1. Italian Thriller 'Deep in the Wood' is Bone-Chillingly Good! - PopHorror
Jun 27, 2017 · Deep in the Wood is a bone-chilling Italian thriller that you won't want to miss. Check out our review and see what we thought.
Deep in the Wood is a bone-chilling Italian thriller that you won't want to miss. Check out our review and see what we thought.

2. Review: Stefano Lodovichi's Deep in the Wood - Horror Society
Missing: (2015) | Show results with:(2015)
When I started my viewing of Deep in the Wood, I was expecting something much different than what the movie showcased. I expected a cross between The Tall Man and The Omen, but instead I got a biza…

3. Deep in the Wood - Rotten Tomatoes
Missing: scary | Show results with:scary
When a missing boy reappears after five long years, his father welcomes him back with open arms, but his mother has her suspicions.
4. “Deep in the Wood” – (Movie Review) - awordofdreams.com
May 1, 2017 · It takes a notion that parents often jokingly ponder in passing, if their child is really their own, to horrific and mostly unpredictable ...
By Andrew Buckner Rating: **** out of *****. Deep in the Wood (2015), from co-writer and director Stefano Lodovichi, is a deftly crafted, psychological labyrinth of a thriller. It takes a notion th…

5. Film Review: Deep In the Wood - Steemit
This not-quite-a-horror, not-quite a family drama film holds the audience's attention with misdirection, hinting at a monstrous supernatural presence that ...
Deep in the Wood (2015), directed by Stefano Lodovichi; starring Filippo Nigro, Camilla Filippi, Giovanni Vetorazzo… by janenightshade

6. Deep in the Wood - 2015 film review
Missing: scary | Show results with:scary
Deep in the Wood is a short but intriguing Italian film, which I watched in a sub-titled version. It was made last year, and originally tit...
7. Deep in the Wood (2015): A True to Life Horror Story - PopHorror
Apr 29, 2017 · The haunting fear of unanswered questions preventing closure wreaks havoc on the parents' lives, doing irreparable damage.
Deep in the Wood is a terrifying tale of every parent's worst nightmare.

8. Film Review: DEEP IN THE WOOD (2015)
Jul 21, 2019 · Generic, slasher-like title aside, this is an effectively creepy and suspenseful low-key chiller from Italy, taking as its inspiration the ...
DEEP IN THE WOOD **** Italy 2015 Dir: Stefano Lodovichi 90 mins
9. Deep in the Wood (2015) directed by Stefano Lodovichi • Reviews, film + ...
When young Tommi goes missing during a festival in the Dolomites in 2010, his parents are devastated. Five years later, a boy is found with no name or ...
When young Tommi goes missing during a festival in the Dolomites in 2010, his parents are devastated. Five years later, a boy is found with no name or records; DNA tests prove it is Tommi. But while Tommi's father Manuel welcomes him back with open arms, his mother Linda is not convinced that it is her son. Suspicion and superstition permeate the pores of this eerie mystery thriller.

10. Horror Movie Review: Deep in the Wood (2017)
Missing: scary | Show results with:scary
Deep in the Wood is a psychological horror about a missing child found after 5 years away. His parents are over-joyed at first but something's not quite right with the child. Just where has he been?

11. Deep in the Woods | Rotten Tomatoes
Still it was well shot, and the suspense was more so effective, and it wasn't boring. That being said it isn't the worst horror film by far, yet it wasn't very ...
Death stalks the actors (Clotilde Courau, Clément Sibony, Vincent Lecoeur) who have come to a secluded forest mansion to perform "Little Red Riding Hood" for a man and his grandson.