merchant mercilessly mercy merely merge merges message messages messing met metal metallic metalliclooking meteor meter meters method methods microgames microphone midboss midbosses middle middleaged midengine midfight midriff midsize might mild militant militaristic military militaryman milk millennia million mimic mimicked mimicking mind minded mindless mindreading minds mindset minecart minecarts miner miners mines mini miniature miniboss minibosses minigame minigames minimonsters mininano mining minion minions minor mint minute minutes miraculous mirror mirrored mirroring miscellaneous mischief mischievous misdeeds miserably misguided mishap misshaped missile missilelike missing mission missions mistaken mistakes misunderstanding mixed moai mobile mocked mode model modeled models modern modes mohawk mole molelike moment moments momentumbased monarch monarchs money moneygrubbing monitor monkey monster monsters monstrosity monstrous moon moonlight morbidly more morning mortal mortally most mostly mostoften moth mother mothers mothership mothersonlike motive motives motorcycle motorcycleriding mount mountain mountains mourns mousedog moustache mouth mouths move movements moves moveset movie moving much multicolor multicolored multilock multiplayer multiple multitone multitude mummy murdered muscle muscles muscular mushroom mushroomlike music musical musicians must mustache mutate mutation mutations muttering muzzle my mysteries mysterious mysteriously mystical mythology n naginata nailed name named nameless namely namenote names namesake nanoblock nap narcissist narcissists narration narrow narrowly nascent national native natives natural nature natures navel navigate navigationJump navigator navy nbsp nbspAlthough nbspBailey nbspCundy nbspDrake nbspEevee nbspFrank nbspGame nbspGrimm nbspHernandez nbspJarvis nbspJulienRohman nbspKing nbspLoveridge nbspMartinez nbspMasuda nbspNutt nbspPikachu nbspPlunkett nbspPokédex nbspSarkar nbspSato nbspStaff nbspSugimori nbspSullivan nbspTajiri nbspThe nbspTwo nbspType nbspWatts nbspamp nbspnbsp nbspnbspnbsp nbspnbspnbspamp nbsp????????? nd near nearDonkey nearby nearest nearidentical nearly neat neck necklace necks necktie need needed needing needles needs nefarious negative neighboring neither nemesis nephew nervous nest network neutrinos never new newer newest newly news newsletter newspaper newspapers next ni nice niceties nickname nicknamed nicknaming night nightcap nightly nightmares nighttime nin nine ninetynine ninja ninjalike nintendodifferencecom nm no noble nobody nod noises nomad nomads nominations nonKong none nonetheless nonfictional nonlinear nonliving nonplayable nor normal normally north nos nose nosism nostalgic nostrils not notable notably note noted notes nothing notice noticeably noticed notices noting notoriety notorious novel now nowhere nowpowerless nowrestored np nuclei number numerous nun nursemaid nurses nurtured o obese objective objects objectscitation obliterate oblivious obscure observation observe obsessed obsession obstacle obtain obtainable obtained obtaining obtains obu obviously ocarina ocarinanote occasion occasional occasionally occasions occupies occur ocean oceans octopus octopuslike odds of off offense offensive offer offered offering offers office officer official officially offshoot offspring often old older oldest omissions omitted omnipotent on onboard once one oneeyed onehorned onehundred onenote ones oneshoulder onetofinal onewheeled online only onto onward onwards open opened opening openly opens opera operates operating operation operational operations operative operatives opined opinions opponent opponents oppose opposed opposes opposing opposite opposition opted optimistic opting option optional or orange orangutan orangutans orb orbs orca ordeals order ordered orders ordinary organ organic organism organisms organization origin original originale originally originated origins ornate ostensibly other others otherwise otherworldly our ours ourselves out outcome outdoors outer outfit outfitted outie outlandish outputs outset outside outsider outsourced outwardly outwit oval over overall overalls overallwearing overarching overcaffeinated overcame overcharge overcome overflow overhead overhears overlord overly overnight overpowered overrun overseer oversized overthetop overthrow overweight overworld owes owing owl owls own owned owner owns ozone p pack package packaged packs pad page pageHOME pagePrevious paid pain painful paint paintbrush paintbrushes paintbrushlike painters painting paintings paintrelated paints paintwitch pair pairs pak palace pale palette pals pan panics panorama pans panther pants par parades parallel paralyzed paralyzes parasite parasites parasitic parasol parent parents park parodies parody part partaking parted partially participate participating particular particularly partner partners parts party pass passage passed passengers passes passionate passive password passwords past paste pasty patch path pathetic paths pattern pause pay pays peace peaceful peacekeeping peanuts pearshaped pecs pectoral pedalpowered peering peg pelican pellets pen penchant penciled pendants penetrate penguinlike penguins penultimate people peoples pepper per percentage perception perfect perfectly perform performance performances performed performing performs perhaps period periodically periods perish periwinkle perks permanent permanently permission perpetually person persona personal personalities personality personally personification personifies persons perspective perspectives persuade persuasion perversion pet petal petallike petals petite pg pgs phase pheasants phoenix phones phonograph photo phrase physical physically physique pick picked picking picture pictures pictwittercomvznEMaYqU piece pieces pielike piercing pies pig piglike pigtails pill pillar pillars pillowcases pillows pills pilot piloted piloting pilots pine pink pinkclad pinkhaired pioneer pipe pipes piranha pirate pirates piratethemed pit pitiful pi?t?i? placating place placed placement places plague plagued plagues plan plane planet planetary planets planetwide planned planners planning plans plant plants plasma platform platformaction platformer platforms platoon play playable played player playernote players playful playground playing playnintendocom plays plc pleads pleas pleasure pledges plight plot plots plugshaped plumber plunder plus pockets point pointed pointing points pointy poison poisoned poisonous poisonspewing pokémon police policies polish polite politely politically politics pompous pond ponytail pool poor poorly pop popcorn popping pops popular pork port portable portal portals portion portmanteau portrait portrayed portrays ports pose posed poses position positioned positioning positive possess possessed possesses possessing possession possibility possible possibly post postcredits poster postman potato potential potion potions pour power powered powerful powerfully powerhungry powerless powers powersuit powerup powerups pp practice practices praised praises pranks prayers praying precedent precious predated predates predator predetermined predicted predictions predisposed prefacing prefer preferring prefiguring prefix prehensile prejudice premise prepare prepared prequel presence present presentable presentday presented presents president presumably presumed pretending pretty prevails prevent preventing prevents previous previously prey preys pride prideful priest primarily primary primate primates prime prince princess princesses principal print printed prior priorities prison prisoner pristine private prize probably problem problems process processes proclaims produced producer producers producing product productivity products profile profiles profit program programmed programmer programming progress project projectile projectiles projects prominent prominently promise promised promises promising promoted prompting promptly propeller propellers property prophecies prophecy proportions proposal prospect prosperity prostheses protagonist protagonists protect protected protecting protection protective protector protectors protects protested protocol prototype protruding proud prove proved proven provide provided provides providing provinces proving provoke psa pseudosequel psychic pterodactyls published puddle puffball pugilist pukes pulled pulling pulls pumpkinheaded pun punch punches punching punished punishment puppets purchase purchased purchases pure purely purloined purple purplemaroon purpose purposes purse pursued pursues pursuit push pushed pushes pushiest put puts putting puzzle puzzlesolving pyrotechnics qualities quality queen quest question questioned questions quests quick quicker quickly quiet quirks quit quite quiver quiz quizzes quotations quote quotes r rabbit rabbitlike rabbits raccoon raccoonlike raccoons race racer races racial racing racist rackets radiates radically radishes rage raiders rain raincloud raining rains raise raised raises rambunctious rampage rampages rampaging ran ranch randomised randomly range ranged ranging ranked ranking ranks rap rapid rapidly rapper raptors rare rarely rate rated rather ravenous raw rays rd reach reached reaches reaching reaction readings reads ready real realistic reality realizes really realm realworld reappear reappeared reappears reason reasonably reasons reassemble reassembles reawakens rebellion rebellious reborn rebuffs rebuild rebuilt recall recapture recaptured recaptures receive received receives receiving recent recently reception recharge recharging reckless recklessly reclaim reclaiming reclusive recognize recognized recognizes reconciled reconstruct record recover recovering recreate recreated recruited recruiting recruits rectangular recurring recut red redandwhite redesigned redeyed redirect redirects redone reduce reenacted refer referee referees reference references referencing referred referring refers refill reflect reflection reflects reflex reformed reforming reforms refuge refused refuses regain regaining regains regard regarded regards regenerate regenerating regent reggae region regret regular regularly reign reigning reigns rein reincarnate reincarnated reincarnating reincarnation reincarnations rejected rejecting rejoicing related relates relation relations relationship relative relatively relatives relay release released releases releasing relented relentlessly relevance reliable relic relief relies relieved relinquish relinquished relinquishes reluctant reluctantly remained remaining remains remake remakes remanifests remarkable remember remembered remembers reminded reminder reminds reminiscent remnants remodeled remove removed removes removing renamed rendered renders rent rented reopen repair repay repeated repeatedly repeating repel repels replace replaced replacement replaces replacing replica replicate report representation representative represented reprimands reprint reprise reprises reproduce reproduced reproducing reproduction reprogram reptile reptiles reputation request requested requests require required requires rereleaseAug rereleased rerun reruns rescored rescue rescued rescues rescuing reseal research researched researchers researching resemblance resemble resembled resembles resembling resentment reside resided residence resident residential resides resist resistance resisted resourceful resources respawning respect respected respectful respective respectively responses responsibilities responsible rest restaurant resting restorative restore restored restores restoring result resulting results resurfaces resurrect resurrected resurrecting resurrects retainer retains retaliation retconned retire retired retires retractable retracts retreat retreats retrieve retrieves return returned returning returns reunion reunites reuniting reveal revealed revealing reveals revenge reverted review reviewer reviewing revised revival revive revived revives revolt revolves revolving reward rewards rewrite rhinoceros rhythm rid ride rideable rides ridge riding rift right righthand righthanded rights rim ring rings rip ripped rips rise rises risque ritual rituals rival rivalry rivals rnintendo road roasting robbing robe robed robot robotic robotics robots rock rockeating rocket rocklike rocks rod rogue role roleplaying roles roll rolled roller rolling rolls romanized romantic room roots rope ropes rose roster rot rotates rotund rough roughly roughneck round rounds route row royal royalty rpgsite ruby ruins rule ruled ruler rulers rules ruling rumor rumors run rune running runs rupees ruse rush rushes ruthless s sabotage sacred sacrifice sacrifices sacrificing sadist sadistic safe safety sage sagelike sagely sages sagged said sail sailboat sailing sailor sake salamanderlike salesclerk salesman salute salvaged same sample samurai sanctuary sandals sans sappy sassy satchel sauce savages save saved saves saving saw sawmill say saying says scapegoat scarabs scare scarecrow scared scaring scary scathing scatter scattered scenario scene scenes scepter scepters sceptre schedule scheme schemes scheming scholar school science scientist scientists scleras scolded score scouting scrambles scrapbook scratching scratchoff screamed screen screens scribes scroll scrolls scuffle scythes sea seagull seahorses seal sealed sealednbsp sealing search searches searching season seasons second secondary secondincommand seconds secret secretary secretive secretly secrets section sector secure security sedate see seeing seek seeking seeks seem seemed seeming seemingly seems seen seers sees segment segmented segments seize seized select selected selects self selfanalysis selfaware selfcentered selfdestruct selfdestructing selfdestruction selfdestructs selfduplication selfexperimentation selfish selflessness selftitled sell selling sells send sending sends senile sense sensed senses sensing sensitivity sent sentences sentient sentiment sentiments sentrylike separate separated sequel sequels sequence sequences sequins serial serialized series seriesAmerican seriesAnimated seriesCanadian seriesTelevision seriesaccording seriesred seriess serious serpentine serpentlike servant servants serve served serves service services serving session set sets setting settings settle setup seven seventh sevenyear several severe sexist shack shades shadow shadows shadowy shaft shake shaking shall shame shamelessly shape shaped shapeless shapeshifting shards share shared shares sharing sharklike sharp sharpened sharpshooter sharptongued shatter shattered shattering shaved she shed sheep sheer sheets shell shelter shes shield shin shiny ship shipmates shipment ships shirt shock shockwave shockwaves shoelaces shoes shoo shoot shooter shooting shoots shop shopkeeper shoplifting shopmuseum shopped shops short shortage shortened shorter shortfused shortly shorts shortsleeve shorttempered shot shots should shoves show showcases showed shower showing shown shows showsNintendo shrink shrinking shrinks shrouding shuriken shurikens shyly siblings sicced sick sickle sickness side sidekick sidelines sidequest sides sidescrolling sight sign signal signals signature significant signs silver silvery simian similar similarities similarly simple simply since sincerely sing singer singing single singledisc singlescreen singlet singular sinister sinks siphoning siphons sister sisters sit site sites sits sitting situation situations six sixarmed sixth sixthdouchiest size sizes skateboarding skates skeletal skeleton skill skilled skills skin skinned skip skipping skull skullheaded skulls sky slain slang slashes slate slated slayed sleep sleeping sleeve sleeves slices slicing sliding slight slightest slightly slime slip slipping slopes slot slow slower slowly sluglike smack small smaller smart smash smashes smashing smell smells smokes snag snail snake sneakers sneaks sneezed sneezes sneezing sniff snout snow snowballs snowfall snowmanlike snowy so soaring socalled society sock soda soft softly softspoken software solace solar sold soldier soldiers sole solid solitary solo solve some somehow someone something sometimes somewhat somewhere son song songs sont soon sooner sorbet sorcerer sorceress sort sorter soul sound sounded sounds soundtrack source sourced sources southwestern space spacecraft spacefaring spaceship spaceships spacetime spaghettistrap spanning spare sparks speak speaking speaks spear spears special specialized specializes specializing species speciesFictional specific specifically spectators speculation sped speech speed speedo speeds spell spelled spells spending spends spewed spewing spheres spherical spicy spider spiderlike spiders spike spiked spikes spiky spin spine spinned spinning spinoff spinoffs spins spirit spirits spiritual spit spite spits spitting split splits splitting spoken spokescharacter sported sporting sports spot spotlight spots spotted spray sprays spread spreading springloaded springs sprite sprout sprouts spunky spurs spy squad squadrons squads squash squashicus squat squid squidlike squiggly squirrel squirrelassisted squirrels stabbing stability stables stadium staff staffs stag stage stages stainedglass stalktopped stand standalone standards standing stands star stargazing stark starring stars starshaped starship start started starter starting stasis state stated statement statements states stating station stationary stations stats statuary statue statues stature status stay staying stays steady steal stealing steals steep stellar stemming stems step stereotype stereotypes stereotypical stereotypically stereotyping steward stick sticker stickers sticking still stings stocked stoic stole stolen stomach stomped stomps stone stop stops store stored stories storing storm storms story storyline storylines stout straight strained stranded strange stranger strangle strategies strategy streams strength strengthening stress stretch stretchable stretches strike strikes striking striped stripes stripping strives strong stronger strongest strongly strongwilled struck structurally structure structures stubby stuck student students studies studio study stuff stuffs stun stunts stutter style stylized subboss subbosses subgame subject subordinate subsequent subsequently subseries substance substances substituting subterfuge subtitled subtitles succeeded succeeds success successful successfully succession successor successors succumbs such suck sucked sucks sudden suddenly suffered suffering suffers suffix suggest suggested suggesting suggestion suggests suit suitcase suited summon summonable summoned summoning summons sumo sun sung sunglasses sunken sunlight sunset sunshaped super supercomputer supercomputers superficial superior superstrength supervising supplanted supplemental supplied supplies supply support supported supporting supposed supposedly supreme sur sure surface surfaces surfboard surfer surfing surgically surmised surnames surpasses surplus surprise surprised surreptitiously surrogate surrounded surrounding survived survives surviving survivor survivors sushi suspecting suspicious sustaining svgVideo swagger swallow swallowed swallowing swallows swamp swarm swear swears sweat sweeping sweet swim swimmer swimming swims swing swinging swipes switch switched switches swooping sword swordplay swords swung symbol symbols syndicated syndication synthetic syrup system systems tabletop tactical tagteam tai tail tails take taken takes taking talent talk talking talks tall taller tame tan tank tanklike tanned tape tapes target targets task tasked tasking tasks tastes tasty taught taunt tauntclarification taunting taunts tea teach teacher teacherGlass teachers teaches teaching teal team teamed teamingup teammates teams tearing teaser teasers tech techniques technology teenage teenager teenagers teeth telegraphs telepath telepathic telepathically telepathy teleport teleportation teleported teleporter teleporting television tell teller tells temper temperament temperatures template temple temples temporarily temporary ten tendency tender tending tends tennis tensei tentacles tenth tenyearold term terminated terms terraforms terrain terrible terribly territory test testimony tests tethered tetracarbon text th thSAL than thank thanks that thats the theDon theft their them theme themselves then thenNintendo thengirlfriend theoretical theoretically there therefore theres these they thick thief thieves thin thing things think thinking thinks thinly third thirdparty thirtyfour this those though thought thoughts thousand thread threat threaten threatening threatens threats three threeheaded threes thrill thrilla throne through throughout throw throwing thrown throws thrust thuggish thumbs thus thwart thwarted thwarts tiara tic tick tie tied ties tiger tigerprint tigers time timelines times timid timing tiniest tint tiny tips tire tirelessly tiring tissue titanic title titled titles titular to toad today toddler toga together told tomb tomboy tombstone tomorrow ton tone tongue too tooespecially took tool tools tooth toothaches top topclass topic topics torch torches tori tornado tornadoes tornadolike torso torture toss tosses total totally totem touch touched touches tough toupee tourboat tourists tournament toward towards tower towering town towns toy toys trace track tracker tracking tracks trade trademark trades trading traditional train trained trainer training trainingHe traitor traitorous traits trampled tranquility transdimensional transferred transform transformation transformations transformed transforming transforms transitioned translation translations transport transportation transporting trap trapped traps trash trashtalking trauma travel traveled traveler travelers traveling travels traverse traversing trax treachery treason treasure treasureGame treasures treatment treats tree tremendous trench triangles triangular tribal tribe tribes trick tricked tricking tricks tried tries trigger trio trip tripartite triplejumps troopers troops trophies trophy trouble troubled troupe troupes true truly trunk trust trusted truth try trying tube tucks tuft tunic tunnel turban turbans turf turn turnbased turned turning turns turquoise turtle turtlelike tuskless tutorials twelve twice twicecooked twin twisted twisters two twodimensional twodisc twominutelong twopiece type types typical typically typified tyranny ugly ultimate ultimately ultraviolet umbrella umpire unable unarmed unaware unbounded unbreakable uncertain unchanged uncle unclear uncles uncommon uncommonly unconscious uncontrollable uncontrollably uncover undead undefeated under undergo undergoes underground underlayer underlings undermine underneath understand undertones underwater undetectable undisclosed undisputed undo undoes undoing undone unexplained unfair unfinished unfortunate unfortunately unfriendly unharmed unhinged unholy unified uniform unintentionally unique uniquely unit united units universe universes unknowingly unknown unleashed unleashes unleashing unless unlike unlimited unlit unlockable unlocked unmasked unnamed unnerving unnoticed unofficial unpredictable unrelated unreleased unresolved unripe unsuccessfully unsuspected unsuspecting until unusual unveil unverified up upcom update updated upgrade upgraded upgrades uploading uploads upon upper uppercut uppercuts uproot ups upset upsidedown urchinlike urge urges us usable usage use used useful useless user users uses ushering using usual usually utilized utilizes utilizing vacation vacuum vague vain valuables valued values vampire vampirelike vanished vanishes vanishing vanity vanityalmost vanquish variant variants variation variations varieties variety various vary varying vastly vegetables vegetablethemed vehicle vehicles veiled veins vend vengeance verge verification verified versa version versions versoon versus vertical very vessel vest veteran vg via viability vibrant vice vicious victim victorious victory video videogame videogioco videonbsp videotapes view viewers viewing views village villagers villain villainous villains vintage vinyl violence violent violet viperlike virtual virtually virus visible vision visit visiting visitors visits visor vocals vodka voice voiceacting voiced voiceover voices void volcanic volcano voluntarily volunteer von vortex vowed vowing vows vs vte vulnerability vulnerable w wInitial wLightning wa wads wage waged waist wait waiting waivers wake wakes waking walk walkers walking walks walkthrough wall wallbreaking wallcrawling walls walrus walruses wanderer wandering waning wannabe want wanted wantedcitation wants war warehouse wares warfare warlock warnings warns warp warped warping warrior warriors warui was washed wasnt wasteland watch watcher watches watching water watermelons wattle wave waves waving way ways we weak weakened weakening weaker weakness weaknesses weapon weaponry weapons wear wearer wearing wears weather weave web website wedding week weekdays weighing weighs weight weird weirdest welcome well wellbeing wellknown went were werent werewolves west western weve whale what whatever whats wheel wheezing when whenever where whereabouts wherein whereupon wherever whether which whichever while whilst whip whiplike white whitebearded who whoever whole whom whos whose why wicked wide widerange widescreen widespread widower wield wielding wields wife wiggling wild wilderness wildlife wildly wilful will willing willingly willingness win wind windcleaver windmill windmilllike windows winds windup wing winged wingless wingmate wings winking winning wins winter wipe wiped wire wisdom wise wish wishes wishing witch witches witchhatted witchlike with withdraws within withnbsp without witnessed witnesses wits wizard wizards wo woes wolf wolves woman womb women wondering wonders wont wood wooden woods woolly word words wore work worked worker working works world worldfortress worlds worldwide worm wormlike worms worn worse worshiped worshipped worships worst worth worthy would wounded wounds wreak wreaks wrench wrencharmed wrenches wrestling wrinkled wrist wristbands writer writing written wrong wrote wwwnintendocom wyverns x ya yang yank yarn yarnbased year yearold years yell yelling yellow yellowandpurple yellowcolored yellowskinned yennbsp yennbspAI yennbspAnime yennbspCharacter yennbspCosmeticsLover yennbspEducational yennbspamp yet yields yin york you youd young younger your youre yours youth youthful youths z zapper zebras zombielike zombified zones zooming ° ² · » çime ?mu ?ba ?bu ?hara ?a?io ?a??i??i ??i??i ?jo??i ?j??i ?kæm?k ?marjo ?mær ?m??rio? ?wær ?w??rio? ?tw?n?ro?v? ?w??lu?i?d?i ? ? ?e ? ?FE ????????? ????? ??? ?????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????? ????????????????????? ????? ????? ??????? ?????? ??????? ?????????? ?????? ???? ??? ??????? ????????? ?? ????? ???????? ????????? ???? ???????? ???????? ????????? ??????????????????????????????????? ???????? ????? ????? ????? ??????? ?????? ????????????? ????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ???? ??? ??? ???????? ?????????? ???????? ???? ???? ????? ????????????? ????? ?????????? ??? ???????? ??? ?????? ???? ???? 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  • Condition: Used
  • Features: Vintage
  • Brand: Madame Alexander

PicClick Insights - Vintage Alexander 1965 Drink Wet Sleepy Eyes Baby Doll Gift PicClick Exclusive

  • Popularity - 1 watcher, 0.1 new watchers per day, 7 days for sale on eBay. Normal amount watching. 0 sold, 1 available.
  • Popularity - Vintage Alexander 1965 Drink Wet Sleepy Eyes Baby Doll Gift

    1 watcher, 0.1 new watchers per day, 7 days for sale on eBay. Normal amount watching. 0 sold, 1 available.

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  • Price - Vintage Alexander 1965 Drink Wet Sleepy Eyes Baby Doll Gift

  • Seller - 3,801+ items sold. 0% negative feedback. Great seller with very good positive feedback and over 50 ratings.
  • Seller - Vintage Alexander 1965 Drink Wet Sleepy Eyes Baby Doll Gift

    3,801+ items sold. 0% negative feedback. Great seller with very good positive feedback and over 50 ratings.

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    Vintage Alexander 1965 Drink Wet Sleepy Eyes Baby Doll Gift • £22.94 (2025)
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    Author: Terence Hammes MD

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    Views: 6163

    Rating: 4.9 / 5 (69 voted)

    Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Terence Hammes MD

    Birthday: 1992-04-11

    Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

    Phone: +50312511349175

    Job: Product Consulting Liaison

    Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

    Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.