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Imersão emSTUDENT'S BOOKB A S I C L E V E L S A 1 A N D A 2InglesaLíngua nulnulImersão emSTUDENT'S BOOKB A S I C L E V E L S A 1 A N D A 2InglesaLíngua Serviço Social do Comércio – SESC ARRJEditora Senac Rio – Rio de Janeiro – 2019 nulCréditosImersão em Língua Inglesa: Basic Levels A1 and A2 © Sesc, 2019.Direitos desta edição reservados ao Serviço Social do Comércio – Administração Regional do Rio de Janeiro. Vedada, nos termos da lei, a reprodução total ou parcial deste livro. Sesc RJPresidente do Conselho Regional:Antonio Florencio de Queiroz JuniorDiretora Regional: Antônia Regina Pinho da CostaEditora Senac Rio Rua Pompeu Loureiro, 45/11º andarCopacabana – Rio de JaneiroCEP: 22061-000 –údo: Priscila de Azeredo Andrade e Amanda G. Domingos de SouzaDesenho Instrucional: Gabriela DantasValidação Técnica: Priscila Andrade, Alessandra Alvarenga e Fabiana Zveiter As imagens de uso contratualmente licenciado, aqui inseridas, pertencem à G & S Imagens do Brasil Ltda. e são utilizadas para fins meramente ilustrativos, o que se aplica, inclusive, a todos os exemplos, modelos e/ou indivíduos constantes deste material.Impressão: Edigráfica Gráfica e Editora Ltda.1ª edição: agosto de 2019CIP-BRASIL. CATALOGAÇÃO NA PUBLICAÇÃOSINDICATO NACIONAL DOS EDITORES DE LIVROS, RJS515iSesc RJImersão em língua inglesa: Basic Levels A1 and A2: student's book / Sesc RJ. - 1. ed. - Rio de Janeiro : Senac Rio, 2019.224 p. ; 28 cm.ISBN 978-85-7756-466-81. Língua inglesa - Estudo e ensino. I. Título.19-58536 CDD: 428.24 CDU: 811.111'243Revisão: Priscila Andrade, Amanda Gabrielle, Fábio dos Reis e Beatriz RodriguesProjeto Gráfico: Mônica VazDiagramação: Mônica Vaz, Victor Willemsens, Vinicius Moura e Roberta Santos SilvaProdução Editorial: Andréa Regina Almeida, Gypsi Canetti e Michele PaivaValidação Técnica: Fabiana ZveiternulWelcome!This material was written in order to ensure a dynamic learning process, work as guidance and complementary tool to improve your language learning. Learning a new language is a challenge that involves learning how to use words, rules and the use of the language in order to communicate with speakers of the language. Understanding the nature of the relationship between language and culture is the key to the process of learning another language. It is language in its cultural context that creates meaning. In language learning classrooms, learners need to engage with the ways in which context affects what is communicated and how. Both the learner’s culture and the culture in which meaning is created or communicated influence on the ways in which possible meanings are understood. Therefore, the aim of this book is to provide students a critical reflection on their own culture and other people's culture through activities and debates, which subjects relates to one’s culture and its beliefs, knowledges, political and economic processes.Throughout twelve units, the students will have the opportunity rise their world knowledge individually and collectively. The book is divided into twelve sections including several activities that will guide students to the achievement of the necessary competences of levels A1 and A2, according to the Common European Framework.nulnulThe Common European Framework of Reference: Learning, Teach-ing, Assessment (CEF) is a system that could be used to compare language levels for teaching and testing languages in Europe and works as a guidance for all over the world. It aims to describe the knowledge and skills students are required to master according each level. In the Basic Level, the students are capable of: • Communicating and exchanging information in a simple way.• Understanding and using very frequently used everyday expres-sions as well as simple phrases to meet immediate needs.• Introducing him/herself and others and can ask and answer questions about personal details such as where he/she lives, things he/she has and people he/she knows.• Interacting in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to cooperate.KNOWLEDGEAND SKILLSnulCLASSSTRUCTURE Let’s Practice!Understanding the textDid you know? Time to WriteListeningGrammar in useReviewLet's think!HomeworkTextVideoVocabularyGrammar BoxSpeakingnulUnit 1 - Blind Date Provide basic information like name, age, personal characteristics and profession concerning oneself and others.Grammar: Basic greetings; Verb to be - affirmative, negative and interrogative form; Adjectives; Professions; Numbers; Possessive Pronouns.Unit 2 - Where to? Through the theme package tour, students will state their opinion about prices, holiday’s destination; learn how to introduce new people and present new places.Grammar: Demonstrative pronouns; verb to be; days of the week; months of the year; number (price); impressions.Unit 3 - Looking for a Job Based on videos and dialogues, students will offer more details about their own private life in a formal environment. In addition, they will learn how to write their own resume.Grammar: Review verb to be; professions; nationalities; definite and indefinite articles.153551SCOPE ANDSEQUENCEBasic level A1nulUnit 4 - What is your routine like?Students will talk about their daily routine and habits. They will also talk about their friends and family members. Grammar: Simple present – affirmative; negative and interrogative; simple verbs; possessive case; family members.Unit 5 - Conscious ConsumptionStudents will learn how to buy things in a store or online. In addition, they will discuss about the frequency they do a variety of activities. Throughout the unit, there will be moments to discuss the difference between pleasure to shop and compulsive shopping.Grammar: Review simple present; adverbs of frequency; clothes and accessories; colors; patterns; size and material; adjectives order.Unit 6 - Mother NatureStudents will discuss about weather conditions, natural disasters and their consequences.Grammar: There to be; weather; seasons and temperature; weather conditions vocabulary.658197SCOPE ANDSEQUENCEBasic level A1nulUnit 1 - When is it to much? Provides moments of discussions concerning the importance of balanced exercising while points out the risks of over exercising and resorting to illegal substances. The vocabulary in this unit fluctuates among human body parts, names of sports activities, injuries caused by exceeding in sports and diseases caused by lack of physical activities.Grammar: Modal - Can; Should ; Have to.Unit 2 - Eat your breakfast, share your lunch with a friend and give your dinner to your enemyThrough the presentation of several types of diet, this unit discusses eating habits and makes a comparison between what we eat currently and what did our grandparents some years ago. Grammar: Comparative Form.Unit 3 - Tribes and legends Based on legends, this unit runs through real stories such as the cultural aspects of the indigenous tribe in Brazil, Vikings society and legends based on people’s imagination and beliefs, like: “Loch Ness Monster” and “The Blond in the bathroom”. Students will raise their knowledge about Brazilian and foreign legends, and explore their creativity by making up their own stories, consequently, developing their writing skills. Grammar: Simple Past.113129141SCOPE ANDSEQUENCEBasic level A2nulUnit 4 - What now?How do you deal with unexpected situation? Can you ask for help when you get lost? Do you offer help? What places shouldone go when visiting your city? This unit is about travelling and dealing with the adversities anyone might face when sightseeing. Grammar: Directions; Present Continuous.Unit 5 - Did you use to play as a child?It is time to have fun and remember outdoor games you played you used to play. Students will talk about their childhood habits and games with their classmates. Grammar: Past Habits – Used to x to be used to.Unit 6 - What's next? Living in a new ageProvides speculations about the future concerning how technology will change our habits, relationships, jobs and houses. The discussion is about how far technology can go and what the greatest benefits of it are.Grammar: Future with Will.Extra Activities157171181SCOPE ANDSEQUENCEBasic level A2199nulBasiclevel A1nulnulUNIT 1BLIND DATEnul16 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A1What's up? What is your name?My name is Laura de Souza. How old are you?I am 25 years old. Where are you from?I am from Tijuca. What are you like?I am short, chubby, talkative and stubborn.He must be blond, short, chubby, handsome , sensitive and funny.I’m Lucas Lopes. Yours?I´M 22. How about you?I´m from Niterói. And you?I am tall, slim, shy and intelligent. And you?What´s your perfect match like?hum... I´m afraid I´m not your perfect match... What is her name?What's her last name?Is he old?Where are they from?What about you? Share your personal information with your classmatesnulSTUDENT'S BOOK 17 Video1. Watch the video about a blind date, take notes of the words you hear and share your understanding with your classmates.2. Watch the video and answer the questions below.a) What´s the girl´s name? b) What´s the boy´s name?c) How old is she? d) How old is he? e) What´s her job?f) What´s his job?nul18 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A1 VocabularyHow do you look like? Look at the physical descriptions below: I AMHEIGHTTALL SHORT MEDIUM/ HEIGHTBUILDSLIM/SLENDEROVERWEIGHT/FAT/CHUBBYATLETIC/MUSCULARWELL-BUILTSKINCOLORWHITE ALBINO BRUNETBLACK/EBONYATTENTION It is offensive to say: yellow man, red skin – related to indian, black man or coloured.Olive/Bronzed skin = I havenulSTUDENT'S BOOK 19I HAVEEYESHAIRGREY EYESDARK EYESGREEN EYESBLOND/FAIR BROWN BLACKREDATTENTION blonde/fair hair =I am blondebrown hair = I am brunette red hair =I am redheadBROWN EYESBLUE EYESGREYSHORT LONGMEDIUM LENGTHSTRAIGHT CURLYWAVY AFRO CURLYOTHER FEATURESMOUSTACHE CROW’S FEETBEARDWRINKLE BEAUTY SPOTSCAR SPOTnul20 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A1Let’s Practice!Dialogue – First Date1. Read both dialogues, underline every GREETING, ADJECTIVE and PROFESSION you find and list them into the correct box below. Dialogue 1Marina: Good morning! My name is Marina.Pedro: Hey, nice to meet you. I am Pedro. How are you doing?Marina: I am cool. Nice to meet you, too.Pedro: You are very beautiful.Marina: Thank you. Pedro: How old are you?Marina: I am 21. And you?Pedro: I am 23. Are you from Rio de Janeiro?Marina: No, I´m not. I am from Belo Horizonte, but I live in Rio. What do you do for a living, Pedro?Pedro: I am a student. And you?Marina: I am a student and a part-time secretary. Tell me about yourself, Pedro. What are you like?Pedro: I am calm and lazy sometimes. And you? Marina: I am very shy, hard-working and reserved. Pedro: Oh, I see.Marina: Well, Pedro. I have to go. Have a nice day!Pedro: Bye!nulSTUDENT'S BOOK 21Dialogue 2Diego: Excuse me. Are you Vanessa? Vanessa: Yes, I am. You are Diego, right? Diego: Yeah, right. Nice to meet you.Vanessa: Nice to meet you, too.Diego: You look really nice, Vanessa. Tell me more about you. Vanessa: I'm a 26-year-old-teacher. I´m very talkative, open-minded and joyful. I love listening to music and dancing on Fridays. My favorite sport is volleyball. I play volleyball every Saturday. Diego: Well, I'm a 29 year-old- engineer. I am from São Paulo, but I live in Rio. I am not very talkative, ´m very shy, kind and friendly. Let´s have some coffee? Vanessa: Yeah, sure. Greetings Adjectives Professions nul22 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A12. Are both dates from dialogues 1 and 2 well succeeded? 3. Check the meaning of the words in the boxes below and write the ones you would like to add to the list.BASIC GREETINGSHi - Hey- Good morning - Good afternoon - Good evening - Good night - How are you? - How are you doing? - What’s up?- What’s new? - I am fine - Good - Fine - Not bad - Ok - Great - Goodbye - Bye bye - See you – See you later - See you next week. PERSONALITY ADJECTIVESAdventurous - Anxious - Dim - Calm - Joyful - Affectionate - Bad-tempered - Extroverted - Emotional - Sociable - Ambitious - Boring - Impulsive - Funny - Sympathetic - Brave - Bossy - Intelligent - Honest - Patient - Bright - Creative - Introverted - Optimistic - Self-confident - - - - - - - - - PROFESSIONSAccountant - Actor /Actress - Architect - Baker - Bricklayer - Bus driver - Butcher - Chef/Cook - Cleaner - Dustman - Electrician - Factory worker - Fireman - Hairdresser - Mechanic - Nurse - Painter - Policeman/Policewoman - Receptionist - Shop assistant - Vet - Waiter/Waitress - Travel agent - - - - - - - - - nulSTUDENT'S BOOK 23PHYSICAL FEATURESAttractive - Curvy - Plump - Flabby - Tattoed - Gorgeous - Coily hair - Plain - Tanned - Stocky - Hideous - Pimpled - - - - - - 4. In pairs, act out the dialogues replacing the words you underlined with the words from the boxes above.Grammar in useVerb to beGo back to the DIALOGUE 2 ON PAGE 21, find one example of affirmative, negative and interrogative sentence then, ask your teacher's help to describe the parts of each sentence. a) Affirmativeb) Negativec) Questionnul24 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A1Let’s Practice!1. Fill in the blanks using the Verb To Be.VERB TO BEAFFIRMATIVE FORM NEGATIVE FORM QUESTION FORMI am = I´m I am not = I’m not Am I …?You are = You´re You are not = You aren´tAre you …?He is = He´s He is not = He isn´t Is he …?She is = She is not = She isn´t she …?It is = It´s It is not = It it …?We are = We´re We are not = We Are we …?You are = You are not = You aren´t you …?They are = They´re They are not = They they …?ATTENTION The Personal Pronoun YOU is used for both singular and plural form.nulSTUDENT'S BOOK 252. Change the sentences below using the Verb To Be.Example:Maria is an engineer.• Negative = She isn´t an engineer.• Question = Is she an engineer?a) João and Carlos are classmates.Negative: Question: b) Dani and I aren´t from Madureira.Affirmative: Question: c) Is Felipe a dentist?Affirmative: Negative: d) The school is beautiful and big.Negative: Question: e) Create your own sentence.Affirmative: Negative: Question: nul26 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A13. Use the professions and adjectives to get to know your classmates better:a) Write on the box below 5 adjectives to describe personal characteristics and 5 professions. Now, go around the classroom trying to match your list to your classmates characteristics and professions asking: Are you …?NAME ADJECTIVES CHARACTERISTICSb) Now, share your notes with the classroom using he or she is.TextSocial Network ProfileHey there! My name is Valentina Maria Silveira. I am 22 years old, and I am from Duque de Caxias. I am short, slim and chatty. My ideal mate is muscular, extroverted, and hard-working. Hello! My name is Vinícius da Silva Lima. I am 48 years old and I am from Teresópolis. I am short, chubby, shyand smart. My ideal mate is beautiful, intelligent, fun, and kind.1.2.nulSTUDENT'S BOOK 273.4.Hey guys, what's up? I am Laura and my nickname is Lala. I´m 34 and I´m from Copacabana. I am a designer. I am very extroverted and easygoing. I am also short and chubby. My ideal mate is intelligent and kind.Hi! My name is Valentim, but you can call me Tim. I am 20 and I am a volleyball player. I am very tall, and athletic. My ideal mate is smart, and fun.AGE - One (1) – Two (2) – Three (3) – Four (4) – Five (5) – Six (6) – Seven (7) – Eight (8) – Nine (9) – Ten (10) – Eleven (11) - Twelve (12) – Thirteen (13) – Fourteen (14) – Fifteen (15) – Sixteen (16) – Seventeen (17) – Eighteen (18) – Nineteen (19) - wenty (20) - Thirty (30) - Forty (40) - Fifty (50) - Sixty (60). - Seventy (70) - Eighty (80) - Ninety (90) - One hundred (100). nul28 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A11. After reading the texts above, use the box below to make the proper changes on the underlined words.PERSON SUBJECT PRONOUN POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES Replace nouns that are the subject of their clause. In the 3rd person, subject pronouns are often used to avoid repetition of the subject's name. Possessive pronouns replace possessive nouns as either the subject or the object of a clause.Possessive adjectives function as adjectives, so they appear before the noun they modify. 1st singular I MINE MY 2nd YOU YOURS YOUR 3rd (female) SHE HERS HER 3rd (male) HE HIS HIS 3rd (neutral) IT ITS ITS 1st plural WE OURS OUR 3rd plural THEY THEIRS THEIRUnderstanding the text2. Choose one man and one woman from the Social Network Profile on page 27 and answer the questions.a) What´s her first name? b) What´s his last name? c) How old is she? d) Where is he from? e) What is she like? nulSTUDENT'S BOOK 29Understanding the text Time to WriteWrite a small text to introduce yourself and give information about your ideal mate.Let's think!• Give a title that describes the picture above.• Is internet good or bad?• What are the risks hidden behind the internet?Hi! My name is Carlos Eduardo. I am 29 years old, and I’m from Ipanema, Rio de Janeiro. I am tall, muscular, and fun. My ideal mate is young, beautiful, and independent.nul30 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A1Homework1. Put the sentences in the negative and interrogative forms: a) Bruno and Pilar are siblings.Interrogative: Negative: b) Maria is eight years old.Interrogative: Negative: c) Your telephone number is 7891-3604.Interrogative: Negative: d) Your e-mail address is Negative: 2. Complete the box using your personal presentation:My name , I’m from and I live in . I´m years old and I work as . My phone number is and my e-mail adress is .nulSTUDENT'S BOOK 313. What expressions can we use in each box? GREETINGS FAREWELLS INTRODUCTIONSReview1. Read the information A and B. Write a short paragraph using the information in the speech bubbles.a)My name is Mariana.My favorite book is Big Little Lies.I am a Human Resources Analyst.I am 29 years old.My favorite TV show is Game for Pets.I am married.I am Brazilian. I am from Rio.Her name is nul32 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A1b)My name is Pierre.My favorite film is The Untouchables.I am a mechanical technician.I am 32 years old.My favorite sport is Rugby.I am single.I am French. I am from Nice.His name is 2. Fill in the blank spaces using the possessive adjectives: my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their.a) Andrew is a boy and surname is Carter. b) Guaraná is my pet. ears are black with brown spots.c) I’m a vet and favourite TV channel is “Animal Planet”.d) It is raining and you don´t have umbrella with you.e) Macy and you are siblings. parents are Mr and Mrs Smith.nulSTUDENT'S BOOK 333. Complete the sentences using MY, YOUR, HIS, HER, ITS, OUR or THEIR. Follow the example.Example:About Lana = > What is HER last name?a) About Marcos and Pedro: Where are homework?b) About me: Where is bag?c) About Cristian: What is telephone number?d) About you: What is address?e) About Valéria: What is job?4. Ask the questions for the answers from A to E.a) My last name is Souza.b) I am 19 years old.c) I am from São Gonçalo, in Rio de Janeiro.d) I am a student.e) I am a bit shy, but I am very hard-working and committed.nulNOTES nulUNIT 2WHERE TO?nul36 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A1UserVACATION PACKAGEFROM: Rio de Janeiro – RJ - BrazilDEPART DATE: September 20th, 2018RETURN DATE: September 23th, 2018GIG – 12H00TOSSA – 14H15FLIGHT DETAILS HOTELTRUE LOVE HOTEL– THREE STARSPRICEONLY R$ 847,00 PER PERSON • 3 NIGHTS• DOUBLE BED• BREAKFAST INCLUDEDIN THE ROOM PRICETO: Salvador – BA - BrazilHAPPY DESTINATIONST R A V E L A G E N C YRead the trip post above and answer the questions below.a) What is the name of the agency?b) What is the destination of the traveler? c) Where is the traveler from?d) How much is the trip?Understanding the textnulSTUDENT'S BOOK 37Débora: Happy Destinations Agency. Debora speaking. How can I help you? James: Hi, Debora. My name is Luiz and I would like to have some information about the package tour to Salvador.Débora: Ok, Mr.Luiz. Are you travelling on your own? James: No, I´m traveling with three friends. Let’s Practice!Read the dialogue and answer the questions.Débora: Ok. Well, it is a five nights package tour, airline tickets and hotel rooms are included.James: Right. What about the date?Débora: The departure is from GIG on Tuesday, September 18th and the return is on Sunday, September 23rd.James: Ok. What else is included on the package tour?Débora: We offer a walking tour on Pelourinho Streets on September 19th and a boat trip across the North beaches.James: Right. How much is the tour trip?Débora: It is R$ 842,37 per person.James: Right. Thank you very much.Débora: You´re welcome. Have a good night.a) What is the name of the agency?b) Is James alone in the trip or with a group?c) How many people are going on the trip?d) What is included on the package?e) How much is the trip?nul38 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A1HomeworkGoing on vacation1. Before booking your trip, think about the following questions:a) What do you prefer, buying tickets online or go to a travel agency?b) What country do you want to visit soon?c) How do you want to travel? By plane, by bus, on a cruise or on a train? d) Who do you want to take with you? Or do you like to travel on your own? Why?SpeakingPretend you´re going on vacation with your family and you want to buy a package tour.Act out with a classmate the dialogue between the tourist agent and the customer.Don´t forget to include information like: - Destination- Number of people traveling with you- How long you’re staying- Departure and return dates- Price of the tickets and the package tour- Personal information: Name, age, birthday, phone number and e-mail address.You can use the boxes below to help you.DAYS OF THE WEEKSundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdayMONTHS OF THE YEARJanuary JulyFebruary AugustMarch SeptemberApril OctoberMay NovemberJune DecembernulSTUDENT'S BOOK 39UserHAPPY DESTINATIONST R A V E L A G E N C YBOOK A TRIP FLIGHT HOTEL CAR VACATIONPACKAGESROUND TRIP ONE WAY MULTI-CITYFROM TODEPART DATE RETURN DATETRAVEL DATEEXACT DATES FLEXIBLE DATESSHOW PRICE INMONEY MILESPASSENGERSALL FIELDS ARE REQUIRED2. Complete the boarding pass with your personal information and details about a trip you would like to take.UserHAPPY DESTINATIONST R A V E L A G E N C YPASSENGERSPASSENGER 1PREFIX FIRST NAME (GIVEN)*INDICATES REQUIRED INFORMATIONMIDDLE FAMILY NAME NATIONALITYGENDER BIRTH DATECONTACTINFORMATIONNAME AND RELATIONSHIP COUNTRY CITY PHONE NUMBERE-MAILnul40 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A1 VocabularyHow much is it?US$ 0,01 cent = pennyUS$ 0,05 cents = nickelUS$ 0,10 cents = dimeUS$ 0,25 cents = quarterUS$ 21,00 - Twenty-one dollarsUS$ 33,00 - Thirty-three dollarsUS$ 45,60 - Forty-five dollars and sixty centsUS$ 105,99 - One hundred and five dollars and ninety-nine cents.US$ 509,00 - Five hundred and nine dollars.US$ 1.734,68- One thousand, seven hundred and thirty-four dollars and sixty-eight centsNOTEFifty bucks for a soda? That's expensive!She owes me one grand.Can you break this bill? Sorry man, I have no change.This package tour is a real bargain.The �ying tickes to Salvador are on sale, everything’s 50% off.nulSTUDENT'S BOOK 41SpeakingHow much are the tours?TOURS/PRICEGrammar BoxThis / That / These / ThoseWINE ROUTE R$ 315,00 DIVING R$ 937,00SURF CLASSES R$ 148,00 HELICOPTER TOUR R$ 1.300,00This ThatThese Thosenul42 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A1Grammar in useObserve the pictures below. Then, answer the questions.1 - This is my best friend. 2 - These are my friends.3 - That is the hotel. 4 - Those are the buses.a) About Picture number 1, the friend is ( ) near ( ) distant.b) About Picture number 1, the sentence is in the ( ) singular ( ) plural.c) About Picture number 2, the friends are ( ) near ( ) distant.d) About Picture number 2, the sentence is in the ( ) singular ( ) plural.e) About Picture number 3, the hotel is ( ) near ( ) distant.f) About Picture number 3, the sentence is in the ( ) singular ( ) plural.g) About Picture number 4, the buses are ( ) near ( ) distant.h) About Picture number 4, the sentence is in the ( ) singular ( ) plural.DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNSAFFIRMATIVE FORM NEGATIVE FORM QUESTION FORMTHIS IS THIS ISN'T IS THIS …?THAT IS THAT ISN'T IS THAT …?THESE ARE THESE AREN'T ARE THESE ...?THOSE ARE THOSE AREN'T ARE THOSE ...?nulSTUDENT'S BOOK 43Let’s Practice!1. Rewrite the sentences. Example:This is my bag. Negative: This isn´t my bag.Question: Is this my bag?a) These are the new guests.Negative: Question: b) That isn´t my room.Affirmative: Question: c) Are these the airline tickets?Affirmative: Negative: d) Now, create your own sentence.Affirmative: Negative: Question: nul44 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A12. According to the Grammar Box, rewrite the sentences using the singular or plural form following the examples below.Example:This is a beautiful city. These are beautiful cities.That is a big boat. Those are big boats.a) That is a famous monument in Bahia.b) These are local food.c) This is a Bahiana.d) Those are tourists.nulSTUDENT'S BOOK 453. Read the dialogues, then answer the questions.Tourist 1: Good afternoon! What is this?Salesperson 1: This is a coconut and sugar Brazilian candy called Cocada.Tourist 1: Oh, great. I love coconut. How much is it?Salesperson 1: It's R$5,00.Tourist 1: I would like to have one, please.Salesperson 1: Here you are. Where are you from?Tourist 1: I am from Australia. It is my first time here in Brazil.Salesperson 1: Welcome to Brazil!Tourist 1: Thanks.Salesperson 2: Good morning! Can I help you?Tourist 2: Yes, please. What are these strips?Salesperson 2: They are Senhor do Bonfim wristbands. They are for good luck.Tourist 2: Wow! How much are they?Salesperson 2: They are R$7,00 each.Tourist 2: Ok. I would like one of each color for my american friends.Tourist 3: Hi. How much are those big towels up there?Salesperson 3: Those towels cost R$23,00 each. Would you like to try those towels?Tourist 3: Yes, please. Yes, they are really soft. How much is that face towel over there? Salesperson 3: That towel is R$17,00.Tourist 3: They are really soft and beautiful. I would like to buy 2 bath towels and three face towels for me and for my sister who lives in The Philippines.nul46 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A1a) Where are the tourists from?b) What are the characteristics of the products?c) Which salesperson is the most friendly?4. Read the dialogues again replacing the product, the characteristic of the product and the place of origin of the tourist.Understanding the textAt the Boat TourText 1 – James meets a Brazilian girl and introduces her to his group of friends.Hey, guys. They are Daniela and Marcus, from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. They´re on honeymoon. Dani is 27 years old and she is an administrative assistant, Marcus is a lawyer. Is that right, Daniela?1. Underline all the information that can be replaced, choose a classmate and introduce him/her to the rest of the group. If you don´t know all the information ask him/her before starting the presentation. Which other information about your classmate could you include to the presentation?Text 2 – Tourists are talking about the view from the boat. Look! That's Farol da Barra. It is so beautiful. Those are the churches, they are fantastic. This is the best place around the World. 2. Underline all the information that can be replaced, choose a place in Brazil you would like to talk about. Use pictures of the place and the demonstrative pronouns. Add more information about the place.nulSTUDENT'S BOOK 47 VideoWatch the videos. Then, answer the questions.BUYING TICKETSa) What means of transportation are the tickets for?b) How much is the woman's ticket?c) How much is the man's ticket?d) When is his trip?AT A HOTELa) What is the guest's full name?b) What´s his date of birth?c) What´s his job?d) What's his hotel room number?nul48 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A1Review1. Talking about price. Follow the example.Example:How much is this candy? It is five reais. a) A package tour to Florianópolis.b) Two airlines tickets to São Paulo.c) Three nights at a five stars hotel in Rio de Janeiro.d) Sunglasses.2. Match the months of the year to their correspondent celebration and point out celebrations for the months that don´t match. 1. January2. February 3. March 4. April 5. May 6. June 7. July 8. August9. September 10. October 11. November12. December( ) Easter ( ) Father´s Day( ) Mother´s Day( ) Carnival ( ) Labor Day( ) Independence Day( ) Christmas( ) New Year´s Day( ) Teacher´s DaynulSTUDENT'S BOOK 493. Put the sentences in the correct order.a) years twenty-five old. am Ib) Colombia. are from Wec) Ashton I'm student. My a and name isd) name Fábio. brother's is Here) John engineer. an is4. Answer the questionsa) What is your favorite day of the week? Why?b) What is your favorite month? Why?c) What is your favorite Holiday Destination? Why?d) What is your favorite holiday activity?nul50 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A15. Complete the sentences following the exemple from the box. Example:I would like to go to RIO DE JANEIRO because IT IS BEAUTIFUL.a) I would like to go to because b) I would like to visit because c) I would like to eat because d) I would like to drink because 6. Create a package Tour, be creative and present it to your classmates. You might include: name, prices, what is included, quantity of days, kind of room and transportation used. After the presentation, the whole group has to decide on which package tour is the best.nulUNIT 3LOOKING FOR A JOBnul52 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A1Let’s Practice!1. Completethe CV with your own information. Name: Address: Place and date of birth: Marital Status: Telephone: E-mail: Objective: Education: Working Experience: Other Skills: Strengths: Weaknesses: nulSTUDENT'S BOOK 532. Observe CV below and answer the questions. Underline the similarities and circle the differences. PERSONAL INFORMATIONName: Yu Jingyi Nationality: ChineseGender: Female D.O.B: January, 7th, 1991. Height: 170 cm Weight: 50kg E-mail: Mobile: +13 589592806Address: NO 28 Building, Shanquan Residencial Area, Zhangdian Town, Zibo, City, Shandong Province. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND September. 2007 – September 2010 - Zibo High SchoolSeptember 2010 – February 2014 - Ocean University Of ChinaMAJOR Tourist GuideWORKING EXPERIENCE February 2010 – December 2010 – Part-time job as an English teacher in Training School. Responsibility: Teach and Tutor English class and Lessons for children.April 12th, 2013 – March 8th , 2014 - Costa Atlantic ShipJuly 12th, 2014 – November 12th, 2015 – Royal Caribbean Cruise ShipPosition: Casino Dealera) Where´s she from?b) What´s her address?c) What´s her telephone number?nul54 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A13. Match the professions with the pictures below.A-Accountant B-Waiter C-Architect D-Barber E-Baker F-Cleaner G-Dentist H-DriverI-Engineer J-Firefighter K-Hairdresser L-Lawyer M-Mechanic N-Nurse O-HousewifeP-Photographer Q-Pilot R-Police Officer S-Politician T-Teacher U-Salesperson d) What´s her professional goal in your opinion? e) Do you think the type of information provided on this resume is the same we give in Brazil? What is different? nulSTUDENT'S BOOK 55Grammar Box1. Alice is an engineer.2. Paulo is a nurse.3. The doctors from this Hospital are on strike. 4. Materniry leave is part of labour law in Brazil.Let’s Practice!1. Observe the sentences above and answer the questions.a) Read out loud the word after the article on sentence 1. Does it start with a vowel or a consonant sound? b) Read out loud the word after the article on sentence 2. Does it start with a vowel or a consonant sound? nul56 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A12. Look at the sentence below and answer the questions: Carol and Anna are teachers.a) Do we use the article before the noun teachers? b) Is the word teachers singular or plural?c) Why don´t we use the article in the sentence “Carol and Anna are teachers? c) On sentence number 3, are we talking about a group of specific doctors or doctors in general? d) We use the Indefinite Article before a consonant sound on the beginning of the next word. We use the Indefinite Article before a vowel sound on the beginning of the next word. We use the Definite Article before a singular or plural word when it is clear which person or thing we are talking about. When we refer to general ideas, names of people, countries, cities, sports, meals, among others, we use articles. * Exceptions – The USA, The UK, The Netherlands, The Czech Republic, The PhilippinesnulSTUDENT'S BOOK 57Grammar BoxAIndefinite article - Used before singular words. - Used when the next words starts with a consonant sound. Note: The "U" at the begining of the word "university" sounds like "you" Example: AN umbrella VS A university.The rule applies to nouns, adjectves and adverbs. Example: A sunny day. A very intelligent girl.AnIndefinite article - Used before words in the singular.- Used when the next words starts with a vowel sound. Note: The "H" at the begining of the word "hour" is silent.Example: A Helicopter vs AN hour. The rule applies to nouns, adjectves and adverbs. Example: An easygoing person. An interesting movie. Let’s Practice!Decide whether to use the articles or not.a) Marcia is doctor.b) Laura and Sophia are musicians.c) Pedro is analyst.d) João and I are teachers.e) That tall man is dentist in this clinic. nul58 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A1ListeningJob Interview1. Answer the questions about the job interview.a) What personal details of the candidate can you point out?b) What can you understand about her education and career? c) Which other information could you get?d) In pairs, act out a job interview.nulSTUDENT'S BOOK 592. Where are you from? What is your nationality? Can you match the nationalities to the names of the countries?a) Argentinian b) Chinese c) Italian d) Irish e) American f) French g) Japanese h) Canadian i) German j) Mexican k) Syrianl) Peruvianm) Spanishn) Englisho) Colombianp) Brazilianq) Australianr) Indian ( ) Brazil ( ) Argentina ( ) Australia ( ) China ( ) Colombia ( ) France( ) Germany ( ) Japan ( ) Mexico ( ) Canada ( ) Peru ( ) Spain ( ) Italy ( ) Ireland ( ) England ( ) The U.S.A. ( ) India ( ) Syrianul60 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A13. In three minutes, try to remember as many famous people around the world as possible and their nationalities.Example:Shakira is from Colombia, or Shakira is Colombian4. In three minutes, try to remember as many foreign companies in Brazil as possible and their nationalities.Example:Avon is from The U.S.A. or Avon is an American company.Understanding the textFirst Day at WorkJason Smith: Lisa? Good morning! My name is Jason, I am the manager of the environmental responsibility department. Lisa Jong: Hi, Jason. Good morning!Jason Smith: Let´s go to the HR Department to make your badge?Lisa Jong: Yes!…nulSTUDENT'S BOOK 61Understanding the textJason Smith: Lúcia, this is Lisa. She is the new environmental responsibility analyst. She´s not Brazilian and she is not fluent in Portuguese. Lúcia Silva: Oh, right. I need your help with some information.Jason Smith: Sure. Her name is Lisa Jong, she is from Japan. She is 34 years old. Her extension number is 7767 and she works on the second floor. Lúcia Silva: Ok. Here is the badge, Jason.Now, answer the questions.a) Where's Lisa from? What is her nationality? b) What kind of information does Lucia need? Create questions to ask about the information she needs. Grammar BoxQuestion wordsIf I want to know about the... What = Specific thing, objectsWho = PeopleWhere = Places, positionWhen = Time, date, momentWhy = Reason, explanationWhich = Choice, alternativeHow = Way, manner, descriptionHow old = AgeHow much + uncountable nown = Quantity or ammount How much + singular or plural noun = PriceHow Many + plural (countable noun) = Quantity or ammount nul62 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A1Grammar in useCan you give some examples of questions using the Question Words?Let's think!Answer the following questions and then discuss the topics with your class: a) How old Brazilian people usually enter the labour market?b) How old people usually retire in your country? c) What is more important, making a lot of money or enjoying your job?d) How long do you work a day?e) Are you a workaholic person? nulSTUDENT'S BOOK 63Review1. Write the questions related to the information below.Example:Last name What´s your last name?a) Full name b) Place of origin c) Date of birth d) Address e) E-mail address f) Age g) Occupation 2. Take turns asking your classmates the questions from exercise 1. Write their answers below. Follow the example.Example:Her full name is Tathiana de Assis.nul64 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A13. Match the professions to their definitions.a) Firefighterb) Salespersonc) Nursed) Analyste) Cleanerf) Waiterg) Hairdresserh) Lawyeri) Politician( ) A person employed to clean the interior of a building.( ) A person whose job is to extinguish fires.( ) A person who practices or studies law.( ) A person who helps clients in a shop.( ) A person who cuts and styles hair as an occupation.( ) A person who is professionally involved in politics, especially as a holder of an elected office.( ) A person who conducts analysis.( ) A man who serves customers at their tables in a restaurant.( ) A person trained to care for the sick or infirm, especially in a hospital.nulUNIT 4WHAT IS YOUR ROUTINE LIKE?nul66 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A1Let's think!• Can you guess what job it is?• What´s his/her routine like? Is it very busy? What does he/she frequently do from Tuesday to Friday? • What does he/she do every Sunday evening? What about you?• When does he/she take English classes?• Do you hang out with your friends on Friday nights? What type of drink do you usually have?• What is the very first thing you do when you wake up?• How many times a day do you brush your teeth? Look at the chart below then, anwser the questions.MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAYIn the morningGo to the gymHave breakfast with momPilates classes Clean the kitchenTake English classesWake up late and tidy my bedroomTake a walk at the park.In the afternoonArrange new meetings and appointments.File and update contact information of employees and customers.Check the levels of office supplies.Make travel arrangements.Make a weekly report. Go ShoppingHave lunch with GrandmaIn the eveningGo to the supermarket Go to collegeGo to the dentist.Go to the internship. Go to college Meet friendsGo to the cinemaAt nightWatch my favourite TV series.Do the laundry Cook dinner Read booksHave dinner with friendsWatch soap opera Walk the dognulSTUDENT'S BOOK 67Let’s Practice!1. Match the verbs from the box to the pictures below.1-Wake up 2-Get up 3-Have breakfast 4-Have lunch 5-Have dinner 6-Take a shower 7-Brush the teeth 8-Go to bed 9-Work 10-Study 11-Send e-mails 12-Watch TV 13-Read books 14-Listen to music 15-Go to the beach 16-Play sports 17-Go to the gym 18-Take the train 19-Go out with friends nul68 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A12. Answer the questions below using short and long answers.Example:Do you go to bed late on weekdays?Yes, I do. I go to bed late. OR No, I don´t. I don´t go to bed late.a) Do you like to read books? b) Do you hang out with your friends on weekends? c) Do you go to work on foot? d) Do you like to listen to Forró music? 1. Look at the sentences below, then answer the following questions.a) I have fruits and coffee with milk for breakfast every day.b) We don´t go to the beach every weekend. c) Do you check your e-mails every mornings? Grammar in usenulSTUDENT'S BOOK 69Don´t = do notDoesn´t = does notIMPORTANT2. The sentences above express: ( ) Habits and Routine( ) Instructions( ) Arrangements( ) General Truth 3.How are the sentences structured?AffirmativeNegativeQuestionSimple Present – Verb WorkAFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE QUESTIONI work I don´t work Do I work?You work You don´t work Do you work?He works He doesn´t work Does he work?She works She doesn´t work Does she work?It works It doesn´t work Does it work?We work We don't work Do we work? They work They don't work Do they work? IMPORTANTnul70 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A1Grammar BoxIN GENERAL “S”VERB ENDING IN CONSONANT + YVERBS ENDING IN -O, -SH, -TCH, -X AND -SSWork - works Study - studies Go – goesEat – eats Cry- cries Wash – washesPlay- plays Try – tries Teach – teachesSpeak - speaks Copy - copies Mix – mixesWrite - writes Fly - flies Kiss - kissesWhen the verb ends in -ee, we just add an -s: See – seesIMPORTANTLet’s Practice!1. Rewrite the sentences about Bruno´s routine using the pronoun "He".Example:I wake up at 6 a.m. Mondays through Fridays.He wakes up at 6 a.m. Mondays through Fridays.a) I take a bus and the subway to get to work.b) I arrive at work at 8 a.m.c) I have lunch with my co-workes.d) I go to the gym every day.nulSTUDENT'S BOOK 712. Rewrite the sentences. Follow the example.Example:Affirmative: I visit my parents at the weekend.Negative: I don´t visit my parents at the weekend.Question: Do I visit my parents at the weekend?a) Laura drinks latte in the mornings.Negative: Question: b) Pedro and Antonio don´t eat bread and butter for breakfast.Affirmative: Question: c) Does Maria study for the English exam?Affirmative: Question: nul72 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A1a. What does Bruno do in the morning?b. Where does he work?c. What's his job?d. Is he very busy at work?e. What does he do for fun?f. In your opinion, what is Bruno´s routine like? Why?( ) Ordinary ( ) Tedious ( ) Relaxing ( ) Busy ( ) TiringGetting to know Bruno´s routine3. Take a look at the text below and find out some of the things Bruno does throughout the week.Getting to know Bruno´s routineHi, everyone! My name is Bruno and this is my daily routine.I wake up at 6 a.m. from Mondays to Fridays, and then I take a shower, get dressed, have breakfast, brush my teeth and go to work. I usually take a bus and a subway to get to work. I work as Human Resources Analyst for a multinational company in Rio de Janeiro downtown. I arrive at work at 8 a.m. and read my e-mails. At midday, I have lunch with my co-workers at the mall. We always eat at the same restaurant. I leave my job at 6 p.m. and go to the gym every day. When I get home, I take a shower, have dinner, watch the news and go to bed. On Saturdays, I wake up early and I usually go to the beach and have lunch with my friends. After lunch time, I finally take some rest. On Sundays, I wake up late and have brunch with my parents. I really enjoy my life!nulSTUDENT'S BOOK 73Homework1. Choose the correct optiona) Rafael work/works for a big company.b) Does Rafael like/likes his job?c) Rafael and his wife get up/gets up early every day.d) They live/lives in a small apartment downtown.e) Rafael have/has three brothers.2. Complete the questions using the Question Words. Then, answer the questions.a) do you do?b) do you live?c) do you live with?d) kind of music do you like?e) siblings do you have?nul74 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A13. In pairs, work on the following vocabulary and solve your doubts.DAILY ROUTINEWake up Leave home Talk on the phone Watch seriesGet up Go to work Read online newsPlay computer gamesGet dressed / put the shoes onArrive at work Feed the dog Surf the netTo go the bathroom Start workingCheck my Snap accountUpdate my FBook statusTake a shower Finish working Write e-mails Check my e-mailsBrush my teeth Go to the gym Do the housework Get undressedComb my hair Come back home Vacuum Have an açaíHave breakfast Cook dinner Wash the dishes Go to bedMake the bed Have dinner Walk the dog Go to sleep4. You are going to read about Amanda’s routine. Complete the spaces in blank using the simple present tense of the verbs in the brackets.Amanda (be) a very busy person. She usually (get) up at 6 and she rarely (eat) breakfast before taking a hot shower. She always (have) French bread with ham, cheese, butter and scrambled eggs, and latte and orange juice. After that, she (go) jogging while she (listen) to the news on the radio.At 8a.m., she (sit) on her bed and (study) for 3 hours. At 11 a.m. Amanda watch) the news on the TV, then she (cook) her lunch. At 12a.m., she (feed) her cat and her dog, then she (have) lunch.She usually (have) a light and healthy meal. In the afternoon, she (work) home office until 8p.m.At 9p.m., Amanda (have) dinner. She usually (cook) meat or fish, some vegetables and (drink) sparking water with lemon juice. For dessert, she sometimes (buy) chocolate ice cream.At 11 p.m., she (take) a shower, (go) to bed and she (read) her electronic book reader before sleeping.nulSTUDENT'S BOOK 755. Write a short paragraph about your routine.Did you know?Gabriele’s FamilyJosé Maria Geraldo EdnaGilson Elisa Robson AlvaLeonardoPaulo FernandaGabriele Jéssica Diego CinthiaRicardoGrandmother GrandfatherUncle Mother AuntCousin Brother-in-lawNephew1. Fill the Family Tree above with the words from the box.SISTER – AUNT – UNCLE – FATHER – COUSIN – GRANDFATHER - GRANDMOTHERnul76 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A12. Write the chart about family members. FEMALE MALEHusbandMotherGrandfatherSisterSonCousinUncleFather-in-lawDaughter-in-lawBrother-in-lawNieceStepfatherStep-daughter3. Use the Family Tree to explain the connection among those people.Example:Alva = Alva is Robson´s wife.She is Gabriele´s mother.She is Paulo´s sister.She is Ricardo´s Grandmother.Elisa´s sister-in-law.a) Elisa b) Cinthia c) Jessica d) Gabriele e) Fernanda IMPORTANTAPOSTROPHE CASEIt is normally used to show that something belongs to another. May’s cellphone. (The cellphonebelongs to May) 1 – Singular nounsThis is Norma’s car. 2 – Plural nouns ending in -SOnly add the apostrophe ‘I usually go to my friends’ houseon Saturdays. 3 – Singular nouns ending in -SThe actress’ speech is veryimportant. 4 – more than one owns thesame thingAdd –‘s to the second nounLiam and Maya’s parents live inanother city. 5 – Different things belongs to different nounsAdd ‘-s to both nounsJuly’s and mark’s car is blue. Add ‘s nulSTUDENT'S BOOK 77ListeningListen to Lily talking about her family and complete the sentences.a) My is Gwen.b) My John.c) I two brothers and sisters.d) My is Shawn.e) I have cat and dogs.f) Finn is old.Let's think!FamilyRead the text. Then, answer the questions and discuss with your classmates. (alinhar texto)s there such a thing as a "perfect" family?You may belong to a stereotypical Brazilian family – your parents are married and you have siblings and a pet. Your father works outside and your mother is a housewife. Nowadays, more and more women join the workforce, divorce rates are higher and there is a growing number of single-parent households. As a result, different family structures are way more common.If you are or have a single, divorced, widowed, or gay parent, your family connections are not so unconventional anymore. If your family is more traditional, your children will certainly have some friends who come from different family backgrounds and you can expect them to ask you questions like: "Why do people get divorced?", "How come Anna's parents and don't live together?" and "Why does Bruno's father live with another lady?"Family structures and dynamics are more diversified now. It is our duty to respect each “new” type of family in order to stop prejudice.Do you agree with the text? Why? Is there anything wrong about unconventional families?Do you have a traditional family?In your opinion, are family conflicts normal? Can you define your family in a sentence?nul78 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A1Review1. Check the activities which are part of your routine.a) Wake up early. ( ) b) Take a shower before going to bed. ( ) c) Play sports at the weekends. ( )d) Have lunch with your parents on Sundays. ( )e) Hang out with friends on Saturday night. ( ) 2. Complete the sentences.a) he / drive to work every dayb) I / not / think you're rightc) we / have enough time? d) I / eat bread in the morninge) they / send e-mails every day?nulSTUDENT'S BOOK 793. Use the possessive case to answer the questions.g) Whose bike is this? (Camila)f) Whose guitar is this? (Mr. Silva)a) Whose house is this? (the teacher)d) Whose glasses are these? (Leandro)c) Whose suitcases are these? (Elisa)e) Whose toys are these? (Isabella)b) Whose glasses are these? (Leandro)nulNOTES nulCONSCIOUS CONSUMPTIONUNIT 5nul82 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A1Let's think!Conscious Consumption• What do you like to buy?• Do you prefer shopping online or going to a store/shop?• Do you have things in your house you feel you don’t need? Which kind of things?• What is the next thing you want to buy? Do you really need it?• What kind of buyer are you? A tightfisted shopper, a spendthrift, a bargain hunter or a mall rat?• Do you usually go to flea markets?• Do you usually try on your clothes before buying them? VideoShopping for Clothes1. Watch the video about Shopping for Clothes and say what you understand about it.nulSTUDENT'S BOOK 832. Watch the same video again and answer the questions below.a) What is the lady looking for?b) Who is the gift for?c) What is the first suggestion of the shop assistant?d) What is the second suggestion of the shop assistant?e) Does the client like the suggestions?3. Watch the same video again and write what you think are important questions to ask when buying clothes. You can add other questions on your own.nul84 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A1Going ShoppingShop Assistant: Hello! Good morning. Can I help you?Laura: Oh, hi. I am just browsing.Shop Assistant: Ok. If you need any help, my name is Jamal. It will be a pleasure to help you.Laura: Thanks.Laura: Hey, Jamal. Can you help me? I would like to try on that dress.Jamal: Right. Which one? The short red one or the long black one?Laura: The long black one, please.Jamal: Ok. Just a second. I will get it.Laura: Thanks.Jamal: Here you are.Laura: It´s beautiful! How much is it?Jamal: It´s $70,00. There are other colors available.. Laura: Which colors do you have?Jamal: Blue, green, grey and black.Laura: Can I try the blue one?Jamal: Sure. Here is the fitting room.Jamal: Do you like the dress?Laura: Yes, but it doesn’t fit me. Do you have other sizes?Jamal: Yes, sure. We have this dress in smaller size.Laura: Ok. So I will take it.Laura: Is there any discount?Jamal: I am sorry, ma´am. We don´t have discount for shop window products.Laura: That´s Ok. Let’s Practice!nulSTUDENT'S BOOK 851. Look at the vocabulary below and underline the words you don´t understand.CLOTHESSHIRT – T-SHIRT – BLOUSE – TOP – JACKET – SHORTS – SWIMSUIT – LEGGINGS – PANTS – JEANS – SKIRT – DRESS – UNDERWEAR – PANTIES – BRA – NIGHTGOWN – PIJAMASACCESSORIESGLASSES – SUNGLASSES – EARRINGS – RINGS – BRACELET – NECKLACES – BAGS – PURSE – HAT – TURBAN – HEADSCARF –PIERCINGSHOESFLATS - SHOES – SNEAKERS – FLIP-FLOP – BOOTS – SANDALS – HIGH-HEELSSIZESMALL – MEDIUM – LARGE – EXTRA LARGETYPES OF MATERIALCOTTON – LACE – LEATHER – LINEN – NYLON –POLYESTER – SATIN - SILK – SUEDE –VELVET – WOOLPATTERNSCHECKED –FLORAL – PAISLEY – PLAID – POLKA-DOT – PRINT – SOLID – STRIPESCOLORWHITE – BLACK – GREY – RED – BLUE – YELLOW – BEIGE – GREEN – ORANGE – PURPLE – PINK – FOREST GREEN 2. Act out the dialogue above replacing the underlined expressions to the ones in the boxes.nul86 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A1Grammar BoxSome clothes and accessories do not vary onnumbers, so they are always in the plural form:• Glasses• Shorts• Pants• Shoes• Earrings• Sandals• Panties• BootsIf you want to talk about a darker or lighter shade of a color,you have to use the words LIGHT and DARK. Example: • Light Blue • Blue • Dark BlueIf you want to say that something has the shade of a certaincolor, use the ending –ish. Example:• Green: Greenish • Red: Reddish COLOR IDIOMS Vocabulary1. Answer the questions:a. Are you superstitious about colors?b. Is there a color you never wear?c. Which color of clothing suits you best?d. Are there color idioms in Brazil?2. Check the following color idioms used in English. Then, search for two more expressions.• White lie: a "good lie", something not true you say to make people feel good.• Black sheep: the bad boy or bad girl in a family of good peole.nulSTUDENT'S BOOK 87Grammar BoxOPINION SIZE SHAPE CONDITION AGE COLOR PATTERN ORIGIN MATERIAL PROPOUSE NOUNOrdinary Large Thin Well-preserved Old Blue Striped Italian Wool Sleeping PajamasAmazing Skimpy Long Dirty Grey Solid Brazilian Lace Wedding DressTacky Small Square Broken New Yellow Print American Silk Bathing SuitAdjective Order in EnglishShe was wearing an amazing long white Italian lace wedding dress.The numbered words are qualifying the wedding dress. Analyze these words and classify them.( ) origin ( ) shape ( ) opinion ( ) material ( ) color1 2 3 4 5Let’s Practice!1. Name the clothing items below using the Word Order structure. Follow the example.Beautiful Short Dark Blue dress• Red-haired: A person who has red hair.• Golden opportunity: a perfect opportunity.• To be green: inexperienced• Once in a blue moon: rarely.I. II. nul88 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A1nulSTUDENT'S BOOK 892. Answer the questions.a) What do you usually wear at home?b) What do you usually wear to go to school?c) What do you usually wear at work?d) What do you usually wear at a wedding?e) What do you usually wear to enjoy nightlife?Grammar in useHow often do you do the following activities?Donate clothes to charity centers( ) always ( ) usually ( ) neverBuy new clothes( ) always ( ) sometimes ( ) rarelyTry clothes before buiyng them( ) always ( ) usually ( ) sometimesRegret after buying clothes( ) always ( ) rarely ( ) neverGrammar BoxATENTIONFor us to know the frequency an activity happens, we ask the question using how often...? See the example:• Question: How often do you play sports? • Answer: I usually play sports at the weekend.Adverb of Frequency• Always: 100%• Usually: 90%• Frequently/often: 70%• Sometimes: 60%• Rarely/seldom/hardly ever: 30%• Never: 0% nul90 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A1Grammar in useRewrite the sentences using the adverb that best expresses your opinion. a) Families in Brazil enjoy Christmas sales together. ( ) Hardly ever ( ) Usuallyb) People buy winter clothes in Rio. ( ) Rarely ( ) Usuallyc) People from Rio wear flip-flop at the mall.( ) Sometimes ( ) Neverd) Shopping malls in Rio sells cheap clothes. ( ) Sometimes ( ) Hardly everExample:Larissa hates to wear pink. ( x ) never ( ) usually Larissa never wears pink.HomeworkAnswer the questions below. Add more information whenever possible.a) How often do you go to the beach?b) How often do you go to the cinema?c) How often do you study English on your own?nulSTUDENT'S BOOK 91SpeakingCLASSMATE’SNAMECLASSMATE’SNAMECLASSMATE’SNAMEFind someone Who...Do the interviews then, share your answers with your classmates. Is a mall ratGoes to the supermarket at night Buy new clothesevery week Prefer price than qualityGood at savingmoneyLike to buysecond-hand thingsGive tips atrestaurantsnul92 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A1Time to WriteWrite simple definitions for the proverbs belowa) The best things in life are free.b) Time is money.c) Save your pennies for a rainy day.d) Money talks.Let's think!What is compulsive shopping?Compulsive shopping is a disease. It is described as a chronic and repetitive need to purchase which is difficult to stop and results in harmful consequences. There are many reasons that ease the increase of shopping addiction, but there two very important one. They are:1. The availability of credit which encourages people to buy now and worry about financial responsibilities later. 2. The association made between the feeling of happiness / power and accumulating things. Buying things relieve negative feelings that cause distress and discomfort. This disease may result in family and financial problems in one's life. So, the first step to stop it is to determine if there is a problem.nulSTUDENT'S BOOK 93Answer the questions and discuss with your classmates about the subject.a) With your own words, define compulsive shopping.b) What is the limit between the joy of shopping and compulsive shopping?c) Do you know anyone who is a compulsive shopper? What does this person usually buy?d) Do you like to go shopping? What do you usually go shopping for?e) Do you think what we wear reflects what we are inside?TextOnline ShoppingHow often do you shop online? What do you usually shop online? Do you trust your bank information when you buy online? Nowadays, people buy online because it is more convenient. With the click of a button, you can order anything you want, and have it delivered to your front door. On one hand, online shopping can be less stressful than going to a shopping mall. There are no crowds or long queues. On the other hand, the customer has to learn how to deal with expectations because that beautiful dress or that nice t-shirt might look great in photos online, but quite different in real life and if you live in the outskirts of a small town, you may have to wait a little longer for the post office delivery.nul94 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A1Let’s Practice!1. Let’s pretend you want to buy an online product today.a) What product do you want to buy?b) Which website?2. Now, you’re going to finish your order and complete your delivery or shipping address:Continue to Payment InformationWhen do you want your order? (X) Friday, September 21th – Shipping - $5.99This item is available for shipping onlyShipping AddressFirst Name Last NameAddress Military (AFO,FPO) / International CustomersApart #, Suite, Floor (optional)City( ) Remember this information for next time( ) Save this as my billing addressState ZIP CodeContact InformationE-Mail AddressPhone Number( ) Send me texts notifications regarding order updates. (Mobile Phone only)Total - $34.99Item Subtotal - $29.00Shipping - $5.99Estimated Sales Tax – Not calculated+Use a Best Buy Tax Exempt Quick CardProject Nursery - $29,00 Bear Sound – Qty 1Soother – BrownItem Subtotal - $29.00ShippingGet it by Friday, Sept 21thOrder SummarynulSTUDENT'S BOOK 95Review1. Mark the sentences with the correct adjective order. Use the Adjectives Order Table on unit 05 to help you.a) She usually wears red beautiful shoes. ( )She usually wears beautiful red shoes. ( )b) He is just an old silly man. ( )He is just a silly old man. ( )c) She has a new powerful computer. ( )She has a powerful new computer. ( )d) They live in a modern big house. ( )They live in a big modern house. ( )2. Write the sentences in the correct order.a) am at school. never late Ib) always help He father. his c) the go usually out evening? in you Dod) do go How shopping? often you nul96 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A13. Create 4 questions about frequency and ask them to your classmates. then, ask for more details using the question words such as when, where, why, who, with and so on.4. You are going to write a complete dialogue about a person buying something through the telephone. Be creative. Include in the conversation:• Introductions and greetings• Purpose of the phone call• Description of the material• Price and payment details• Delivery informationnulUNIT 6MOTHERNATUREnul98 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A1What is your favorite season? Why?What do people usually do on Summer Weekends?What do people usually do on Winter Weekends?Do we have the four seasons in all the regions in Brazil? SpeakingnulSTUDENT'S BOOK 991. Which of the Natural Weather Conditions below do we have in Brazil?( ) Snowstorm ( ) Storm ( ) Land sliding ( ) Hailstorm ( ) Volcanos ( ) Earthquakes ( ) Hurricanes ( ) Floods ( ) Seaquakes ( ) Lightning and Thunder ( ) Tornados Add the one that is not in the list above: Vocabularynul100 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A12. Which of the Natural Resources are there in your neighborhood?( ) Beaches ( ) Lakes ( ) Rivers ( ) Waterfalls ( ) Mountains ( ) Parks Add the one that is not in the list above: Videob. What's the weather like in your city today? Fill in the blanks according to what you hear. • It is in Mexico.z• It is in England. • It is in Japan.• It is in Brazil. The temperature is .• It is in Italy. The temperature is .• It is in Russia. The temperature is . Watch the video and do the following activities.a. Mark the weather conditions you hear. ( ) COOL( ) RAINY( ) SUNNY( ) DRY( ) HOT( ) CLEAR( ) MISTY( ) GUSTY( ) WINDY( ) WARM( ) CLOUDY( ) COLD( ) HUMID( ) FOGGYnulSTUDENT'S BOOK 101Did you know?For weather temperatures, you can make a rough conversion from Celsius to Fahrenheit by doubling the figure and adding 30.Weather temperatures Celsius FahrenheitAbsolute Zero -273.15 °C -459.67 °FParity 40.00 °C 110 °FFreezing point 0 °C 32 °FBody Temperature 37 °C 98.6 °FBoiling point 100 °C 212 °FSearch on the internet what's the weather like in Canada right now, then transform It to Celcius. °F = 2 x °C + 30Let’s Practice!Natural Weather Conditions1. What are the seasons like in Europe? Match the Seasons to its definition. a) Winter b) Spring c) Summer d) Fall/Autumn ( )( )( )( )The weather is cool. The days are longer and the sun shines. The average temperature is 20°C.The days are very sunny and warm. The average temperature is above 30°C.The days are shorter, cold and cloudy. Drizzle and snowstorm are possible weather conditions.This season is usually quite wet and windy although it is so variable from one year to another.nul102 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A12. What are these seasons like in Brazil? Is that the same for the whole country? What about Rio de Janeiro? a) Winter b) Spring c) Summer d) Fall Let’s Practice!1. Match the words from the box to the images below.1-Rainy Days 2-Sunny Days 3-Warm Days 4-Cloudy Days 5-Waterfall 6-River 7-Hurricane 8-Tornado 9-Lightning’s and Thunders 10-BeachnulSTUDENT'S BOOK 1032. Complete the sentences according to the pictures. Follow the example.a) Vitor´s family usually go to the park on Sunday. In the park there are a lot of people, there are some people having picnic, there aren´t many people playing sports. In this park there is a lake. b) In my neighborhood, a big supermarket, some good school and a beautiful church.c) In Jessica´s wardrobe many high heels, but any flats. some dresses, but skirts. a leather jacket, but a leather bag.nul104 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A1Grammar in useTHERE TO BE (IS/ARE)Observe the sentences below. Then, answer the questions a-d.I. There are a lot of clothes in my wardrobe.II. There is a nice and clean river near my house.III. There aren´t many people in the classroom today.IV. There isn´t any money in my wallet.V. Are there many good shops in your neighborhood?VI. Is there a volcano in Brazil? a) Which sentences are in the affirmative form?b) Which sentences are in the negative form?c) Which sentences are in the interrogative form?d) What is THERE TO BE used for?e) What do the sentences from I to VI have in common? nulSTUDENT'S BOOK 105THERE TO BE – WITH SINGULAR NOUNSAFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE QUESTIONThere is a beautiful park near my house.There isn´t a factory near my house.Is there a river near my house?THERE TO BE – WITH PLURAL NOUNSAFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE QUESTIONThere are three/some/a lot of/many horses on the farm.There aren´t any good films on TV this weekend.Are there any good restaurants in your neighborhood?Grammar BoxLet’s Practice!1. Complete the sentences using THERE TO BE structure.a) a lot of good students in my classroom.b) a volcano in Brazil?c) a well-preserved waterfall in my city.d) any polluted areas around here?e) a beautiful and expensive red leather jacket in that store.2. Choose the correct option.a) There is/There are two big stadiums in this city.b) There is/There are a lot of pairs of jeans in my wardrobe.c) There is/There are a sleeping volcano in Nova Iguaçu.d) How many people there are/are there in this classroom?e) How many months is there/are there in a year?nul106 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A1Let's think!• Do you think animals can predict weather changes?• Do you think cats and dogs fear thunders and lightening?• Is your pet afraid of thunders and lightening?• Is it safe to take your pet out then it’s very hot and dry? • What precautions can we take? • Which temperature is too hot for cats and dogs? • How do pets keep their temperature cool on hot days? • Are dog paws sensitive to hot surfaces? 3. Answer the questions.a) What is there in your wallet?b) Is there a good place to have a nice meal in your neighborhood?c) Are there places to play sports in your neighborhood?d) Is there a place to have picnic or hang out with friends in your city? nulSTUDENT'S BOOK 107Time to WriteWrite a small text about your relationship with nature. You can use the questions below to help you develop ideas for the writing.• How often do you do outdoor activities?• Which activities do you usually do outdoors? Play sports? Read a book? Enjoy the sight? Just relax?• Are there places in your city where you can go and connect with nature? • Do you feel more comfortable when in contact with green (parks, forests) or in contact with the sea? nul108 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A1Review1. Complete the sentences using THERE/TO BE form.a) a laptop on the table.b) some students in the courtyard.c) any possibility to meet her tonight?d) so many mistakes on the new software.e) any interesting books in the city library?2. Complete the sentences using SOME or ANY.a) Larissa: Do you have brothers or sisters?Henrique: No, I don't, but I have cousins that love me like a real brother!b) Laura: Are there movies in this city? I really want to go to the movies!Daniel: No, there aren't. But I have DVDs at home if you want.c) Raquel: I have cereal every morning, it is good formy health.Douglas: I hate cereal!d) Maria: Do you have idea of how to do this exercise?Pedro: No, I have no idea, but I have books to study at home, maybe the answer is there.e) Emilia: Can you give me of your World Cup Posters? You have a lot of them!Clara: No, they are all mine. I can't give you ! But I can give you old magazines I have...Amy: No, thanks. You are so selfish...nulSTUDENT'S BOOK 1093. Complete the crossword puzzle about Weather Conditions.61 72 834105ACROSS1 - There is much water on the street after the heavy rain. 2 - Low temperature. 3 - Shaking of the ground. 4 - the sun shines and it's hot. 5 - It is a very cold season.DOWN2 - There are many clouds in the sky. 4 - It is a very hot season. 6 - High temperatures. 7 - It is a warm season. 8 - A change in the stability of a slope. 9 - It is a cool season.10 - A cascade of water falling from height.nul110 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A14. Answer the questions. Then, talk to a classmate about your answers.a) What can a person do to escape from floods?b) What are the main causes of landsliding?c) Do you prefer the beach or the waterfall?d) What are the advantages and disadvantages of a hot weather?nulBasiclevel A2nulnulUNIT 1Foto: Freepik.comWHEN IS IT TO MUCH?nul114 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A2Listening1. What do you know about doping?2. In your opinion, why do some athletes resort to this illegal practice?3. Watch the video. Then, do tasks a and b.a) According to the video, why do people fall in love with sports?b) Number the sentences according to the order you listen to them.• Sports help to build the character. ( )• When temptation to find a short cut grows, doping can appear as an option. ( )• The vast majority of athletes respect the rules and compete clean. ( )• As athletes commitment to sports grow, the demand of training and competition also grow. ( )• Over time, it is easy to lose sight of what is valued most about sports. ( )• Defeat in competition can be hard to handle and injuries and recovery period can be challenging. ( )• Receiving targeted messages at the right time also helps to protect athletes from doping. ( )Foto: Freepik.comnulSTUDENT'S BOOK 115c) Compare your answers to a classmate´s. What else could you understand about the video?d) Do you know any athlete who has been caught up in doping? e) Do you remember any case of athlete who experienced severe injuries? Make a brief search on the internet, talk to your classmates and complete the chart below. Follow the example.NAME SPORT INJURYAnderson Silva MMA Fighter Break a leg f) Which parts of a soccer player body are usually liable to suffer injuries? Choose five words from the box below and write them on the correspondent part of the human body.HEAD – NECK – SHOULDER – BACK – CHEST – STOMACH – ARM – ELBOW – WRIST – HAND – FINGERS – HIPS – LEGS – KNEE – CALF – ANKLE – FOOT – TOES HEAD Foto: Freepik.comnul116 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A2Physical Exercise – When is it too much?In search of the best performance and life quality, some sports lovers and athletes are going beyond their body’s limits. This need to exercise seems to be more than just a fad for a vast majority of people who believe that exercising is a good that we can never get enough of. Thirty minutes a day of moderate physical activity and a balanced diet would be enough to help prevent diseases like diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. But, some compulsive exercisers tend to think that it is a need to train longer hours to have better results ignoring the harms that too much exercise can cause to the body. Such as: muscle pull and strain, sprained ankle, shoulder injury , knee injuries , shin splint, tendinitis and wrist sprain or dislocation.Answer the questions about the texta) Why do sports lovers and athletes exceed in exercising?b) How much exercise a day is necessary to keep a healthy lifestyle?c) Which diseases can moderate exercises and a balanced diet prevent? TextFoto: Freepik.com1. Write the words from the box below on their correct category in the chart.hands – muscle strain – diabetes – legs – arms – sprain – concussion – foot – head – high blood pressure – neck – hips – dislocation – obesity – stress – headache – swelling – shaky hands – knee – anxiety VocabularynulSTUDENT'S BOOK 117Body Injuries DiseasesPsychological Condition2. Are there other words related to the categories above you would like to include in the chart?nul118 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A2Let’s talkFoto:• Do you practice sports? If yes, how often? If no, why not? • Why do people do physical exercise? What are the advantages of doing physical exercise?• Is practicing sports always good?• What kinds of harm can too much exercise cause to one’s health?• Can you think of a person who is obsessed with physical exercise?In your opinion, why do people practice sports so obsessively? Rank in order of importance from 1 to 3.( ) Health matters ( ) Appearance matters ( ) SocializationDid you know that SESC offers various Sporting categories for children, adults and elderly people? Why don’t you start exercising in one of SESC Units today? Which sports modalities SESC offers?Which sports modalities do you practice at SESC?Which sports modalities do you want to practice at SESC?nulSTUDENT'S BOOK 119Grammar in use1. Here is what specialists say about exercising regularly. Read sentences from A to C, then answer the questions below. A. “One should exercise depending on personal fitness goals.”B. “Quick, high-interval training can improve metabolic health and reduce the risk for chronic diseases.”C. “You have to spend some of your time on yourself.”Do you agree with all the sentences above? Why?What does sentence letter A express ? ( ) Advice ( ) Necessity ( ) PossibilityWhat about letter B, which idea does it express?( ) Advice ( ) Necessity ( ) PossibilityLetter C expresses …( ) Advice ( ) Necessity ( ) Possibility2. Can you transform sentence letter A into a Negative form?3. Can you transform sentece letter B into an interrogative form? What does It change? 4. How do you make the negative form of sentence letter C?nul120 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A2Grammar BoxUSE EXAMPLES OTHER FORMSCANAbilityPermissionPossibilityI can identify every stress symptoms.Can I stay some more days?It can be dangerous to suffer in silence.NEGATIVE: You cannot exercise very long hours every day.QUESTION: Can you see the lights at the end of the tunnel?SHOULDAdviceSuggestionRecommendationYou should respect your own limitations.They should see a doctor.NEGATIVE:We shouldn´t eat so much fast food.QUESTION: How much water should I drink a day?HAVE TOObligation/Lack of obligationNecessityYou have to avoid sugar if you have diabetes.A child has to learn good habits at home.NEGATIVE: 1. You don´t have to cut all good food from your diet.2. A person doesn´t have to be thin to be beautiful.QUESTION: 1. Do elderly people have to control their cholesterol level?2. Does a child have to play sports to be healthy?nulSTUDENT'S BOOK 121Let’s Practice!1. Complete the sentences using CAN, SHOULD or HAVE TO according to your reality. Negative sentences are also possible.a) I read an English book.b) My teacher eat more fruit per day. It’s healthy!c) I ride a bike because I am not a fan of physical activities.d) I choose healthy food.e) I practice my speaking at home.2. Rewrite the sentences as required inthe exercise.a) We have to eat more healthy food to reduce our cholesterol levels.Negative: Question: b) Luciana doesn´t have to plaster her ankle.Affirmative: Question: c) Does Pedro have to lose weight?Negative: Affirmative: d) I have to stop eating meat in order to reduce my swollen stomach.Negative: Question: nul122 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A23. Match the statement to the advice:a) I've got a headache. b) I'm cold. c) The game starts at three o'clock. d) He's always tired in the morning. e) I don't feel well. f) I want to lose weight. ( ) He shouldn't stay up so late.( ) You should do some exercise.( ) You should stay in bed.( ) We should leave at two-thirty.( ) You shouldn't sit so close to the TV.( ) You should put on a jumper.4. Find someone who can answer “yes” to one of the questions below. Write that person's name on the checklist and go on to the next question with another person.Find someone whoIs coldIs always tired in the morningWant to lose weightCan´t sleep more than 8 hours a dayHas a healthy lifestyleIs a passive smokingIs under stressnulSTUDENT'S BOOK 123Speaking1. Should performance-enhancing drugs (such as steroids) be accepted in sports? 2. Are there health risks involved in using steroids? If so, what are they?3. In your opinion, is it fair or unfair to legalize the use of steroids in competition? What are the advantages and disadvantages?INTRODUCING AN OPINIONASKING FOR AN OPINIONEXPRESSING AGREEMENTEXPRESSING DISAGREEMENTAs I see it What's your idea? I agree with you 100 percent.I don't think so.I beg to differ.The way I see it... What are your thoughts on all of this?I couldn't agree with you more.Not necessarily.In my opinion... How do you feel about that?That's so true. That's not always true/ the case.If you want my honest opinion....Do you agree? (slang) Tell me about it! No, I'm not so sure about that.If you ask me... What do you think? (weak) I suppose so./I guess so.(strong) No way.(strong) I totally disagree.I believe/I think... Do you have anything to say about this?(agree with negative statement) Me neither.I'm afraid I disagree.4. Read some sentences about the use of steroids and say if you agree or disagree with them. Use the expressions from the box and justify your answer.• If we cannot forbid smokers from risking their health by smoking, why should we prohibit athletes from risking their health in pursuit of their goals?" • Some studies shows that what motivates teen boys to take steroids is its own self-esteem and body image. • The important thing in the games is not winning but taking part.5. Do you know any athlete that used performance-enhancing drugs to have better results in competitions? If so, what advice would you give this athlete?Foto: Freepik.comnul124 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A2Time to WriteWrite a small text (50-80 words) in which you make clear:• The importance of having a balanced lifestyle.• The symptoms and risks of stress.• How do you usually cope with stress?nulSTUDENT'S BOOK 1251. How many parts of the body can you find in the puzzle?G O E C E R U S S E U C M R I O O A C O S M U G CA T S H O L S A M U Y N E S S Q S H C E S K T E VE A A E T U S A S R E K C K S T A S T C H E S T EA C A C S S G C T H I E I D C E D C K U Y H T R IO R N M M A E U K Y K A N A Y E S J Z T O H A B IM S E H R E L M S A E A L O R E J W U T R M E G IO T I T A A M R A O H R B N H D A U S M E O Y H LR O J E E E E A K N E E C I F H H T S U D E U SN M D K S G A S T A R S S K A L H E R N L F S H UC A S E N G H O G O T C S C H R H A T H A R R KH C K I X E O E D T E O I B T A J R S A E T H C KE H F K T S T K A C H L D T E E A Q F O O T S F CS V D E A T C Y E I B L K O I K A I M E C U M E ET C S Z T A E H H Q T H S H O U L D E R H I E H NM K R Q B K E O R E E X N E E E A L C R I A H E JHomeworkFoto: Freepik.comWORD LISTHEAD EAR SHOULDERARMS LEGS CHESTEYES MOUTH NECKHANDS FOOT FINGERSKNEE CHEST STOMACHBACK HAIR SKINnul126 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A22. Which parts of the body are most likely to …Break CutSprain BleedHurt Swell3. Take turns asking your classmates what they take in the following situations. As for more details whenever possible.Antibiotic – pain killer – cough syrup – antacid – decongestantWhat do you do when…a) You have a sore throat?b) You have a swollen ankle?c) You have a stomachache?d) You have got a flu?e) You have a headache?f) Your back hurts?4. Complete the sentences using CAN/CAN’T (permission/prohibition) or HAVE TO/DON’T HAVE TO (obligation/lack of obligation):a) In British schools, children have a balanced diet.b) They eat hamburger at school every day.c) They take their own lunch to school.d) They go to school on Saturdays.e) They play sports before or after class.nulSTUDENT'S BOOK 1275. Your friend has a problem. Give him/her a piece of advice.a) I want to lose weight. What should I do?b) I don’t have energy to exercise regularly. What should I do?c) I have problems waking up early. What should I do?d) I need to relax. What should I do?6. Complete with should or shouldn’t.a) You stop smoking.b) You eat healthy food.c) She eat all that sugar.d) They exercise three times a week.nulNOTES nulUNIT 2Foto: Freepik.comEAT YOUR BREAKFAST,SHARE YOUR LUNCH WITH A FRIEND AND GIVE YOUR DINNER TO YOUR ENEMYnul130 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A2Let's think!How many kinds of diet do you know?1. Observe the types of diet below and try to guess the definition of each one of them.a) Vegetarian Dietb) Vegan Dietc) Raw Dietd) Low Carb Diete) No Sugar Diet( ) This diet limits carbohydrates and emphasizes high protein and fat food. It is generally used for losing weight.( ) It consists in reducing the amount of sugar by eliminating candies, sugary foods and drinks and white flour. It helps people reduce weight and the cholesterol levels.( ) In this kind of diet, people don´t eat meat and, sometimes, if they´re stricter, avoid nonmeat foods. They mostly eat plants, fruits and vegetables, grains and nuts.( ) This kind of diet respects animals. People who stick to it excludes meat, eggs, dairy products and all other animal derived ingredients from their diet. Also, they do not eat processed food made of animal products such as refined white sugar and some wine.( ) This diet is plant-based, being composed mostly of fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. It means, eating no cooked or processed food.Foto: Freepik.com2. What do you eat for breakfast? What about lunch and dinner? Make a list on the chart below then, present it to you classmates.BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNERSWEETSMILK, CHEESE ANDPROTEINWHOLE GRAINS FRUITS AND VEGETABLES nulSTUDENT'S BOOK 1313. According to the food pyramid, what kind of food should we eat more often and what should we avoind eating? Why? 4. In pairs, draw a food pyramid containing the food you eat regularly. Don't forget to label the items.5. Present your food pyramid to your classmates.The food pyramid SWEETSMILK, CHEESE ANDPROTEINWHOLE GRAINS FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Let's think!1. What does healthy eating mean to you?2. Is healthy food more expensive than junky food? 3. What´s your favorite type of food? 4. Where do you usually have your meals? 5. What do you know about the vegetarian lifestyle?6. What is the difference between vegetarian and vegan eating habits?7. Do you think the new generations are more connected to a natural lifestyle thanthe previous generations? Why do you think so?nul132 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A21. Describe the picture, read the text and share your opinions with the classroom. Grandma's LifestyleUnderstanding the textDo our grandparents have better eating habits than we do? It is true that the way our grandmothers cooked was completely different. Nowadays, we eat a lot of processed and junky food as well but there are also a bigger variety of vegetables and fruit available.Besides having a sedentary lifestyle, people are consuming more sugar-sweetened drinks and large portions of fast food. In response to it, a great numbers of health experts are encouraging us to eat the way our grandmothers used to eat. Foto: Freepik.com2. Read the text below then, answer the questions:Some simple daily practices are worth copying from our grandmothers to help us keep a healthier lifestyle:1. Sit at the dinner tableThis simple practice makes people feel more satisfied after a meal, and more connected with others.2. Spend less on takeaways Cook meals at home. It reduces your intake of statured fat, salt and sugar lowering the risk of heart disease and diabetes.3. Choose smaller platesWe eat with our eyes too, so a small full plate will make you feel satisfied.4. Time for breakfastPeople who skip breakfast tend to eat more calories at lunch.a) What is the characteristic of most food nowadays?b) What is the portrait of people nowadays according to the text?c) Why is it important to sit at the table?d) What is the advantage of spending less on takeaways?e) What are the daily practices that people should copy from their grandparents?nulSTUDENT'S BOOK 133Understanding the text VocabularyGoji berry – Dark chocolate – Carrots – Pistachios – Onion – Beef – Cashews – Fish – Red pepper – Almonds – Pine nuts – Eggs – Pecans – Cheese – Peanuts – Pepper – Manioc – Starfruit – Yogurt – Chicken – Pork – Raspberry – Bananas – Milk – Strawberry – Butter – Oil1. Observe the board and complete the chart below according to the type of food.Fruit VegetablesSeeds, Nuts and RootsProtein DairyFat and Sugar2. Which ones can we find in Brazil?3. Think of other types of food we can find in different regions of our countryto add the chart above.Grammar in use1. Discuss the questions below with your classmates. a) In your opinion, which diet is more restrictive? Vegan diet or No Sugar Diet?b) Which diet is less difficult ( less difficult colocar em negrito) to go on, Vegetarian or Raw diet? c) Which diet is more difficult (more difficult colocar em negrito) to go on, No Sugar Diet or Vegan Diet? d) In your opinion, which diet is healthier? Vegan Diet or Raw Diet?nul134 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A2Grammar BoxComparative FormWe use comparative adjectives to compare two people or things.One Syllable AdjectiveComparative Form ExampleTall TallerMarcos is TALLER than his brother.Fast FasterKeto Diet reduces fat faster than Paleo Diet.Ending in -Y Comparative Form ExampleHealthy HealthierWhich diet is healthier? Mediterranean or Low Carb?Tiny TinierThe difference between vegetarian and vegan diet is tinier than I ever imagined.2. Compare your answers with a partner. Are they similar or different?3. Analyze the words in bold from A to D and answer the following questions: a) The structure is used to ( ) Give Instructions ( ) Compare Things.b) What letters do we put at the end of one-syllable adjectives make a comparison?c) What word do we use before long adjectives to make a comparison? d) Can you find more examples in the text Grandma's Lifestyle?nulSTUDENT'S BOOK 135Ending in CVC Comparative Form ExampleBig BiggerThe difference between the Keto diet and the Paleo diet is bigger than the difference between the vegan and the vegetarian diets.Thin ThinnerJessica is thinner than her sister.Two (or more) Syllable Adjectives — PositiveComparative Form ExampleRestrictive More restrictiveKeto Diet is more restrictive than No Sugar Diet.Two (or more) Syllable Adjectives — NegativeComparative Form ExampleEnthusiastic Less enthusiasticSome people are less enthusiastic about going on a diet than others.Irregular Comparative Form ExampleGood BetterSticking to any diet is better than sticking to NO diet.Bad WorseDrinking soda in the morning is worse than drinking hot chocolate.FarFarther OR FurtherPeople who go on a diet can run further than people who don´t. old (people in a family) - elderold (general use) - oldernul136 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A2Let’s Practice!1. Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets:a) My dietary restriction is (big) yours.b) This veggie market is (beautiful) that one.c) This recipe book is (interesting) that novel.d) Nonsmokers usually live (long) smokers.e) It’s odd, but often a coke is (expensive) a beer.2. Watch the video about what people eat for breakfast around the world. How is it similar or different from a typical Brazilian breakfast?3. What is a typical breakfast in Brazil? Is it healthy?4. Watch the video about what people eat for breakfast around the world. 5. Write 3 sentences comparing It to the Brazilian breakfast?6. In groups: a) Discuss why the diet you chose would suit you best. b) You and your group are going to have a meal together. Set the details, such as date and time.c) What menu would please all participants of the group. Include first course, main course and dessert. nulSTUDENT'S BOOK 137Homework1. Choose the correct answer.a) I think the vegan diet is more than the vegetarian diet.( ) expensive ( ) expensivierb) Is the North Sea than the Mediterranean Sea?( ) more bigger ( ) biggerc) Exercising is than undergoing medical procedures for beauty?( ) beter ( ) betterd) Eating pork is more dangerous eating seafood.( ) than ( ) ase) High blood sugar level is than high cholesterol level.( ) badder ( ) worse 2. Put the adjective in the correct form:a) A luxurious car is (expensive) a sport car.b) Julio is (friendly) Carlos.c) Irene is (clever) Silvia.d) Comedies are (funny) police dramas.e) Pablo is (big) Luana.nul138 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A23. In your opinion, what is HEALTHY and UNHEALTHY?banana crispsjuicecookiesfruits and vegetablesHEALTHY UNHEALTHYFoto: Freepik.com4. Listen to the audio. What is it about? Complete the sentences below with the missing word. a) I’m a bit worried my son’s weight. b) I think he’s a bit too fat. c) What is he with his eating habits? d) Does he eat of fruits and vegetables? e) Do you know fruits and vegetables a child should eat every day? nulSTUDENT'S BOOK 139Speaking1. In pairs, answer the questions below, true or false, according to what you know about eating habits. There is no right or wrong answer as long as you justify your answer. Then, tell your classmates what you have found out. a) Agave nectar is a healthy alternative to sugar and other sweeteners.b) Organic foods are worth the extra expense.c) If the eggs I buy are labeled "cage-free", I know the chickens that produced them were treated well.d) Eggs from vegetarian-fed chickens are healthier.e) It is better to give my child sugar-free cookies than regular cookies.2. Talk to your classmates and try to find the meaning of the Idioms below.a) To bite off more than you can chew.b) To bite your tongue.c) "Cup of tea."d) To Dish the dirte) Tea break5. Listen one more time and match the words that go together:RIDE MORE EXERCISESWATCH A LOT OF SNACKSEAT A BIKEDO TVnul140 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA –BASIC LEVEL A23. What do the expressions below mean? Talk to your classmates about the sentences that are true for you. a) Do you sometimes bite off more than you can chew.b) Is learning English your cup of tea?c) Is it OK to dish the dirt sometimes? Why/why not?d) Do you have a tea break at work? How long does it take?Time to WriteWrite a small text in which you make clear:• The risks implicit in very restrictive diet;• The benefits of sticking to a diet.• How you make a balance between sticking to a diet and surrendering to the pleasure of eating.nulTRIBES ANDLEGENDS UNIT 3Ilustração: Freepik.comnul142 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A2Do you like learning about other cultures? what do you know about ancient tribes around the world? Have you ever heard about the Vikings?Let's read the text below and answer the questions: The VikingsThe Vikings were venturesome seafarers from Denmark, Norway and Sweden who spread through Europe and the North Atlantic in the period between AD 800-1050. The Vikings people from Northern Europe who were known as great traders, explorers and warriors. They traveled to Europe in their long ships in the period between AD 800-1050, attacking and then settling in areas that are now modern Great Britain, Germany, France, Spain, and Italy.TextIlustração: Freepik.comWhat do you know about Brazilian Indians tribes?Can you name some Brazilian tribes?Can you think of words that come from the Brazilian Indian culture?Besides the language, Brazilian Indians tribes also left some other influences that remain in our life. Can you point them out?a) Routineb) Eating habitsc) Legendsd) Can you think of any other influence? nulSTUDENT'S BOOK 143Their everyday life was all about obtaining food and shelter. It was no different for the children who worked and did not go to school because everything they needed to know they learned from the adults. Some English words came from the Viking language. The words "skirt" and "shirt", for example, came from the word "skyrta", meaning a tunic. The word "skin" also came from a Viking word "skinn" (which meant to strip the meat off something).a) What were the female role in Viking society?b) What was the most important job in the Viking society?c) How did they influence on the English Language? d) Do a research and find out more about Vinking influence on the English Language. Understanding the textnul144 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A2Grammar in use1. Observe the sentences taken from the text: a) Some English words came from the Viking language.b) They traveled to Europe in their long ships...c) ...They learned from the adults.Are these sentences related to the present or the past?2. Match the verbs from excercise 1 to their infinitive form. ( ) come ( ) travel ( ) learn3. What is the difference between the verbs below? Came Traveled 4. Can you find other verbs in the text that relates to the past and write them in their base form? nulSTUDENT'S BOOK 145Grammar BoxThe past tense is used to indicate a finished or completed action/task that happened at a specific time in the past. PAST OF REGULAR VERBS Add –ed to the verbsNeed NeededHelp HelpedWant WantedStudy StudiedDance DancedExample 1A Viking ship landed on American shores long before Columbus.A Viking ship didn´t land on American shores long before Columbus.Did a Viking ship land on American shores long before Columbus? Example 2Among the many gods Vikings (believe) in were Thor, the god of thunder. Negative: Interrogative: nul146 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A2With other verbs, there are no pattern to be followed. They are called REGULAR VERBSPAST IRREGULAR VERBSBe (am, is, are) Was / WereDo DidGo WentHave HadTake TookExample 1Affirmative Sentence: The Vikings were expert boat builders and sailors.Affirmative Sentence: The Vikings were expert boat builders and sailors.Interrogative Sentence: Were they an organized civilization? Example 2Affirmative Sentence: In Viking society women took care of the household. Negative: Interrogative: nulSTUDENT'S BOOK 147NOTE 1WELCOMEThe pronunciation of words ending in ED depends on the final consonant sound. There are three ways to pronounce ED at the end of a word in English: /id/, /t/ and /d/./id/ /t/ /d/T wantedD neededP helpedK lookedF sniffedGH laughedSH washedCH watchedSS kissedC dancedX fixedL calledN cleanedR offeredG damagedV lovedS usedZ amazedB rubbedM claimedVoiced Sound uses the vocal cords and they produce a vibration or humming sound in the throat.voiceless voicedIlustração: Freepik.comnul148 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A2NOTE 2ED endingThe regular verbs in the Simple Past form end in –ED, but there are some rules to be followed:Silent E Vowel + Y Consonant + Y Other formsClose – closedPhone – phonedPlay – playedDestroy – destroyedMarry – marriedStudy – studiedvisit = visited miss = missedwatch = watched finish = finished fix = fixed buzz = buzzed The regular verbs in the Simple Past form end in –ED, but there are some rules to be followed:If there is a consonant after a stressed vowel at the end of the word, double the consonant• stop – stopped• ban – banned If the vowel is not stressed, we do not double it:• open – opened (Here the stress is on'o', not the 'e'.)• offer – offered ( Here the stress is on 'o', not the 'e'.)Put the verbs in the simple past form, pronunce them out lound and place them into the correct pronunciation collum. STAY - TRY - ADD - DECIDE - SAVE - HELP - LOOK - WANT - KISS - LOVE - USE - STOP - VISIT - CALL - WASH/Id/ /d/ /t/nulSTUDENT'S BOOK 149Let’s Practice!1. Complete the sentences with the SIMPLE PAST of the verbs in parentheses:a) They (watch) TV last night.b) Isabela (talk) to her friends all day.c) I (have) a terrible headache yesterdayd) Arthur (come) home from school.e) They (arrive) late and (miss) the bus.2. Write the interrogative or negative form of the sentences below:a) She visited her parents last weekend. Question: ?b) He cleaned his room before school.Question: ?c) The teacher found the missing exams.Negative: d) Tom wanted to go to the movies alone.Question: ?e) Helena offered Henrique a piece of cake.Negative: nul150 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A2Listening3. Ask your partner what he or she did last weekend? Put an X on the activities your classmate did.DID YOU…Read a bookLearn about the History of BrazilWatch a film on TVStudy EnglishListen to the musicUse the computerPlay a sport1. Talk to a partner.What did you do last weekend?What did you do last Mother´s Day?Where did you go for your last holiday?When was the last time you went to a restaurant? What did you have?2. Watch video about people talking about their weekend then, answer the following questions.a) What did they do last weekend?Alvino – Rob – Maiko – nulSTUDENT'S BOOK 151b) Was there any answer on the video similar to yours?c) What did Mauro do yesterday? What was the weather like?Let’s talk• What is a legend? • Do you believe in legends? • What are the most famous legends in Brazil?• Do you know any legend from a foreign country?Watch the video about Lock Ness monster. Then, answer the questions.a) What is Lock Ness? Where is it?b) When did Mr. and Mrs. Mackay see the animal? c) What was the animal like according to Mrs. Mackay? d) Are there cases of "monsters" in Brazil?nul152 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A2Did you know? Saci Pererê, Curupira, Mula-sem-Cabeça, Boto Rosa, Iara among others, are examples of Brazilian legends. In pairs, search for more legends in Brazil. Then, prepare a brief presentation including the following information:• The description of the character (physical or/and personality)• Where did they come from? • What is the real story behind the legend?Head the following story about the The Blondie in the Bathroom then, discuss the following questions. The ghost of the dead girl with long blonde hair lies on school bathrooms in Brazil. People who saw her say her nose, ears and mouth were stuffed with bloody cotton. Her white pale skin was covered by small cuts and she had bruised eyes.If you want to see her, you have to kick the door of the last stall 3 times, flush 3 times and say a curse word out loud 3 times.Here are speculations about what might have happened to her.Speculation Number 1 – She was a beautiful blond girl who used to skip classes to smoke and drink alcohol in the school bathroom. Then, one day, she fell, hit her head in the toilet and bled to death.Speculation Number 2 – Her name was Maria and she was a beautiful girl from a rich family who was forced to marry, at the age of 14, a man she didn’t love. Living an unhappy marriage, she started an affair with another man and ran away to Europe, but, unfortunately, she died of pneumonia right after her scape.Speculation Number 3 – The third speculation about the blonde-haired woman in the bathroom claims that she was a teacher who fell in love with a student. When her husband found out about the secret love, they were so jealous about each other; he got mad and murdered her.Foto: Freepik.comnulSTUDENT'S BOOK 153a) According to the legend:• What was her name?• How old was she?• What was she like?• What was her profession according to speculation number 3?• What was she forced to do according to speculation number 2?b) In your opinion, were her parents responsible for her death according to the paragraph number 2? c) Is it the first time you hear about the blonde-haired woman in the bathroom?d) Did you know it is a Brazilian legend?e) Which of the three speculations seems to be the “most appropriate”? Justify your answer.Look at the following sentence: • She was a beautiful blond girl• Her name was Maria• They were so jealousThese senteces are: a)( ) Expressing questions ( ) Expressing descriptions( ) Expressing negative ideasb) ( ) In the past( ) In the present( ) in the future nul154 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A21. Complete the grammar box according to the text below. My childhood memoriesI have happy memories about my childhood. I used to live in a small city called Caxambú – MG.It was a charming and peaceful place. I used to live with my parents and my siblings. My parents were farmers they grew tomatoes. My brother, Fernando, was a thin and a handsome boy who helped my parents on the farm, my younger sister, Lívia, was a brave little girl. I can say I was a lucky little kid, I bet you were too. Now, complete the chart below talking about your family using the verbs in the simple past. Don´t forget to write an affirmative and a negative sentence. TO BE – SIMPLE PASTAbout me About youAbout my sister About my brotherAbout my parentsAbout us: I You She He They WeHomework2. Read the sentence. Circle the correct answer. a) I (was / were / am) home yesterday reading a fiction book about Urban Legends. b) I (go / gone / went) to London last year to take a course about ancient civilizations. c) (Do / Are / did) you (go / gone / went) on the bus tour across the ancient town last Friday? d) I (arrives / arrived / arrive) early this morning to prepare for my social science presentation. nulSTUDENT'S BOOK 1553. Form questions using the words below.a) where / go / last vacation b) who / go with c) how / travel d) how long / stay e) where / stay 4. Read the paragraph below and mark True or False. Getting to know my father... My mother used to say that the Pink River Dolphin was a shapeshifting that at night became a handsome man that visited bars and clubs to seduce young women. According to her story, the only part of his body that didn´t change was his blowhole, hidden under his fashionable hat that the never took off. He also wore a sword, a fine belt, and white shoes symbols of the Amazon River creatures. Once he seduced my mother, she followed him to the river, fell into him arms and kissed him. They spent the night together and that´s how I was born. People say that the legend of Pink River Dolphin is used in cases of uncertain paternity. Kids with unknown fathers are simply the dolphin’s children. Problem solved!e) Machu Picchu means “old mountain” in the native tongue of Peru, Indians ( built / build / builted ) as a fortress city for the aristocracy of Cuzco, the capital of the Inca empire.f) According to the Brazilian folklore, “Boitata” was a giant snake that (eat / ate / eats) dead people’s eyes to survive.nul156 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A2Time to WriteDo you like horror stories? How often do you watch or read them? Create your own horror story using the verbs in the simple past. Use the information below to help you: • Title• What happened• When it took place• Where it took place• Who are the people or creatures involved• What makes the story scary• Give it a scary tonea) Pink River Dolphin was a shapeshifting that, at night, became a man. b) There was no difference between the Pink River Dolphin and a man. c) The Pink River Dolphin forced women to follow him to the river. d) The tale was used to justify children with no father.e) The Pink River Dolphin lived in the Amazon River.TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE nulUNIT 4WHAT NOW?nul158 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A2How often do you travel?Do you prefer traveling alone, with a partner or in a small group?If you get lost during a trip, who do you ask for help?How often do you help people by giving directions?What if you don´t understand the tourist's language? What do you do?TextOn the Street Peter: Good morning, Sir! I need some help. Police Officer: Good morning. What’s wrong?Peter: Well, my name is Peter. It´s my first time here in Rio de Janeiro and I don´t speak Portuguese at all. The problem is that I´ve lost my wallet, so I don´t have any money or documents. I really don´t know what to do.Police Officer: Please, stay calm. First, go to the Police Department. Then, the American Consulate. They’ll tell you what to do.Peter: Right. But, where’s the Police Department?Police Officer: Go straight ahead on Presidente Vargas Avenue for two blocks, turn right on Rua dos Inválidos and turn left on Carioca's Street. Cross Praça Tiradentes, the Police Department is on your right.Peter: Thank you a lot, Sir.Police Officer: No problem, young man. Take care!Foto: Freepik.comnulSTUDENT'S BOOK 159At the Police DepartmentPolice Officer: Next…Peter: Good morning, Sir. My name is Peter. I’m from New York and it’s my second day here in Brazil. I’ve lost my wallet with all my documents and credit cards. I need to know what to do.Police Officer: Right. So, you need a Police Report. Fill out this form, please. Tell me if you have questions about how to fill it out.Peter: Thank you. I think I can do it.Some minutes later …Police Officer: Now, take this form to the American Consulate. They´ll help you.Peter: Only one more thing – how can I get to the Consulate?Police Officer: It’s far from here, about a 20-minutes walk. Take the subway and get off at CinelândiaStation.Peter: Thank you very much.At the American ConsulateMaria: Good afternoon, Sir. How can I help you?Peter: Hello, my name is Peter Smith. I’m from New York. Maria: Right. What can I do for you, Mr. Smith?Peter: Well, I’ve lost my wallet, all my documents and credit cards. I’ve just come from the Police Station with this Police Report I don´t know what to do next. Can you help me?Maria: Sure. Now, we got it from here. Do you have family members or friends in the U.S. who can send us certified copies of your documents?Peter: Sorry, I don’tMaria: Well, no problem! Can I have your Police Report, please? We’ll issue a document you can use while you’re here in Brazil. Can you fill out this form, please?Peter: Yes, sure.Ilustração: Freepik.comnul160 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A21. What happened to Peter?2. Who does he ask for help?3. How far is the Police Department from the American Consulate?Understanding the textGrammar in use1. Read the sentences and answer the questions.a) Go to the Police Department.b) Fill out this form, please.c) Go straight ahead on Avenida Presidente Vargas for two blocks.d) Take the subway and get off at Cinelândia Station.2. The sentences above are examples of: ( ) Habits / Routine( ) Recommendations / Suggestions( ) Likes and DislikesnulSTUDENT'S BOOK 1613 . Check the correct negative form for the sentence: Take the subway.( ) Don’t take the subway.( ) Isn’t take the subway.( ) Not take the subway.Grammar BoxThe Imperative form is used for: requests, recommendations, suggestions, warnings and orders.Affirmative Imperative: use the infinitive of the verb without 'to'.Negative Imperative: put "do not" or "don't" before the verb without to..Request Please, wait here. / Please, don’t smoke here.Recommendation / SuggestionTell me where you are going to. / Don’t talk to strangers on the street.Warning Watch out! / Don’t cross the street!Order Shut up! / Don’t say a single word.nul162 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A2Let’s Practice!1. Observe the pictures and label them. The warnings, orders and recommendations can be affirmative or negative.Fotos: Freepik.com2. Write, at least, three do’s and three dont’s.a) when visiting a country for the first time.b) getting to know different culturesImagens: Freepik.comnulSTUDENT'S BOOK 163c) If you are lost in a big cityPLACES IN A BIG CITY1. Cross out the most common destination to tourists when visiting a country.( ) Art Galleries ( ) Squares ( ) Nature Reserve ( ) Theater ( ) Churches and Temples ( ) Museums ( ) Police Department ( ) Prison( ) Skyscraper ( ) Panoramic Elevator ( ) Slums ( ) Narrow and Dark Streets( ) Residential Area ( ) Historical Places ( ) Bank ( ) Nightclubs ( ) Deserted read with a beautiful view Vocabularynul164 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A23. Practice asking and giving directions with your classmates. Take turns telling where you would like to get to. With your group, decide where you are. Follow the example. Excuse me, can you help me? How can I get to …? Where is / are …? Is / Are there … near here?ListeningDo the exercise while listening.a) The speaker gives directions to the b) The speaker gives directions to the c) The speaker gives directions to the d) The speaker gives directions to the 2. Think of your favourite touristic place in your city, do you know to to get there? Giving DirectionsAA ATurn RightTurn Left Go Straight AheadGo past Next tonulSTUDENT'S BOOK 165Peter SmithFrom: Thais VerizzimoSent: Monday, May 20th, 2019To: Peter SmithHi, Peter. Good afternoon!My name’s Thais. I’m getting in touch with you because this morning I found your wallet and your documents at Praça Cinelândia near the subway station. I can see you are not Brazilian. Well, I am not either, but I’m staying at a hostel in Santa Teresa. When are you leaving Brazil? Where are you staying? I can hand your documents over to the front desk clerk.Regards,Thais Verizzimo Your documents TextMISSING DOCUMENTSThais VerizzimoHi, Thais. Good morning!I really really appreciate your help, but I am leaving Rio tonight. I’m on my way to England now We can keep in touch so you can send my documents via mail. Is that Ok for you? Kind Regards,Peter SmithYour documents nul166 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A2Understanding the text1. Is Thais from Rio? Does she say where she is from?2. Where is she staying?3. Is Peter in Rio downtown? Where is he going?4. Which questions does she ask Peter? Why do you think she asks these questions?5. What do you think of her attitude? Have you ever done something similar to it?Grammar in use1. Observe the sentences below and answer the questions.Example 1: I am staying at a hostel in Santa Teresa.Example 2: I am leaving Rio tonight.a) Example number 1 refers to the ( ) present ( ) past ( ) futureb) Example number 2 refers to ( ) present ( ) past ( ) futurec) Example number 1 represents ( ) something happening now ( ) something that happens regularlyd) Analyzing the structure, what do the sentences have in common?e) Are there other examples of this structure on the text?f) Can you make the negative and interrogative form of the examples above?nulSTUDENT'S BOOK 167Grammar BoxUse:The Present Continuous Tense is used to refer to actions or events happening at the moment of speaking, temporary situations or future arrengment if you use a future time expression.StructureAFFIRMATIVE SENTENCESNEGATIVE SENTENCESINTERROGATIVE SENTENCESYou are learning English now.I am investing on my career.They are reading their books.They aren’t watching television.You aren't traveling to Fox do Iguaçu. It's Nova Iguaçu.I’m not travelling by myself.What are you doing?Is he sitting or standing?Are you sleeping?Let’s Practice!1. Watch the video and answer the questions.a. When is Lauren going on a trip?b. How long is she going to stay in Hong Kong?c. Where is the man going next year?d. Where is she staying in Hong Kong?e. What is the man going to do in thirty minutes?2. Here are some of the things Lauren is doing in Hong Kong. Look at the picture and write 5 things she is doing there. nul168 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A23. Write a sentence that best suits every situation. Follow the example.Example: Dana has airplane tickets to Canada. Probably, she is traveling to Canada tomorrow morning. a. Marcus bought a surfboard. I think .b. I want to buy a bike for my children. They . c. I have to close the window because my neighbors .1. What do you know about the Japanese culture? 2. How do you think they treat foreigners?Watch the video and answer the questions about being a foreigner in Japan. From the beginning up to 5’35’’.• The reporter, Hiroko, is interviewing people on the street about a survey Japan’s Ministry of Justice released. What is the survey about?• What perception did foreigners have of Japanese people before going to Japan? • What percentage of foreigners suffered discrimination or insults on the street?• In one of the interviewee’s opinion, do all kinds of tourists suffer discrimination in Japan?HomeworknulSTUDENT'S BOOK 169• Which examples of discrimination do the interviewees talk about?3. Talk to a classmate about the questions below."Brazilian poeple are very friendly!" Do you agree with this stereotype? Are people from Rio de Janeiro as friendly as people from São Paulo. Why? Can you mention other Brazilian stereotypes? What do you know about other nationalities stereotypes?For example, French people are rude, english people are punctual, and so on. Do you think it is Ok to generalize? What kind of stereotypes may damage a country's image? 4. Are people from Rio de Janeiro as friendly as people from São Paulo. Why?5. Can you mention other Brazilian stereotypes? 6. What do you know about other nationalities stereotypes? For example, French people are rude, english people are punctual, and so on. Do you think it is Ok to generalize? 7. What kind of stereotypes may damage a country's image? Time to WriteWrite a small composition answering the following questions:a) Would you move away to another country?• If so, where would you move to? Why??• If not, why not?b) In your opinion, what makes a person try a new life abroad even being illegal?c) What are the pros and cons of living in Brazil.nulNOTES nulSTUDENT'S BOOK 171UNIT 5DID YOU USE TO PLAY AS A CHILD? Ilustração: Freepik.comnul172 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A21. Did you use to play outdoor games when you were a kid?Rank from 1 to12 the games and activities you liked when you were a kid, 1 being the most preferred one.( ) HIDE AND SEEK ( ) JUMP ROPE ( ) HOPSCOTCH ( ) CAPTURE THE FLAG ( ) MARBLES ( ) FLY KITES ( ) SIMON SAYS ( ) TAG ( ) FREEZE TAG ( ) BLIND MAN´S BUFF ( ) TIC-TAC-TOE ( ) SWINGS2. Think about your childhood and answer the following questions.• What TV Shows did you use to watch? • Are you used to playing games? • How old were you when you learned to ride a bicycle? Did you have your own bicycle?• Did you play on the streets? Was it dangerous to play in the streets?• Did you prefer to play with a group or play alone?• Are kids nowadays enjoying childhood as much as kids used to do in the ‘90s?• What kind of games are children playing currently?nulSTUDENT'S BOOK 173School Lunch BreakChildren from all over the World usually spend their lunch breaks playing schoolyard games. Some games are popular worldwide, but other games are not so popular. Read some examples of games every adult used to play in their childhood. King of the HillKing of the Hill is an example of American f school lunch break game. One player, the “king”, stands on top of a hill while everyone else tries to knock them off and become the new ruler. Burned"Burned," is a popular Brazilian game played at open fields. To play,create two teams and divide the players on opposites half of the field.The game starts when one of the players throws a ball to the otherside of the field. Members of the opposing team try to catch the balland throw it at a player from the opposite team. If a ball strikes aplayer, he is "dead". The game finishes when all of the players from opposite field are "dead."Understanding the textFoto: Freepik.comnul174 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A2According to the text answer the questions:a) Where is "King of the Hilll" game from? b) Did you use to play "Burned" when you were a child?c) Where can you play "Burned"?d) Think of a game you used to play with your friends at school or on the street. Describe the game briefly below and let your classmates try to guess it. In groups, decide which game you and your classmates are going to play.nulSTUDENT'S BOOK 175Grammar in use1. Analyze the example taken from the text. Then, answer the questions.a) "I used to play a lot in my childhood.”b) "I played chess last week”2. Look at the sentences below and write (1) for Simple Past and (2) for Past habit with Used To.( ) Actions that started and finished at a certain moment in the past.( ) Often used with time expression, like: yesterday, last week, in the morning.( ) Expression to talk about habits or repeated actions in the past which we don't do in the present.( ) Often used with time expression, such as: when I was a kid, when I lived with my parents.3. Analyze the sentences and write the Negative Forms:• Affirmative Form: I played soccer with my children last Sunday• Negative Form: • Affirmative Form: I used to watch Knights of the Zodiac when I was a kid.• Negative Form: 4. Analyze the sentences and write the Question Forms:• Affirmative Form: He studied at a very strict school.• Question Form: nul176 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A2Grammar BoxSimple Past – It refers to a complete action that took place at a specific time in the past.Used To + Verb – It refers to habits or states that happened in the past but doesn’t happen anymore.Note: To be used to + ing We use “to be used to + ING” to say that we´re accustomed to doing something. It´s a routine. E.g.: My kids are used to playing Hide and seek early every day with their friends at the park. Let’s Practice!Fill in the blanks with the correct form:a) I be fitter, now I can’t even run 10 minutes.• am used to• used to• use tob) Did she work for the same company as you?• getting used to• used to• use toc) Did you commute to work last year?• used to• use to• get used tod) I didn’t the oldest person at work, but all my workmates are so young these days! • used to• use to being• use to bee) He is used to late on the weekends.• sleep• sleeping• sleepsnulSTUDENT'S BOOK 177ListeningWatch the video, in mute, to 1’45'' and describe what the man used to do when he was young. Write, at least, five sentences and compare your answers. In pairs, check you had the same idea about the man’s past.Now, watch the whole video and check your guessesPhasal verbs: Do you know any phasal verb with the word “Play”?Match the phrasal verbs to the correspondent meaning: a) Play against: “Argentina is playing against Brazil in the championship." b) Play along: "I don’t like the way my manager conducts our departmental meetings, but i just play along so as not to cause trouble." c) Play around: "You shouldn't play around with a child's future." d) Play at: "He’s just playing at writing a book – i don’t think he’s really serious about it." e) Play on/play upon: Cristiano is from Portugal, but he plays on (or for) an italian soccer team. ( ) Is used to express two sports teams compete in a match. ( ) You can also use “play on or play for” to talk about somebody playing on a sports team( ) Is used to express you´re being silly, not being serious( ) To pretend to be doing something, but not giving much effort( ) Is used to express you pretend accept something just to make someone happy. VocabularyIlustração: Freepik.comnul178 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A2Speaking1. Are you used to playing around at work?2. Were you competitive when you played games as a child?3. Are you used to playing Hangman? Which outdoors games you used to play when you were a child? 4. What was your favourite school subject? 5. Can you think of other school subjects? 6. Read the following quotes, then say if you agree or not. “Without mathematics, there's nothing you can do. Everything around you is mathematics. Everything around you is numbers.” “The most painful thing about mathematics is how far away you are from being able to use it after you have learned it.”nulSTUDENT'S BOOK 179Time to WriteWrite a brief composition about your habits on your childhood. Include:• Likes and Dislikes• Weekend Activities• Vacation Activities• Behavior and friendshipnul180 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A2HomeworkPut the questions into the negative or question form. a) She used to visit her grandparents at the weekend. Question: ?b) He is used to cleaning his room before school.Negative: .c) The teacher used to give us a pop quiz every month. Question:?d) Maurice is used to watching cartoon all afternoon.Negative: .e) Arthur used to take a lollypop to school.Question: ?nulUNIT 6WHAT´S NEXT? LIVING IN A NEW AGEFoto: Freepik.comnul182 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A2Let's think!1. Read the predictions below about the future and mark the ones you believe will really happen, then share your answers with the class. ( ) Your kitchen will restock itself.( ) Bathroom mirrors will detect skin diseases.( ) We’ll communicate with thoughts.( ) An asteroid will destroy the planet in 862 years.( ) Artificial intelligence will replace artists.( ) Pills will be able to detect cancer.( ) You won’t have a robot butler to clean your house.( ) People won't drive cars anymore. Self-driving cars will take us everywhere.( ) We’ll need to leave Earth.2. Make guesses about what future holds for us in terms of: • Health• Longevity• Education• Safety• Environment• Habits• TransportationnulSTUDENT'S BOOK 183Listening1. Before watching the video, talk to a classmate and guess:a) What will houses be like?b) What will dates be like?c) What will exercising be like?d) Which other guesses would you make about the future?2. Watch the video and check if your guesses concerning housing, dating and exercising were right. Then, answer the questions below.a) What is the most surprising prediction on the video, in your opinion?b) What is the most surreal prediction on the video, in your opinion?c) Talk to your classmates about the predictions on the video. How did they answer letters a and b?Ilustração: Freepik.comGrammar in useRead the text and answer the questions.Arthur: What will the world be like when I’m grown up?Maurice: I don´t know, son. What do you think the world will be like?Arthur: I think there’ll be no more Wars. People will go to hospital and they will take a pill that cures every disease. People won´t die. The water from the sea, rivers and lakes will be clean. The streets won´t be a dangerous place, so kids will play freely till late at night.Maurice: What about you? What will you be?Arthur: I’ll be a game designer. I’ll design Virtual Reality games.Maurice: And I’ll be even prouder of you. But, by now, the only thing you have to do is sleep. Good night, son!nul184 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A2Grammar BoxSimple Future – WILLWe normally use simple future tense to talk about the following situations: 1. For things that we decide to do at the moment of speaking. (Rapid Decisions)Example I think we'll go right now. (I’ve just decided this right now)2. When we think or believe something about the future. (Prediction)Example The President won´t be re-elected at the next election. 3. To make an offer, a promise or a threat.Example I’ll do my best to help you.a) Are the father and the son talking about the present, past or future?b) Which word was used to indicate the verb tense?c) The topics Arthur mentioned such as war, cure for diseases and clean water are: ( ) certain things about the future ( ) predictions about the futured) Find an example of:Affirmative sentence:Negative sentence: Interrogative sentence: nulSTUDENT'S BOOK 1854. For a habit that is a predictable behavior.Example He’ll give up if he starts losing. He always does that.Let’s Practice!1. Anxious about what the future holds, Kevin decided to go to a fortune teller. Complete the predictions she made about his future.a) You (earn) a lot of money.b) You (travel) to many interesting places around the world.c) You (meet) lots of good people.d) You (not have) health problems.e) All of these things (not/happen) if you marry me.nul186 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A22. Make a list of 5 predictions a fortune teller would make about your future. The sky is the limit. Be creative!3. Complete the sentences using the Simple Future Tense.a) They back by 10:30 pm. (to be)b) you me? (to help)c) When I you again? (to see)d) His parents him for telling lies. (not/to punish)e) they the contract tonight? (to sign)A House1. Match the picture to the correct part of the house. Vocabulary1 2 34 5 6( ) LIVING ROOM ( ) GARAGE ( ) BATHROOM ( ) BEDROOM ( ) KITCHENnulSTUDENT'S BOOK 1872. Do you think the text is a portrait of most houses in Brazil. The structure of houses and apartments in 2019 is quite similar. Usually, there is a living room where the family get together to watch TV. In the living room, there’s usually a comfortable sofa, some pictures on the walls, there is a TV stand, a coffe table and a rug, there are curtains and cushions on the sofa. In the kitchen, the families have the meals and talk about their plans. There’s usually a stove, a refrigerator, a table and some chais, a sink, a microwave oven and cabinets. The bedroom is the part of the house where people sleep or study. In it, there’s usually a bed, a wardrobe, pillows and an air conditioner. In most Brazilian houses there is only one bathroom. In the bathrooms there is a toilet, a shower, a sink and cabinets. The yard or garden is where the kids play or the family have a barbecue at the weekend. Is the description of this house similar to yours? Point out the differences and the similarities. Ilustração: Freepik.com3. Read the text and find examples of:a) Rooms in a house: b) Furniture: c) Family activities: 4. How could you make this standard house become a house of the future. What would have to be changed?5. The family in the text represents what most families are like nowadays. How do you think families will interact in the future? Will there be barbecue in the yard? What about professions? What will change? 6. The most common professions nowadays are: teachers, doctors, lawyers, chefs and artists. Which professions do you think will be a necessity 20 years from now?7. Write a definition for the Professions of the Future below. What do you think they do? a) Tech Ethicist: b) Personal Privacy Adviser:c) Physical Therapist:d) Urban Agriculture Specialist: nul188 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A28. Talk to your classmates and check if you have similar ideas.9. Project: Time CapsuleWrite on a piece of paper some predictions for the next two years concerning oneself or general things. Don´t forget to inform the date and your name.Place the pieces of paper in the Time Capsule, which can be a box, shuttle it and leave it in an easy place to find in the classroom.The Time Capsule will be opened on the last day of Curso de Imersão em Língua Inglesa Advanced Level.Phrasal Verbs: 10. Match the phrasal verbs to their meaning:a) “Dinosaurs died out millions of years ago.” b) “In his work he can´t do without a computer”c) “We must face up to our responsibilities with the future generation”d) The world id trying to to get rid of the ocean pollution. e) If you look foward the future to change, you must start doing part. f) “You must learn to think ahead if you want to get ahead.”( ) To become less common and finally stop existing( ) To manage without having something( ) To accept that a difficult situation exists( ) To remove or throw away something unwanted( ) To be excited about a future event( ) To make plans for things you want to do in the future:nulSTUDENT'S BOOK 189SpeakingDEBATEHere follows some predictions specialist made about the future. Discuss them using the expression I HOPE either for positive or negative comments.Example YOUR KITCHEN WILL RESTOCK ITSELF.Comment 1: I hope so because I hate going to the supermarket.Comment 2: I hope not becauseI like to bargain at supermarkets.a) You’ll communicate with dead relatives via virtual reality.b) You’ll check email with your contact lenses.c) We’ll have dinosaur zoos with real woolly mammoths.d) We’ll have prosthetic brains.e) You’ll be able to smell your favorite TV shows.nul190 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A2Time to WriteWrite a small composition (50-80 words) about your expectations for the future. What will be better? What will be worse? nulSTUDENT'S BOOK 191Homework1. Complete the sentences with the future simple (will) and the verbs in the box. be / help / meet / play / fly / relax / make / end / cry / buy a) Are you hungry? I you a pizza. b) Neymar for Barcelona this season. c) OK. At 5 o'clock we you at the cinema. d) Next year I twenty years old. e) If you are a good girl, your mum . you a big ice cream. 2. Match the words to the definitions.( 1 ) inspire( 2 ) masterpiece ( 3 ) lunar( ) an amazing work of art( ) give people ideas and make them feel emotions( ) relating to the moonnul192 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A2Ilustração: Freepik.com3. Read the text and answer the questions.Moon tourism Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maezawa will be the first tourist to fly around the moon.The fashion businessman wants to take artists from around the world with him, so when they come back to Earth, they can create masterpieces that ‘will inspire the dreamer in all of us’.SpaceX will take him there in the BFR spaceship. The company is planning the trip for 2023, and it will be the first lunar trip. a) Why does Yusaku Maezawa want to take artists on the trip?b) When will he travel?c) Do you think it will really be possible for a tourist to go on a lunar trip in the future?d) Would you like to go on a trip around the moon? Why / why not?nulSTUDENT'S BOOK 193IRREGULAR VERBS Base Form Past Simple (V2) Past Participle (V3)arise arose arisenawake awoke awokenbe was/were beenbear bore born(e)beat beat beatenbecome became becomebegin began begunbend bent bentbet bet betbind bound boundbite bit bittenIlustraçã nul194 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A2IRREGULAR VERBS – COMPLETE LISTBase Form Past Simple (V2) Past Participle (V3)bleed bled bledblow blew blownbreak broke brokenbreed bred bredbring brought broughtbroadcast broadcast broadcastbuild built builtburn burnt/burned burnt/burnedburst burst burstbuy bought boughtcan could … (been able)catch caught caughtchoose chose chosencling clung clungcome came comecost cost costcreep crept creptcut cut cutdeal dealt dealtdig dug dugdo did donedraw drew drawndream dreamt/dreamed dreamt/dreameddrink drank drunkdrive drove driveneat ate eatenfall fell fallenfeed fed fednulSTUDENT'S BOOK 195IRREGULAR VERBS – COMPLETE LISTBase Form Past Simple (V2) Past Participle (V3)feel felt feltfight fought foughtfind found foundfly flew flownforbid forbade forbiddenforget forgot forgottenforgive forgave forgivenfreeze froze frozenget got gotgive gave givengo went gonegrind ground groundgrow grew grownhang hung hunghave had hadhear heard heardhide hid hiddenhit hit hithold held heldhurt hurt hurtkeep kept keptkneel knelt kneltknow knew knownlay laid laidlead led ledlean leant/leaned leant/leanedlent lent lentlie (in bed) lay lainnul196 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A2IRREGULAR VERBS – COMPLETE LISTBase Form Past Simple (V2) Past Participle (V3)lie (to not tell the truth) lied liedlight lit/lighted lit/lightedlose lost lostmake made mademay might …mean meant meantmeet met metmow mowed mown/mowedmust had to …overtake overtook overtakenpay paid paidput put putread read readride rode riddenring rang rungrise rose risenrun ran runsaw sawed sawn/sawedsay said saidsee saw seensell sold soldsend sent sentset set setsew sewed sewn/sewedshake shook shakenshall should …shed shed shedshine shone shonenulSTUDENT'S BOOK 197IRREGULAR VERBS – COMPLETE LISTBase Form Past Simple (V2) Past Participle (V3)shoot shot shotshow showed shownshrink shrank shrunkshut shut shutsing sang sungsink sank sunksit sat satsleep slept sleptslide slid slidsmell smelt smeltsow sowed sown/sowedspeak spoke spokenspell spelt/spelled spelt/spelledspend spent spentspill spilt/spilled spilt/spilledspit spat spatspread spread spreadstand stood stoodsteal stole stolenstick stuck stucksting stung stungstink stank stunkstrike struck struckswear swore swornsweep swept sweptswell swelled swollen/swelledswim swam swumswing swung swungnul198 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A2IRREGULAR VERBS – COMPLETE LISTBase Form Past Simple (V2) Past Participle (V3)take took takenteach taught taughttear tore torntell told toldthink thought thoughtthrow threw thrownunderstand understood understoodwake woke wokenwear wore wornweep wept weptwill would …win won wonwind wound woundwrite wrote writtenEXTRA ACTIVITIESnulEXTRA ACTIVITIESnul200 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESAIn t ro d u ci n g y o u r s e l f : 1. Complete the sentences using your own informationa) Hey, my name is .b) I´m from (country).c) I live in (city) .d) I´m years old.e) My birthday is on .f) I´m a student at .g) I work at . h) My favorite sport is . i) There are (number) people in my family. Basic level A1Unit 1JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberMONTHSreading, painting, grawingplaying computer gamessur�ng the internetcollections stamps/ coins/ ...going to the cinemaplaying with friendsplaying with my doggoing to the park/ beach/ ...listening to musicshopping, singing, dancingtravelling, camping, hikingHOBBIESFREE TIME ACTIVITIESaction moviecomedyromantic comedyhorror moviesci-� moviewar moviethrilleranimated cartoonsMOVIES...I liked it a lot....I think it’s important....there are many things to see....I have to....I can relax’s relaxing/ popular/ nice/’s the last day of the week....I’m good at English/ maths/ ...BECAUSE...nulSTUDENT'S BOOK 201j) I live with . k) My father is (job) and my mother is (job). l) My hobby is . m) In my free time, I also like and I don´t like (activity).n) My favorite food is and my favorite drink is . o) My favorite day of the week is because .p) I study English because .2. What are these people jobs? Label the pictures above. nul202 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA3. Fill in the gaps with the indefinite articles a or an and the correct form of verb to be. Example: She is a doctor. a) She electrician.b) They teacher.c) He student. d) You architect.e) I nurse.f) Brian mechanic.g) She musician.h) We dentistsi) It school.j) You farmer.4. Make questions and complete the answers:Example (doctor / teacher) – Is she a doctor? _ No she isn´t. she is a teacher 1. (engineer / Astronomer) - ? No, . He . 2. ( teachers / Designer) - ? No, . They .3. (Fisherman/ student) - ? No, . I' .4. (musician/ Judge) - ? No, . She .5. (Pharmacist / vet) - ? NO, . We nulSTUDENT'S BOOK 203Basic level A1Unit 21. Complete the questions using HOW MUCH or HOW MANY:a) salt do we need to make rice?b eggs are needed for an omelet?c) water is necessary to make coffee?d) sugar do you often put in your coffee?e) fruits do you eat a day?f) ice cream do you eat when it´s hot?g) people live in house?h) money do you have in your pocket?i) bread do you usually have forbreakfast?j) hours do you often work a day?k) fish do you eat over the week?l) pasta do you like to eat?2. Write out the numbersa. 315b. 1,457c. 93d. 45,826nul204 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A2e. 854,528f. 6,852,961g. 6,452h. 45i. 148j. 57,2225. Fill in the blanks with this, these, that, or those:a) is Robert.b) pencils are mine.c) Put. chairs into the corner.d) Is. your house?e) buildings there are very high.f) girl in front of the cinema is my sister.g) Are computers broken?nulSTUDENT'S BOOK 205Basic level A1Unit 31. Fill in the article >a<, >an< or >the< where necessary. Choose >x< where no article is used.a) I like) blue T-shirt over there better than red one.b) Their car does 150 miles hour.c) Where's USB drive I lent you last week?d) Do you still live in Bristol?e) Is your mother working in old office building?f) Carol's father works as electrician.g) The tomatoes are 99 pence kilo.h) What do you usually have for breakfast?i) Ben has terrible headache.j) After this tour you have whole afternoon free to explore the city.2. Fill in the question words What, Where, Why, When, How, Who to form the questions.a. do you love most?b. does Mehmet get up in the morning?c. don´t you go by taxi, Selin?d. hobbies does Ceren have?e. do they go to every Sunday?nul206 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A23. Choose What, Which or Whose.a. is the time?b. colour is her car?c kind of music do you like to listen to?d. school does he go to?e. road leads to the University?4. Read the text and answer the questions.Janet wants to travel. Every day, when she is at work, she thinks about all the places she wants to go. Janet works at a restaurant. She is saving money to take a trip. One day, Janet buys a plane ticket to India! She is very excited. She tells her friends that she is going on vacation for 2 months. When she arrives in India, Janet will take classes in Hindi, so she can talk to other people. Janet wants to learn Hindi, so that she can make friends while she is staying in India.a. Where does Janet plan to go?b. Where does Janet work?c. Why does Janet work?d. Who wants to travel?nulSTUDENT'S BOOK 207e. How long will she go on vacation?f. What does she want to do in India?g. Why does Janet want to learn Hindi?Basic level A1Unit 41. Kim Ashman – What is your daily routine? – Put the lines into the correct order. I go to work at about 3 o’clock And when I finish I go home I wake up every day at 8 o’clock. I finish every day at 9 o’clock and I eat my lunch. I make myself some dinner And then I go outside and I do some exercise. And I start teaching at about 5 o’clock. and then I go home and I have a shower and I watch TVnul208 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A22. Sam Valentine – Fill in the gaps.back, check, e-mails, shower, read, morning, cup, have, name,bed, teach, hour, news, get, aboutHi! My is Sam. I wake up at 9 o’clock in the , about 9 o’clock. And then I get up, and make a of coffee. I Facebook and have a look at the I spend about an drinking coffee, look at my com-puter. Then I have a , go to work. I normally to work at 10:30ish. When I get to work I check my , talk to my colleagues, do what I need to work. And I lunch about 2 o’lock. And then, normally 4 o’clock I go to Qua-nhai, I need to get the MTR to Quanhai to until 7 o’clock. Then I come home, have dinner, for a bit, watch television and go to at about 1 o’clock.3. Use do or does. Answer with positive and negative statements.a they know everything?b. she live far from school?c. we play hockey?d. he read a lot of books?e. I like summer?nulSTUDENT'S BOOK 2095. Read and complete the text with the words from the table. You can choose each word only once. There is one example. cousins dad best friend sisterparents uncle brother grandpamum wife grandparents teammatesaunt English grandma Australia Hello! My name is Sara and this is my favourite photo. This is my (0)_brother_ James. My (1) , Jessica, likes to make funny faces. We live in a big house with our (2) in London. We like doing many activities at the weekends. I enjoy riding my 4. Find the right answers for the questions.a. Where’s the camera? a) Torontob. Is your car blue? b) No, I’m notc. Is Nicole from Boston? c) Yes, you ared. Am I late? d) My sistere. Where’s Anne from? e) Blackf. What color is your bag? f) No, it’s blackg. Are you hungry? g) In your bagh. Who’s that woman? h) No, she’s Canadiannul210 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A2bike in the park. My (3) is very beautiful and she has got long blonde hair. My (4) has got short black hair and he likes swimming. My (5) live next to our house. We eat all together every Sunday at their house. They have a big backyard and my (6 likes to play football with my dad and my brother. My mum makes all the food with my (7) . We sometimes call my mum’s sister who doesn’t live with us in Britain. They live in (8 which is 20 hours far away from us. My (9 and my (10) come in Britain every two years and they have got two children, Mary and John. Mary is 10 years old and John is only 6 years old. He speaks (11) very well. I miss my (12) a lot and I can’t wait to play table games with them again. My dad’s brother is Nick and his (13) is Mary. They live in Italy. My (14) comes and sleeps with me every Saturday. Her name is Helen and she is very beautiful. We like playing basketball and we are in the same school team. We practise every Monday and Thursday for the match with our (15) . 6. Whose things are these? Follow the model.Bicycle / Neal It’s Neal´s bike.a. Computer / Robertb. House / Mr. and Mrs. FordnulSTUDENT'S BOOK 211c. Skates / boysd. Chairs/ classroome. Guitars / musiciansf. Photos / Kate and SallyBasic level A1Unit 51. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word or expression and write the numbers.AT A CLOTHES SHOPSalesperson: Excuse me. Can I help you?Customer: Oh, yes, please. I’m looking for a jacket to wear at a party I’m attending tonight.Salesperson: We have this nice selection of leather jackets on sale. Would you like to take a look?Customer: Yes, sure. […]) this black one?nul212 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A2Salesperson: It’s $) (one hundred fifty-nine ninety-nine).Customer: Wow! It’s really) . Can I try it on?Salesperson: Of course.Customer: […] I think it’s) small. Do you have it large?Salesperson: Yes, here you are. The large one is (two hundred nine ninety-nine).Customer: Oh, okay. […] This one is much better. I will ) it.Salesperson: Excellent choice!AT A GIFT SHOP Salesperson: Good evening. How can I help you?Customer: Hi, good evening). a nice gift for someone’s birthday.Salesperson: I see. Is it a child or an adult?Customer: It’s an adult.Salesperson: Right. And what does he or she do?Customer: He’s a photographer.Salesperson: Okay. So how about this camera cup?Customer: Hmm… I don’t know. I think it’s silly. And he’s not very young, he’s) (forty), so…Salesperson: Oh, I see. Well, and what about this Polaroid camera over here? It’s really cool!Customer: Yeah, I think that’s a nice idea. Can you take a picture with it?Salesperson: Yes, it’s a real camera.Customer: Great ... cost?Salesperson: It’s on sale for $ (four hundred twelve).Customer: What?!? Oh my, that’s too) . I can’t it.nulSTUDENT'S BOOK 213Salesperson: You can pay with a credit card.Customer: Oh no, I’m sorry. It’s not) . I will find something else.2. Complete the sentences puttingthe adjectives in the right order:• She is wearing a ) blouse. (flowery / long / blue)• My mum likes skirts. ( short / che-cked)• Flamenco dancer wear dresses. ( spotted / long)• I never wea scarves. (flowery / pink / big)• No, I haven´t got shirt. (plain / small / white)3. Choose the best answer.Helen hates vegetables. She eats vegetable soup. (usually, never)I’m on a diet but I eat chocolate and ice cream. (never, sometimes)He loves dancing. He goes dancing on Sunday nights. (never, always)They are punctual. They come on time. (usually, never)nul214 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A2Basic level A1Unit 61. Complete the following text with the words in the box (each word is used only once!)weather December year Summer Winter whitetrees seasons Spring mountains Beach skatingcolors red forests last cold iceIn some countries the is generally warm. In other places on Earth, from January to it is cold during the 12 months of the .There are countries which have very difficult kinds of weather during different times of the year. These are Spring , Autumn and and they are called .In Spring, plants start growing again and get new leaves.After Spring, Summer comes. It's usually much hotter than , and people can go swimming in the sea or in the lake, they can go hiking in the or relax on the during their holidays.Autumn comes after Summer. You can see many in the countryside and the air starts to become colder. It is sometimes windy, the leaves turn orange, brown and , and they fall from the trees. look beautiful and people like going for walks through them.Then comes the (or first!) part of the year, Winter. In this time of the year it is usually very nulSTUDENT'S BOOK 215If it snows, everything turns You can also see on lakes, but there is no color in the fields and countryside now. People can go , sledging and skiing. 2. How much do you know about natural disasters? Match these sentences and find out. a. Arthquakes are …b. A tornado is …c. Hurricanes happen in the…d. Cyclones...e. Tsunamis… f. The difference between tsunamis and ...g. Blizzards… h. The covering with water of normally dry land...i. A long period with very...j. Avalanches andv landslides are similar, but…( ) are strong tropical storms. ( ) a windstorm occurring over land. ( ) Atlantic Ocean, whereas typhoons happen in the Pacific. ( ) is called a volcanic eruption. ( ) are very large ocean waves caused by an undersea earthwake os meteor strike. ( ) vilonent shakings of the Earth´s crust that may cause destruction to buildings. nul216 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A2 ( ) tidal waves is that the latter are caused by the Moon. ( ) is called a drought. ( ) are severe winter storms. ( ) landslides refer only to solid rock or soil while avalanches include snow and ice as well. ( ) is called a flood.3. Fill in the gaps using There is, There are, Are there or Is there:1) a big kitchen in my flat.2) two bedrooms in my house.3) a bookcase in your room?4) a chair, a desk and a wardrobe by the window.5) three floors in your house?6) a living room and a dining room in my flat.7) five chairs at the table.4. Form special questions using the question words in brackets:a) There is a box under the table. (What)b) There is a lamp behind the computer. (What)c) There are two pictures between the bookcases. (How many)d) There is one mirror on the wall. (How many)e) There is a pen and a pencil in the pen case. (What)nulSTUDENT'S BOOK 217Basic level A2Unit 1RULES OF FOOTBALL1) The field of play for football rectangular and marked with lines. The two longer lines are called touch lines. The two shorter lines are called goal lines. (it is necessary). The field of play is divided into two by the halfway line. 2) A match is played by two teams, each consisting of not more than eleven players, one of whom is the goalkeeper. 3) A match start if either team consists of fewer than seven players. (it is not possible/allowed)4) Up to a maximum of three substitutes be used in any match played in an official competition organized by FIFA. (it is allowed/possible)5) The two teams wear colours that distinguish them from the other team, the referee or assistant referees. (it is necessary)6) The referee only change a decision on realising that it is incorrect, or on the advice of an assistant referee or the fourth official, provided that he has not restarted play or finished the match. (it is possible/allowed)nul218 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A2Basic level A2Unit 21. Analyze the box below. 7) The half-time interval be more than 15 minutes. (it is not allowed)8) For a free kick, all opponents at least 9.15 m (10 yds) from the ball until it is in play. (it is necessary)9) A goa be scored directly from a penalty kick. (it is allowed/possible)10) A goal be scored directly from a throw-in. (it is not allowed/possible)nulSTUDENT'S BOOK 219a. Can you name some of the food items.b. Classify two of them as healthy and two of them as unhealthy.c. Compare some food items using the words tasty, expensive, healthy and good.d. What should someone going on the types of diet below eat?Vegetarian Diet Vegan DietRaw Diet Low Carb Diet No Sugar Diet nul220 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A2Basic level A2Unit 31. Complete the tale below using the verbs in the Simple Past form.CURUPIR AThe Curupira (be) the first documented folklore in Brazil. Before Portuguese people arrival, the natives (tell) stories about the “man” who (live) in the forest to protect it from any harm. The name Curupira means "child's body" in the tupi-guarani language. His most popular version is the form of boy with flame-colored hair and feet turned to face backwards. Curupira is the guardian of the fauna and flora in Brazil and he (not tolerate) any threaten them. However, he (help) those who (be) lost or in need. 2. More practice on Simple Past.1. I my English homework this morning. (to do)2. Susan to Scotland by plane? (to go)2. More practice on comparative form.a. Juan's room is than Peter’s's room. (small)b. The red car is than the white car. (nice)c. This activity is than that one. (boring)d. His shirt is than his leather shoes. (dark)e. Jane's hair is than Lily’s hair. (long)f. Danny is than John. (funny)g. The result of my exam was than Harry's. (good)h. Diamonds are than silver. (expensive)guidebooknulSTUDENT'S BOOK 221guidebookBasic level A2Unit 43. They my house two weeks ago. (to visit)4. Lucy and Susan their mother. (not/to help)5. The children with me last weekend. (not/to be)6. When you this pretty dress? (to design)7. My brothe into the car. (not/to crash)8. The boys their shoes by the door. (to take off)9. you your mother yesterday? (to phone)10. He Coke at the party. (not/to drink)1. Look at the picture and describe 5 things Jane is doing in this trip. NOTEPresent continuous for future showsthat we have already decidedsomething and usually that we havealready made a plan or arrangements.Don’t forget to use a time expression.nul222 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A22. More practice on Present Continuous.1. The teacher the window. (not/to close)2. you the homework? (to do)3. They the e-mails. (to check)4. your grandmother the maga-zine? (to buy)5. We the News on TV. (not/to watch)6. he to help you? (to try)7. She to the mall with her friends. (not/to walk)8. the thief into the bank? (to run)9. Will’s mother a coffee. (to make)10. You the facts correctly. (to link)Basic level A2Unit 51. Write 5 things you used to do when you were a kid. 2. Write the name of games children used to play, but they don’t anymore.3. More practice about Used to.1. I smoke, but now I have stopped.a. use tob. used toc. am used tonulSTUDENT'S BOOK 2232. That club be a school.a. used tob. use toc. was used to3. I like classical music, but now I don’t anymore.a. used tob. use toc. was used to4. I like war movies, but now I do.a. didn't use tob. didn't used toc. use not to5. I have fear of rats.used touse towas used to4. Choose the best option to complete the sentences.a. See that building there? I (go) to school there, but now it's a factory.( ) used to go ( ) am used to goingb. When I first arrived in this neighbourhood, I (live) in a house. I had always lived in apartment buildings.( ) used to live ( ) am used to livingc. Working till late isn't a problem. I (get) home after 10p.m. I did it in my last job too.( ) used to get ( ) am used to gettingd. My grandmother (smoke) twenty cigars a day - now she doesn't smoke at all!( ) used to smoke ( ) is used to smoking e. I go to the club every Friday night with my friends, I (listen) to loud music. ( ) used to listen ( ) am used to listeningf. I (drive). I drive to Minas Gerais twice a month.( ) used to drive ( ) am used to drivingnul224 IMERSÃO EM L ÍNGUA INGLESA – BASIC LEVEL A2Basic level A2Unit 61. What will people be able to do virtually 20 years from now? Write 5 predictions based on your opinion.2. More practice about Simple Future.1. We back by midnight. (to be)2. you me? (to help)3. When you to see me again? (to come)4. His parents him for getting a good grade. (to congratulate)5. they working tomorrow? (to start)6. We in time if we leave at 10 a.m. (not/arrive)nul
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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.