Everything about Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn (2025)

Minimap - Affinity: Light
Everything about Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn (1)

Orange lines: Doors (you must break them or use keys).

Extra Exp Easy / Normal Hard Multiplier Limit
Complete the chapter quickly 160 80 - 10
Turns 80 40 -
Surviving Allies (only on easy) 200 - x2
Your units that escape 25 12 x8
Allies that escape 100 50 x2
See also: Bonus experience.
  • Villages / items / treasure
    • - Everything about Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn (2) Coin (See Hidden items locations)
      (It is used to obtain bonuses when forging, in the following chapters)
      - Drops when defeated:
      A. Everything about Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn (3) Door Key (Fighter)
      - Steal:
      - Everything about Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn (4) Discipline (Boss)
      C. Everything about Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn (5) Vulnerary x3
      D. Everything about Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn (6) Herb (Myrmidon)
      E. Everything about Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn (7) Steel Lance or Everything about Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn (8) Javelin (Soldier)
      It depends on what he have equipped. Make him attack with one or the other.
      F. Everything about Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn (9) Steel Axe or Everything about Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn (10) Hand Axe (Fighter).
  • Enemy reinforcements
    • - Turn 2: 2 Soldiers and Aran from the left (red).
      - Turn 7, 12: 1 Archer (where Laura starts) and a Myrmidon (where Micaiah starts). In turn 12 they are 2 Soldiers.
      - Turn 9: 2 Soldiers (purple).
      - Turn 11: 2 Soldiers (green).
  • New characters
    • - From the start: Ilyana.
      - Turn 2: Aran (Talk with Laura, appears as an enemy).
  • Special events
    • Micaiah ↔ Burton (Battle).
  • Bargains (See more)
    • None.

General strategy:
- Objective: Escape, place Micaiah in the yellow square (Defeat the Boss on Easy).
- You lose if...: Any ally is defeated.
- Max numbers of units to use: 7 + 1, Aran (can be recruited). Unit can't be selected.
- Affiliation: Dawn Brigade (Commander: Micaiah)
- Authority: Zero (+0% on Avoid and Hit to your characters).

If you have distributed the experience decently, your characters should already to be close to Nolan's level, use him and Ilyana without much care, or focusing only on a couple of the rest, not counting Micaiah. At the same time you can also use Sothe with his weaker weapons and as a barrier for them to stop several enemies can last a round, have him weaken them and finish off with your other characters. AND... YOU DON'T LOSE the chapter if Aimee or Kurth die, but you gain less bonus experience if they live anyway (at least with Aimee it is confirmed, but most likely with Kurth as well; it is almost impossible for Kurth to be defeated). If your characters are not close to Nolan's level, just use Sothe and Nolan, trying to get Micaiah and someone else to level up, since it won't be worth it later to share experience.

The start is simple, protect the two openings on the left with Sothe and whoever has the best level, while having Ilyana defeat the fighter on the right to take the key, she can resist an attack perfectly, and with Micaiah and Leonardo to defeat the nearby Soldier and always keep them at your side and out of combat (since they can only withstand a single attacks, Micaiah may not even resist one) and with Laura heals the wounds. Also, remember to have the Herbs and Vulneraries well distributed (the first for those with less HP, the second for the rest).

Aran and two other reinforcement Soldiers will appear on turn 2. Don't get ahead of yourself and resist a little longer where you are, Aran will attack you with his javelins to one of your characters in his turn, then on your turn you will be able to talk to Laura without many problems. While with the rest you finish off the other Soldiers. Ilyana and Leonardo can advance the work by leaving them within reach of the archers on the other side of the wall, since the wall is made with pillars and even if you can't cross them, you CAN attack through them.

Now, use Sothe and your other best character to advance and be close or face to face with the Armors that block the passage, and keep the others out of reach of this boss' attack. Try to defeat more with Ilyana and Leonardo attacking through the wall (although only if they can receive an attack, don't make them initiate, or on the enemy turn they would be defeated if they attack on both turns... it would be too much damage accumulated from counterattacks).

Everything about Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn (11)
Sword Knight
Level 11
Data Affinity: Light

Everything about Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn (12) Wind Edge
Everything about Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn (13) Discipline

- Skills:
- Weapon Level:
Everything about Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn (14)D

HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Mov Wt Cn
28 13 4 12 13 4 12 5 8 35 11
29 13 7

Simple, Micaiah + Thani = Defeated, but before that, steal the item with Sothe (you can use it later at the base). And don't worry about his attack, which rarely hits.

With the boss humiliated, something else now happens, and is that the reinforcements are about to arrive if you are quick to reach him. So with the use of the command "Direct" and "Target" bring Aimee and Kurth to the exit of the stage, you gain some extra experience for it, although it is more advisable that you do it as you advance along whatever path you take.
Now, just worry about advancing with Sothe and your strong characters forward to the exit,. Whoever you have sent ahead will have to fight the remaining enemies in the area, and then on your turn defeat what is left as you can and finish off the archer with Longbow that protects the exit (it can attack from 2 or 3 squares away, but doing so lowers the hit %).
Micaiah with Thani in front of the Archer, and finishing with Edward, Aran or Nolan from afar will free the exit. The two enemies in front of the exit don't move, so is easy.

Once the exit is free, have all the characters escape before Micaiah, and she last, since the chapter ends the moment she escapes, and if her companions escape before her, you gain more bonus experience later. Don't worry though, it doesn't matter if you escaped first with Micaiah, you won't lose them or anything, you'll just gain less bonus experience.
If you want, you can fight the remaining reinforcements. Although if you end up in trouble make Micaiah escape and problems solved.

Strategy for Hard Mode (read this if you haven't already):
It is similar to the Normal difficulty, only a little more complicated, still follow the advice above.

First of all, use Sothe to weaken the enemies, it's important! If not, it will cost you the chapter, and then finish off the enemies with your other characters, it is also important that Micaiah, Laura and even Leonardo can withstand more than one attack; constantly heal them. Also, Nolan might have a hard time to land hits and you will receive more damage since the weapon triangle no longer exists, so don't try to use Edward so much es it will be difficult for him to progress here. And what could cause you a lot of problems, are the enemies with long-range weapons... they can attack through the pillars, which are the entire central wall of the map, but just don't stay close to it.

Always try to be careful, and never rush, recruit Aran and use Sothe to go towards the boss, For later I would recommend facing the reinforcements and trying to steal some of the things mentioned with Sothe to have supplies for future chapters. If you are desperate, you can move Kurth with Micaiah's command to a certain position to block the enemies and use him as a barrier since he is not bad at all, but you must keep in mind that Aimee moves first and could take his place... it would be best if you separated her by pushing her as soon as you start or by rescuing with someone, but the first is better since everyone will be fighting.

For the rest just be careful and use Sothe without worries.

Everything about Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn (2025)
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Author: Annamae Dooley

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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

Phone: +9316045904039

Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.