Everything about Fire Emblem Thracia 776 (2025)

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Everything about Fire Emblem Thracia 776 (1)

You can see each enemy’s inventory by placing the cursor over his on the image. The blue squares with numbers are your unit’s starting places, according to the list on the Battle Preparations (left to right, up and down, you can try to adjust them), still it is not possible to change the listing; sometimes you also need to adjust it from earlier chapters or skip some characters if you want someone in a specific place.

Main objective: Escape

This is an optional chapter: You must visit at least three red houses (Houses 1, 2, and 3 don't count) in Chapter 14.

Items, Villages, Treasure:
- 1 Stamina Drink for each villager that escapes (there are 6 total, and one villager will appear for every house you visited in Chapter 14 - houses 1, 2 and 3 don't count -). They appear every two turns on the tile indicated by the green square, and have 4 movement (they move in one direction – up, when appears).
- Try to steal some of those Rewarp staves that the Sorcerers have. They'll help you later!

New units:
- Linoan (Sister), joins at the start of the chapter.

Enemy reinforcements:
- Turns 1 to 20, approximately: Sorcerers (yellow squares) and Pegasus riders (red), from random points on the map.

Special Events:
- None.

General Strategy:
- Minimum number of units you can use: 6 + 1 (at the beginning)
- Maximum number of units: 10 + 1 (at the beginning)

At first glance, this looks like an easy chapter, which it is, but it's a little annoying. These are the only enemies that are on the map at the beginning, but after the first turn reinforcements will appear that can capture Linoan (if you don't give her a spell to equip) and the civilians who will try to escape.
For this chapter, it's recommended that you bring some flying units, a thief, and other weak units who need some training. The reinforcements are low-level enemies, although the Pegasus knights can give you some problems because of their ability to move all over the map. The Sorcerers give a lot of experience and have a staff to transport themselves. Try to steal some of their staves because they're the only ones who have them.

When the civilians begin to leave, remain close to them so that if they get captured, you can save them immediately. Try to form a "rescue chain", rescuing the civilians with your units, and then passing them along to your flying units or mounted units, to help them reach safety.

The other problem here is that the boss can attack from long distances with Fenrir, a powerful dark magic spell, so only approach him with high-level units or units with high magic. The spell has 5 uses, so it won't take long until it runs out. Also be careful with the Hero. When the civilians reach the arrow and leave, they'll give you a Stamina Drink to cure fatigue, so make the most of them! Once there are no more enemies and all the civilians have escaped, you should escape too.

Everything about Fire Emblem Thracia 776 (2)
Boss - Data
- Class: Hero (Level 10)
- Weapon Level: AEverything about Fire Emblem Thracia 776 (3) AEverything about Fire Emblem Thracia 776 (4)
- Skills: Adept
HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Con Mov
Stats 42 14 1 15 16 16 11 16 6
Leadership 0 Double atk. Crit. 2
- Venin Edge
- Killer Axe
- Vulnerary
Mov. Stars (Vigor)

This guy is like a semi-boss (but in fact he has the music of a boss and everything).
He's not a big deal, just be careful with his Killer Axe; you can use the mountains to avoid him.

Everything about Fire Emblem Thracia 776 (5)
Boss - Data
- Class: Dark Bishop (Level 9)
- Weapon Level: AEverything about Fire Emblem Thracia 776 (6) AEverything about Fire Emblem Thracia 776 (7) DEverything about Fire Emblem Thracia 776 (8)Everything about Fire Emblem Thracia 776 (9)Everything about Fire Emblem Thracia 776 (10)
- Skills: None.
HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Con Mov
Stats 44 2 13 13 13 11 10 11 6
Leadership 1 Double atk. Crit. 0
- Jörmungandr
- Fenrir
Mov. Stars (Vigor)

This guy is more annoying than hard, and the good thing is that he won't move even if you approach him.
As I said, dark magic is powerful, especially Fenrir, which can attack from a distance, so be careful.

Everything about Fire Emblem Thracia 776 (11)

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Everything about Fire Emblem Thracia 776 (2025)
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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.